Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1)
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Showing his badge the officer obliged.  “Bloody mess, all the bodies are at the morgue; the other one is in the hospital, we’re hopeful he’ll survive.”

“You can be sure he’ll survive officer,” Malachy said with a grim face.

“A-ah; yes sir.  We’re trying to identify one of the bodies. One of the attackers is so far unidentified.  Crime scene is working with Haven lab techs to see what’s missing from the lab.”

“Thanks, officer.  Tell Detective Moran we’ve gone over to the hospital.  We’ll wait for him there.”

“Yes sir.”


At the hospital, they found Fletcher on the 12
floor.  The reception was busy, the surgeon still in theatre.

“Sorry, I can’t disturb him, he’s still in surgery.  Are you family?” asked the charge nurse.

“Yes,” was all Ana could think of saying.

“There’s another gentleman in the waiting room looking for news as well.  If you’d both like to wait there.”

Curious to know who, they wandered in nodding in his direction.  Neither recognised him.  They sat, nothing to do other than wait.  Mal checked in at the training centre during the car ride.  The hacking had slowed.  Cameron and Grace had re-encrypted all files with more security while chasing down the hacker.  Yuri was keeping watch on the Johnson house.  There was nothing new from the agents who were researching the Truit & Haier Engineering connection.

Tallon entered the room.  “Where’d you want me, boss?”

“Check with the charge nurse.  Fletcher’s still in surgery.”

“Yes boss.”

“Who may I ask are you?” inquired the gentleman.

“I’m Fletchers boss, who are you?”

“His friend and attorney,” he replied.

“How did you find out so quickly?”

“Fletcher contacted me while he was still working out what was going on.”

“Why the hell would Fletcher contact you?”

“I’ve no idea.  I’m still waiting to find out.”

“I’m Malachy; this is Ana. You’re?”

“Philippe, we went to school together.”

The surgeon finally arrived.  Fletcher was settled but unconscious in his room.

“Ok, who’s family?”

“He doesn’t have any family.  Fletcher’s an orphan.”

“Wrong Philippe he isn’t an orphan.  I’m family as well as his boss,” said Malachy.

“What,” the man exclaimed, “that can’t be right.  He grew up alone.  My parents were the only parents he knew.”

“Well, Phil I’ll explain later,” he said turning to the surgeon.   “Doctor what do you have for us?”

“Fletcher will survive; he’s very lucky.  If the bullet were a centimetre over, he’d be dead.  As it is, it nicked his lung.  He has a long recovery ahead of him.”

“When can we speak with him doctor?” asked Ana.

“No interrogations for at least two days, you can sit with him, chat regularly, it may speed up his recovery.”

“We can but try, can we visit now.”

“Sure just make it a short while only,” the doctor turned away on to see his next patient.

“You can go first Phil, the guard on the door is Tallon; he’ll supervise all visitors the last thing we want is him attacked while he is recovering.”

“You think that’s possible?” Philippe frowned.

“That depends on who ordered the deed done.  If I find out I’ll take care of it personally Phil, you can be sure of that.”

“You said you’re family, how can that be.”

“We share the same mother.  If you want to know anything else, we’ll have to sort out a meeting at my offices.”

“Fine, here’s where you can contact me,” Philippe turned and left.

“Well, bloody hell,” said Mal, “You’re not going to believe this Ana.”  She looked down at the business card, her eyes widening before she laughed.

“Philippe Haier, Attorney at Law,” couldn’t be anyone else she sighed. “There’s no way he’s the original partner in Truit & Haier Engineering.  He’s too young; he must be a cousin or son, I’m sure we’ll soon find out.”

They turned to visit Fletcher only to bang into Detective Moran, who looked decidedly grim.

“I’m finding you everywhere these days Malachy,” he sighed heavily.

“Hello again Moran,” he grinned, “how’s the investigation going?”

“It isn’t.  Still waiting to hear which virus is missing, most of them in the lab are dangerous.  Has Fletcher come out of surgery?”

“Yes, we’re about to visit, he’s not talking yet.  His surgeon said to leave it for a few days; he needs some recovery space first.”

“I see you’ve a guard on his door, may I ask why?”

“Just to make sure no one try’s to finish him off. He’s an important part of my agency.”

“What news do you have Malachy?”

“None yet. I think we should set up a meeting next week, and then we can fill you in on the gaps.  I’ve agents working in different areas; there’s a connection somewhere.”

