Her Incubus Master (The Children of Lilith) (8 page)

BOOK: Her Incubus Master (The Children of Lilith)
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"None of the above." Amanda relaxed against the back
of the sofa, her arm pressing against Katie's, and took another sip of her
coffee. "Our parents were—well, I guess the best way to describe them
would be that they started out as political activists, then later on, they
founded a fairly successful business importing herbs and spices."

Spice and herb imports
was one way to describe
Vélos Enterprises, but it wasn't the first term that
Katie would have chosen to describe the hugely successful "natural
pharmaceuticals" company. But it did let her know that Amanda wanted to
keep her family connections on the down-low.

"So we moved around a lot."

"Are your parents still alive?" This was an honest
question. Aphrodisios and Psyche
Vélos had never
been celebrities, not in the kind of way that led paparazzi stalking them. They
never made the evening news, and they didn't even have a Wikipedia entry,
though their company did.

Amanda looked surprised by his question. "Of course! I
mean, yes. They visited us when Andras and I first moved here. They always
liked Yoshiko, and I think they were worried about Andras after she died."

She stopped speaking, her expressing suddenly somber, and
fiddled with her coffee cup. "He worried
when he abruptly quit
his job in Los Angeles right after her funeral and relocated here on a whim.
That kind of impulsiveness wasn't like him at all—in the past,
always the one who would get sick of a place and decide to move on, and he
always followed me, sooner or later. That's one reason I'm so glad that you
seem to have hit it off."

Katie drank more of the bubbly ambrosia. Amanda had refilled
her glass.

"It must be really nice to have such a close
relationship with your brother. My brother and sister are a lot older than I
am—like, my brother was getting ready to graduate from high school when I was
born." Katie giggled. "I was an 'oops!' baby after my parents thought
they were done, and it was kind of like being an only child. Mike and Stacey
were always nice to me, but we never had much in common. They were always more
like my uncle and aunt than the kind of siblings my friends had. You and Andras
sound like you're more of a package deal."

Amanda smiled. "You could say that. We have an older
sister, Korinna, but Andras and I have always been inseparable. Part of it
might be because we're twins, but a lot of it is probably because we spent so
much time living in foreign countries while we were growing up." She
paused, and her manner suddenly shifted to flirtatious. "Has Andras told
you about the time we shared the same girlfriend?"

Katie nearly choked on her drink. "No! How did that

"We were living in Germany at the time. Sabine was a
friend of mine—I had the most horrible crush on her, but was too shy to let her
know. She eventually figured it out, though, and we started dating...secretly,
because her parents were really conservative and would have made things really
unpleasant if they'd found out that their daughter was having a same-sex
relationship. So, officially, Sabine was being courted by Andras. Great cover
story, except that I found out it was true."

"And then what happened?" Katie asked, fascinated.

"Well," said Amanda, pragmatically. "I had
four choices." She ticked them off on her manicured fingers."One:
Write a dramatic suicide note about my broken heart and kill myself. Two: Kill
Andras, fake a dramatic suicide note, and hide his body." She smiled. "At
the time, I rather liked that idea, and had to talk myself out of it."

Katie laughed, and Amanda continued, "Three: Break up
with Sabine and let Andras have her. But that would have meant letting him win.
Couldn't have that! Or, four: find a way for both of us to date her."

"And she was okay with that?"

Amanda laughed again. "She
it. At first,
we each saw her alone, but pretty soon, she wanted us with her at the same
time. Maybe she thought we'd be jealous or competitive."

"Were you?"

Amanda expression was wicked. "No, we cooperated. She
wasn't expecting that. Her parents had gone out that evening, so we tied Sabine
up and played with her until she was screaming with pleasure. "

Katie had a vivid flash of memory, and felt her face heat.

Amanda leaned in close, and touched Katie's cheek with a
light caress. Her fingers felt ice-cold against Katie's alcohol-heated skin
"Ah, so you've already played that game with my brother, have you? That
bastard never shares any of the
details with me. Did you enjoy

Katie licked her lips, and saw Amanda's intense gaze, green
as her brother's, fasten on her mouth. "Yes. I, uh, did."

