His Perfect Match (14 page)

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Authors: Elaine Overton

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Liz smiled and shook her head. “It's a good thing you're cute.”

Darius laughed. “Thanks, I think.” They walked along in silence for a moment, before Liz asked to stop to remove her sandals.

“Do you remember why we chose New Zealand for our honeymoon?” Darius asked, while he waited for her.

Liz stood straight and avoided eye contact. “We didn't decide on New Zealand, Darius. You chose it, remember?”

Darius's face shifted to denial and then a blank expression came over it. “Right, I forgot.” He huffed again. “Somehow I had gotten it into my head that we chose this place together. But now I remember. It was recommended by the travel agent.”

Liz glanced around the serene setting. From there the music from the luau was reduced to background noise, and even the laughter and commotion from the guests
were dim murmurs. “Well, you couldn't have chosen a better place,” Liz said, trying to regain the easy mood they'd shared just moments ago. “It's beautiful here, I understand why you stayed.” She looked back at him and found Darius's eyes trained on her body. “What?”

He shook his head as if coming out of a trance. “Nothing. You look fabulous in that dress. I never would've imagined you in something like that?”

“Like what?”


She smiled slyly. “Am I provoking you, Darius?”

His eyes narrowed on her face. “Are you trying to?”

Liz felt her heart skip a beat, and she quickly turned away. “What do you mean, you never would've imagined me in something like this?”

“It's just, you use to be such a proper little thing.”

“Proper? What's that supposed to mean?”

He laughed at her outrage. “Sorry, but you were…kind of a Barbie doll. Or, at least I thought you were. But I see now I was wrong. You're a lot tougher than I ever gave you credit for being, Liz.”

The look of admiration in his eyes caused her heart to skip a beat. She shrugged. “A person is as tough as they have to be.”

“No, not everyone holds up under pressure, but you did. Not only did you hold up, you managed to get some pretty impressive things accomplished. Getting your degree and raising such a wonderful kid at the same time is no easy task.”

“I had Dee.”

“I know, but still. I'm impressed by your determination.”

She turned away to keep from blushing like a school
girl. “Will you please stop complimenting me, I'm not used to it.”

He laughed. “From me? Or just in general?”


“Come on, I used to compliment you…didn't I?”

She moved toward the water. “Of course, you did, I'm just joking.” She stopped as a soft wave of cool water rolled over her feet.

A few seconds later, Darius came to stand beside her. “No, you weren't.”

She glanced at him. “Of course I was. You use to compliment me all the time.”

“No, I didn't. I remember how it was back then, Liz. Compliments weren't really my thing. Like everything else, I just assumed you knew how I felt.” He ran his hand over the back of her short haircut, letting his fingers slide along her jawline. “I never told you how much I loved your thick, beautiful hair and how I enjoyed tangling my fingers in it when we made love.” He turned to face her and the water covered his sandaled feet, but he didn't seem to notice. His complete attention was on her eyes. He stared so deep, Liz wondered if he were seeking a way into her soul. “I never told you how beautiful you are, or how lucky I felt I was to have you. I never told you how much I loved you, or how much I was looking forward to our life together.”

“Darius, don't say that. Not now, not here—when it's too late to make a difference.” Liz shook her head and started to back away.

But he reached out and cupped her face in his large palms. “Is it too late, Liz?”

She lifted her eyes to his and felt her heart melting
in her chest at the depth of emotion she saw there. “I don't know.”

He smiled. Not a conquering smile, but one of understanding. “Then let me help you decide.”

Chapter 13

arius leaned forward and touched his warm mouth to hers in a soft brushing of the lips initially, but then Liz felt his hot tongue slide across her bottom lip, exploring, remembering, and all she could do was stand frozen in time and pray that the perfect moment never ended.

She felt his large hand grip her jaw more firmly, but gently, as his other arm slipped around her waist, pulling her closer to his body. Her own tongue reached for his.

It had been so long since she'd been held by him, for all that she remembered, so much had been forgotten. The strength in his arms, the changing of rhythm as his heartbeat matched itself to hers, the feel of his growing erection throbbing against her stomach, making promises she knew he could keep.

Liz felt her own arms lifting to wrap around his neck, wanting to hold him like this forever. The textured feel
of the knit fabric of her dress against his linen tunic and slacks only added to the sensuality building throughout her whole body.

How could she ever have walked away from this? He was so warm and alive, and even after all these years and all the damn confusion he still felt more right than anything. How was that possible? Hearing the soft sigh that escaped from her throat, Liz decided she didn't care how, she was just glad for it.

Holding her against his chest, Darius thought she smelled as sweet and fresh as the island flowers. His hands roamed over the outline of her body, made so conveniently available by the open material of the dress.

