Her First (13 page)

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Authors: Diamond Mckenzie

BOOK: Her First
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“It’s weird, but a part of me feels sorry for her,” Madison whispered into the phone.

“Keep your guards up. Women like her can’t be trusted,” Charlotte commented.

Madison felt someone’s eyes on her. She turned around to see Owen standing behind her. “Char, let me get back with you.” She hung up and turned around. “I don’t know why you like to sneak up on people.”

sat in Madison’s spare chair at her desk. “If you weren’t doing anything you shouldn’t, you wouldn’t say I was sneaking.”

“Whatever. What do you want now?”

“Dang. I stopped by to see how your lunch went yesterday.”

“It went fine.  Why wouldn’t it have?”

Owen leaned in to whisper. “According to her secretary, she’s not wound too tight. I thought I would warn you.”

couldn’t help but laugh. “Yesterday, you called and told me she’s seeing a shrink, now you’re telling me something about what her secretary said. You need to get a life.”

“I’m only looking out for you. Just be careful.”

Madison picked up a piece of paper off of her desk, stood up and walked away. “I got work to do.”

He followed behind her. “What’s wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong with me?” She stopped and looked him directly in the eyes. “I’m sick and tired of people getting in my business.” Her voice was getting loud and people began staring.

“Calm down. I’m sorry. You must be on your period. I’ll talk to you later,”
Owen said before walking away.

stood and stared at the few people who were looking. They quickly looked away. She continued her walk to the copy room, talking under her breath. She made a copy of the piece of paper she had in her hand and as she was walking out, Sarah walked in.

Madison, I was looking for you,” Sarah said as if the two were the best of friends.

halted and replied, “What can I do for you?”

She walked closer to her. “I need a favor.”

Madison hesitated. “It depends on what it is.”

“My babysitter is sick and I have this dinner tonight with the VPs and I normally wouldn’t ask, but can you please do me this one favor and keep Christopher for me?”

Madison couldn’t believe what she heard. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“I know it’s awkward, but I’m desperate.”

“Oh thanks,” Madison blurted out.

reached for her arm. “No, I don’t mean it like that. I’m new and it’s not every day, you get invited to dinner with the Vice-President and other big Whigs.”

“Let me think about it and I’ll get back with you.”

“Please. If you do me this one favor, I’ll owe you one.”
“I’ll let you know by noon.” Madison walked away confused on what to do, thinking that perhaps she should call Ethan and ask his opinion.




“Thank you so much for hand delivering this contract and making sure my team understands what the changes to our communication network will entail,” Johnson Mason said as he took the folder from Ethan.

“We’re here to serve you in any way necessary,”
Ethan commented.

“Let me share a little secret with you,” Johnson said, taking his tone down to a whisper.  “This was actually a test, and if anyone would go to this extreme to get our business, then I’m more than happy to sign the ten year deal.”

Ethan smiled. Although he wouldn’t get a commission off this deal, he was sure he would get some type of bonus. “If you have any other questions, I’ll be here for the majority of the day.”

“I’ll have our attorney’s look this over once more and you should be able to take your signed copy back with you.”

Ethan extended his hand. “Thanks.  Here’s my cell phone number.” He handed him his business card. 

Johnson walked him to the door and addressed his secretary. “Find Mr.
Campbell a vacant office and see that he gets everything he needs.”

“Thank you,”
Ethan said.

He followed Johnson’s secretary to an office at the end of the hall. “I hope this is sufficient,” she said.

He looked around the plush office. “More than enough. Thanks.”

“If you need anything, and I do mean anything, press one and it’ll ring my extension,” the secretary flirted.

“I think I’ll manage. But thanks.” He ignored her advances.

She twisted out of the room, turned around and winked at him.

You’re fine, but you’re not worth risking my relationship nor my job over,
Ethan thought with a smirk.

He sat behind the desk and dialed his office. After telling them the good news, he tried calling
Madison. He got her voice mail and decided to leave a message.

“I’ll be home tonight,”
Ethan said through the phone receiver.  “Everything here is going great. If I don’t talk to you beforehand, I’ll see you tonight. Love you.”

He hung up. He opened his briefcase and Christopher’s picture fell out. He stared at it for a few minutes. 
You’re a beautiful child and if you’re mine, I will make sure you have the best.

He began fantasizing about being a father.
What am I doing? Having a child with Sarah would cause nothing but complications. I could possibly lose Madison,
he thought to himself.  He was in deep thought, when his cell phone rang.

“Hello,” he answered.

“Where are you?” Frederick asked from the other end.

“I’m in Miami.”

“Did you find out about the baby yet?”

“No, the test will be done on
the first.”

Johnson’s secretary knocked on the door before walking in. “I’m ordering lunch.  Would you like for me to order you something?”

“Hold on, Frederick.” Ethan hit the hold button.

She handed him a menu.  “Circle what you want and I’ll be back in a few minutes to pick it up.”

“Thanks.” He viewed the menu and picked up his phone and continued talking to Frederick. “I’m back.”

“How did
Madison take it?”

“I haven’t told her yet.”

“Man, you’re playing with fire. I would be pulling my hair out if my woman worked with my ex.”

“You don’t have any hair.” They both laughed.

“What are y’all doing this weekend?” Frederick asked.

