His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3) (21 page)

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Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency romance historical romance

BOOK: His Not So Sensible Miss (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 3)
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His kiss deepened and his hands ran
though her hair, disengaging the pins. Emily moaned and tilted her
head. She couldn’t resist him, nor could she think of a reason why
she should.

* * *


The chair was confining, limiting his
movement. If Dillon had any sense, he would remain seated, but all
sense disappeared where Emily was concerned. Slowly he stood,
cradling her in his arms until she slid down his body and broke
their kiss. Pulling away from Dillon, she walked into the nursery.
The twins lay side by side in identical cribs and were sleeping

Dillon came up from behind, slipping
his arms around her waist and pulling her body to his. Emily
relaxed her head back against his chest.

I hate having to sneak
around to be with you.”

I know.” Emily

If only I could change my
circumstances then this would not be necessary.”

Emily turned in his arms and looked up
at him. “Dillon, I understand completely.”

I feel dishonorable,” he

Emily placed a hand on his cheek. “You
have explained the situation and have been honest about your
intentions. There is no dishonor in why you pursue me in this

If only we didn’t have to
hide. If only.”

She stopped him with a kiss. “Dillon,
we have discovered something rare. Let’s just enjoy the time we’ve
been given. We don’t know what the future holds or if these
feelings we have are fleeting.”

They’re not fleeting,”
Dillon insisted and took her hand in his before he pulled her back
into the comfortable sitting room once. The twins did not need
either of them at the moment. A warm fire burned and comfortable
furniture had been arranged for a cozy atmosphere. This must be
where the nurse relaxed while seeing to the twins. Her bedchamber
lay past another door. Dillon walked over and closed the door,
hoping to forget a bed was so close. Returning to Emily, he pulled
her to sit beside him on the couch. As they settled, his arm went
around her and she settled her head on his shoulder. For some time
they sat in companionable silence, absorbing the feel of the other.
Dillon didn’t ever want to let her go.

He may have told himself that he wanted
to see how they were with each other, in the real world, but knew
it as a lie. Simply put, he was in love with Emily and it mattered
not where they were. The words he would not voice. Not until the
day he was secure that he could provide a future for them and
ensure Celia’s protection.

The comfort he felt simply holding
Emily soon began to diminish as his desire grew. This was a
dangerous situation and as much as he appreciated the opportunity
he had to wonder if Taylor had considered the danger?

As if she felt his shifting mood, Emily
turned her face toward Dillon. Tonight would not be wasted. Dillon
claimed her lips and Emily eagerly accepted him, and her hands slid
up to embrace his shoulders. Dillon’s arms tightened around her,
unable to get close enough. Slowly his lips left her month and
trailed across her cheek, to the pulse behind her ear and

Emily turned slightly, allowing him
access to her sensitive neck, gripping his shoulders, before
running the fingers of one hand through his hair. He loosened her
gown one button at a time and nudged it from her shoulders as he
kissed his way to her breasts.

Emily pushed Dillon’s coat from his
shoulders. His hand left hers momentarily to shrug out of his coat
while she loosened his cravat. As enticing as the idea of his skin
touching hers sounded, Dillon wasn’t about to undress further.
Disaster only lay in that direction.

Dillon returned his lips to hers as his
fingers continued unbuttoning the back of her dress. Emily’s
fingers worked the buttons on this shirt. Dillon knew he should
stop her but he wanted to feel her hands upon him. As long as his
pants remained on, they would remain safe.

Emily’s dress gapped and fell down her
arms as she pushed Dillon’s shirt open, pulling the tails from his
trousers. She leaned forward and placed kisses along his collarbone
as Dillon slid her arms from her gown and shoved it to her waist.
He did the same to her chemise, completely bearing her from the
waist up. Dillon’s lips returned to hers and kissed her with raw
passion, pulling her tight against him, her breasts flattened
against his chest. Heat scorched through his veins at their naked
contact. Dillon bent her back until she was lying against the
cushions, trailing his lips down her neck and to her cleavage
before he shifted and took one peak into his mouth while his hand
caressed the other, teasing the hard nipples. Her hands gripped his
shoulders as she arched against him. Emily moaned and gripped him
tighter as his hand slid lower, over her abdomen and down to her

Dillon had to touch her. He wanted to
bring her pleasure. It was possible without ruining her completely.
As long as he kept his pants on, he reminded himself. He lifted,
pulling her gown from beneath him. Once it was out of the way he
wasted no time before slipping his hand up her leg. The softest
silk of her stocking greeted his fingers. Emily shifted in her
growing excitement as his hand caressed her leg, climbing further,
moaning as his hand touched her bare thigh. Dillon withdrew from
her breast and took her lips as his fingers found her damp


* * *


Emily gasped at the unfamiliar
intrusion. No one had ever touched her in such a manner and she had
no idea it could be so incredible. Oh, she had read enough to know
of the pleasures a woman’s body could feel, as well as a man’s. It
didn’t always involve mating either. At this moment, she was
grateful for the secret tomes she’d found. Dillon would be shocked
to know what she had been exposed to if Sappho had him upset.
Still, Emily could only be grateful for the exotic books because
otherwise she would have been shocked at what he was doing. The
books were also explicit in how to give a man pleasure as

Thoughts of pleasuring Dillon flew from
her mind as he deepened the caress. He entered her first with one
finger, then two. Emily was squirming with excitement and pleasure
shot through her womb when his thumb found the most pleasurable
spot. At first she jerked at the touch and then her body began
moving with a will of its own.

Dillon lifted his head and looked down
at her, momentarily stopping any movement. “I wish I could make
love to you.”

Emil smiled weakly. She understood what
he wanted, she wanted the same but neither of them would allow
matters to progress too far. “You are.”

