Her Guardians Lost (Her Guardians Trilogy #2) (28 page)

BOOK: Her Guardians Lost (Her Guardians Trilogy #2)
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With their sympathetic stares, Catherine wrapped her arm around me. “I’m sorry, Cassie. You’re all on your own today. We’ll keep you company, though. We’ll be your chaperone, won’t we, Lisa-Marie?”

“Without question,” she smiled. “Now, where’s the groom-to-be?”

Rolling my eyes, I directed them into the living room. “In there, getting himself into a right state. It’s been twenty-five years together today, but you’d think it was his first day all over again.”

“I think it’s sweet.” Catherine clasped her hands together and held them to her heart.

“I know. It really is. If it were me, I would be exactly the same.”

Nudging my shoulder, Lisa-Marie winked at me. “I’m sure that time will come soon enough. It’s a pity I couldn’t hold your hand and tell you when.”

Feeling my heart sink, I wished that it would be true. Although Stephen and I had only known each other on this earth for merely a few weeks, we’ve actually known each other our whole lives. It was almost as if we were created for one another.

Deciding not to dwell any longer, I offered Lisa-Marie a sweet smile. I wasn’t going to let it be known how my heart ached without him.

“Let’s go and see to the groom, shall we?” I ushered them inside. Billy was standing there, an edge of exhilaration in his stance. He almost looked like he had itching powder in his pants.

Rushing over to him, I placed my hand on his arm. “Calm down, Billy. I don’t want you to hyperventilate. Take deep breaths. Like this.” I breathed in deep, watching as Billy did the same. We both exhaled and I could see it had worked a little.

“That’s better. Now, let’s get the show on the road, shall we?”

Laughter filled the room as we all scrambled to get presents ready for opening. I had bought Billy a new electric shaver because he said he needed one. He was ecstatic over that. I bought Chris a new watch because I knew his old one had recently broken. Then I bought both of them a “Lifetime of Happy Memories” portfolio for their wedding. That one needed to be opened later.

For Lisa-Marie and Catherine, I had put together a beautiful photograph of them both from when we were together last. After the funeral, Billy and Chris invited us all around for dinner and took lots of photos. The next time I came over, I sifted through them all and picked my favourite one. I immediately bought a sterling silver frame and placed the picture inside. They both looked so happy in it, I couldn’t possibly let Billy keep it for himself. They were thrilled with the photograph. In fact, they stared at it for quite some time.

I received a silver locket from Billy and Chris. It had angel wings and you could open on either side. In private, he told me I could fill it with a photo of Stephen and me once we had reunited. To say I didn’t have tears in my eyes would be a lie. It was absolutely beautiful and I couldn’t wait to see if his assumption was correct.

From Lisa-Marie and Catherine, I received a gift card for my local liquor store “Are you trying to tell me something?” I joked when they handed it to me. I was extremely grateful, though. I knew I would definitely put it to good use.

Once the presents were out of the way, we got ready to make our way to the wedding. It was a cold day and had been snowing, but it still looked unbelievably magical.

We got to the gathering ten minutes earlier than scheduled. Luckily, the phone box was by a park so there weren’t any roads to consider. You could tell passers-by were wondering what on earth was going on.

Chris was standing next to his brother, looking every bit as nervous as Billy was when I arrived at their flat. He looked just as handsome, though, wearing a very similar suit to the one Billy had on.

“Cassie, you look amazing,” he smiled as he came in for a hug.

“You, too, Chris. Are you ready to finally make an honest man out of my uncle?”

Smiling, he said, “To be honest, I was ready years ago. I don’t know why we didn’t do it sooner.”

Rolling my eyes, I said, “Well, I suppose it has something to do with the silly laws not allowing you to. Thank goodness that’s changed.” Hearing Terry clear his throat, I decided it was time to make myself scarce.

Leaning in, I gave Chris a kiss on the cheek. “I’m going to leave now, but I’ll be hovering around in the crowd somewhere,” I joked. “I know you’ve always been family, but today we make that official.”

“So I have your blessing?”

Gasping, I held my hand over my heart. “That goes without saying, Chris,” I smiled. “Go knock his socks off!”

“Oh, that will be later,” he winked.

Laughing a little, I gave him a light smack on the arm and covered my ears. “I think I’m too much of a family member to know about that. My delicate ears can’t handle it.”

He laughed and came in for a swift hug. “I’m sure your time will come, Cassie. Then it will be Billy and me covering our ears.”

Walking away, I shouted over my shoulder, “I’m sure that’s a complete and utter lie, Chris.” Chris winked back, then he jogged towards Billy.

They looked utterly perfect for each other as I admired their loving stares. I looked around for Lisa-Marie and Catherine. They walked up to me, each offering me an arm for support. They both smiled and that was all they needed to offer. Today was going to be perfect.

“Standing here today, I’d like to present to you Billy Reginald Tanner and Chris Thomas Makepeace for their joining as one today.” Everyone clapped and cheered as Billy and Chris bowed.

“Chris and Billy, we are all gathered here today to witness and celebrate the love and respect you have for one another. Are you entering into this marriage freely, voluntarily, and without any conditions?”

They both said, “I do,” as a little tear slid down my face.

“Then I shall spare no more time by handing you over to make your vows. Billy, you can go first.”

Billy nodded towards Terry, then focused his eyes back on Chris with a tender smile. “I, Billy Tanner, take you, Chris Makepeace, to be my life partner, my best friend, and my one true love. I will cherish our marriage and honour you until the day I leave this earth. I will trust you, respect you, laugh and cry with you through good times and in bad. I will be your shoulder to lean on, your hand to hold throughout our lives. You have my heart and my love, and it has been that way since the day I picked up that phone. I give you my all from this day forward, as long as we both shall live.”

