Read Her First Online

Authors: Diamond Mckenzie

Her First (15 page)

BOOK: Her First
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“If you only knew.”

“I’ll only bite if you want me too,” he joked.

“There is something I want to tell you, but you have to promise not to laugh.”

He fed her some grapes. “I promise.”

She picked up a napkin and wiped some of the juice off her mouth. “You’re a very sexy man.”


“I’m serious. I don’t think you realize how you make me feel whenever you’re in the room. Shoot, your presence is still felt when you’re not in the room.”

“I’m flattered.”

Her eyes darted away.
Ethan reached up and gently ran his hand across her cheek. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m not who I pretend to be.”

“Duh. Remember, I know all about the fake marriage. I’m the invisible husband, remember.” He shrugged his shoulders.

“There’s something else I haven’t told you.”

The timer on the stove went off. “Hold that thought,” he said. “Let’s continue this conversation over dinner.”

followed Ethan into the dining room. There were gold trimmed plates and champagne goblets sitting across from one another. The centerpiece had gold ribbons and was made out of gold spray painted pine cones. “This is a lovely arrangement,” she said out loud. When she turned around, Ethan was nowhere in sight.  She sat down and waited for Ethan’s return.

I don’t know if telling him about my condition is such a good idea after all,
she thought as she waited.

walked in with two plates. Both were piled with slices of roast beef and baked potatoes. The steam was still coming from the plates as he placed it down in front of her.

“I hope you have an appetite,” he said as he walked around to the other side of the table and sat down.

“Do I? I didn’t have time for lunch today.” She reached for her napkin and placed it across her lap.

They said grace and
Madison devoured her roast beef.

“Any room for dessert?” he asked after they finished eating.

Madison rubbed her stomach. “I couldn’t fit anything else in here.”

“Not even one little slice of pound cake.”

“My, my. I didn’t know you baked.”

“I stopped by my mom’s and she sent it over.”

He walked to the kitchen and came back with two slices. He handed her the smaller slice of the two.

“I need to get this recipe,” she said after taking a few bites. “I thought my mom’s pound cake was good, but this here is the bomb.”

“You can ask her for it when I take you to meet her.”

With a serious look on her face, she asked, “You want me to meet your mom?”

“Of course. I’ve told my mom all about you and she can’t wait to meet the woman who’s got me lying for her,” he stated with a serious look on his face.

“You didn’t?”

He burst out laughing. “No. But seriously she does want to meet you.”

“I want to meet her too, but I wish it was under different circumstances.” She continued to eat her cake.

“We’re together, so that should be all that matters.”

“Honestly, do you think we would be together if I hadn’t convinced you to go along with plans to fool my family?”

He looked at her with caring eyes. “I have no doubt that we would be together. Grant it, we wouldn’t be living together, but we would still be together.”

“Living together was your idea.”

“Selfish, I know.” He smiled, showing both dimples.

“I guess now is a better time than any,”
Madison said. Ethan remained quiet, so she continued. “I need to tell you something and I don’t know if you will look at me differently once I do.”

“There’s nothing you can say that would change my mind about you. Don’t worry. You can tell me anything.”

“I’m a virgin,” she blurted out.

“Yeah right. Not Ms.
Madison.” He tried not to laugh, but failed.

threw her napkin on the table as tears flowed down her face. “I tried to be honest with you and you laugh in my face.” She stormed upstairs.

She’s serious. She really is a virgin,
Ethan thought to himself. 
I never would have guessed. No wonder she clams up every time things get heated up.

He went after her. By the time he got upstairs, her door was closed. He knocked and said, “
Madison, open up.”

“No!” she shouted back.

“Please. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make light of your situation. I never would have thought in a million years you were a…” He paused. “A virgin.”

“That’s okay. I should have kept it to myself.”

He leaned on the door. “No you shouldn’t have. I would have found out eventually anyway.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure of that.”

“Open the door, Madison. Pleassse,” Ethan begged.

He heard her unlock the door. He slowly opened it and found her standing there, with red eyes and all. He took her in his arms and gave her a tight reassuring hug.

Madison pulled away and asked, “You’re not mad?”

“Baby, it only makes you more special to me.”

They walked and sat on the edge of the bed. “Most men run after I tell them.”

“I’m glad. I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.”

“You wouldn’t, because this is your place,” she joked.

“Glad to see you’re smiling again.”

“It’s getting late and I need to be out of here around six instead of seven tomorrow, because I’m taking Friday off.”

“Really, any special plans?” he asked.

“I’m meeting my sisters at the spa and after that, nothing.”

“I have a lot to do on Friday, but afterwards, let’s get together for a movie or something.”

“It’s a date.”

Allen, I’ll let you get some sleep. I’ll try to get up in time to make you breakfast.”

She stood up and hugged him. “Don’t. I’ll grab something
on the way.”

“Good night.”

“Good night,” she said before closing the door behind him.  She stood with her back against the door for a moment, then she sighed and headed to the bed where she fell fast asleep.