His mouth moved to her bare neck and he found that he liked the short haircut after all, because, just as he'd told her, it gave him easy access to the soft skin of her neck. “Come back to my bungalow with me,” he whispered against her ear, right before she heard another sound coming from further down the beach.

“Mom! Mom!”

Liz turned to find Marc being followed by a long line of children and they were all headed directly for her and Darius.

Darius came up behind her, pressing his hard erection against her soft bottom. “Is it too late, Liz?”

Liz was torn between the feel of the warm body against her and her child calling for her attention. “What?”

“Quick, before they get here, just answer the question. Is it too late?”

“No,” she whispered.

He quickly moved away from her. Kicking off his sandals, he moved toward the water until it reached his thighs, and then he dove in. Liz watched in amazement
as he swam out into the harbor, her mind scrambled and confused.

By then, Marc and his friends had caught up to her. He stopped, his chest puffing with exertion. “What you doing down here?”

Liz looked at her son, trying to hide her slight annoyance that this simple question was apparently the big emergency that had broken up their sweet interlude. “Just talking to Darius.” She looked back out toward the water, somewhat fearful for his safety, but this was his home so she could only assume he knew what he was doing.

“What's Uncle Darius doing?” Marc asked.

“Just taking a swim.” She turned to the other children, eager to get her curious child's mind off the current topic. “So, who are your friends?”

Marc proceeded to introduce the trio of children that had followed him. Liz wasn't sure if she should leave Darius to his swim or not, but after a few minutes without him returning, she decided to lead the children back to the luau, each of them trying to tell her everything they'd seen and done in the time they'd been there and constantly talking over each other. Liz smiled to herself, taking comfort in the familiarity of being surrounded by chattering children. Soon, she was feeling like her old self again, and the closer they came to the luau the more the kiss with Darius felt like a sweet dream. By the time they reached the table where Dee was sitting with the McKinseys the children had peeled away once again.

Another older couple had joined Dee and the McKinseys and they were all laughing and talking as if they'd known each other for years.

Dee glanced up at Liz when she saw her approaching the table. “There you are. Having a good time?”

Liz smiled and nodded, but Dee's frown told her she hadn't hidden her confusion as well as she'd hoped.

“Everything okay?” Dee asked.

She nodded again. “I'm just a little tired, think I'll turn in.”

Dee leaned to the side to look around her. “Where's Darius?”

“He went for a swim.”

“A swim? In the dark?”

Liz's mouth twisted. “That's what I thought.”

“The water is still quiet tolerable even in the evening hours,” Fiona added to the conversation. “I've been known to indulge in the occasional late-night dunking myself.”

Dee frowned at her new friend. “Well, you won't catch me out there in the dark. Who knows what's under that water.”

Fiona laughed. “This close to shore, Dee, nothing more troubling than the occasional koi.”

“I don't want to spoil his fun,” Liz interrupted the arguing women. “But can you bring Marc in when you come, Aunt Dee?”

“Of course.” Dee reached out and touched her arm. “You sure everything is okay?”

Liz forced a bright smile. “Yes, I'm just not used to all this activity.” She waved at the group. “Good night everyone.”

“Good night, Liz,” the McKinseys called out.

“Sleep well, dear,” Dee called after her.

Liz started across the sand to the stairs leading back up to the hotel bungalows, and was quickly intercepted by Alika.

“Everything okay, miss?”

She smiled. “Yes, everything is wonderful. I'm just turning in for the night.”

He glanced back at the luau. “But the party is now in full swing.”

Liz reflected for a moment that Alika's willingness to be helpful could quickly become annoying. “Not for me. Good night.”

She climbed the stairs, removing her hoop earrings as she went. By the time she reached the top, she was near exhaustion.

She stopped at the top to look back out over the harbor, but by now the night sky was pitch-black except for the bright stars. She searched down beach but found no sign of movement in the water. For a brief second, she considered the worst possible conclusion and her heart stopped in her chest, but then she remembered that Darius had been living on the island for close to ten years and knew the harbor far better than she did.

She turned and started down the path to her bungalow. Feeling a slight chill on the air, she wrapped her arms around her body, remembering the feeling of being in Darius's embrace and wondering if it would happen again.

Earlier that day, he'd given her the impression that friendship was all he was interested in, and for a while she'd been disappointed that her island fling would never happen. But now she was even more worried, because the feel of being held by him again let her know that no matter what she told herself, Darius would never be a fling for her. He was the love of her life, and she'd broken his heart.

She came to her bungalow and paused at the door, remembering Darius had given Dee the room key
earlier. She slumped against the door and considered going back down to the beach to get it from Dee, but then she glanced in the other direction and realized the lobby was closer.

