Heroin Love (2 page)

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Authors: I.M. Hunter

BOOK: Heroin Love
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Chapter Three


Jess reached under her desk and pressed a button, almost like a teller getting robbed in a bank. In the distance you hear a bell going off, like a school bell ringing at the end of the day. What followed was an echo of, click clack, the sound of high heels hitting the ground, and not just one, many of them echoing as they walked down the hall towards the front of the building.

Then appeared the first model, a long legged brunette wearing a skimpy Brazilian bikini, quickly followed by a blonde, a red head, an asian, and they just kept funneling out of the hallway as if they were on a conveyor belt. I was standing there, just standing like a deer in the headlights just eyeing these beautiful women up. Jess spoke up to break the trance like state I was in.

"Now just pick a model, and go take some pictures."

Standing there like a kid told to pick any toy he wanted.

The only thing I could get out of my mouth was "Uhhhh, Uhhhh...."

Looking and looking, taking inventory in my head of which I fancied the most, should it be the Latina, the redhead, the asian, one of the brunettes, one of the blondes? Confused and overwhelmed by the decisions, I couldn't decide.

Then it happened. I locked eyes with a blonde hair, blue eye goddess. Her breast were round and firm, stomach flat and hard, with long defined legs. The oil was glistening in the lights like an angel in heaven. She was standing sideways, one leg slightly bent, wearing a vibrant blue bikini that barely had enough material to cover up her nipples, vagina, and her ass. I cant believe I'm actually going to say this but I smiled and presented my choice.

“I will take the blonde in blue." The other girls begin to walk back down the hallway as the blonde approaches me.

"Hi I'm Rachael, whats your name stud?" Being shocked by how sexy she was I could barely form a coherent statement...

"Uhh, I'm...I'm Kevin."

"Okay, Kevin follow me." She whispers and gently grabs my hand and starts pulling me down the hallway.

As I pass Jess she just flashes me that signature grin of hers and we continue down the hall. We pass all these blank peculiar doors, no names, no descriptions, nothing. I peered down and had a perfect view of her firm ass gracefully bouncing as she walked down the hallway.

We approached a door, when she opened it all that was in the room was a bed, and a dresser. I looked curiously around the room, not noticing any photography gear... not even a camera. Something just doesn't feel right, I shouldn't be here.

She sat me down on the bed, and whispered in my ear in a sexy tone "I'll be right back."

She left and I begin to become very anxious and confused. I looked toward the dresser and noticed bottles of lotion, lube, oil, and even a medicine bottle that had some triangular pills inside it. Then it hit me, I just realized where I was and what I signed up for. I walked into a whore house. Panic came over me, conflicted with my decisions thus far and didn't know what to do. As beautiful as Rachael was, I didn't want to cheat on my wife, I loved my wife. I began pacing the room vigorously, weighing my options, and quickly decided to leave. I headed towards the door and when I opened it BOOM there she was. We locked eyes again and once more I just stood there jaw dropped motionless. 

She began rubbing my chest gently "You weren't going to leave me were you, Kevin?" 

I gathered my thoughts and politely responded "Your beautiful and everything but I have a wife and kids," making a gesture towards my ring "I just can't do this." And I make a motion to the side of her to leave.

As I made my move to leave she put her hand on my chest pushing me back to the bed, "Let's just relax."

My legs mimicking jello, I simply followed her push and fell on the bed. I sit upright and she gets behind me. She begins massaging my shoulders, rubbing my arms and legs. 

She leans in and whispers in my ear "So Kev, what is it that you want?" She begins kissing my neck, biting my ear. "Come on Kev tell me, Come on." 

Kev was a name of endearment that I loved and how she knew was astonishing, my wife called me 'Kev'. She continued seducing me, reaching her hand around to feel up my crotch. Kissing my neck passionately, she was really revving me up which abruptly stopped as Rachael got off the bed to stand up in front of me. Looking down towards the floor conflicted and confused, I was ashamed of myself. She gingerly put her hand under my chin and picked my head up to glare into my eyes.

Rachael stared into my eyes, with vibrant Caribbean ocean blue eyes how could I resist what she asked me "Do you want this?" Motioning towards her mouth.

I gave her a slight nod.

"And what about this?" She motion toward her pussy, once again I gave her a nod. 

