His Every Desire: The Billionaire's Assistant (Billionaire BDSM Domination Erotica)

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Authors: Chloe Cassidy

Tags: #bdsm, #submission, #billionaire, #sm, #bdsm sex, #fifty shades, #billionaire erotica, #billionaire sex, #billionaire domination, #billionaire erotic, #bdsm fetish, #billionaire fetish

BOOK: His Every Desire: The Billionaire's Assistant (Billionaire BDSM Domination Erotica)
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His Every Desire: The Billionaire's


Chloe Cassidy


Copyright 2013 by Forbidden Fruit Press


Published by Forbidden Fruit Press


Smashwords Edition


(All characters depicted in this story are consenting



A taste of things to come:


Before I could take a breath, he was
standing close to me. His hands were on my shoulders. I braced
myself for his kiss. My knees felt like they had turned to mush,
and my heart was pounding crazily.


Instead of kissing me, he dropped
his hands to my wrists and dragged me to the locked wardrobe in the
corner. Swiftly, he unlocked the door and pushed me inside. With a
deftness that took my breath away, Taylor fastened my hands to a
rack above my head. He stepped back to admire the


I was standing with my hands above my head. The
position simultaneously caused my breasts to press against the thin
fabric of my blouse and dislodge my skirt so that I was certain the
lips of my pussy were exposed beneath the hem.


"This is just one of the many new positions that come
along with your new job," Taylor said. "You will obey my every
command and allow me to do whatever I want with your hot young
body. Do you understand me?"





I sat at my desk, willing the phone
to ring. I was bored, and I needed something to do. Someone had
restricted my Internet access and I couldn't find my cellphone.
This job was turning out to be one huge bore, but the money was
good, so I yawned and stared at the big black phone. There were so
many buttons. I had no idea what most of them did, and I didn't
really care. The phone rang.


"Good morning," I chirped, "Taylor
Greene's office. This is Sandra McDermott speaking. How may I
direct your call?" I picked up a nail file and began vigorously
filing my fingernails. This was my idea of multitasking. I held a
hand in front of my face to inspect my handiwork. Not


"Sandy?" The voice on the other end of the line was
overwhelmingly familiar.


"Yes, this is Sandra," I replied professionally while
stifling a yawn. My fingernails were almost perfect. I started
searching my purse for a bottle of nail polish. I have a tendency
to lose everything, so it was immensely satisfying when I found the
bottle almost exactly where I expected it to be.


"Sandy, it's Cassie. You weren't
answering your cellphone." It was my best friend. We had graduated
high school together before rooming together in college. I had of
course graduated, but Cassie needed to pick up a few more credits
before she could put on a cap and gown and march down the


My day instantly brightened. I found the nail polish
that I was looking for, shook it thoroughly and unscrewed the cap.
This would obviously be easier if I had a headset, but I settled
for pinching the black telephone handset between my shoulder and my


"Well, I do have a very important
job, you know." I laughed. "Besides, I can't find my cell phone
anywhere." I paused from stroking the hot pink polish onto my nails
to glance at the mess on my desk. There was no phone in sight. I
sighed and rolled my eyes.


"Can't you use GPS to look it up on
a website?" Cassie asked. That was Cassie. She always thought of
everything. We were nothing alike. I was more prone to flying by
the seat of my pants, as the expression goes. If it were not for my
father's affiliation with an associate of Taylor Greene, I would
more likely be flipping hamburgers somewhere than working in this
prestigious office, college degree or not.


"They took away my internet access,"
I explained. "They said something about accessing inappropriate
websites. Anyway, I know I had the phone when I walked in this
morning. It's around here somewhere. So, what's up?" My manicure
was coming out even better than I expected considering my
inconvenient surroundings. I waved my hot pink nails in the air
vigorously to dry them. Thank goodness for quick-drying nail
polish. They were nearly set already.


"Mark was asking about you," Cassie said.


"Mark? Mark who stole my virginity at your birthday
party and never called again?" My voice grew loud and


"He said he lost your number, so I gave it to him. I
didn't think you would mind."


"Tell him to lose it again. I didn't even come close
to having an orgasm," I said. "Do you think all guys are as lousy
at sex as Mark?"


"I'm pretty sure that's the case." Cassie sighed. "I
think hot sex only exists in books and movies."


"That sucks. If that's true, I'm going to become one
of those born-again virgins," I said. "Anyway, if Mark was
interested in me, he would have managed not to lose my number
before he called me."


"I don't know," Cassie said. "He sounded serious. I
think he really likes you."


"I don't like him," I hissed. "You shouldn't have
given him my number. When he doesn't call again, I'm going to be
really pissed."


"If you didn't like him, you wouldn't have had sex
with him on my bed," Cassie protested. "I couldn't sleep in that
bed for a week. Your pussy stained the sheets."


"Don't exaggerate, Cassie. My pussy most assuredly
did not stain the sheets. Your sheets were already stained. I swear
you haven't changed them since high school, and that was four years


"Okay, let's change the subject. How's the job
going?" she asked.


"I'm not wearing any underwear," I whispered.


"Are you a phone sex operator now?" Cassie


"No," I said quietly. "I didn't have any clean
underwear this morning, so I washed a pair of nylon panties in the
sink and dried them in the microwave." I let out a giggle. "They


Cassie broke into a fit of laughter. I laughed along
with her until I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. There
was a man standing there. From his cheap suit, I knew that it
couldn't possibly be the great hedge-fund billionaire Taylor
Greene. I had never met the man whose name graced the sign on the
building. From his reputation, I knew that he was tall, dark and
handsome. He was a ladies man who used women like tissue paper.
This man in front of me didn't look like he got that much


"Hang on, Cassie," I said into the phone. I turned to
the man who had interrupted my conversation. "Can I help you?" I
asked coolly.