“Fine, you know where to find me,” he said walking off.


Entering Fletchers room, all was quiet except for the beeping machines.  He had two drips, one to keep him hydrated and medicated and another topping up his blood.  A huge bandage wrapped around his chest, one on his shoulder.  His right leg was in a pulley to take the tension off his leg where a bullet had ripped it open, smashing into his bone.  They could see pins sticking out keeping his leg together.


Blaze Carrington was furious, “How the fuck could you get the wrong vial; it’s bad enough that I’ve lost two men in a week. Why do I always get fucking morons?”

“I was running out of time.  I grabbed what I could, give me a break man,” he whined.

“A break you shit head,” he shouted, “you got H killed, and God knows what condition Fletcher’s in!  I hope he isn’t dead.  Christ almighty, what a fucking mess.”

“You could check the hospital.”

“Not fucking likely.  I’m not getting my name involved with all this.”

“Well sorry sir, we did our best.”

“Well, your best wasn’t good enough,” Blaze pulled out his gun and shot the man between the eyes. “You there take this garbage away and dispose of it.”

“Yes Mr Carrington.”

“That’s a wrap for now. I’ll let you know if we’re going to try again.  What with Fletchers lab blowing up everything is going wrong.”  Getting in his car, the driver pulled away from the warehouse heading for Carrington House.


Malachy and Anastasia sat with Fletcher for half an hour, seeing no change they left him in Tallon’s capable hands.  “I’ll send Ivan over tonight, so you can rest Tallon.”

“Thanks boss,” he smiled grimly.




Leaving Fletcher, they made their way down the corridor.  “Let’s go back to the house there’s nothing more we can do.  If anyone needs us they know how to contact us,” Ana said quietly.”

“Good idea must admit I’m knackered,” he said. “I wonder if Quin’s arrived,” he murmured reaching for his phone.  “Quin, where are you?”  “Yeah, could you meet us at the main entrance in about ten minutes?”  “Yes fine, thanks see you shortly.”

“Let’s hope someone has an update by morning,” Ana sighed, “I don’t know how to feel about Fletcher, worry or dislike.”

“You’ll work it out, the same as I will. We’ve the advantage with this attack; we’ll see what happens in the next few days.”  Continuing to chat they were soon sitting comfortably in the car on the way home.

“Sir, we have a small problem.”

“Yes Quin, now what’s the matter?”

“We have a tail.  Two cars, both SUV’s, black windows.”

“Hit the emergency alarm Quin, get other security to join us as soon as possible.”

“Yes boss.”

“Just keep driving like you’ve not noticed; we’ll just have to be as ready as we can.  I can’t see why they’d make a move in mid-afternoon,” he sighed tiredly.

“First time for anything,” muttered Ana getting her Browning out just in case.

“The cars bulletproof Ana; they’re more likely to bump us off the road; though with Quin as our driver; I can’t see that happening.”

“Thanks boss,” Quin grinned.  “The others are joining us at the next junction boss, the cars behind are pulling closer. I’ve a feeling they’ll make a move soon.”

“Evasive action Quin, our seatbelts are fastened.”

“Well, here goes nothing,” Quin muttered, putting his foot down, hitting one hundred miles an hour, weaving in and out of traffic passing the junction. They heard a thud on the back window, making both Mal and Ana winced, the glass held.  Both of them kept their heads down.  It was one car chase they wouldn’t lose.  Several agency cars shot onto the highway between them and the chasers.  Tyres squealed as people tried to avert getting caught up in the madness.  Quin just kept his foot down until he came off the highway at junction ten for Mal’s home.  Security’s escorting them the rest of the way to the manor house they sighed grateful to be in one-piece.

“Please tell me Quin, they didn’t let the bastards escape?”

“Nope, one crashed, driver and passenger are dead.  A traffic jam entrapped the other.  We got them or should I say her.  Frank’s bringing her to the house now.”

“A mystery woman, whatever next,” Ana rolled her eyes.

They wandered into the lounge each having a scotch on the rocks; they sat to wait, wondering what the next revelation would be. It was obviously going to be an interesting afternoon.


“Get your fucking hands off me, you bastard.  I’ll have you up for assault,” yelled a feminine voice.  “Let me go,” she yelled out.

“Hush your noise.  I ain’t going to do anything to you lady.”  A knock came to the door; Malachy sighed in resignation, he knew the voice rather too well.

“Enter Frank, release the woman, she won’t hurt anyone,” he tossed over his shoulder as he walked to stand by the fireplace.”

