Her First (24 page)

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Authors: Diamond Mckenzie

BOOK: Her First
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Chapter 43


Madison was nervous as Charlotte parked. “Turn around,” she ordered her.

“I will not,” Charlotte protested.

“I don’t think I can do this. I’m tired of pretending.”

Charlotte turned and looked at her before turning off the engine.  “Girl, you got issues. You’ve been pretending with everybody for
months, so what’s one more day?”

Charlotte opened the car door. 
Madison was pissed. “If you weren’t my best friend, I swear I would drop kick you.”

“Like you did
Sarah?” Charlotte laughed as she reached in the back seat and grabbed the gift.

felt as if she had no choice.  She picked up the gift bag and got out of the car and followed Charlotte up the walk way.

“Are you going to stand there or ring the doorbell?” Charlotte asked.

Madison turned her nose up at her. “Move out the way.” She rang the doorbell, plastered a smile on her face and waited for someone to answer.

She could hear a man’s voice from the other end. When
Ethan opened the door, she felt like running into his arms. Neither moved until Charlotte cleared her throat and said, “Excuse me, but it’s hot out here.”  She then nudged Madison inside. “Hi Ethan.”

“Hi,” he responded.

“I will leave you two alone. Ethan, please direct me on where I need to take this,” Charlotte said as she held up a gift.

He pointed towards a room to the right of him. Charlotte headed out of the room, leaving
Ethan and Madison standing alone.  Neither spoke.

“Let’s go in here so we can have some privacy,”
Ethan stated. She followed him into a spare bedroom and stood as he closed the door.  “Have a seat.”

“I’ll stand,” she insisted.

“Thank you for coming.”

“Your mom’s sweet. I hope she likes the gift.” She held up the gift bag.

“Whatever it is, I know she’ll appreciate it.”

’s dimples made Madison want to melt. They stood and stared into one another’s eyes for a brief moment.

commented, “This is awkward.”

“Only because you want it to be.”

“Ethan, you’re the one who lied. Why couldn’t you be upfront with me?” Madison asked.

“Because I knew you would run.”

“You left me no choice.” She had one hand on her hip and the other holding the gift bag.

“You had a choice. You could have trusted me and talked to me about it before leaving me high and dry.”

“I’m sorry, but hearing the man you’re with is the father of a one-year-old with a woman you can’t stand is enough to push anybody over the edge.”

“Are you through?”

“No. I’m just getting started. I almost lost my job because of you not telling me
about Sarah. If I would have known about Christopher, I could have dealt with the situation better.”

“For the record, Christopher is not my child.”

She pretended to clap her hands. “Whoop-di-do.”

“We’re not getting anywhere, going back and forth on whether or not I could have or should have told you.”

She folded her arms. “Whose fault is it?”

He walked closer to her. She stepped back, finding her back up against the wall. With a kind gentle look on his face,
Ethan stared into her eyes and said, “I hope you can accept my apology. I love you and I did not set out to deceive you. I found out about the baby after I met you.” He paused. Madison remained quiet, so he continued. “I had planned on telling you everything the same night you left. I didn’t want to risk losing you, but you left me anyway.”

couldn’t control her emotions. Tears began flowing down her cheeks. What could she say?  She was a big emotional cry baby. 

reached down and wiped her tears away as he had done before. Before she knew it, Ethan was kissing her. She kissed him back.  A knock on the door interrupted them.

“Anybody in there?”
Ethan’s father asked as he attempted to open the door.

shouted, “Yes, Dad. We’re coming out.”

He looked at
Madison as she walked over to the mirror and wiped her face.  He unlocked the door. Frank smiled at them as they walked out.

“I’m glad you made it,
Madison,” Frank commented.

, embarrassed, replied, “We had to talk and needed some privacy.”

Frank held his hand up. “No need to explain. I try to stay out of my son’s business.”

“Is everybody here?” Ethan asked his father.

“Yes. I was coming in here to get the gift I bought for your mom.”

“We’ll meet you in the dining room.” Ethan held one hand on Madison’s back. Madison attempted to gain control of the situation. Every since setting foot across the threshold, Ethan had her under his spell again.




Ethan knew if his father hadn’t interrupted, he would still be tasting the sweet nectar of Madison’s lips. Although she didn’t verbalize it, he knew she had forgiven him. At least he hoped so.

When he had opened the door for her and Charlotte and saw her standing there, he could not help but notice how beautiful she looked. The dress she wore accented her shapely legs. She had changed her hairstyle and it was becoming to her. He admitted to himself, she would look beautiful to him no matter how her hair looked.

A few of his aunts, uncles and cousins, along with Frederick and Charlotte, were in the den when he and Madison walked in.  When they entered, Belle walked up to Madison and gave her a hug. “I’m so glad to see you, dear. Thanks for coming.”

“Now you know I wouldn’t miss seeing you today of all days.”
Madison winked. She handed her the gift bag. “This is for you.”

“You shouldn’t have. But since you did, give it here,” Belle joked.

