Hope's Toy Chest (9 page)

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Authors: Marissa Dobson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Medical

BOOK: Hope's Toy Chest
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Chapter Sixteen


Kingsley sat behind his desk waiting for Kelly to say something, anything. Instead she just sat there silently, tears streaming down her face. Damn it, he should have called Liz in, he needed the backup when it came to crying wom

“Are you absolutely sure?

“We ran the tests multiple times. Jessica is in remission.” Even as he said it
, he couldn’t believe it. Since Jessica had come under his care there had never been a true remission. They had made progress with treatments for different periods but it always came back with a vengeance. “As for how, I’d love to take credit for it. To tell you it was the treatment, or modern medicine, but I can’t.”


“As you know, we ran routine tests recently, and there was no change.” He opened the file on his desk, needing to see the proof again. “These tests look as though she’s been in remission for weeks. It’s impossible.”

“A miracle.” She mumbled.

“The miracle you wanted.” He leaned forward, placing his hands on the folder.

“Can I take her home?”

“I’m afraid we’re not at that stage just yet.” It was unbelievable that they were talking about Jessica leaving the hospital, when only a few days before they believed she wouldn’t see Christmas. “She’s weak and all of this has taken a toll on her body, especially her heart. Doctor West, the pediatric cardiologist you met the other day, has agreed to take Jessica as a patient. He’ll be working to regain her health. When the time comes that she can leave the hospital, we want her in the best condition she can be in. Give it time.”

“I’ll give it all the time in the world because my little girl has been given a second chance at life. She’s going to live.” Tears followed freely down her face, but these were tears of joy. “Thank you.”

He nodded, not sure what else to say. “Liz had plans today or she’d be here, but I know you connected with Chelsea. We just returned from Three Forks with a load of toys that were collected there by a former hospital patient and her mother. I got the news and came straight here. If you need someone to talk to, I’m sure she’d be willing, or I can call Liz.”

“No, let Liz enjoy her day off. This isn’t a time for a grief counselor. It’s a time for celebration.
Does Chelsea know?”

He shook his head. “You know I couldn’t tell her. I only made her come with me so I didn’t have to make a detour.”

“Where is she? I’d like to tell her the news before I go to Jessica.”

“The family lobby, just down the hall.”

“Thank you for everything.” She rose from the chair and reached to him, laying her hand over his.

“It was a miracle
. One that was deserved.” He didn’t feel there was any credit due to him for this. It wasn’t something he did, but it was something he sure wished he could replicate. “Now go to Chelsea so you can get back to Jessica. Just remember, she still needs to take it easy.”

“You have my word.” With that she slipped from his office.

Wanting to give Kelly and Chelsea time together, he looked over the file again hoping to find something that would explain it. Something that let him know how it happened. Maybe then he could do it again. He knew there should be a logical explanation somewhere, and perhaps it would point to the cure he was searching for.

Chelsea leaned against the doorframe watching Le scan the file in front of him. Knowing him as she did,
she was sure he was looking for something logical to explain a miracle. From what she gathered, he wouldn’t find anything.

She had a moment of sadness, wondering why Hope couldn’t have had the same miracle. Then she realized that if the miracle had come then
, she wouldn’t be where she was now, and Hope’s Toy Chest would have never been created. Without it, she wouldn’t have been able to bring joy to children and parents each year. Maybe everything had happened for a reason.

She tapped her knuckle against the door, gaining his attention. “You’re not going to find what you’re looking for there. Some
things are unexplainable. Look at Liz, she’s here because of a miracle too.” She wandered into the office and sank down into the chair across from him.

“You know I spent years trying to explain what happened with Liz.”

She could picture him going through every page of Liz’s file over and over again. Never solving the mystery he was so desperate to unravel. “I’ve always believed some things are best left undiscovered.”

“Are you saying I shouldn’t seek a cure for childhood cancers?” He leaned back, his eyes wide with shock.

“No, not at all.” She shook her head, trying to find the best way to explain it. “What I’m saying is miracles happen, and if we go searching for the reason we’ll drive ourselves crazy. Some believe that if you search too hard the miracle will cease and you’ll be back where you started. I wouldn’t want to test it.”

“You s
ound a little too much like Liz.” He twirled the pen between his fingers. “When she found out I got access to the files from her treatments…let’s just say I think that was our very first fight.”

“Why was she so upset?”

“She put it behind her, and doesn’t want to relive it. I was never fully able to put it behind me. I see her in every child I treat, it’s what drives me to find a cure. I thought I might be able to learn something by going over her records.”

“Did you?”

He shook his head. “There was nothing I didn’t know already from medical school and my years of training. I thought maybe because I was young I didn’t know everything about her condition. That maybe somewhere in the file there’d be something. I even looked up the doctor who was in charge of her care.”

“Sometimes the things that happen in life are unexplainable.” She gave him a
shy smile. “My mother always said you should never look a gift horse in the mouth, you might not like what you find.”

“If I’m to find a cure then I need to tear this case
apart over and over again until I find why she’s suddenly in remission.”