“The same thing other newlyweds are doing.”

“She got you living in a fantasy world. Oh, mama really wants to meet her too.”

“I know. I’m throwing a barbecue
on the second of July for Madison’s family.  They insist on getting to know me better.”

“What about your other family?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. I can’t chance somebody mentioning our fake marriage.”

“I might drop by though. I would love to see you two in action.”

Johnson’s secretary walked back in. Ethan handed her the menu. “Frederick, I need to work on a few things. I’ll call you later this week?”

“What are you doing Friday? Want to meet me for happy hour.”

“I need to check with Madison.”

Frederick laughed. “It’s starting already.”

“What’s so funny?”

“She already got you hen-pecked and y’all aren’t even really married.” He hung up without giving
Ethan a chance to respond.




Madison reluctantly agreed to baby-sit for Sarah. She tried calling Ethan, leaving him a message when she didn’t get an answer, but he never returned her call.  She was going to call Charlotte and ask her what she thought, but she felt that she was already the queen of negativity and would only make her decision that much more difficult. 

After informing
Sarah that she would baby-sit, Sarah gave her instructions on where to pick him up. Because of the unique situation, they both had agreed Madison would drop him off at Sarah’s after dinner.

was amazed at how much fun she was having with Christopher. He was cute as a button and had a beautiful smile. Although Sarah was a pretty woman, he must have taken after his father because Madison didn’t see much resemblance with his mother.

“Smells like somebody needs their diaper changed,”
Madison said to Christopher as she sniffed he air. She sat him on the bed and carefully changed his diaper. “Stinky booty,” she said as she used the baby wipes to clean him up.

“Da da,” he said.

“No, sport, I’m Madison.” She picked him up. He giggled.  “I wonder if you’re hungry.” She carried him downstairs and went to the kitchen and began going through his bag. “Let’s see what your mama packed for you. We have sweet peas.”  He frowned. Madison added, “I don’t blame you.  Sweet peas don’t sound too appetizing.” She continued to say, “How about some chicken?” She attempted to open up the jar of baby food while holding him with one arm.  “This is a little hard, but I’m going to do it,” she said as she found a bowl and spoon.

After warming the food, she sat at the kitchen table feeding Christopher when she heard the front door open.

“Madison, I’m home. Where are you?” she heard Ethan shout.

“I’m in the kitchen,” she yelled.

“I’m so glad to be back,” he said as he entered the kitchen, stopping in mid sentence at the sight of seeing Madison holding a baby. “What in the world?” Ethan asked shocked.

“Hey, Boo. Isn’t he adorable?” she asked as she wiped Christopher’s mouth with a napkin.

“He is cute, but whose baby is it?”

Sarah was in a bind, so I told her I would baby-sit.”

“You what?” he overreacted.

Christopher started crying. “See what you did?” Madison placed Christopher across her shoulder and patted him on the back.

“When did you and
Sarah become so chummy?” he snapped.

“First of all, you need to watch your tone, and to answer your question, we’re not chummy. It’s just one co-worker looking out for another.”

“This is ridiculous. I thought I was coming home to treat you to a nice dinner and I walk in on this.”

“If I didn’t know better, I would swear you don’t like kids.”

Christopher was calm by now.  Madison turned him around on her lap. He reached one of his hands out to Ethan and said, “Da da.”

“See, he likes you. He’s probably wondering why the big old man has a frown on his face.”

“Look, it’s not like I don’t like kids. But after a long flight, I didn’t expect to come home to this.” He stared at Christopher.

“I’ll be taking him home in another thirty minutes anyway, so you won’t have to deal with ‘this’ too much longer.”

“Good. I’m going to go unpack.” He walked out the room.

I don’t know what’s wrong with
Madison thought
, but as soon as I get back we’re going to talk.




Ethan picked up his overnight bag and briefcase that he had left by the door and stormed upstairs.

Have they both lost their minds?
He thought to himself.
What kind of game is Sarah playing? What is Madison thinking bringing that woman’s child into my home? 
He started unpacking.
He is a cute lil’ fella.  A part of me wanted to pick him up and hold him. I can see why Madison’s smitten by him. But I can’t get emotionally attached to the kid. I know Sarah, even if he’s mine, she’ll give me hell if I want to see him. I feel like the walls are crashing down on me. I know I should have told Madison right then and there, that he could be mine. I have no choice now but to wait until I get the test results back.

Madison, I’m sorry,” he said aloud as he walked down the stairs. He didn’t get a response.

After checking all of the rooms, he realized she and Christopher were gone.

“Now what?”




Madison couldn’t wait to leave the house after encountering Ethan’s attitude. She cleaned Christopher up. He went to sleep in her arms. After laying him on the couch, she went upstairs and got his diaper bag and her car keys. She paused outside Ethan’s door but decided to deal with him later.

She turned on the inside car light to read over the directions on how to get to
Sarah’s place. She missed her exit the first time, so she had to go to the next exit a mile away and turn around. Madison was not familiar with Irving like she was other parts of the Dallas area.

She glanced in the backseat and Christopher was sleeping soundly.

“I think this is your street,” she said.

She pulled up to the gate of the apartment complex and punched in
Sarah’s apartment number. “This is Madison,” she said before being buzzed in.

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