Her Incubus Master (The Children of Lilith) (5 page)

BOOK: Her Incubus Master (The Children of Lilith)
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She felt exhausted and chilled in the aftermath, but so
relaxed and so good. And almost too tired to open her eyes.

Andras left for a short while and returned with a blanket.
He tucked it around her and stretched out next to her on the sofa,

"You are so beautiful and so perfect. I loved touching
you and playing with you, and learning what you need," he said, embracing
her and gently kissing her eyelids, her mouth, her cheeks, and nuzzling her

didn't get to come," Katie said,
feeling guilty. She reached out and pressed her hand against his unrelieved
erection. "No one's ever—I mean, I would really love it if you fucked me,
Andras. Or maybe I can give you a blow job?"

"Oh, I got more than I expected, believe me," he
said, his voice rumbling where her ear was pressed to his chest.

He took her hand and gently but firmly moved it away from
his groin.


He overrode her. "Now that we've established that
there's absolutely nothing wrong with your sexual response, for our next date, I'd
like to spend some more time exploring your responses."

Exploration sounded fun. What other little surprises did he
have in store for her? She couldn't wait.

"Will you fuck me next time? I'm ready, I know I am,"
she begged.

He shook his head. "Patience, Katie. You agreed to
submit to me, remember?
make the rules, and I'll let you know

He kissed her, his mouth hot against her chilled skin.
"Speaking of rules, I want to remind you: absolutely no orgasms until I
see you again."

"What happens if I break that rule? Accidentally, I
mean," Katie asked.

"Accidentally?" He chuckled. "What does that
mean, exactly? You think you might accidentally slip and fall on top of your
vibrator? The one that's supposed to be locked away?"

"Well, I
be cleaning house, and..." Katie
couldn't help laughing at his expression. "Okay, lame scenario. I get

Andras continued, serious now "In that case, I'll give
you a choice: either we don't see each other again, or you accept a punishment
of my choosing, and we continue. Do you understand?"

She nodded. "I'll be good, because I definitely want to
see you again. You're

"And a keeper?" he teased.

"Definitely a keeper," she assured him, pressing
herself against him. "So, when can I see you again?"

He'd just given her the best sex she had ever had, and, as
promised, he hadn't even removed her underwear or any of his own clothes!

She wasn't sure she could survive full naked contact with
him, but she was willing to try.

"Thank you." He chuckled. "How about Saturday
night? At Bari-uma around 7:00 p.m.? Do you like sushi?"

"Love it," she assured him.

2. Katie is Tied in Knots

project team meeting seemed to last
forever this week. Finally released from captivity, Amanda strode out of the
conference room before anyone could collar her with another asinine question.
She headed downstairs and outside.

She called Andras as soon as she reached the privacy in the
office building's courtyard.

She didn't bother with a greeting when he answered.

"You know," she said, trying to sound stern, "I'm
going to hold you responsible if Katie misses her deadline to deliver that new
set of corporate logos to
And they're our only real client right

"Oh?" Her brother was purring, damn him!

"She's spent the day so far being horribly distracted.
My darling, hard-working, super-focused little graphic artist genius is
currently sitting at her desk with a vacuous smile, and staring out the window.
She is freaking glowing, Andras! What on earth did you

"You're seriously asking an incubus that
question?" He laughed, the rat bastard. "What has she told you?"

Amanda sighed. "As if your ego needs even more feeding!
She thinks you're wonderful and amazing, and has been singing your praises
non-stop. I swear, if I weren't related to you , and hadn't actually known you
all my life, I'd think about trying to steal you from her."

"She told me I was a
." Andras
sounded like he was savoring the word like a sip of fine Cognac. "And then
proposed marriage. Granted, it was in the middle of a foot rub, which often
incites false passion—"

"I hate you. You know that, right?" Amanda was
suddenly sorry she'd called. She briefly contemplated the satisfaction of
flinging her iPhone across the courtyard, versus the inconvenience of being
without it until she could replace it.

He laughed again. "Then why did you call me? Surely Katie
confided in you?"

"No juicy details, alas, just that you are, and I
the most wonderful man, and thank you so much for setting us up on
that date, Amanda
." She realized she sounded bitter.

Andras heard it, too, and the humor left his voice. "Sister
mine, what's going on? I thought you'd be happy that things were going

"I am," Amanda said, knowing that she wasn't being
rational or fair. "And I'm sorry. It's just—my date last night was another

"I'm sorry," he said, instantly. He'd always had
the gift of projecting sympathetic warmth, and it was even sincere.

