Heart on Fire (21 page)

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Authors: Brandy L Rivers

BOOK: Heart on Fire
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Her hand twitched, wanting to sail through the air to slap him silly. After a deep breath, she calmly demanded, “Leave. Don’t come near my house, don’t try to follow. I swear I will involve the police. If you remember anything about me, you know I will.”

“Fine, I’ll be around though, so I can meet my daughter the second the results come through. Maybe you should take tomorrow off so you can arrange a visit.” He turned and left.

As he climbed into his rental car, Mila started to tremble. Kyle pulled her into his embrace. She wouldn’t cry, refused to breakdown, but she was on the edge.


* * * *


That asshole is her ex?

What a piece of shit. All cold and smarmy, like Mila needed that douchebag in her life. Kyle couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come. He intended to wash away every last one of Mila’s doubts the second they told her daughter.

“Hey, Mila?” He tipped her face up to look into baby-blue eyes. The hurt and sadness tore him apart. “Are you all right?”

“No.” She tangled her fingers in his shirt. “I was feeling better about things until he showed up. That’s Paul for you. Doesn’t think the rules apply to him, or maybe he thinks I’m stupid enough not to know what he can and can’t do while we wait for the results. I’m looking forward to rubbing that piece of paper in his face. Fucking bastard.”

Kyle swallowed down his chuckle. He didn’t blame her. Hell, he wanted to beat the shit out of Paul, but he stood back and let her handle it the right way. “Neither can I, babe, neither can I.”

“Thank you.” she sighed and tried to smile, but failed.

“May I take you to dinner?”


“Gavin drove us in, and so I don’t have my car.”

“I don’t mind driving. Where did you have in mind?”

“How does steak sound?”

“Perfect,” she grinned.

“Why don’t I call Cadence to make sure she keeps Cherish a couple more hours? Maybe see if she can spend the night, and I’ll get her clothes over there without being seen in case he’s lurking around.”

“No. I want her home tonight, but you can make sure Cadence doesn’t mind keeping her longer. I don’t think Paul is stupid enough to violate the order now that he knows I’m aware of what it says.”

“He still thinks she’s his, which doesn’t sound likely after Vance looked into the conception date and due date. Your medical records can’t lie, and sure, they could be off a bit, but not by that much.”

“Trust me, I know. Desperation doesn’t excuse his behavior. Sorry you had to see that.”

“I’m not. Now I have a face to watch for. I hope you’re right about him not bothering you again.” He squeezed her tight. “Let’s get going.”

They climbed into the car and she drove them down to the steakhouse while he called Cadence.

She answered on the first ring. “Hey Kyle. Gavin’s not back yet. What’s up?”

“I’m hoping you aren’t in a rush for Cherish to go home. Mila’s ex showed up, wanting to see Cherish. So if you don’t mind, I want to take Mila to dinner, and maybe dessert, before we pick her up.”

“No problem. Is Mila okay?”

“She will be. I’ll make sure of it.”

“Then I’ll see you later. Take your time.”

“Later, Cad.” He hung up and turned to Mila. “We have all the time we want. If you change your mind about her staying overnight, you only have to let her know. I’m sure Cadence would be happy to help. I doubt Paul knows where to find her.”

Mila looked over with a nod. “Okay.”

“Obviously it’s not,” he squeezed her thigh. “Talk to me Mila. What can I do?”

“You’re already doing it, like always. I want this mess to be over. I don’t want to have to deal with Paul again. I thought I was done with him. Thought I would never have to see him again. Apparently, I was wrong.”

“He won’t have a reason to bother you again after tomorrow.”

“I hope you’re right.”


Chapter 25



A phone was ringing as Mila pulled into the parking lot. She dug it out and saw Mason’s number. Her brother, who she loved to death, but hadn’t talked to much since the move. She hadn’t mentioned Kyle yet, because she wanted to be sure before she told him anything. Now she was.

“I’ve got to take this Kyle. Can you get our seats, please? I’ll only be a minute.”

“Sure.” He squeezed her hand, and hopped out of the car without asking who was on the phone. His trust further proved he was the one.

“Hi, Mason,” she smiled, knowing that he’d probably heard about what was going on from Barb.