“What the fuck’s going on? Where the hell am I…” she trailed off. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t little ole Malachy,” she said in a sultry voice. 

The woman sashayed up to him; eyeing him up and down; raising a hand with long sharp fingernails she patted his cheek before kissing him on the lips.  “What aren’t you going to offer me a scotch Malachy?”

“Good afternoon Magdalena.  I see you haven’t learnt to hold your tongue yet, still as vicious as ever.”

“Scotch would be good Malachy darling,” she purred.”

“Is that one lump or two Miss Carrington?” asked Ana politely from the bar.

“What’s that bitch doing here?”

“Careful Maggie, I wouldn’t like to see Ana smack you one.  Now sit down, explain why you were chasing after my car.”

“Chasing after your car, don’t be so fucking stupid.  I was on my way to see my fiancé; the traffic was terrible.”

“Sadly for you Maggie that was the wrong thing to say so I’ll start again.  Why were you chasing my car, who were the men in the other car,” he turned, looking her directly in the eye, “they’re both dead by the way.”

Her hands tightened on the glass of scotch so hard her fingers went white, “they’re dead, omg that is terrible.” She looked up. “It had nothing to do with me honest to god Malachy.  I’ve no idea who they were.”

“Frank, take her downstairs, handcuff her to a chair, she can think on her words.”

“You bastard Malachy,” she yelled, tossing her scotch at him, “Blaze will kill you for this, let me go.” She pulled twisting ferociously, “let me go you fucking bastard,”

“When you’ve decided to tell me the truth Maggie then, we’ll see,” replied Mal calmly, “until that time, be quiet and think.  I’ll give you two hours.”

“You’ll live to regret this Malachy.  I’ll make fucking sure of it.”

“Yeah, yeah, like brother, like sister, all threats and no action.  Enough spouting off Maggie, I’m not interested.  Frank, take her away.”

Twisting and turning viciously she raked her fingers across Franks’ face. He grabbed both her arms pulling them behind her back until she screamed in pain.

“If you do that again love you’ll be unconscious and tossed over my shoulder,” Frank growled.  Swearing under her breath, darting vicious daggers at him she finally complied.

“Well, that was a pleasant interlude.  Such charming women you know Malachy,” smirked Ana.

Malachy rolled his eyes, shoving his hands into his pockets, turning to the fireplace chin down deep in thought.

“You all right Mal?”

“Yeah, okay.  I just didn’t need this.  Maggie used to be such a sweet person to see her so…  Well, I don’t know.  So changed I suppose it’s hard to deal with.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot you two were an item for a while.”

“We were very close Ana.  Now I have to decide what to do with her.”

“Let me Mal, woman to woman, vicious to vicious,” grinned Ana putting a hand on his shoulder.  He turned abruptly gathering her into his arms.

“Now that may just work.  First let’s see what’s to eat I’m starving.”

“It’ll give her,” she kissed his lips gently, “a while to calm down and think.”

They sauntered across to the kitchen to see what they could find.




The old Johnson home was silent; curtains drawn tightly no real activity to be heard or seen.  Yuri was on silent watch with a team surrounding the house guns at the ready.  They were very patient and could stay like this for hours, days if need be.  They knew there were at least three people from the thermascope imaging.  Who they were was anyone’s guess at this stage.

Inside the house sat an amused Truit.  Anastasia was a beautiful woman.  He was looking forward to having her.  No doubt she was a whore just like her mother.  It had been a somber day when he’d killed Maria she’d been his favourite whore even though she bore him a girl child.  Pity Garrett got away with her.  It had been years later when he found out the child had lived.  His carefully laid plans since then were coming together nicely. Anastasia would be his and Fletcher would be very dead.


“Yes Morgan, you’ve an update for me.”

“They’re fighting back sir.”

“Well, of course, they are, though I doubt they’ll find your clever little worm among all that, will they now?” He replied lifting an eyebrow.

“That’s doubtful.  They’ve been close a few times, though.”

“Well, make sure they get no closer, or your life may not be worth living for much longer.”

Morgan gulped, starting to wish he’d never met this strange man.  The money for what it was worth would get him out of debt and his kids into private education though the thought of death made him pale.

“Y-yes sir,” Morgan stuttered as he turned leaving the room hurriedly to get back to his computers.

“Hayes, get me a scotch.”

“Yes boss,” he grinned, walking out of the shadowy corner.