"I'm so lonely, Andras," she told him. "I thought
I'd have better luck in this city, with all these young, bright,
people. But none of them have the right kind of aura. I feel like I'm going to
starve to death before I meet someone who can be my
And to hear that you might have found a
candidate right on your
first real date after Yoshiko...it's
" She blew out her
breath. "I know I'm being petty. And I'm sorry. I'm glad things are going so
well for you, really I am. It just reminds me what's missing in my own life,
that's all."

All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all
manner of thing shall be well
," Andras quoted gently. "Have you
thought about working as a professional dominatrix again? Perhaps establishing
a Temple of Lilith here? That might bring you...well, if not a
at least a stable of regular clients."

"I could," she agreed, unenthusiastically.
"But I don't
to. I want—I want what
have!" She
paused. "Lost gods, I sound like a petulant child. It's not very

"What I've
," Andras reminded her,
"is two successful dates so far. That's promising, yes, but a long way
from being known for what truly I am, and having a mortal agree to take the
oath to me."

"Katie is special," Amanda said. "I can sense

* * *

"You really
like sushi, do you?"
Andras asked two nights later, eying Katie's order. "I would have happily
taken you to another restaurant. What happened to honesty?"

She bit her lip, embarrassed, and looked down at the large
square plate, which held a selection of California roll, grilled eel
cooked crab
and tempura shrimp

"I like sushi!" she protested. "Just not, uh,
the raw kind."

At least that made him laugh.

"But, seriously, you
to like sushi in this
city," Katie continued. "It's practically a law, especially if you
work in high tech. People look at you funny if you tell them you don't like raw
fish." She wrinkled her nose. "And it's really expensive for what you
get. Back home, I could get a steak larger than your head, with all the trimmings,
for the cost of these teeny portions. And by the way, I'm going to be hungry
again in about three hours."

Andras laughed again.

He had ordered the sashimi platter, and his plate was
covered with a nest of julienned Japanese radish, over which slices of raw fish
in colors ranging from translucent white to deep blood-red had been artistically
arranged. He had been dipping the pieces of fish into a mixture of soy sauce
and wasabi, and eating them with every evidence of enjoyment.

"I'll keep that in mind, and promise to make you a
snack once I've had my wicked way with you," he said, his voice suddenly
sounding very sexy. "There might even be chocolate."

"You're just trying to make me beg for it, aren't
you?" She grinned at him.

Being had by him in a wicked way sounded

He responded with a slow smile that did funny things to her
chest and regions further south. "Oh, I'll have you begging. No
about it." He leaned across the table, and lowered his voice. "You
know how everyone's got a special talent? Making a beautiful woman beg is

"Well, congratulations, you've got the supermodels
covered, then," she riposted. "But what about the rest of us? You
know, the
reasonably good-looking but not gorgeous
contingent? Is that
why you keep the chocolate in reserve?"

He looked genuinely taken aback.
She'd been
aiming for funny, hoping to get him to laugh again. He was utterly gorgeous
when he laughed, and he didn't do it often enough.

"You don't think you're beautiful?" he asked,
completely serious now. "Because, Katie, you
." He took her
hand, and kissed it.

"I don't—" she began to demur.

"And you're especially beautiful when you're turned on
and gasping out the phrase
please, sir
." The sexy smile returned.
"I liked that part. A lot. And I look forward to a repeat shortly, perhaps
with full frontal nudity this time."

She squirmed in her chair, the memory of their last date
bringing a sudden rush of heat to her cheeks and the pit of her belly.

Suddenly, she wasn't hungry any more. At least not for her

"Finish your dinner," he ordered. His lips quirked
as he added: "And I'll give you a nice surprise."

Katie abandoned her chopsticks and picked up a slice of
California roll with her fingers. "You are
a tease."

* * *

Back at his loft, Andras took Katie's hand, lacing his
fingers through hers, and led her upstairs to his bed.

She followed willingly, a pleasantly-nervous flutter in her
stomach as she wondered what he had in store for her.

Could he make her climax again? Or had their last date been
a freak occurrence?

Was he going to get naked for her?

Was he going to fuck her?

Then most of her ability to think straight vanished when he
slid his hands in her hair, and bent to kiss her mouth with delightful
thoroughness, building a slow burn between her legs.

"I'm going to remove every stitch of your clothing now.
Step out of your shoes, then don't move," he murmured, and she obeyed,
feeling a frisson of excitement.

He unzipped her cute floral-print dress and slowly drew it
over her head.

Underneath it, she was wearing another one of her special
purchases from Coup de Foudre. Katie liked it that Andras stopped to admire the
effect before slowly running his hands down her neck, over her shoulders, and
over her breasts.