Chapter 31


Ethan enjoyed the quiet evenings at home with Madison. They were becoming closer with each passing day. Today was July first and it was also the day that he dreaded.  But after the paternity test, there would be no doubt whether the innocent little child was his or not.

was still asleep when he left home. He was looking forward to their Friday night plans. He would let her choose the movie she wanted to see. He went to the office for a few hours before leaving for the doctor’s office.

hoped when he saw Sarah at the doctor’s office that she wouldn’t make a scene. The parking lot was full when he arrived, so he parked on the street.

The receptionist had him sign in. He grabbed a magazine off a table in the waiting room and waited for
Sarah to show up. After thirty minutes he was beginning to think she had stood him up. He was in the process of dialing her number when she came through the door holding Christopher in one arm and a bag on the other arm.

“Sorry I’m late. There was construction traffic on LBJ,”
Sarah said, sounding out of breath.

“Do you need some help?”
Ethan asked.

“I got it. Are they ready for us?”

“They were ready ten minutes ago. I’ll go let them know you’re here.”

He walked to the window and informed them of
Sarah’s arrival.  When he walked back, Christopher was crawling on the floor. He picked him up.

“Don’t you think it’s too many germs on the floor for him to be crawling?”
Ethan asked and handed him to Sarah.

“You sound concerned,”
Sarah commented.

“I’m not heartless.”

She smiled and was about to comment, but didn’t.

A nurse came to the door and said, “
Ethan Campbell.”

He looked at
Sarah. “Are you ready?” he asked her.

They walked to one of the offices. The doctor walked in and explained the procedure.

“It’s real simple,” the doctor said. “We’ll take a swab sample from all three of your mouths.”

“When will the results be back?”
Ethan asked.

“It can take up to a
few weeks, but we can always rush them and possibly get them back in a few days.”

“Don’t rush,”
Sarah said.  “We want to make sure it’s done right.”

“Trust me. The lab we’re sending it to will handle everything with care,” the doctor assured her.

“I don’t want there to be any mistakes,” Sarah reiterated.

“Doctor Phillips, have the office call me when it’s done,”
Ethan interrupted her.

The doctor took samples and handed them to the nurse and she carefully labeled each one.

“That’s it,” Dr. Phillips said as he handed Christopher a lollipop. “This is for being a good little boy.”

Christopher giggled.

As Dr. Phillips walked them out, he stated, “I hope it turns out the way you want it to.”

shook his hand and replied, “Thanks Doc.”

After paying the receptionist,
Ethan walked out. Sarah was already at the elevator. “What now?” she asked him.

“We wait,” he replied.

“Have you gotten the papers from my attorney yet?”

“No, but I’ll be handing them directly to mine when they come.”

Christopher looked at him and waved. “Bye little Christopher,” Ethan said before pinching Christopher’s chubby cheeks.

“See, he really likes you. He looks exactly like you,

“Funny, you’re the only one who can see any type of resemblance.”

“Soon we’ll both know for sure won’t we?” Sarah snapped.

The elevator opened.
Sarah stepped in. Ethan stated, “I’ll wait on the next one.”

“Fine,” she said as the elevator door closed.




and her sisters decided to jumpstart their fourth of July weekend by going to the spa. They tried to get their mother to join them for a day of messages, manicures and pedicures, but she declined. Their mom didn’t want anyone touching her toes. Madison giggled as she remembered how her mom’s face cringed at the thought.

The Relax Mode Spa was located on the outskirts of town. After a full body massage, they sat in the steam room. They were waiting their turn to get a spa manicure and pedicure.

“Pass me the bottle because my glass is getting low,” Adrienne said as she pointed to the bottle of Chardonnay.

poured some into Adrienne’s glass and then stated, “I think this should be your last glass. You know you can’t handle your liquor.”

“Missy, respect your elders.”

“You’re right. I should because you are OLDDD.”

Adrienne sat the glass down on the table. “I might be old, but I still look good.” She took her hands and outlined her body.

Pam and Madison laughed.

“You’ll never change,”
Madison said.

“Why should I? You both know I got it going on.”

Pam chuckled.

An attendant walked in. “Sorry for the wait. We’re short staffed.  Some of our nail techs are out today,” she apologized.  “Is everything okay?”

Madison spoke up. “We’re fine.”

“The wait shouldn’t be too much longer,” she assured them.

After the attendant left, Adrienne asked, “So, Madison, how’s married life treating you?”

“Must be pretty good, since she doesn’t call anymore,” Pam added.

“Darn. You too?” Madison asked. “I knew Adrienne felt that way. I didn’t realize it was such a big deal.”

“Since you’ve been married, you barely call or visit any of us.” Pam frowned.

“I’m sorry. I promise to do better.”

Ethan must be putting it on her.” Adrienne took a sip of her drink.

avoided responding.

“So do you guys plan on having kids anytime soon?” Pam asked.

“We’re not supposed to be talking about our mates, remember?” Madison tried to divert the conversation.

“Normally we wouldn’t. But we’re trying to figure out what kind of hold this man has on you,” Pam said.

“What kind of man would not allow his wife to keep in contact with her family?” Adrienne snapped.