"Tell me. I want details," Amanda ordered. She
moved fractionally closer, so that she was now practically cuddling with Katie.

Strangely, Katie didn't mind. Amanda smelled nice, and it
never felt like she was invading personal space, even when she was pressed up
right against you.

"Well, um, I kind of have this little problem,"
Katie began, awkwardly, surprising herself with her willingness to obey
Amanda's request. She usually didn't discuss her sex life with
. "Before
I met your brother, I could never, um, climax while I was having sex..."

She continued talking. It became easier as she went along,
until the details were spilling out of her, spurred by Amanda's interest and
her occasional questions.

"--I used to think that those women who screamed during
sex were faking it, but your brother," Katie finished shyly, "makes
me scream for real. He does things—wonderful things, but it's too much. I
just...have to." She gave a helpless shrug, aware that reliving the
details had aroused her sex-deprived body.

"I had no idea you were such a talented
submissive," Amanda said, touching Katie's face again. "I see now
that I took entirely the wrong approach with you."

Katie had time just enough time to ask, "

Then a cold mouth touched hers, and Katie found herself
being kissed expertly by the other woman.

It felt good. Kind of weird, but really good.

She shouldn't. She really shouldn't be doing this with her
friend...with Andras'

Amanda nibbled on her lower lip. With a shuddering breath, Katie
closed eyes, parted her lips, and gave herself up to the experience as Amanda
took complete control.

Amanda was an amazing kisser. Katie had never thought she
would be attracted to a woman, but she was getting really, really turned on by
this. The place between her legs was now throbbing with a hot ache, her breasts
felt heavy and sensitive, and—

"You feel it, don't you? The discomfort of long
deprivation?" Amanda murmured, pausing in the line of kisses she was
laying down on Katie's throat. "It's really not good to go for such a long
time without an orgasm, especially now that my brother has trained your senses.
The next thing to come will be pain, the cramping that results from long
periods of unrelieved arousal is very unpleasant."

"Oh," said Katie, dazed from the kisses, and too
turned on to think straight.

"You know, if Andras was here right now, I'm sure he'd
give you permission to get some relief. He loves his little power games, but
he's not cruel." Amanda leaned forward again, and gave Katie a light,
lingering kiss. "In fact, I have
the thing."

As if by magic, a small egg-shaped object appeared in Amanda's
hand. "Open your legs for me," Amanda said.

Katie obeyed, unable to summon an objection. She was
painfully aroused.

Amanda's cool fingers slid under Katie's short skirt,
brushing her inner thighs as she reached between Katie's legs. Katie shivered
pleasurably at the touch, then jumped as she felt Amanda's fingers move aside
the crotch of her damp panties.

Katie moaned as that cool, confident touch explored her
swollen, sensitive folds.

"Oh, you poor thing," Amanda murmured, her
fingertip skating around Katie's entrance. "You're positively
with need, and so shamefully neglected." She inhaled like someone sampling
a fine wine.

Katie whimpered and tried to grind herself against Amanda's
teasing fingers. She needed more--

In response, Amanda pinched her needy clit lightly.

Katie gasped with pleasure, and Amanda was suddenly kissing
her again, her mouth greedy and devouring now as her fingers continued their
wicked work between Katie's legs.

"Would you like to come?" Amanda murmured. "I
can sense how much you need it."

"Oh God, yes...please," Katie whispered, arching
her back so that her hips thrust forward.

"Mmmm, I want to watch while you do."

Amanda's fingers stopped their delicious torment for a long
moment, then Katie felt something cool and hard press against her hot, aching
folds before Amanda moved her panties back into place.

"Close your legs tight, now, and keep them
together," Amanda commanded softly. She slid onto Katie's lap, straddling
her, and Katie saw that Amanda held a tiny remote in her hand.

With a wicked smile, Amanda pressed a button. Katie jumped
and gasped, nearly throwing Amanda off her lap as the thing pressed against her
clit gave a deep, powerful vibration.

