His Perfect Match (5 page)

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Authors: Elaine Overton

BOOK: His Perfect Match
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“I should've had security kick you out the minute I spotted you instead of following you here.”

“But you didn't. And now that you know why I'm here can you in good conscience turn me away?”

He glared at her over his shoulder. “Don't you dare try to preach to me about good conscience.”

Liz removed her hand and circled around to stand before him blocking his view of the luau. “If there was any other way, believe me, I would've chose it. My son is everything to me. I would do anything for him. I'd make a deal with Satan if it would save his life, so swallowing my pride and coming to you was small by comparison.”

His brown eyes narrowed on her face in the same
analytical manner she'd seen earlier than day. “A deal with the devil, huh?” His full lips kicked up at the corner. “That sounds about right.”

As hungry eyes roamed over every inch of her body Liz only then considered the lack of intelligence involved in luring a man who hated her to a deserted portion of beach. She glanced over her shoulder to be sure the hotel guests were within screaming distance.

She swallowed and determinedly pushed forward. “Will you do it?”

His eyes came up to hers and he simply stared unblinking while she waited for the verdict that would either condemn Marc or save his life. As he stared she felt her skin becoming covered in goose bumps, knowing her greatest fear was his immediate rebuff. Still, having no idea of what he would say, she never expected the next words that came out of his mouth.

“What's in it for me?”

She frowned, not sure she understood the question. “What?”

“Your Marc gets a new kidney, but what do I get?”

“Is this a joke?”

“No more of a joke than you asking.”

She shook her head, realizing she'd failed. He was not only refusing to help, he'd decided to taunt her in the process. “If you're not going to do it just say so.”

“I didn't say I wouldn't do it. But everything costs.”

Liz focused on his face trying to determine if he was serious. She couldn't tell. “So what's your price?”

“Well.” He thoughtfully rubbed his chin as if he didn't hold the weight of her world in his large hands. “The devil would require your soul. I can at least promise you my price will be much smaller.” He huffed.
“Quite honestly, I'm not certain you have a soul to bargain with anyway.”

Liz swallowed the sharp retort that immediately came to mind. He hadn't said no. She could stand any insult if it meant he'd do it. “So what now?”

He took a deep breath. “We go back and enjoy the rest of the evening. Get some sleep—if you can. And in the morning I'll tell you what I require in exchange for one of my kidneys.”

She narrowed her eyes on his handsome face. “What the hell happened to you, Darius?”

“You did.”

She bit her lip, knowing that was probably true. What she'd done could make a man hard and bitter. Was it really any surprise that he would keep her dangling miserably now that he could?

His eyes widened. “Of course, there is always a chance I won't be a match, and then any stipulations would be null and void.”

“You'll be a match.” She turned and headed back to the hotel.

He frowned at her retreating back. “What makes you so sure?”

“Because fate has a sick sense of humor.”

Chapter 4

fter her tense conversation with Darius and his tentative agreement Liz found it impossible to enjoy the luau. She'd gone immediately to her room and called home to check on Marc. But it was too late, Dee said he was already sound asleep and Liz asked her not to wake him.

Without even the comfort of her son's voice Liz found it almost impossible to sleep, but finally, around midnight, the exhaustion of the long journey coupled with the stress of seeing Darius again overtook her and she fell into a deep slumber.

Darius spent most of the evening entertaining his guests—people from all parts of the world who had come for all different reasons. There were newly wedded couples and some celebrating anniversaries. There were students studying the plant life in the Coromandel Pe
ninsula and local kiwis enjoying family reunions or just looking to get out of the city for a weekend.

Normally he loved the constant activity of managing a hotel, but tonight all he could think about was a woman in one of his bungalows. Never in a million lifetimes would he have imagined her arriving with her request. He tried to avoid thinking about Liz and Darren, but when it was unavoidable it was always in the frame of his memory. His twenty-two-year-old brother running off with his nineteen-year-old bride. He'd never considered what happened after that, especially since Darren had died so soon after they left together. Which meant the pregnancy was probably not even known at the time of his death. Which meant she'd gone through it alone, and had cared for a sick child alone. Maybe.

He took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and downed it in one gulp.
Not damn likely,
he finally decided.

If there was one thing Liz Donovan knew how to do it was manipulate men. Hell, he was a prime example. Just look at the way the night had gone. She'd shown up in his hotel, his home, his domain, looking like a bright-pink lollipop ready for licking, and just when he was ready to stretch forth his tongue and take a swipe she'd dropped a bomb on his head.