“What if you don’t find
what you’re looking for? What if there are no answers in that file?”

“I’ll go on to the next one, and the one after that. There’s got to be something everyone is missing.”
He’d search his whole life if he had to, and that was pure dedication.

“If everyone else is missing it, why do you think you’ll find it?”
She admired him for his commitment, but she had to insert a touch of reality.

Because I have to.”

“Trust me, I want there to be a cure. I don’t want to see these children suffer.
” She wiped her hands, stopping herself from going to him. “People have searched for a cure for years, it might not be something that’s developed in our lifetimes. Right now, all you can do is treat it, learn from what worked in the past, but be flexible because it won’t always work again. I have no medical experience besides what I went through with Hope, but I know each case is different and needs to be treated as such. You need to be grateful that Jessica’s in remission and focus on your other patients.”

“Don’t you wonder why Jessica was saved when Hope’s cancer was less invasive?”

Tears stung her eyes but she blinked them away. “No. It won’t bring Hope back, and what matters is Jessica has a chance to live. If she’s lucky she’ll never have another battle with cancer and can go on to live a happy and healthy life. The Cooks have a blessing. I’m happy for them.”

“Even though I wasn’t able to give one to Hope?”

She had worried he felt guilty since he had been Hope’s primary doctor, but none of it was his fault. She hoped whatever was happening between them wouldn’t be spoiled by unreasonable guilt. “You did everything you could for her.”

“If I had a cure I could have saved her.”

“No, you might have been able to but there’s no guarantee.” She leaned forward, placing her hands on the desk. “What’s happening between us could be a wonderful thing, but if you have some unshed guilt over what happened in Hope’s treatment then we might never get this to go anywhere. I need you to be straight with me.”

“Come here.” He held his hand out to her, waiting until she came around the desk and then he pulled her
onto his lap. “Logically I know I did everything I could to save your daughter. I used every option that was available to me. Nothing worked. I don’t feel I was neglectful in her treatment or her care. I only have guilt because I want to save everyone.”

That’s what will cause burnout.” She cupped his cheek, forcing him to look up at her. “Then what good will you be to all the sick children in need of you?”

When he didn’t answer she ran her thumb over his cheekbone. “You’re an amazing man. Your love for children brought you to this profession for a reason. Maybe it isn’t to find a cure for everyone, but to help those you can. You have to remember you can’t save everyone, but you touch everyone’s life. Even after Hope passed away and I was left to cope on my own I never forgot you
…or what you did for us.”

“I did nothing special.”

“You did more than any other doctor would.” She laced the fingers of her free hand through his. “That Christmas morning when Hope passed away you sat there comforting me. We went, grabbed coffee, and you held me as I cried. No other doctor would have done that. You missed your family celebration to be with me in my time of need and for that I’ll always be grateful. Just as I know that Kelly and Jessica will never forget you or what you’ve done.”

She realized this wasn’t just about them
, it was about everything. Cancer, a cure, the families he worked with. Suddenly she wondered if there wasn’t more she could be doing to make the lives of these children better. Ideas raced around her mind; the biggest involved helping out at the hospital.

With Liz and Kingsley
’s aid, Hope’s Toy Chest would be advancing to another level in the New Year. Her personal life was also quickly improving—because she’d be damned if she’d ever let him slip through her fingers.

Gently wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him close until her chest was pressed against his and their lips met. As the passion sparked between them, she knew she’d found something special. She’d been through so much, and she’d finally gotten what she needed most.

Chapter Seventeen


The next few weeks passed in a blur and Christmas Eve was upon them. When Le wasn’t at the hospital, he was with Chelsea. It was the first time be actually had something outside of the hospital that he looked forward to, that he enjoyed. It didn’t matter what they were doing—watching a movie, wrapping gifts, sharing a quiet meal—every moment he spent with her was perfect.

“Are you coming?” Chelsea hollered from the living room where she waited.

He took one last look in the mirror to make sure his beard was on perfectly. He couldn’t be Santa with a crooked beard, and everyone was expecting him. With everything in place, he couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous he looked. There he stood in his velvet red suit with white trim on the wrists and ankles, the wide black belt holding up the pillow hidden under his jacket, and the itchy beard.

, Santa…” A teasing voice called down the hall.

“Yes, Mrs. Claus, I’m coming.” He spun on the heels of his black boots and found her standing in the doorway.
Damn, she looked hot in the cute red dress, with a white sash tied around her waist.

“There’s some special children waiting for Santa’s visit.”

“I know, and we have to deliver presents once they are asleep. I never realized how much work you do. Good thing we can sleep in tomorrow.”

“Not too late
. I promised Liz I’d help her with Christmas dinner.”

“Dinner isn’t until three, how early do we have to be there?”

“I told her I would be there at noon. There’s plenty of time for us to have a luxury lay in.” She sashayed toward him, swaying her hips in a way that instantly hardened his shaft.

He reached out, slinging his arm around her and pulled her close. “I don’t think it would
be good for Santa to have a hard-on when he’s about to have dozens of kids on his lap.”