“So what’s next boss.  Once you’re in what are you going to do?”

“Well, you’ll just have to wait and see Hayes.  The fewer people who know, the less likely…” he trailed off with a grin.

“It’s good to see you enjoying yourself again boss,” replied Hayes passing him his scotch.

“Yep, been quite a while since I’ve had this much fun.” Looking up at his Butler of old, “It’s mainly you I have to thank for this, finding Anastasia was should we say a brilliant stroke of extraordinary luck for me.”

“Happy to help as always boss.”

Truit laughed loudly at the thought of telling Anastasia he was her father, what a shock she’d get.  Then he would take her as he’d taken her mother.  He licked his lips in anticipation seeing her in his minds’ eye.



“Yes Carl.”

“We have movement in the study, light just went on.”

“Set up the laser mic, we need to know what’s going on.”

“I’ll report back shortly.”

“Do that Carl.”


Morgan was tapping away on the keyboards surrounding him, eagerly anticipating each move to close him out at Trengrove, smiling, shaking his head, muttering at their cleverness, wondering who he was up against.  He’d never come across anyone as good as himself before; this one was certainly going to be a bit trickier.


“Just get the occasional mutter Yuri.”

“Sod it.”

“Just general comments ‘clever sod’ etc.”

‘Bloody fantastic,” sighed Yuri.  “See if you can get anything from the front room, where the other two people are.”

“Will do,” said Carl crawling on his stomach to a closer position.  “Got them Yuri,”

“Good, anything you think important report in.”

“Copy,” he replied.


“You make a good steak Mal.”

“Yeah, I do.” He replied with a satisfied smile.

“So should we go see how Maggie’s doing?  Are you going to watch?”

“What a great idea.” He smiled, making his way to the small room next to the basement.  It was where his mother’s recording studio used to be.  Now it had closed circuit TV for the basement.


Back down to the old music room, handcuffed to a chair sat Maggie, still mad at herself at getting caught, hoping to use her wiles on Mal, he was so easy to use.  Blaze was going to be real mad at her getting caught like this.  The bruises she already had from her last beating were only just starting to fade.

The door opened, Anastasia in stepped alone.

“Where’s Malachy,” she asked, pulling on the handcuffs.

“Now what am I to do with you Miss Carrington,” Ana inquired, ignoring her comment.

“Where’s Mal,” snapped Maggie.

Ana wandered slowly across the floor, circling Maggie, “see that blood on the floor, Miss Carrington?  That’s from our last prisoner; we chopped off a few fingers,” she smiled.

“Fuck off bitch.”

“Still no manners, I see,” Ana slapped her across the face, making Maggie’s head snap back, “Now behave and be good or…”

“Oh, I tremble in fear bitch,” Maggie bit out through clenched teeth

“Well, if you’re not already you should be Miss Carrington.”  Ana turned to the table in the corner of the room.  Walking over, she looked down at the nicely set out tools.  “Pilers today perhaps,” she said looking over her shoulder glancing at Maggie.  “How would you like to lose a few fingernails, Miss Carrington?  I have a fine pair of pliers here.”  Ana saw Maggie shake slightly her hands tightened on the chair until her knuckles were white.

“I’m not scared of you bitch,” she replied tossing her blonde hair back.

“Well, Miss Carrington you should be scared.”

“Where’s Malachy?”

“He’s far too busy to see you my darling,” Ana replied, approaching Maggie with the pliers.  “Now let’s have a look at your lovely fingernails.”

“You keep the fuck away from me bitch,” Maggie snarled trying to flinch away as Ana grabbed her hand.

“Oh, such beautiful nails.  I do love that gorgeous red colour, pity you’re going to lose it shortly,” she looked into her eyes, “well, unless you tell me why you were chasing our car?”

“I wasn’t chasing your car for fucks sake.  I was going to see my fiancé.”

Ana placed the pliers on Maggie’s little fingernail snapping them shut.  “Are you sure about that Maggie girl?” she said mildly.  “This will really hurt you know.”

“I wasn’t following you or chasing you,” she said through gritted teeth.

“Oh dear, that’s sad to hear.”  Ana tore Maggie’s little fingernail out.  Maggie’s scream echoed through the room, tears sliding down her face as her finger throbbed, blood dripping on the floor.  Her chin on her chest, she shuddered, taking big heaving breaths. Once back in control she looked Ana in the eyes “You bitch, you’ll regret this,” her voice full of venom.

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