"Is that a personal call?" asked the man in the cheap


"What's your name?" I asked.


"Harry Smith," he replied. He looked at me


"Harry," I said slowly, "Smith." I stared off into
the distance for a moment, letting my eyes drift up and to the
left. "No," I said. "That's not the name on the top of the building
or the bottom of my paychecks."


His eyes slanted into angry slits. To his credit, he
kept his cool. I decided to put my underwear snafu to good use,
opening and closing my legs like Sharon Stone in "Basic Instinct."
He didn't even lower his squinted eyes to my pussy. Maybe he was
gay. There's nothing wrong with that, but it meant my best Sharon
Stone impression wasn't going to get him off my back. That was a
shame. I closed my legs.


In my wild imagination, I thought perhaps Mr. Cheap
Suit and Mr. Hedge-Fund Billionaire could be lovers. I pictured the
blue polyester suit in front of me and a $22,000 Ermenegildo Zegna
suit crumpled together on the floor of Taylor Greene's immense
mahogany paneled office.


"Are you on drugs?" Harry Smith asked me,
interrupting my deep thoughts.


"What was it that you wanted?" I asked. Cassie was
still holding on the line. Her voice giggled in my ear as I turned
my attention to this nuisance.


"I left you a stack of signed documents along with
explicit instructions on where they were to be sent. I need to know
whether you successfully completed that simple task," Harry Smith


"Yes, of course. If you will excuse me, I need to get
back to an important phone call." I actually had the nerve to swing
my chair away from him to face in the opposite direction. I could
virtually feel the heat of his stare burning into the back of my
head for a moment. Finally I heard the click of his weird little
shoes on the floor as he walked away. I idly wondered whether he
was the one responsible for taking away my Internet access.


"Sandy, is he gone?" Cassie asked on the phone.




"Was that the great and mysterious Taylor Greene?"
she asked.


"No, it was some asshole named Harry Smith in a cheap
suit. He was looking for some papers that I was supposed to send


"Did you send them?"


"I don't even know where they are." I wasn't laughing
anymore. "I hate this job, but I can't afford to lose it."


"Do you think Taylor will be angry?" Cassie


"I have no idea. I haven't even met the guy yet. He's
constantly out of the office taking meetings somewhere. Sometimes,
he stalks into the office just as everybody is getting ready to
leave. You can tell when he's here because the entire staff falls
silent. It's creepy." I was searching the drawers of my desk for
those papers while I was talking. Thus far, I was not having any


"Is he handsome?" Cassie asked.


"Handsome is not the word to describe him," I said.
"His face belongs on a billboard. He makes my panties wet, and he
hasn't even said a word to me yet."


"I hope he doesn't pick today to introduce himself to
you," Cassie laughed. "It wouldn't be a good day to skip the
underwear." From behind me, I heard a man clearing his voice.
"Cassie, I need to get going. I'll talk to you later."


When I turned around, it was Mr. Cheap Suit, Harry
Smith himself. I let out a combined sigh of relief and


"Hello," I said brightly with a fake smile planted on
my face. "How may I help you?" My skirt had ridden up my thighs,
and my bare pussy was sticking uncomfortably to the leather
upholstery of my office chair.


"Are you looking for something?" he asked.


"No, why do you ask?"


"It seemed like you had lost something for a moment
there. I just wanted to check to make sure everything was okay.
Those signed documents I mentioned earlier are very important. It's
imperative that they reach their destination in time. You wouldn't
want Mr. Greene to be disappointed."


"He won't be disappointed," I assured him. "However,
I do seem to have lost my cellphone. I don't suppose you've seen
it," I asked hopefully.


"Is it inside a pink phone case?" he asked.




Harry Smith pointed at the glass wall that separated
Taylor Greene's private office from his staff, including me.


"I can see a pink phone case on top of Mr. Greene's
desk, but there would be no reason why you were in his office. So
it can't be yours," he said.


"Exactly," I agreed as I looked
longingly at my cellphone behind the glass wall. I was relieved
when Harry Smith walked away, but I needed to go retrieve my cell
phone. It was sitting on a stack of papers. My luck seemed to be
changing for the better. I could retrieve my phone and the missing
signed documents at one time.


I felt pretty foolish about leaving my phone in
Taylor Greene's office. When I had arrived at work earlier that
morning, I had a hot cup of coffee and a paper bag in my hand. Not
wanting to eat my breakfast at my desk where anyone could come
along and ruin it, I had snuck into the luxurious unlocked office
where I could sit and enjoy my breakfast without interruption. I
brought the signed documents with me as a little reading material
while I enjoyed my meal. The documents turned out to be dull as
dishwater. I dropped them forgotten on the desk and nursed my
flavored coffee, hazelnut, my favorite.


Sitting at Taylor Greene's massive desk, I had stared
out the window and watched the city that lay outside the huge pane
of glass. The people moving on the streets below looked tiny like
ants. Little yellow taxis spotted the landscape. It was an
impressive view. I made a mental note to spend more time in this
office. It was truly grand, and Taylor didn't even seem to
appreciate it. He was never even there.

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