She took her hands and pushed my chest forcing me to lay down on the bed. Rachael ripped open my dress shirt so fierce it caused buttons to go flying, then she began to caress my chest, slowly working her way down to my abs, and finally my legs. Steadily unbuttoning my dress slacks, she looks at me and lets out an arousing smile. I begin to quiver with excitement, being with the same women for 25 years I forgot how invigorating sex could be. Although I continued to tell myself I shouldn't be here and that I need to leave but I was stuck in her trance.

I was down to my boxers and before I knew it she began groping me. I became rock hard instantaneously, I haven't had a response like that in ages. After vigorously groping me she proceeded to remove my boxers... And there I was lying in a strangers bed, not knowing how many men have been here before, naked. I had a feeling of apathy as I laid there, I deserved a little fun too. Rachel jumped on the bed next to me and started to stroke my dick while she was kissing my neck. The urges became to much for me to handle and I started to sit up so I could over take her and control the situation.

Just in that instance she pushed me back down moving her index finger back and forth "Tsk, Tsk, not so fast hun," she commanded.

Rachel stood up gingerly and began to walk back towards the dresser, not letting her blue ocean eyes off me. Reaching into the drawer, she ruffled her hand for a second and pulled out a small golden square package and reassured me "This is for our protection." She glides back towards me, separates my legs while smiling at me and rips that golden package open with her teeth. Placing the condom on the tip of my penis, she gets on her knees and proceeds to fully put it over my penis with her mouth. The feeling of warmth on me was intoxicating, it has been a long time since anyone has given me head.

"Whoa, what a trick" I complemented.

She looked up and just let out a cute school girl type of laugh. Then she really committed to the act, and began sucking on me so hard, bobbing her head quickly. Reaching with her free hand, she began massaging my balls, pulling on them and I just let out the biggest moan of my life.


She stops blowing me, continues jerking me off, "How do you like that, Kev?"

Trying to gather my thoughts, I stuttered "It's wonderful, keep going." 

Rachael proceeded to stand up and started to dance seductively. Caressing my lower body and teasing me she reached behind her back and loosened her bikini top and revealed her breasts. They were perfect, just the size I like.

She pulled me up and slammed my face into her chest, "Suck on those titties," she demanded, and I did it with pleasure. 

Flicking her nipple with my tongue just as a tease, I then began sucking on her nipple so hard, practically tearing them off. Nibbling on the tips of her nipples I hear her let out the most intoxicated moans in my ears. I continue pleasuring her and reach into her bikini bottom, feeling the freshly shaven smoothness of her vagina I begin rubbing her intensely.

It was soaked and ready to go, and in this instance she leaned and demanded "Fuck me, Kev!"

I grabbed her, picked her up, and slammed her down on the bed in excitement. Ripping off her bottoms, I spread her legs, jumped on top of her, stared into her beautiful eyes and began to push myself inside of her. She was very tight, and without further foreplay I began pounding her furiously like an animal in heat.

The moans coming out of her were loud and expressive "Mmmmm, harder," "Ohhh yeah, right there," "Fuck me harder, is that all you’ve got?"

Taunting me into going faster and harder, and did I comply without question. Although it may have been a performance it didn't phase me, I was enjoying the noise of a women. I was in control of the situation now, I demanded her to get up, and get on all fours. I mounted her and grabbed her long golden hair, forcing her head back. This was my favorite position to have sex with a women, it made her vulnerable and put you in control. I continued thrusting into her and then the feeling of her wet warmth became too much to resit, I was about to cum.

I was fucking with such force the headboard was smacking into the wall it rested on. Moaning in euphoria about my climax. Rachael picked up on this, I didn’t know if she could tell by her intuition or extensive experience of fucking guys but she pushed me off of her and turned around to begin blowing me again. Exploded, I came with such force the condom ripped and my cum filled her mouth. Rachael tilts her head back and swallows.

"Mmmmmm, that was fun Kev. I am going to go clean up, go see Jess before you leave."

She began to walk away when I grabbed her hand "Wait, don't leave just yet."

“Sorry Kev, I don't cuddle."

"Wait, wait, let me give you something," I pleaded, while peering around the room looking for my pants. "Don't move."

Searching without delay, I went to go reach for my pants. I reached into my back pocket to retrieve my wallet. Retrieving my business card, I wrote my cell phone number on the back of the card.

"I really enjoyed you today, give me a call and we can hang out and get lunch sometime."