“Hello, Mila. Why didn’t you tell me about all the bullshit? You realize I would have come out right away? I’m in your corner and can be there in twenty-four hours. I can’t believe that douchebag thinks Cherish is his. It was some random sexy Phantom of the Opera Halloween night.”

“Not so random—at least not now,” Mila answered with a tremble in her voice.

“How so?” The question held a cautious tone.

“The move down here was the best choice I could have made, for more than one reason. Turns out the very sexy fireman next door happens to be the Phantom of the Opera,
Phantom of the Opera. And I’m falling hard for him.”

“So spill, but skip the details about all the dirty stuff. You’re still my baby sister and I can’t scrub my brain out.”

Mila laughed. “Well, we didn’t know it until Barb showed up. We wore masks the whole night. There were things that were familiar, but I thought I was crazy. I mean, what were the chances?”

“It’s a small world, Mila.” He chuckled. “Are you sure, though?”

“Yes, and he’s ecstatic. And the best part is we were falling for each other before we figured out our shared past. I’m finally starting to believe this will work. And you’re going to like him. He’s a great guy.”

“Okay, I’m definitely coming out soon. I need to see this for myself, but Barb likes him. That gives me hope. Does he make you happy?”

“You have no idea. I’m elated, and he loves Cherish. I wish the results were already in, but that should be tomorrow.”

“How are you holding up?”

Mila groaned, leaning back in her seat. “Paul showed up. He tried to convince me to let him see Cherish, but I can’t believe he thinks I’m that stupid. I don’t know if he believes she’s actually his, or that he has an easy solution because his wife can’t have a child. Though I’m willing to bet he’s the sterile one in that relationship. Would serve his ass right.” Mila took a deep breath. “Sorry, I’ll stop bitching. Kyle’s inside waiting for me.”

“Go enjoy your date. We’ll talk later, and set up some time for us to come visit you. You’re okay with that, right?”

“Sure, I can’t wait. Cherish misses you guys, and you’ll like Kyle.” Mila grinned, already feeling better.

“Bye Mila,” he hung up.

She hurried inside where Kyle was still waiting. The hostess was eyeing him like he was her favorite dessert. She might have been jealous if Kyle looked at the hostess the same way.

He was too busy watching her, and it made her smile. Mila was still buttoned up in her blouse, paired with a knee-length skirt and sensible shoes, but he always made her feel like the sexiest woman alive.

Then the hostess smiled at her, seemingly genuine, which won her a few points. She’d have to be dead not to admire Kyle. “You’re Mila Day, right? My little brother thinks you’re amazing.”

“That’s me, and thanks. Who’s your brother?”

“Marcus Desantos, the school’s quarterback.” She was obviously proud. “Science used to be his least-favorite subject.”

She blushed. “He seems to enjoy class now.”

“He told me you’re the difference. Not because you’re pretty, which you are, but because you are the reason he’s still on the team. You helped him understand all the things he wasn’t getting before.”

Mila smiled. “I’m glad I could help. He’s a smart kid.”

“Come, let’s get you seated. Kyle wouldn’t let me take him back until you joined us. I must say, you’re a lucky woman.”

“I certainly am.” She grinned at Kyle, who smiled back at her like she was the only woman in the world.

“Enjoy your dinner.” Their hostess went back to the front.

“I knew the quarterback had a crush on you,” Kyle teased.

“Yeah, well I have a thing for the hot fireman next door,” she replied saucily.

“Good, because he’s in love with you,” he kissed her hand, and looked deep into her eyes with a stunning smile.


* * * *


Kyle loved the way Mila lit up, loved it when she was playful. There wasn’t a thing he didn’t love about her.

“I have great news,” Mila blurted out, excitement dancing through her eyes. “My brother is planning to come up in the next month or so. I’ve missed him so much. His wife, too.”

“That’s around the same time my dad is coming out. So you get to meet my family also.”

“Do you think he’ll like us?”

“Of course,” he squeezed her hand tighter, and moved to sit next to her, as opposed to across the table.

The waiter chose that moment to come over. He took their orders and hurried off. Kyle licked his lips. “I do. I want you to meet my father. He’s going to love both of you.”

“I hope so. Maybe my mom will come out eventually. But after she called Paul, I don’t know that I want her here. She’d like you though.”

