Her Guardians Lost (Her Guardians Trilogy #2) (29 page)

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With a contented sigh, I took my seat, looking at my uncles. “I hope I did you both justice with that. It was just so hard to put down what I wanted to say.”

With tears in their eyes, they held onto my arm. “It was perfect, Cassie. Just perfect,” Billy whispered.

“Oh, look at us daft beggers, Billy. I never get emotional, but your niece has virtually had me non-stop crying since yesterday,” Chris said.

Wiping a tear from his eye, I smiled. “Yes, but I bet you wouldn’t have it any other way, would you? At least you know they’re tears of happiness. Let’s hope all your tears are happy ones from now on.”

“Cassie, what would we do without you?”

Shaking my head, I sighed with a cheeky smile. “I honestly don’t know, Billy.”




As the evening progressed, we watched as Billy and Chris cut the cake, then had their first dance together. I danced a little myself, but couldn’t help looking over my shoulder to see if Stephen might be around. I wasn’t sure how he would appear—if he would appear at all. As time passed, my heart slowly sank at the realisation he may never be granted a life with me. Whatever happened, I knew that as long as he would wait for me, I would live out my life knowing I would eventually be with him. Even if it took another fifty years, it would all be worth it.

Deciding to take a breather, I walked around to the other side of the bar where it was quiet. I sat down by the table where it all began and closed my eyes as the voices filled my head with memories of that day. I remembered how nervous and excited I felt around Stephen. In a sense, it was the day he made me find my womanhood. The day I found my sexuality. I never knew how good it could feel having someone you want so badly as close to you as Stephen was. He awoke the tiger in me, and she could not be tamed.

Smiling to myself, I opened my eyes and breathed out as the memories washed over me. I looked out the window and gasped as a shooting star shot across the blackness. On instinct, I shut my eyes and whispered, “I wish you could be here with me, Stephen.”

Without warning, the air grew thick with electricity, and our song came over the speakers. It was only a soft murmur, but was enough to hear the familiar words.

Smiling to myself, I opened my eyes and spotted a drink on my table. I hadn’t brought one with me, so that could only mean one thing.

With my heart beating frantically, I raised my head. Standing on the other side of the room was my mirage. He looked stunning with his hair in a mass of sexy waves, his eyes sparkling brighter than ever, and a grey suit hugging him in all the right places. He was so unbelievably handsome, I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

“Stephen?” I whispered, wondering if this was all just a dream. “Are you actually here?”

With a smile, he pointed out the window where another shooting star sprawled across the night sky. “Your wish, remember?”

I couldn’t seem to move as my eyes traced back to the man with whom I knew I would spend my life. The man with whom I would spend
my lives. I knew he was the one person who would forever be my constant. Now I knew exactly why I was here. I had a mission to accomplish, and I knew Stephen would be there to hold my hand. I felt I could accomplish anything with him by my side.

His eyes lit up as he saw my smile spread wide. Tears came, but they were now tears of joy—tears of absolute, overwhelming joy. He was actually finally here!

Seeing him now walking towards me, I didn’t know whether I could find my feet and get out of my seat. Instead, I sat there, rooted to the spot. His eyes danced over me as he stared longingly at my attire. The heat surfaced in every nook and cranny of my body as I watched him coming towards me like a prowling lion.

Once at my table, he stood tall and muscular, the biggest, cheekiest grin I had ever seen on his face. If it wasn’t for the fact I was still in so much shock, I think I would have laughed.

I watched as he held his hand out to me, a small square gift in his palm. His eyes danced all over me again and the gaze penetrated me so much, I thought I might pass out.

I couldn’t quite believe he wasn’t a mirage, that my brain wasn’t playing tricks on me. But I knew he was as real as anything. I knew all I had to do was reach out and touch him. Take him in my arms and never let him go again. I had once lost my Guardians and had been mourning the emptiness ever since. But now…now he had returned to me and I could finally see the happily ever after I had been dreaming of all my life. He wasn’t lost at all. He was here. He had always been here.

He was my guardian found.

Finally, I rose just as Stephen uttered three words I had been longing to hear from him all day. With an intake of breath, I braced myself to savour each and every word that left his lips. “Merry Christmas, Twinkles,” he whispered, as I ran into his arms.




To be continued in Her Guardian Found.



Cassie was now with the only man she had ever loved. The only man she would ever love. They beat the odds and found each other, even though the world around them seemed to fight them at every turn. Their love was everlasting and indeed the stuff of legends.


But there were forces out there willing to destroy the very thing that bound them together.