“Can't get in?” The deeply mellow voice came out of the darkness.

“Darius? Is that you?”

“Yeah, it's me.” He moved from behind a tree and for the first time Liz heard the shiver in his voice. He moved toward her and Liz noticed his wet clothes were clinging to his body. “Here, I'll let you in.”

As he moved past her, she was surprised by the heat radiating from his body beneath the wet clothes. She grabbled his wet tunic as he moved to open the door. “Darius…” She looked up at him, pleading with her eyes.

He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Yeah, I know.” He kissed her again, and chuckled. “So far this week is nothing like I thought it would be.”

“What did you think it would be?”

“I wanted to show you I was not the man I used to be.” He started to reach out to her, but held back. “You deserve a man who can appreciate you, Liz, I want to be that man.”

She frowned. “What are you talking about? I'm the one who betrayed you.”

“Shh.” He placed his lips against her, at the same time opening the door to the suite. He led her inside and to her private room. Once they were both inside he locked the door from the inside and leaned his back against it.

“Damn.” His hungry eyes roamed over her slender body. “That dress has been driving me crazy all night. I've been dying to see you in the light.”

She smiled and turned in a slow circle, lifting her arms behind her head. “Well, here I am.”

In a flash he was across the room and had her wrapped in his arms. “And all night I've been thinking about taking it off you.”

His mouth went to her breast and he removed the thin material with his teeth, sliding it down her body, kissing his way along the path he was creating.

Liz felt as if her whole world was spinning on its axis as he lifted her in his arms to carry her to the bed. “Wait! What about Dee and Marc?”

He laid her on the bed and began pulling his wet tunic over his head. “What about them?”

“What if they come in and hear us?” Liz was trying to focus, but it was hard when all his sun-gold skin was being revealed, inch by beautiful inch.

A gorgeous smile spread across his face. “Then I guess you're gonna have to keep it down, huh?” He stretched out on the bed beside her. “If I remember right, you're a screamer.”

“Am not.”

He flipped over on his back and began unsnapping his slacks. “We'll see about that.”

Liz propped herself up on one elbow to watch the show as he removed his slacks and underwear. He struggled to slide the wet material down over his narrow hips and Liz held her breath as she waited for his manhood to be revealed.

But suddenly he stopped and looked at her.

“What?” she asked, fearing he'd once again changed his mind.

“Come with me.” He stood and, taking her hand, lifted her from the bed. He led her into the bathroom and
closed the door. He turned to the tub and Liz noticed for the first time that it had a built-in whirlpool.

She watched fascinated as he started the bath, checking and double-checking the temperature before adding some nearby bath crystals that soon had the tub filling with suds and bubbles. He definitely had something in mind and she couldn't wait to see exactly what it was.

Once he was satisfied with the progress on the bath, he turned back to her. “I've waited for this too long to hurry. I want us to take our time and enjoy each other.” He moved closer to her and took her in his arms once more.

Liz felt the same way, but the sensible part of her was still concerned about the return of her family. Until she decided how to tell Marc the truth, she did not want him to know they were intimate.

His soft mouth found hers and Liz was once again struck by the electrical charge that seemed to race through her body whenever he touched her. Every time he wrapped his arms around her she felt suddenly safe and cocooned in a way she hadn't felt in years. In a way she was afraid to get attached to.

Despite the moment, the future was still too uncertain to risk her heart. He stepped back and finally removed his wet slacks and underwear, and Liz was once again struck by his masculine beauty.

His entire body was such a rich, dark golden brown except from his thighs to hips, which were just slightly lighter from the protection of swim trunks and shorts. Looking at him now, there was so much she remembered and yet so much seemed new.

She looked up into his soft brown eyes and knew that a part of him would always be the man she'd once
known, the man she'd once run from and now realized that a person could never run from their destiny. It would always, always find them.

At the same time, she saw something else in his eyes, a new Darius, formed and molded by this island. A man she'd only met a short while ago, and was still getting to know.

She opened her mouth to ask a question, something that had to be said, but the words could not be formed. Darius looked at her with a slight frown. “I told you before I would not take what wasn't offered. Do you want to be here, Liz?”

How could he think she did not? Liz thought. In answer, she simply stepped back, released the small latch holding her dress on her body and let it fall to the floor. The fire in his eyes as they darkened was proof enough that they both wanted to be here.

Darius turned off the bath and, taking her hand in his, stepped back and into the tub. Liz felt her whole body shivering with anticipation as she joined him inside the sudsy cocoon.

Settling against the back of the tub, Darius lowered her to straddle his hips and Liz immediately recognized the vulnerability of her position.

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