“I have a feeling you’ll work things out. You said she tried to apologize. She keeps calling, which means she must realize her mistake. When you’re ready, you’ll listen, and maybe she’ll find a way to make it right.” If Mila could forgive Rene, he knew she would forgive her mother in time.

“I’ll call her tomorrow, after the results come in.”

“Can I ask why you hadn’t told her about us?” He wasn’t sure what to make of her omission.

“I told Barb, I told Mason tonight, only because I haven’t talked to him since that first week here.” She shrugged. “I guess I felt like I might jinx us if I told Mom too soon.”

“Why jinx us?” he asked softly.

Mila sighed. “She’d be pushing us together already. Asking when we were going down the aisle. I don’t want her to interfere with our relationship. I want it to unfold naturally, without her pushing. Stupid, huh?”

“No, not at all.” He pulled her closer. “It’s a relief too. Your reasoning makes a hell of a lot more sense than my assumption.”

“Why did you think I didn’t tell her?” She pouted, and he felt the urge to kiss her, but held off.

“It’s stupid.” He frowned.

Her head tilted to the side. “Tell me.”

“That maybe you were ashamed of me. Being a fireman instead of a lawyer or something.”

“Please, that’s my mom’s issue, not mine. I’m proud of you, and besides, Mom was married to my father until he passed away. Dad was a cop. So I’m sure she’ll approve of your career choice. And you are a great guy, who treats my—our daughter—better than I could have hoped for. She’ll love that.”

“I hope so. I can guarantee my father and his wife will love you.”

“I believe you.” She took a deep breath, but her smile was genuine. “So, you’ll get to meet my brother, his darling wife, and their kids. Cherish loved going over there. I’m glad she has Jenny here, and some of the other kids from school.”

“Miss Day,” Brad Slate said in a smarmy tone from the end of the table. He was one of her co-workers. One who had his eyes set on Mila. And there he was at the end of the table with a shitty grin when she looked up. “I didn’t know you were seeing anyone. I thought you said you weren’t interested in dating.”

“Changed my mind,” she answered simply.

His face lit up like a kid on Christmas. “Then you’d be interested in going out with me?”

She shook her head, a soft smile on her lips. “I’m only interested in dating one man, and he has his arm around me right now.”

“You won’t even give me a chance?” he asked.

Kyle held back his laugh as her eyes widened slightly. He spoke up, “Did you not hear Mila? She said she wasn’t interested.”

Brad’s gaze snapped to him. “I asked her, not you.”

Shaking her head, Mila informed Brad, “No, but you are embarrassing yourself. I’m obviously not shoving Kyle away. That should tell you I am with the man I want to be with. This is more than a date, we’re serious about each other.”

“I see that.” Brad frowned. “I suppose I’ll leave you alone then. Good luck with her, Kyle. She’s awfully frigid.”

Kyle stood up, towering over Brad with a glare. “You expect to win a lady over by insulting her?”

Mila took his hand, pulling him back to his seat. “Don’t bother, Kyle. He’s not worth it. He’s entitled to his opinion.” She leaned in to kiss him slowly.

It took everything he had to rein himself in and not molest her in public. When he pulled back, Brad stood there, dumbstruck, watching with wide eyes.

“Okay, point taken,” he grumbled and moved to sit with his sister and her husband. Kyle
felt bad for the guy.

“Sorry,” she whispered, smiling down at her hands. “I may have gotten carried away, but he makes my skin crawl, and I hoped to put a permanent stop to his come-ons.”

Kyle chuckled. “You can get carried away anytime, and I will admit to loving that side of you. Besides, your way got the point across without involving my fist. I can’t believe his parting shot.”

Amusement danced across her face as her shoulder lifted in a shrug. “I don’t care if one ass-wipe thinks I’m frigid. Better he never know what I’m like behind closed doors.” She leaned in and whispered the next in his ear, “Because I plan to scorch the paint after I get Cherish to sleep tonight.”

“Mmm, Mila, you’re killing me, babe. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to wait.”

“We could always skip dessert and create our own,” she taunted.

The waiter chose that moment to bring their food.


Chapter 26



Apparently Paul got the message because he stayed away. Kyle helped get Cherish to sleep. He read her and Ash a story, and Mila fell even harder for him. Hell, she was glad she put that show on for Brad and anyone else who was there.

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