As another waiter passed by he returned the first champagne glass and took another. She'd cornered him like a cat, a soft brown tabby cat and he was her favorite plaything. She'd played him ten years ago and she'd played him again tonight. He swallowed the champagne in two gulps.

“Boss? Everything okay?” Ever-faithful Alika was instantly at his side.

“What do you mean?”

The young man let his eyes dart to the empty champagne glass. “You seem tense.”

“Do I?”

In his peripheral vision he noticed Alika shake his head at the waiter headed in their direction and the man immediately veered in a different direction.

Pushing without being pushy, that was Alika.

He handed Alika his empty champagne glass knowing the wait staff would probably avoid him for the rest of the night. “Since you seem to have everything in hand, I'm going to bed.”

“Good idea, boss, start fresh tomorrow.”

He headed toward the stairs, speaking briefly with guests as he did so. No matter what else was happening in his life he would never allow the Hawaiki to be affected. This place had saved him. It had been his haven all those years ago, and he took great pride in its success.

His mind wandered as he meandered up the stairs. He had a nephew he hadn't even known existed. Despite how the news came, he couldn't help but find some joy in it. The boy was almost ten now, according to Liz. Climbing the stairs, he stopped in midstep. Ten? Was it possible? Could she have been pregnant when she ran away?

He shook off the thought and continued up the stairs. No, the boy wasn't his. She would've told him. That would've been the ultimate card of manipulation and she hadn't played it, which meant it didn't exist. He frowned as his mouth twisted in a snarl. Maybe she didn't know who the father was.

He yawned as he started feeling the effects of the champagne. He stood at the top of the stairs for several long minutes thinking over the conversation, replaying
every word. He'd known the moment she told him what she needed that he would do it. How could he not? But, he couldn't deny the fact that it felt good—really good—to watch her squirm for a while.

Maybe now she could understand just a little of what he'd felt standing in that church dressing room reading a letter left to explain the unexplainable. Maybe now she would understand what it felt like to have your heart ripped from your chest. How her one ruthless act had changed the entire trajectory of his life. Maybe she would, maybe she wouldn't. But before it was all said and done Liz Donovan
understand that actions bore consequences.


Liz wasn't sure what brought her out of her deep sleep, but the silhouetted man sitting on the side of her bed was enough to bring her fully awake. “Who the hell are you?”

She pulled the covers to her chest and scooted across the bed, her eyes trying desperately to see through the dark. Waking up in a strange hotel room had many disadvantages, one of which was disorientation. She had no idea where the door was, or even where her portable iron was. Either might be necessary depending on whether she would need to fight or run.

“I used to love to watch you sleep.” The familiar but groggy voice came out of the shadows.

“Darius?” Her heartbeat slowed down only incrementally. She felt only slightly safer. “What are you doing here?”

“You're so beautiful, and when you sleep you look like an angel fallen to earth.”

She squinted into the shadows. “Have you been drinking?”

He chuckled. “What? I have to be drunk to think
you're beautiful? I thought you had more self-esteem than that, Liz.”

“What time is it? What are you doing here?”

“I don't know and…” He sighed. “I don't know.”

“What do you want, Darius?”

“You can't figure that out?”

She pulled the covers closer. “Get out of my room!”

“Your room?”

“While I'm a guest here this is
my room
—get out!”

He stretched across the end of the bed resting his head on his forearm. “No.”

She stood from the bed. “Why are you doing this?”

Even in the dim light she watched as his pupils dilated. “Nice gown.” His eyes were glued to her breast where the thin worn material of the gown revealed much more than she realized. “Is that for my benefit? Are we still bargaining, Liz?”

Liz pulled the comforter from the bed and wrapped it around her body. “Why are you here, Darius? Is this to punish me some more?”

“Actually no. It should be. I should be back in my room thinking of all the ways to make you pay for this kidney you want so bad, but instead all I wanted to do was to be near you. Isn't that pathetic?”

She didn't answer and a quiet settled between them. She waited, hoping, praying he would leave but he didn't. Liz wrapped the orange comforter closer around her body and realized his steady breathing was slowing down. “Don't you dare fall asleep!” She shuffled over to the phone. “I'll call security!”

