Her First (27 page)

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Authors: Diamond Mckenzie

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Nine months later.


“Madison, hurry up. He’s not going to wait on you all day,” Ethel said as she helped Madison remove her veil.

this the perfect May wedding?” Madison asked as she looked at herself in the mirror.

“You made a beautiful bride. Now I know you don’t want to keep that handsome husband of yours waiting.”

Charlotte walked into the room and added, “Girl, you better hurry and throw the bouquet. You know how we planned it, right? I’m going to be standing on your right side. Aim that way and you better not forget,” she teased.

“So you can marry Freddie?”

“I told you Frederick and I are only friends.”

Adrienne walked in behind her. “If you two are just frie
nds, then I’m single,” she said, as she held out her hand showcasing her engagement ring.

“Ladies, it’s time,” Pam added as she walked in.

“I’m so happy right now I want to cry,” Madison said, looking at her mother, best friend and sisters.

“I think we’ve all done enough crying for one day,” Ethel said as she hugged her.

They walked out to the reception area of the hotel.  When Madison saw Ethan she smiled; and he flashed her one of his sexy smiles showing off both dimples.

“Ladies, get ready,”
Madison said as she turned around and threw the bouquet. People laughed because the lady standing next to Charlotte pushed her out of the way to grab it and then had the nerve to have an attitude. Madison and Charlotte exchanged looks.

Charlotte mouthed, “Can you believe that?”

Madison shrugged her shoulders and tried not to laugh.

Ethan, don’t even think about throwing that garter my way,” Frederick yelled.

’s eyes sparkled as she watched Ethan remove the garter from her leg. “We might need to skip out early,” she whispered.

“I’m hurrying as fast as I can,” he teased.

Ethan stood up and turned around. “Who’s the lucky man?”

The garter landed directly in front of Frederick. “No way. I’m not picking it up,” he refused.

Ethan yelled, “Don’t fight it.  You’re next.”

Everyone laughed around them as Frederick bent to pick it up.

Ethan turned his attention back towards Madison. “Are you ready?” he asked her.

“I’m beyond ready,” she said. Before
Madison could respond further, she felt a tug on her dress. She reached down and picked up Christopher. “There’s my little man. You be good for grandma now.”

“O-tay,” Christopher responded and then reached out for
Ethan. Ethan took him from Madison and held him up in the air. Christopher drooled on him and said, “Da da.”

exclaimed, “He called me Daddy.”

smiled, “My two babies.”

Belle, Frank, Ethel and Napoleon walked over and stood near them.

Belle reached for Christopher. “Come to grandma,” she said.  “These two have some business to take care of.”  She winked at Madison.

hugged her parents and her in-laws. Ethan’s soul felt at ease.  He watched his new bride say good-bye to her family.

Napoleon tapped him on the shoulder. “Son, you did good. You’re the perfect man for my daughter.”

“I’ll do my best to take care of her,” Ethan assured him.

“I’m proud of both of you. Agreeing to adopt Christopher is an honorable thing to do; especially under the circumstances.”

“I wish I could take the credit, but it was all Madison’s idea.”

“She’s always been the creative one in the bunch,” he joked.

Madison walked over and looped her arm through his. “What’s so funny?”

“A joke between men, ” Napoleon said.  He kissed her on the cheek and continued to say, “You guys better get going if you don’t want to miss your flight.”

Madison looked at her dad and said, “Bye, Dad.”

“Bye precious,” he waved back.

The family followed them to the waiting limousine.  The bride and groom waved from the windows as the limousine pulled away.

poured two glasses of champagne and they toasted.

Campbell, I love you,” Madison said as her eyes sparkled.

“I love you too, Mrs.
Campbell,” Ethan said as they clicked the two champagne glasses.




About the author:
Diamond Mckenzie is a technical writer by day and fiction writer by night. She's won various awards and accolades. Her email address is [email protected] .

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