They laughed. Ethan was happy to see Madison and his mom smiling.

“Follow me; I want you to meet some of the family,” Belle said, taking
Madison’s hand and walking away with her.

watched as his mom made the introductions. It appeared his family was going to like Madison too. Frederick snuck up on him. “Boo.”

“Man, what’s your problem?” he asked his brother.

“Are you two back together? You looked quite chummy when you walked in the room.”

“Not quite. I’m hoping by the end of the day, we will be.”

Frederick patted him on the back. “Like a wise man once said, ‘keep hope alive.’”

walked to where Madison stood and placed his hand around her waist. “I hope you’re not telling her any bad stories about me,” he addressed his Uncle Raymond.

“If I was a few years younger, I would take this young lady away from you son,” his uncle joked.

Madison looked into Ethan’s eyes and said, “As handsome as you are, your competition is tight.”

A huge smile swept across his face. “Move over, uncle.  A new kid’s on the block.”

They continued to laugh and talk for a few minutes. Frank walked in the room and announced, “Ladies and Gents, let’s eat.”

Everyone walked to the dining room. The long, conference room like table was beautifully decorated and was set to seat twenty.

“Hey, cousin.  Since my family’s not here, I’ll sit next to you,” Joyce said after giving him and Madison a hug.

“Where’s the family?”
Ethan asked.

“Everybody in my house is sick and I didn’t want to bring them around your folks,” Joyce said as she sat down.

“I want you to sit next to me,” Ethan leaned down and whispered in Madison’s ear.

She didn’t object. He held out her chair and waited for her to sit down, before sitting beside her.

“Where will the kids eat?” Madison asked.

“We set up a few tables in the kitchen.”

“Son, I know you’re the baby of the family, but today I would like for you to say the grace,” Frank addressed Ethan.

looked and saw the smile on his mom’s face. Frank looked around the room before saying, “Bow your heads please.”

Everyone held hands as
Ethan prayed, “Thank you, Lord, for second chances,” He gently squeezed Madison’s hands and he continued, “and for allowing us to be here to celebrate another year for my mom. We know we’re all blessed to be able to give thanks to you and to take part in this special day. Bless this food we’re about to eat. Amen.”

“Amens” were heard around the table.

As everyone piled food on their plates, Ethan watched Madison from the corner of his eye. He could sense she was uncomfortable. “What’s wrong?” he asked her.

“I’m fine,” she said.

He didn’t believe her, but continued to talk and joke with other family members.


Chapter 44


Ethan noticed Frank trying to get his attention. “Excuse me,” Ethan said as he stood and walked to where his dad was sitting.

“I want you to get everybody to come in the den so Belle can start opening her gifts,” Frank said as he pulled back his chair to stand up.

“We’re moving this party back to the den. It’s time to open up gifts,” Ethan shouted. “Mom, you come with me.”

He linked his arm with hers. He smiled and winked at
Madison and they walked out of the room with everyone following behind.

When they walked in the room, Frank was standing in the middle by a black leather recliner with a big red bow on top. “Dear, I know you’ve been talking about that old recliner for months. I hope you’re not too disappointed,” he said to Belle, who walked over and hugged and kissed him on the cheek.

“This is perfect!” she said. “After cooking and cleaning all day, I need something I can put my feet up on.” She sat down in it. The chair reared back and caught her off guard. “Oops,” she said as everyone laughed.

watched and waited for everyone to give her their gifts.  Madison stood next to Charlotte.  He could see them saying something after each gift was opened. Joyce handed Belle another bag. Belle read the card. “This is from Madison.”

caught Madison looking at him. She glanced away once he looked her way. 

Madison, come give me a hug,” Belle said as she held up a beautiful scarf and pendant to go along with it. Madison walked over, hugged her and kissed Belle on the cheek.  “Y’all, I swear this is one of the best birthdays in my life.” She beamed as she looked around the room.

Joyce handed her a small Tiffany’s box. Everybody was quiet as they waited for her to open it. She read the card first. “Hmmm. This one’s from my boys,” Belle said.  “What’s this?” She held up a key chain with a key. She looked at
Ethan and then at Frederick. “You didn’t?” She stood up from the chair and they watched her walk to the living room window.

“Follow us,”
Ethan said as he and Frederick walked with her outside and everyone else followed.

“Somebody catch me because I’m going to faint,” Belle said as she walked up to a silver Cadillac. She hugged both of her sons. In between tears, she said, “You boys shouldn’t have.”

“Mom, you deserve this and so much more,” Ethan said.

“Open it up and get inside. Feel how it sits,” Frederick added.

She opened the door and sat inside. “Boys, you have outdone yourselves,” she said as she leaned back in the chair. “Frank did you know anything about this?”

“I plead the fifth,” Frank laughed and people laughed around him.

She got out and locked the door. “I don’t know how much more excitement my heart can take,” Belle glowed.

walked by his mother’s side as they walked back into the house.

She stood at the door and hugged everyone as they walked back in.