He cupped them in his hands for a long moment before
expertly undoing the tiny front fastening, opening her bra like a precious book
before sliding it off her shoulders.

"Beautiful." He studied her breasts with open
admiration, then bent and gently blew over them.

Her nipples stiffened in response. They had been pleasantly
sensitive the day following their last date, and Katy had found herself discreetly
brushing her fingertips over them from time to time during the day, enjoying
the small shock of pleasure each time she did so.

She thrust her chest out a little under his scrutiny, hoping
he would touch her. He smiled at this, and brushed a frustrating, feather-light
kiss over the tip of each breast as he slid his hands with tantalizing slowness
down her waist to her hips. He hooked his thumbs under the waistband of her
pretty, lacy panties.

Slowly, ever so slowly, he pulled them down, sinking to one
knee, caressing the length of her legs. When they reached her ankles, Katie
stepped out of her panties.

Andras remained on his knees, putting his hands back on her
hips. He kissed her bare belly and she shivered with anticipation.

"Open your legs for me," he said.

Katie obeyed, and was rewarded by a teasing puff of air over
her sensitive folds before he rose to his feet again.

He kissed her softly. "I want to tie you up," he
told her, between kisses.  "And then I want to play with you until you're
moaning and screaming because you simply cannot help yourself, until you're
begging me to let you come."

A deep shiver moved through her at his words. "That
sounds wonderful," Katie said.

"Just wait," Andras promised. "Now, get on
the bed, and lay face-up, with your arms and legs outstretched.

The deep copper coverlet felt cool and silky against her
bare skin as she followed his directions.

The shiver of excitement returned when he produced lengths
of soft rope, and expertly tied her hands and legs to the bedposts.

"Not too tight?" he asked when he was finished.

"Nope," she confirmed, smiling up at him. Feeling
thrillingly exposed and utterly helpless, she gave her bindings an experimental
tug. He could do anything to her now, and she wouldn't be able to stop him.

Katie realized she should be questioning her decision to
trust him with this on their third date. Instead, the slow pulse of arousal began
throbbing between her legs.

"You'll inform me immediately if your hands or feet
begin to feel like they're falling asleep or going numb," Andras said.

"Yes...sir," she added, teasingly.

"I really like when you call me that," he purred, "especially
when you're naked and at my mercy." He picked up a pillow and slipped it under
her hips, raising them.

"How do you feel?" he asked, checking the tension
on the ropes again.

"Like a sacrificial offering to the God of Sex,"
she answered.

He rewarded her with a chuckle. "Well, now, I see you
have high expectations. I'll do my best to live up to them."

With that, he bent, and picked up something from the floor.
She saw he was holding a large tray, covered with a towel, which he placed on
the bed within easy reach.

Katie craned her head as he folded back the towel, and
swallowed hard.

Arranged on the tray was an impressive collection of
vibrators in all shapes and sizes, ranging from smooth, slender curved wands to
interestingly-shaped and textured items, to a giant, super-realistic cock
molded from soft flesh-colored silicone, bulging with swollen veins.

She eyed the impressive girth of that last item a little
nervously, wondering how it could possibly fit inside her.

"Remember, you're allowed to tell me if you don't like
something I do to you," he said, hefting the intimidating-looking dildo.

"O-okay." She bit her lip, suddenly nervous.

"Seriously now," said Andras, leaning over her to
look her in the eye. The fact that he was still dressed while she was naked and
spread-eagled made her arousal flare up another notch. "Same safe words as
last time:
. Use
only if
you're in real distress. Do you understand?

Katie nodded. "Yes, sir."

If you say
, I will immediately stop what I'm
doing, check to see that you're all right, and then either send you home or
take you to the hospital."

That gave Katie pause, tied up and helpless as she was.
you ever had to take anyone to the hospital doing, uh,
whatever it is you have planned?"

"No," he said, flatly. "But you need to understand
how seriously I take safe words."

She nodded.

"Good." He picked up the first vibrator, a heavy
duty item with a long electrical cord and a large round head. "Now, while
you did not exactly lie to me, you
mislead me about you really felt
about sushi."

"Um," she said, as he loomed over her.

"And you did this because...?"

Katie licked her lips nervously. "Because I didn't want
to sound totally lame?" she said, keeping a wary eye on the object in his

"I believe I requested complete honesty from you, did I
not?" Andras flicked a switch on the vibrator's handle, and it started up
with a deep thrum.

"Yes, sir," she said, a bit apprehensively.

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