For as far as he could remember, Archangel Gabriel had done his level best to protect his daughter from the inevitable. He knew she held the key to earth’s salvation. He tried to delay what was inescapable. But you couldn’t stop what was meant to be. You couldn’t cheat what was written in the stars. So he did what any father would do and planned. He planned because he knew this day would come. The day that would mark a turning point in history.


The Renegades were back and they knew something monumental was about to take place. They also knew Cassie was at the very heart of it all. She held something they wanted. Something they needed to halt her and the other angels from ever changing the future.


And they would stop at nothing to get what they wanted.


As Cassie basked in the aftermath of her wedding, she was blissfully unaware other forces were at work…until her guardian came back to warn her about an army that was gathering to take her. One by one, the angels assembled to prevent a devastating future for all mankind…


World War Three.

The beginning of destruction.

The end of days.


Cassie held the key and she must be protected at all costs. With her guardians by her side, Cassie hid out in a farmhouse in Tuscany. There, she learned the truth about her parentage, the consequences of loving her guardian, and the shocking future she now held within her. She was frightened, but she knew her guardians would do everything in their power to keep her safe.


Other angels were soon sent to protect her but, on the way there, they went missing. Cassie knew that the Renegades were responsible for their disappearance. As time passed, they soon discovered just how precious and powerful a gift Cassie had when she was able to see things she had never experienced in her life before.


The angels knew they were there to prevent the terrible war, but they must also face a gruesome and devastating battle of their own.




As always, I want to thank my family, who are so supportive of me and my love of writing. Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I love you all to bits.

I also want to thank some beautiful and wonderful ladies out there who tirelessly pimp me until their fingers are sore. First of all, Sabine… What can I say that will truly convey how appreciative I have been for all your support? We met on a blog when you offered to read and review Until I Met You all those months ago, and it was the start of a beautiful friendship. You’re one amazing lady and all the thank yous in the world wouldn’t be enough.

The other three ladies who tirelessly pimp me are Dawn Vickers, Deb Cameron, and
Line Nørgaard Fallesen
. You’re all wonderful ladies and I feel honored to have found you.

Another shout out goes to Serena Kett. She gave me specific instructions to warn all you ladies to keep your hands off Stephen. The amount of times she has shouted MINE on Facebook is unreal! Are you happy now, Serena?

I also want to thank Chris Miles, a lawyer in Gibraltar. He helped me with the legal outcome for the very sensitive Justin Merryfield case. Thank you so much for your time in helping me.

And Kim, my super trooper, amazeballs editor from Kim’s Editing Services. What can I say about you, other than you’re amazeballs? By now, you must be sick of me telling you that, but it certainly won’t stop me.

And, as usual, I want to thank all the bloggers and readers out there who take time out of their busy lives to help all the authors like me. We would be nothing without you.

Other books by Jaimie Roberts




Take a Breath, and Take it Deep – Both have been pulled from Amazon for rewriting and editing. Release dates for both should be in 2015.


Until I Met You – Released 1
June 2014


Her Guardians – Released 31
August 2014


DEVIANT – Released 31
October 2014


Her Guardians Lost – Released 19
December 2014


Her Guardians Found – Release date in 2015


Redemption – Release date in 2015




Most fairytales end with a happily ever after.  This is not a fairytale.  He is not her Prince Charming about to whisk her away on his white horse into the sunset.  This is a story about betrayal, lust, desire, and ultimately revenge...


And revenge can only lead to one thing.




He was my stranger, my visitor, my shadow in the corner of my room.  He stalked me, watched me, knew everything about me.  But all I could do was sit and wait.  I waited for him night after night to visit me.  He was becoming my addiction, my craving, my obsession.  He knew every inch of me, but I knew nothing about him. 


His calls himself Lotus, and as crazy as it sounds, I think I’m falling in love.




I wanted to take her, possess her, dominate her, ruin her.  I wanted to ravish her, please her, consume her, until I couldn’t take much more of her.


She will want me to kiss her.  She will want me to hold her all night so that she felt a connection with me.  I would make it so that she would seek me out in the dark.  The one that fulfils her ultimate fantasy.  A stranger who sneaks into her room—her stranger.  Someone who gives her the ultimate pleasure, but also seeks at giving her ultimate pain.  Pain she has never had to endure.  Pain that will eat away at her until there is nothing left.


She was my nemesis, I was her lotus.  And payback was a bitch.

Author Bio


Jaimie Roberts was born in London, but moved to Gibraltar in 2001. She is married with two sons, and in her spare time, she writes.

In June 2013, Jaimie published her first book, Take a Breath, with the second released in November 2013. With the reviews, Jaimie took time out to read and learn how to become a better writer. She gets tremendous enjoyment out of writing, and even more so from the feedback she receives.

If you would like to send Jaimie a message, please do so by visiting her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorJaimieRoberts.































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