Billy finished without too many tears and I was proud of him. He was a bag of nerves earlier, but it all just seemed to melt away the minute he looked into Chris’ eyes.

“Now your turn, Chris,” Terry said, straightening his tie. The ceremony was obviously affecting him more than he wanted to let on.

“Billy Tanner, today I join my life with yours. Not only as your partner, but as your lover, your confidant, and best friend. Let me be the place you call home, the rock upon which you rest, your companion for life. I will join hands and walk with you through life’s path. Wherever you go from now on, I will be until I leave this earth.”

Just when I thought it couldn’t get more beautiful, it did. Chris nailed it with his vows, and the crowd was sniffling. Time seemed to stand still for a moment as I closed my eyes and wished Stephen could have been here to witness this with me.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts, I didn’t realize everyone was now looking at me. “Er, Cassie—the rings?” Terry asked as I stood there like an idiot.

Snapping out of it, I shook my head. “Oh, yes—sorry!” Running towards them both, I handed over the rings.
How embarrassing

I stood back and watched as Billy leaned in for a kiss. Everyone erupted with cheers. Even people from the crowd walking by were taking photographs and cheering.

Looking at both of them, I couldn’t help but think how wrong I was to discount them marrying in the phone box. Sure, it was a little cramped, but with two people propping it open, they were able to hang half in, half out. The whole thing was kind of magically endearing.

Everyone laughed and hugged as the ceremony ended. I gave Lisa-Marie and Catherine a hug, then rushed over to do the same with Billy and Chris. The day couldn’t have been more perfect.

In no time at all, we rushed to the local church so they could get their blessing. It was booked for three o’clock, so we had no time to waste in getting ourselves over there.

The blessing was as beautiful as the actual wedding. It wasn’t as poignant, but it was still wonderful to see them being blessed in the house of God.

Once all was done, everyone left. I told Billy and Chris I would be a couple of minutes, and they both nodded, saying they would be expecting me shortly for some photographs.

Alone, I closed my eyes and relished the silence for a moment. The church calmed me just as much as the angels did. Clasping my hands together, I gripped my eyes shut and quietly prayed, “Father, please say you can hear me. I need you to grant me a wish. I know you have never liked Alexander, Father, but I love him more than life itself. He breathes my life as much as I breathe his. Without him, I am nothing. Without him, I do not exist.

“Please, find it in you to let him go. Let your daughter have the happiness she has been after all her life. If I ever ask for anything else in my life again, it will be this.

“By now, I know you have all the answers to what happened all those years ago. I know you will be mad at me. I know you will be mad at Alexander, but please…please do not punish him for something we did together. Please do not punish us for falling in love. If you have to punish one of us, let it be me. Alexander has been through enough. He was found guilty of a crime, but the only thing he was guilty of was loving me. The only thing he has
been guilty of is loving me. He has saved me time and time again. Please give me the opportunity to save him. I’ll do whatever it takes to make him happy.”

Sucking in a deep breath, I tried not to lose control. I knew I had to do this. I knew I had to try something to make my father see sense. I had done what I needed to do. It was now up to my father to decide.

Not knowing whether it had worked, I opened my eyes and stood up to meet my uncle and Chris outside. There was nothing more I could do. Our fate was in Archangel Gabriel’s hands.

“Cassie!” Billy shouted as I emerged. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Billy. I’m just overwhelmed by the day. It’s been beautiful so far.”

“I said a little prayer for you and Stephen whilst we were in there. I hope someone up there was listening.” Billy looked to the sky.

“Me, too, Billy, and thank you. Okay, where do you want me?”

Laughing, he pulled me towards Chris and his brother as the cameraman stood, ready for the shots. I had no doubt that Billy would have a field day once these were all developed.

With the photos done, it was now time to head on down to the Three Horseshoes pub. Although it was the pub where Stephen and I first had a drink together, it was also the only pub I could get to open for a private function on Christmas Day. Luckily for us, there was a small hall that we were able to set all the food and drinks in. Considering it was a fairly small affair with only about thirty people, it was ample enough to fit everybody.

I was grateful to the owners as they had done a smashing job getting it set up for us. They had set up ten tables, with a long one at the end of the hall for the grooms to sit in.

The room was filled with banners and balloons as the lights danced across the floor. It looked fantastic.

“Thank you so much for getting this organised, Cassie. It looks great. I couldn’t have done it better myself.”

Leaning myself into Chris’ embrace, I smiled at him. “You’re very welcome, Chris. It was my pleasure.”

As we all sat down, I stood up to deliver my speech. It had taken me a while to put into words how I felt about their coming together, but it was something I knew I would put my heart into.

I pinged the glass with my fork to gain everyone’s attention. The hum of the room soon fell silent as all eyes were now upon me.

“I know I messed up a little with the rings earlier.” I smiled as everyone in the room chuckled. “It just amazed me to see the two most important men in my life get married. The two who have been my father, my caretaker, and my best friend throughout my life. Chris has been my constant ever since I was a baby, and I know he will continue to be so, as I am with him.” I looked over at Chris with a smile as he tenderly stroked my arm.

Turning my attention to Billy, I couldn’t help the tears now forming in my eyes as I stared at the man who had sacrificed everything to make me happy. “Billy, you took me in as a child and, together, we mourned the most wonderful mother and sister. You took care of me and nurtured me, and without you, I wouldn’t have become the woman I am today. Being here now, I can’t tell you both how proud I am of you for beating the odds, fighting for what you desired, and coming through this with the courage and conviction you both did. You finally did it! Congratulations to you both. May all your days be as happy as the ones before, and filled with nothing but love and champagne,” I said, holding my glass up. “Let’s not forget the champagne.” Everyone laughed. “To Billy and Chris.”

With everyone else now standing, they all held the glasses out. “To Billy and Chris.”

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