Dillon sighed and took her lips once
again and continued his ministrations. Soon, Emily couldn’t kiss
him any longer. The feelings he produced were far too intense to be
able to concentrate on kissing. She arched against his hand as he
carried her over the edge. Emily shattered and cried

Nothing she had ever read had prepared
her for this. That was her first conscious thought as she began to

Dillon leaned on one elbow, slightly
smiling as he straightened her skirts. His look of tenderness
stabbed at her heart and Emily vowed to bring him as much pleasure
as he had just brought her. Shifting, she sat up to face

I want to make love to

Dillon smiled sadly. “I would like
nothing better, but we cannot.”

I want to bring you the
same pleasure you’ve brought me,” she insisted.

I appreciate the offer, but
it wouldn’t be right, not yet.”

Emily stopped listening to him. No
doubt what she was considering was something no well-bread lady
would comprehend. One hand began caressing his chest, while the
other slipped up his thigh. Dillon groaned, stopping her hands with
his own. She stiffed and looked up at him. Disengaging her hands,
she slipped them up his chest, her fingers caressing his nipples.
Dillon groaned again and moved to stop her.

I want to bring you
pleasure. She leaned forward, bringing her body in contact with his
aroused member.

You can’t know what you’re
suggesting.” His voice was strangled with desire.

Ah, but I do.” A blush
stained her cheeks. “Not in practice, but I have read.”

Sappho wasn’t that
detailed,” Dillon argued.

You should really read more
Greek literature.”

You can’t understand what
you’re suggesting.”

All I know is that I want
to make love to you. Can’t I use my hands as well? And, is that any
different than what you have done to me?”

Dillon groaned out loud. “As much as I
wish this, I cannot allow you to.” Emily ignored him and began
kissing his chest as she loosened his pants.

Finally, Emily freed him from his
confines. She had never seen a male member in the flesh and what
she held in her hand was simply amazing. The skin was soft, almost
velvety, yet it was hard and unbendable beneath. She experimented,
sliding her hand up and down, grasping but not too tight, just as
she’d read. Dillon lifted his hips, moaning. His reaction gave
Emily confidence to continue. Before she could move forward
however, she needed better access. With her hands, she pulled his
pants lower, over his buttocks, exposing him completely to


* * *


While one hand grasped him tightly,
another hand began caressing the sacks below. Dillon couldn’t
believe she was doing this too him. Where did she learn to cradle
and caress him this way? Was it simply instinct? Her thumb rolled
over the very top, rubbing his moisture into the skin. Her grip
slowed then quickened, only to slow again. All the while, she
kissed his chest and neck. Dillon could do nothing for her. He was
too lost in the sensations and let her have her way. No woman had
ever pleasured him with her hands. This was a novelty. It wasn’t as
though he’d never achieved his own release in this manner, but only
in the most desperate times had he done this for himself. This was
so much better. Whatever Emily had read, it had been detailed, or
her fingers wouldn’t be creating such pleasures, or slipping behind
the sacks to a most incredible sensitive spot he hadn’t known
existed. All too soon, he felt his release building. He couldn’t
stop her now, even if he wished. To do so would invite excruciating
pain. Instead, he would allow this pleasure that she was so
generously providing. He would have liked to drag it out but that
was impossible. He had been denied for so long, and had lived in an
almost constant state of arousal since meeting her that he would
not deny this, even if it was ill-advised.

Dillon’s hand came around hers,
tightening and increasing her motion. She followed his lead. As he
began to erupt, he held himself against his body, his hand over
hers, He spilled his seed, groaned and involuntarily jerked at the
same time. That had to have been one of the most potent releases in
his memory. If she could do that with her hand, what could she do
with her mouth and body?

Dillon’s breathing and heartbeat
finally began to slow. He knew he should move and certain matters
needed to be seen to, but his energy was lacking. Emily had
completely drained him. Finally, he was able to lift his head from
the back of the couch and look at her. She bit her bottom lip and a
creased formed on her brow. Hadn’t she known what to expect? Well,
it was certainly no secret now. “Could you do me a favor?” he
asked, his voice still husky in the aftermath of

Emily looked up at him. Her mouth
twisted into a smile as if she was very pleased with herself. She
should be, Dillon decided.

Could you retrieve one of
the twins’ nappies. I’m sure it won’t be missed.”

Emily scampered into the twins’
bedchamber to emerge a moment later with what he requested. Her
face turned bright red and Emily turned her back to allow him
privacy. Dillon merely chuckled and set to putting his person back
in order.

When Emily turned back around, her
dress was once again in place as were Dillon’s shirt and pants.
Silently, she presented him her back and allowed him to finish
buttoning her.

Dillon settled Emily on the couch.
“I’ll be back in a moment.” He left the nursery floor and went down
to Taylor’s chamber. He knew that a bottle of wine and two glasses
had been put in there in case he and Emily wanted them, and Dillon
certainly needed a drink.

Upon his return, Emily was just where
he had left her, a contented smile on her lips. He settled beside
her after pouring them each a glass of wine. This was the first
time he could honestly say he was completely relaxed since meeting
her. Dillon had fantasized often about what he wished he could do
with and to Emily. He never dreamed she would do what she just had.
The only possible way he could achieve a higher pleasure would be
to make love to her, claim her completely. After what they just
shared, and having witnessed her passionate response to his touch,
Dillon knew he could never let her go. He had to find a way to make
it possible without ruining everything else that was important to

Emily sighed and snuggled against him
while sipping her wine. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and
pulled her close, enjoying the weight of her head on his shoulder.
Soon she grew heavy and Dillon realized she’d fallen asleep. How
could he blame her? He could easily sleep now as well. Gently, he
took the wine glass from her hand before it spilled and placed it
on the table. Pulling Emily closer to his body and watched the

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