She stared into my eyes for the final time, tossed me a smirk and walked into the next room. Trying to compose my self I continued to get dressed, only being able to partially button up my dress shirt because of the missing buttons, I walked out of the room and down the hall.

I approached Jess she asks me sarcastically " How was your photoshoot?"

I smiled "It was delightful, what now?"

"This one is on the house, but be sure to let your friends know about us." She requested. 

"Thanks, and sure thing. I will do my best."

I proceeded to walk towards the exit when I hear Jess jokingly say "See you real soon."

I turned towards her and questioned "What makes you think that?"

She put on a huge smile and pointed towards nothing "Thin walls Kev."

I smiled and left the building.






Chapter Four


Sitting inside my truck, pulled into the cobblestone driveway, just staring at my house. Headlights revealed the brick veneer that surrounded my home, the meticulously trimmed planters were swaying slightly from the ocean breeze.

Not sure what to think, I just had an incredible experience with a prostitute, a very sexy one but nonetheless still a prostitute and inside was my whole life. It was a very torturous experiences sitting there thinking, being torn by the decisions I made throughout the day. I see the door to the house swing open and my wife Megan was standing there.

"What are you doing? Come inside," yelling to make sure I heard her in the truck. She turned back into the house closing the door.

Hmm, that was weird she never comes out like that, maybe she has a surprise for me being its my birthday. I reflected for a few more seconds, let out a big sigh, and proceeded to walk casually towards the door. Excitement sprung through me as I entered the house.

The house appeared as it always did on a weekday evening, backpacks scattered in the foyer, dogs chasing each other throughout the house, the kids nowhere to be seen, probably in their rooms playing video games, and Megan in the kitchen cooking dinner. I made my rounds throughout the house, greeting Megan as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey hun, how was your day?"

"It was fine, how was your day?" she responded distracted by the task of prepping the food. 

"It was fine, thanks."

I gave her a peck on the back of the head as to not break her concentration and went towards the game room. And just as a suspected there they all were playing video games.

"What's up guys?" I directed to everyone.

"Sup, pops," echoed in unison as they all responded while still looking at their screens.

"How was school, what did you guys learn?" I inquired seriously.

"Nothing," they all resounded, still not looking away from the T.V.

That response always amazed me, I pay all this money for private education and they always learn nothing. Kids will be kids I guess.

"See you guys later." I said while walking towards my bedroom.

I felt disappointed, I guess there wasn't a big surprise. So much for being optimistic.

Just as I finished my shower, I hear Megan announcing that dinner is ready. I rummaged through the closet to find some comfortable clothes and went to the dinner table. She made one of my favorite dishes, balsamic glazed seared rib-eye steak, with maple dill carrots and garlic infused asparagus. I figured she did it for my birthday.

The kids rushed towards the table and began shoveling their food in as if they were hostages. The dinner table was quiet, all you heard was the sound of silverware hitting the plates as everyone ate. The kids finished their food in great haste and asked to be excused. Megan let them leave as she always did to avoid the arguments they would present to get back to whatever non important but seemed important to them task they were doing.

As Megan finished eating she looked towards me "I have to get Amber to bed."

Amber is my daughter’s daughter but we have been granted the task of taking care of her because my daughter Stephanie is unstable to be a good mother. Amber is autistic and needs to be on a strict schedule, with very rigorous routines to make her life easier. Megan would go put her in bed and watch T.V until Amber fell asleep which usually took a few hours. It was about 8 o'clock Megan got up from the table to go hunt down Amber.

"Have a good night." She directed towards me.

“You too, love you. Oh by the way your hair looks nice," I complemented even though it appeared it was said to deaf ears as she didn't even acknowledge my comment. And once more I was finishing my meal alone, not even a
‘Happy Birthday, Dad’
from anyone. I guess I shouldn't expect anything else, everyone is just caught up in their own little world.

I cleaned up dinner, and went onto the back patio to relax. I laid down on a lanyard hammock that was placed in between two palm tress on my lush green flawlessly cut lawn, and looked up at the stars. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, you could see every little star twinkling in the dark night sky. The full moon illuminating the ocean’s waves crashing into the sand as rustling palm fronds filled the air. 

Laying there in tranquility, thoughts of Rachael began to flood my mind. Her ocean blue eyes, flat firm stomach, long silky legs, her perfect breasts, and I could not get her out of my mind. I could practically see an apparition of Rachael hovering in the sky amongst the stars. Reflecting on our session together a smile swept across my face as I stared into the abyss.

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