He's Her (12 page)

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Authors: Mimi Barbour

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Short Stories & Anthologies, #Short Stories, #Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Time Travel, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Single Authors

BOOK: He's Her
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Joey’s pretty-boy face gave him an undeniably angelic appearance. With women, he used this blessing to compensate for his lack of height. With men, his tendency to overcome his body’s... um...shortcoming was by being a bit of a bully, albeit using others’ “muscle.” He was a ladies’ man, and it wasn’t unusual to see a different girl clutching each arm most times when Ashley ran across him in the bars. Call it charisma, or the fact that in Joey’s eyes every woman he met was beautiful. Whatever. It worked for him. He had surprising flair, and his well-toned, muscular physique looked great in the suits he had custom made.

Having had enough time to gather his strength, Ash let his body sag to give the impression he was finished. His strategy appeared to be working, as the boys loosened their grip. His feet were steady, and his mind sharp and primed.

Just as he was about to make his move, a deafening scream came from behind him and changed the scenario. A baseball bat suddenly leveled the fellow on his left. A karate screech accompanied a flash of white that swung past him as the figure twirled and swung at the openmouthed idiot on his right.

There was no time to stop and watch. Joey’s hand began reaching inside his suit jacket, and Ashley moved with lightning speed. His right foot kicked out and landed smack dab on Joey’s chin. The chump dropped like a felled tree, hitting the ground about three feet away from where he’d been standing.

Quickly ducking and grabbing the wild kid, who still wielded the bat, Ashley headed for the entrance to the alley where the impromptu party had taken place.

“Stop that! Put me down. Hey, my bat! I dropped my bat.” All the while her mouth worked, so did her compact little body full of strong muscles, slippery moves, and—fully endowed chest. As realization hit him that he held a female under his arm, he came close to dropping her. But he knew they had no time to stop. With a fast twirl he swept the bat up in his free hand and kept going. Joey and the boys would be hot on their trail soon. They needed to get to where there were lights and people. Lots of witnesses meant safety.

When they reached the entrance to the busy street, he hissed in a strained voice, “Okay, I’ll put you down, but unless you want me to take another beating to save you, we have to move. By the way, doll, what’s your name?”

“Crystal Davis. And excuse me! I saved you.”



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This book is written with love for my special man, who’s a really nice guy!











He’s Her
“Assuming that there will be a third story in this series, I personally am curious as to how
Ms Barbour
is going to continue the theme and whether she can keep it as fresh and unique as
He’s Her
undoubtedly is.

Reviewed by ~ Whitney


He’s Her
 “lends a new definition to the term “cerebral love,” since the two main characters fall in love while cohabitating in one body. This is a sweet romance with just a touch of sensuality to it, and all love-making is mental and “spiritual” instead of physical.”

Reviewed ~ Fallen Angels review




“I found the story line original and I love the focus on the distance that the characters travel—even some of the secondary ones. It’s tightly written with a crisp turn of phrase...quirky and sparky, and Ms. Barbour gets the mix right. And the end—well, it just made me want to go ‘Aaaaahhhhh...sweet!’ A great little story. Recommended.”

(Rating: Fantastic, Stays on Shelf)
~Vasiliki Scurfield, WRDF Reviews

Praise for the books in The Vicarage bench Series





"She's Me is less a romance and more a story of transformation. Lucy, with Jenna as her style coach, discovers her confidence and sense of self. In return, some of Lucy's lovable charm rubs off on the tough talking Jenna. The woman needs it. Even the gentle Jenna is difficult to like. That is what makes her so unique and so real. The switch back gets a bit complicated, distracting from the wonderful inner journey. She's Me is delightfully deep read."
~Kimber , Fallen Angels Review






"A delightful quick read!  We're One is a feel good story perfect for a long plane ride or at the end of a stressful day."

~K. L. Mc Loughlin, author of BABY STEPS, host of PIVTR's Today's Women



Thank you so much for reading He’s Her
the second book

in The Vicarage Bench Series.

I loved writing this story and I hope you enjoyed reading it.



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About the Author


Mimi Barbour lives on the beautiful west coast on Vancouver Island and

writes her paranormal romances with tongue in cheek and a mad glint in her eye.


Asked why she prefers paranormal, she answers - chuckling


“Because it’s fun! Imagination can be a lot more interesting than what happens in real life to so-called normal people. I love my characters, and my goal is to make the readers love them also. To care about what happens to them while the tale unfolds. If I can steal my booklover’s attention away from their every-day grind, absorb them into a fantasy world, and make them care about the ending, then I’ve done my job.

Angels with Attitudes Series



Book one
My Cheeky Angel
With he help of a cheeky angel, lonely naive tomboy, Annie Hynes, changes lifestyles and becomes a powerful businesswoman who gets so wrapped up in her new world that she risks losing her friends, the man she loves and her self-respect.


The second book in this series is called
Devious Angel
Man-hater Sadie Wright gets mixed up with a crazy, hotshot soldier when he runs her down with his convertible. Now she's stuck having to accept his help to do her dog-walking job. Just her luck that some of the expensive pets go missing, and Liam decides the puppy-mill rumour needs to be investigated. And when they work together….darned if sparks don’t fly!

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