Pam looked at Adrienne disapprovingly. “
Madison, you know I work with battered women and some men try to dissuade the woman from seeing family and friends.” Madison stared at her as Pam continued. “Once he feels he has control over her mentally, physical abuse is not far behind.”

held her hand up. “Hold up. I need to nip something in the bud right now. Ethan is the sweetest, kindest man I’ve ever met. He would never stop me from seeing my family.” She paused. “And besides, if he ever laid a hand on me, you guys would be visiting me in the pen, because he would be six feet under.”

They all laughed.

“Now that everything’s cleared up, do you need us to bring anything with us tomorrow for the barbeque?” Pam asked.

“If you can cook a cake?” she addressed Pam and then turned her attention back to Adrienne, “And I would love it if you would make some of your baked beans.”

“I don’t know,” Adrienne said. “What’s in it for me?”

“A bowl of my banana pudding.”
Madison smiled.

“You got a deal, because your banana pudding is to die for,” Adrienne said.  “If you over there whipping it up for that husband of yours, no wonder he got you on lock.  Y’all
will be together forever.”

Out of the blue, Pam started crying.
Madison and Adrienne walked over and put their arms around her. “What’s wrong?” Madison was the first to ask.

“Louis has been acting funny with me lately and I’m afraid there’s another woman,” Pam answered.

Adrienne wiped her face with a towel.  “Now, don’t go saying things you’re not sure of. Have you tried talking to him about your suspicions?” Adrienne asked.

“Yes, but he’s so evasive in his responses. I’m confused. We’ve been married for fifteen years and I never thought he would…” She choked from the tears.

Madison held her tight. “It might not be what you think.”

“If she’s thinking it, it might be true,” Adrienne stated with conviction.

“I don’t even see why Edward married you with your negative attitude,” Madison snapped.

“Ed loves me just the way I am so stay out of my business,” Adrienne said, rolling her eyes.

“Like you stay out of mine?” was Madison’s comeback.

“If you wouldn’t have married somebody the family didn’t know, I wouldn’t have to…”

“If you would have stopped pressuring me about when I was getting married, I probably would have waited,” Madison snapped.

“STOP IT!” Pam yelled. “I would have kept my suspicions to myself if I knew it was going to cause all of this.”

An attendant opened the door and asked, “Ladies, is everything alright in here?”

“Yes!” they snapped in unison.

The attendant had a doubtful look on her face, but closed the door.

“See I can’t take y’all anywhere,” Adrienne said.

“Talk to the hand,” Madison said as she held her right hand up in Adrienne’s face.

Pam whined, “Ladies, I’m the one with the problem, remember?”

“Pam, I think you should come straight out and ask him,” Madison stated.

“If you ask, he’ll lie. Monitor his email and phone calls for the next few weeks,” Adrienne said.

Before Pam could respond, Madison jumped in. “Believe it or not, I actually agree with Adrienne.”

Pam looked from one to the other, as if soaking in information.

“Has he been less intimate?”  Adrienne asked.

Madison exclaimed.

“Hey, I’m trying to diagnosis the whole problem,” Adrienne said.

Pam laughed. “Everything has been copasetic in that department.”

“Just checking. Because that’s one sure sign. Go ahead and monitor his calls and emails and we pray he’s not doing anything stupid,” Adrienne stated.

“I’ll hate to have to hurt my brother-in-law.” Madison bawled up her fists.

“You know we would,” Adrienne chimed in.

“And don’t let Jerry and Gerald find out, because not even the president could stop them from doing Louis some bodily harm.”

“I know,” Pam said as the attendant knocked on the door and walked in.

“Ladies, we’re ready for you,” the attendant said.

After receiving their manicures and pedicures, they got dressed and said their goodbyes.

Madison stopped by the grocery store to buy items for the barbecue before heading home.




After leaving the doctor’s office, Ethan decided to take a personal day. He went walking in the mall and bought a few items before heading to the gym. He worked out to release his built up frustrations. When he got home, Madison was still out with her sisters.

He took a short nap. When he woke, he heard someone moving around downstairs. For a moment, he was disoriented.

He went to the bathroom and wet a hand towel and wiped his face. He stared at himself in the mirror and thought,
This has been the longest day in my life. I don’t know how I’m going to hold up between now and the time I get the test results back. My sweet Madison, how can I convince you to marry me if Christopher’s mine?

He heard his name being called.
Madison walked in and put her arms around his waist as he faced the mirror.

“Hi sexy,” she said.

“You seem so relaxed,” he stated.

“I’m floating. A good massage does it to me every time.”

He removed her hands from his waist, turned around and kissed her.

“I love you so much,

“I love you too.”

They held each other. Ethan broke the embrace. He took her hand and they walked downstairs together.

He saw the bags of groceries near the front door.

“You should have woken me up. I would have gotten these,” he told her.

“With your car parked in the garage, I didn’t even know you were here until I came to put something in my bedroom and I heard the water running.”

He released her hands and carried the bags to the kitchen.

“You got enough to feed an army,” he said.

“You don’t know my family, do you?” she laughed.

They held light conversation as they unpacked the groceries.

“Did you get any charcoal and fluid?” he asked.

“No. It wasn’t on my list.”

BOOK: Her First
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