"Do you like that?"

"Yes!" Katie almost shouted. "Please..."

Amanda pulled up Katie's t-shirt. Before Katie could react,
the other woman unfastened her bra, exposing her breasts.

Amanda's long, manicured fingers caressed the swell of
Katie's bared breasts, then lingered over her stiff nipples, teasing them with
an unbearably light touch.

"Very pretty," Amanda said, and Katie smiled
widely, foolishly in reply. She felt tipsy and really, really turned on.

"Please...touch me harder," Katie whispered.

God, she was so drunk...but this felt so
especially when Amanda turned on the remote-controlled vibrator again.

Amanda cupped her breasts and took her nipples firmly
between thumb and forefinger.

"Mmmm." Katie arched her back, offering her
breasts shamelessly to that delicious caress.

"Let me know if it's too much," Amanda murmured,
her fingers busily pinching and rolling Katie's nipples, each sharp sensation
sending sparks down Katie's spine.

All the while, the vibrator worked against her clit with
erratic bursts.

So good...I might actually be able to come...
let her head loll against the back of the antique sofa, floating in pure

"Your turn," Amanda ordered.

Katie opened her eyes, blinking, and saw that the woman on
her lap was now nude from the waist up. Amanda's breasts were generous, with
large, dark brown nipples.

Well, it's only fair
, Katie thought. She reached up
and tentatively cupped Amanda's breasts. They were cool and heavy against her
palms, the pale skin silky and soft. She rubbed her thumbs over Amanda's
nipples, feeling them stiffen under her caress.

"That's good," Amanda said, rewarding Katie with a
short, sharp burst from the vibrator. "Now use your mouth," she
ordered. "And gently. I prefer a light touch."

Katie put her hands on Amanda's waist and obediently bent
her head to Amanda's breasts. She brushed a kiss over one nipple, and Amanda
sighed with pleasure. Katie repeated the gesture with the other breast, and
felt Amanda's fingers slide into her hair.

The vibrator thrummed between her legs for a few moments,
tormenting her hungry clit. "More," commanded Amanda.

In response, Katie touched her tongue to the stiff nipple,
and swirled around it as if it were a piece of candy.

"Yes, like that," Amanda said, and as a sign of
her approval, the vibrator roared to life again.

Katie redoubled her efforts, switching between Amanda's
breasts, licking and sucking as she felt the delicious, long-awaited coil of
tension finally starting in her lower belly.

"You're getting close, aren't you?" Amanda said.

Katie nodded.

Amanda took Katie's face between her hands, and kissed her
hard, thrusting her tongue into Katie's mouth.

Under the toy's relentless, thrumming caress, Katy closed
her eyes and felt herself ride the rollercoaster car up and up and up...

Finally, she plunged steeply into her climax, convulsing
under Amanda's weight.

Amanda continued to kiss Katie as the pleasure ripped
through her, almost unbearably intense after her long period of deprivation.

Katie opened her eyes as the intense ripples of pleasure
began to subside, and gasped.

Sitting astride her lap, Amanda looked utterly transformed.
Her green eyes looked like a cat's, with slit pupils, and she had pointed
canine teeth, and—

"Wow," Katie whispered in wonder. Not trusting her
eyes, she reached out and gently traced the curve of a large wing.

The reddish-brown feathers felt smooth and soft under her
fingertips. Katie jerked back her hand as if she had been burned.

They were either real, or she was having a really vivid

it!" Amanda exclaimed, sounding
satisfied. "You
see beyond the glamour. You can see the

the real you?" Katie asked in
disbelief. "I'm not—I'm not seeing things?"

Amanda smiled, looking pleased. And somehow a lot less tired
now. Still straddling Katie's lap, she stretched luxuriously, arching her back and
thrusting out her breasts. Her wings—
—unfolded with the sound of
sliding silk, and extended.

Katie stared at them, still not quite able to believe. They
were beautiful, the feathers shading from a pale cinnamon hue like to a deep mahogany

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