“His mom is so happy,” Madison commented to Charlotte.

“I would be too if my sons got me a Cadillac,” Charlotte said.

“Shhh,” Madison hissed, afraid someone would overhear her and Charlotte’s conversation.

didn’t notice Frederick coming up between them. He placed one arm around her and the other around Charlotte. “What are you ladies doing later tonight?” he asked them.

could have sworn she saw Charlotte blush.

Charlotte responded, “Nothing. Why, you got something planned for us?”

“Speak for yourself. I have something to do,” Madison exclaimed. She removed Frederick’s arm and began walking away.

“I’m sure you do,” Frederick said as if he was in on a secret.

“I’m going to the bathroom,” Madison snapped.
I don’t see what Charlotte sees in him. He is nerve wrecking,
she thought to herself as she walked away and went to the bathroom.  Before she could exit the bathroom, someone knocked on the door. She yelled, “I’ll be out in a minute.”

She flushed the toilet and washed her hands. She reapplied her lipstick before unlocking the door.  Joyce was standing to the side of the door when she walked out.

“Girl, I guess we all had to use it at the same time. Both bathrooms were being used.”

“It must have been all the tea I drank,”
Madison said.

Joyce moved around uncontrollably. “Good seeing you again, but duty calls.” Joyce raced into the bathroom shutting the door behind her.

Madison walked back into the den.

“There you are,”
Ethan said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

“I didn’t know I was missed,” she flirted.

“More than you’ll ever know,” he flirted back.

He grabbed her hand. “Hang out with me tonight. Please.”

“I don’t know if it’s a good idea.”

“It’s obvious you’re not mad at me anymore.”

“I’m curious to hear how you came to that conclusion.” She folded her arms and placed her index finger on her chin.

“Number one, you showed up even when you didn’t have to. Number two; you didn’t slap me when I attempted to kiss you in the room earlier. Number three-”

Madison smiled and unfolded her arms. “You love lists don’t you?”

“I only do it to annoy you.”
Ethan chuckled.

“I figured that much.” She blushed. “I will hang out with you tonight on one condition.”

“Your wish is my command.”

“We meet in a neutral place.”

“Name the place and time and I’ll be there.”

She thought for a moment before saying, “Meet me at the Broadway Café around eight thirty. I’m in the mood for some jazz tonight.”

“It’s a date.”

One of
Ethan’s cousins tried to get his attention. “I think they’re calling for you.” She pointed.

“I’ll see you later,”
Ethan said as he hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.

looked for Charlotte and found her in a corner talking to Frederick. She felt the intensity between them. She stood and watched them for a minute and then cleared her throat.  “Char, are you ready to go?”

“Sure,” Charlotte said as she broke away from Frederick.

“I’ll see you ladies later,” Frederick said.

“Bye, Freddie,”
Madison teased.

“It’s Fred-er-rick,” he responded.

“Wait a sec, Charlotte, I need to say bye to Belle and Frank before I leave,” Madison said.

“I’ll meet you at the car,” Charlotte said as Frederick followed her out the door.

Madison watched the interaction between Belle and Ethan. Ethan looked up and motioned for her to come over.

Campbell, happy birthday again,” Madison said.  “I’m heading out and wanted to come say good-bye.”

Belle hugged her tightly. “I’m grateful you’re in my son’s life. He needs someone like you by his side,” she said with sincerity.  She wrapped her arms through
Madison’s before addressing Ethan. “Leave us alone for a minute.”

“I’ll let you ladies talk,” he said before departing.

As they walked arm and arm, Belle commented, “Ethan hasn’t told me everything, but I sense you guys are having some problems.”

“I won’t lie to you. Things have happened that made me question our relationship,”
Madison replied.

“I know all about the baby situation.”

“You do?” Madison was surprised.

“Yes, and I told him he should have told you about it the moment he found out. But he didn’t, and I hope you’ll be able to forgive him.”

“I don’t know.”

“If you don’t remember anything else I tell you, remember this. My son loves you with all of his heart and I can tell you love him.”

Tears formed in Madison’s eyes. “It’s complicated.”

“Search in your heart and the answer you seek will be there.” Belle hugged her.

“Thanks, Mrs. Campbell. I hope to see you again.”

“You will.” She winked.

Madison rubbed her nose. “I better go or Charlotte will be sending the cavalry after me.”

“See you later,

walked away and headed to the door. She heard Ethan’s voice behind her.

“Oh, you were going to leave and not say bye?” he said.

“I thought we said our good-byes earlier.” She continued towards the door.

He cut her off at the door. “This is how you properly say good-bye.”

Ethan leaned down and kissed her passionately. For a moment, she forgot where they were. She was brought back to reality when a few people cheered.

“I better go,” she said as she brushed passed him and out the door.

Charlotte was in the car and Frederick was standing at her window talking to her. Madison climbed inside. “Char, let’s get out of here…
,” she said.

I’ll call you later,” Charlotte said as she started the car.

He waved at them as they drove off.


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