“Maybe we should take care of it then.” She slid her hand down his chest, easing toward his shaft.

“I’d love to take you up on that, but Liz and Jason are waiting for us. We can’t be late.” He pressed his lips to hers, letting her know just how desirable he found her. “Though I will tell you this, you’ll be wearing this outfit for me again. I love the way it clings to your curves. You’re one sexy Mrs. Claus.”

“I’ll have to see about keeping it out of storage for your pleasures.” She smiled. “Now come along before I push you down on that bed and have my way with you.”

He slipped his hand in hers and led the way to the door. Making his way through the house, he caught a glimpse of the nine foot Christmas tree they bought and decorated the week before. There it stood next to the fireplace, with its glowing white lights and ornaments the children made for him. Over the years, his collection had grown and now took up nearly the whole tree.

The spirit of Christmas had returned to him and was stronger than ever.
Now he had to pass that same cheer on to others. Who could have guessed Hope’s Toy Chest had something special for him too?

The sun was peeking around the edges of the curtains when Le opened his eyes, his arm around Chelsea keeping her snuggled against his body. It was the perfect start to a Christmas morning. The first Christmas of many more, or so he hoped.

“Morning.” Chelsea’s voice was groggy as she slid her leg over his. “What time is it?”

He glanced at the bedside clock. “
A little after seven.”

“Are you crazy?” Her eyes widened. “We didn’t even get to bed until after three this morning. That’s four hours of sleep, there’s no way we’re getting
up yet. You promised a luxury lay in, remember?”

“That I d
id, but I never said we would be sleeping.” He rolled her over, quickly positioning himself on top of her. “This is the latest I’ve slept in years. I think you own me for it.”

“I owe you?” Now fully awake she raised her eyebrow in question.

“Yes and I intend to make sure you pay.” He slid his hands under the red silk nightshirt she was wearing. Sliding his fingers along the curve of her hips, up her body, he took the nightshirt with him. “Lean up or I’ll tear it off you.”

“You can’t do that, this was a gift from my very own Santa.” She slid the nightshirt over her head, and his shaft hardened against her at the sight of her naked body.

“You never did tell Santa what you wanted this Christmas.”

“I told Grace’s husband
, and it seems he delivered.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him closer. “I wanted this…you.”

That’s one wish I can grant.” He slipped off her and quickly pulled off his shorts. “If I had known it was me you wanted, I would have wrapped myself up.”

She let out a lighthearted chuckle. “Oh
, would you have?”

, maybe just a large bow.”

I’d like to see that.” She pulled him closer to her. “Show me why it was worth getting up this early.”

He grinned and slipped into the bed beside her, pressing his lips to hers. He stroked the length of her body and slid a hand between her legs in search of her core
His fingers delved inside, sending a quiver through her body. She rocked against him, arching into him and sending his fingers deeper within her.

Pressing his lips to hers
, he worked his free hand through her hair, holding her tight to him. Feeling her moans against him. His lips tore from hers, working their way down her neck. “Not yet.” He whispered, slipping his hand from between her legs and moving to hover over her. He nudged her legs farther apart with his knee.

She wrapped her legs around him, dragging him closer. “I need you.
” The desire laced her words.

“Unwrap your legs.” He winked
, giving her neck one final kiss.

“Le.” She cried out when he hovered above her
, watching her.

Without further demand, his mouth found her nipple as he slid his
shaft into her, easing in until he was completely buried within her. She arched her body, her core muscles tightening around him, and her nails clawed into his back until he was sure she drew blood. He started slow—a pleasurable torture, an inexorable build. His hands roamed over her, petting her, teasing her. He loved how her body reacted to each touch.

“Faster.” She clenched her inner muscles around his shaft, his thrusts growing deeper and faster, sending the world into a shimmering bliss. They rocked back and forth in rhythm, until she screamed for release
. Calling his name as her body clenched around him and her fingers rubbed his back. His own ecstasy found him as he buried his shaft as deep within her as possible.

erry Christmas.” He nuzzled against her neck, kissing the vulnerable point behind her ear. Sliding out of her, and off to the side, he knew he was in love with her.

Christmas.” She snuggled against him, her fingers running over his chest.

It was time he grabbed life by the h
orns. “Chelsea.” He leaned up on his elbow and looked down at her. “I’ve always lived my life around my hospital and patients. It wasn’t until you came back into my life that I realized how important a life outside of the hospital was. What I’m trying to say is that I’m in love with you. Will you marry me?”

She ran her the back of her hand along the side of his face, teasing along
his jaw line. “Yes.” With a bright smile, she nodded. “I never thought I’d fall in love again, but I did. I love you, Kingsley.”

He pulled her tight against him and kissed her. This was the best Christmas present he could have hoped for. “I’ll get you a ring first thing tomorrow when the stores open.”

“That doesn’t matter. What matters is I have you.”

“I’ll do my best to make sure you never regret this. You’ll be the happiest woman alive.”

He knew he would keep his promise no matter the cost. Sometimes love meant sacrificing for those you cared for, and he’d give anything to keep her happy and by his side forever.

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