He rolled over to his back and folded his arms behind his head. “Good luck with that. I sign their paychecks, remember?”

“Quite the little dictatorship you have built for yourself here.”

“Thank you. I'm happy with it.”

“I'm not having sex with you, so you might as well leave now!”

“Who said I wanted to have sex with you?”

She frowned, slightly confused. “But you said—”


“I figured…”

“That you were so damn irresistible I was overcome with passion and snuck in here to take advantage of you?”

“Something like that.”

“Don't flatter yourself.”

“Then what was all that talk about how beautiful I am?”

“You are. But in the right light so are black widows, wouldn't have sex with them either.”

Ego deflated, Liz relaxed. In under five minutes he'd gone from calling her a fallen angel to a black widow. “If you don't want sex, why are you here?”

“I told you. I used to love to watch you sleep. Turns out, I still do.”

Liz shook her head. Yep, he was drunk. She glanced at the clock and saw it was 3:04 a.m. “It is too damn early for this, Darius. Go to bed and I'll do the same.”

“I've been thinking about our conversation earlier.”

She stood quietly waiting, but he said nothing further so she prompted. “And?”

“Why didn't you try to reach me sooner? You said he was diagnosed at six and has been on the waiting list for over three years.”

“I didn't know where to find you.”

“My parents did.”

“Your parents won't talk to me. Mine neither.”

Silence fell over the room as they both retreated to their private thoughts.

Finally Liz broke it by continuing. “I hired a private detective a few months ago, and it took him a while but he found you and I called you as soon as he gave me the information.”

“Who watches your son when you're away like this?”

“I've never
away like this, but my Aunt Dee lives with us.”

Even in the dark she could see his wide smile. “How is Dee?”

“Contrary as ever.”

“I remember her from when we were kids. Nice lady.”

“She's been a godsend to me.”

“I'm sure.”

As another silence fell over the room, Liz realized she was probably not going to get rid of him anytime soon, so she took a seat on the opposite end of the bed.

After sitting in silence for several minutes she thought he'd fallen asleep and considered moving to the only chair in the room for the rest of the night. He startled her when he suddenly spoke.

“Liz…? Why Darren? Of all the men you could've chosen, why my brother?”

“Don't do this.”

“I've asked myself that question a million times in a million different ways. I never found an answer.”

“You don't want to dig up all this ancient history. It's over. It's done. We can't go back, let it go.”

“Apparently it's not over. You're here. I'm here. I can feel your fear of me. It's almost palpable. And you have reason to fear. There were days I wanted to kill you with
my bare hands. A part of me still wants to. So see? It's not so ancient history after all.”

“What do you want me to say, Darius? I never wanted to hurt you. That was never my intention.”

“Then what was your intention, Liz? Did you think you running off with my brother would make me deliriously happy?”

“I know I hurt you, but it wasn't deliberate.”

“So you
slept with my brother?”

“I make no excuses for my actions, Darius. All I ask is that you not punish my son for the sins of his mother.”

“I have no intention of punishing my nephew.” He flipped over and, before she realized it, his large hands wrapped around her ankle and dragged her beneath him. The speed of his motions immediately undermined her assumption that he was drunk. A drunk man could never move that fast.

Liz kicked recklessly but he used his heavy legs to pin her in place. Her arms flayed wildly looking for something to hit him with for all of a minute before he had her arms, too, pinned over her head.

Liz felt the first tendrils of panic not because of the vulnerable position she suddenly found herself in, but because of what she was beginning to feel. Feeling his heavy weight on top of her felt more right and natural than she could ever admit out loud. It had been so long since she'd held the weight of a man's body. The weight of
this man's

And his smell. So many of those first nights in Vegas sitting alone in that shabby hotel room she'd closed her eyes trying to recall this very smell. She'd missed him more in those first couple of months than she'd ever missed another human being in her life. And being this
close to him, having that familiar smell in her nose, and even with his additional muscle mass his body still seemed to mold to her own. It felt too good. Too right. She fought with every ounce of will not to wrap her legs around his waist to hold him closer.

“I would never punish an innocent little boy for the actions of his slut of a mother.” He whispered in her ear. “No, I believe in holding the responsible party accountable.”

“Get off of me,” she hissed.

“God, you feel so good.” Despite the strength with which he was holding her down, his soft lips touched her neck with feather lightness. “When you made love with Darren did you ever pretend it was me, Liz?”

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