Heart on Fire (14 page)

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Authors: Brandy L Rivers

BOOK: Heart on Fire
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Then the oven timer went off, and he needed to gather his thoughts. He wasn’t letting her go—his woman or his daughter.

She was too stunned to move, and he didn’t blame her. He smiled sweetly. “I’ll get that.”

Walking to the kitchen, he took a second to process.

Was he shocked? Yes, but who wouldn’t be. He never imagined Mila was the little devil who haunted his dreams for years.

Mila, on the other hand, looked like she was about to pass out. Mutely, she followed him to the kitchen, but stood against the fridge with her arms wound tight around her waist.

He pulled the finished pizzas out of the oven, and put the last one in, before going back to her.

“Mila, come here, honey.” When she didn’t move, he took her shoulders, pulled her into his arms, and wiped away her tears. “Listen to me, this doesn’t change much. Means I want to be here for Cherish, especially once we figure out how to tell her. Plus, I want you to know, I was already falling hard for you. Now it all makes sense.”

Her voice broke, “You aren’t mad?”

“For what, baby? For not telling me when you didn’t know? For keeping her from me when you had no clue who I was? I feel like such an asshole now. I should have told you my name, but you shut that down when Barb wanted introductions. I was recently out of a screwed up relationship, so I went with it, thinking I had time to coax it out of you. And there you were, so damned sexy I couldn’t keep my hands to myself. Christ, it’s probably why that first time was a total sense of
déjà vu

“No shit,” she muttered. “I don’t even know where to start. I’m the one who left. I never expected to see you again. Him—you—shit…”

Kyle placed his mouth over hers, to stop her from rambling. He kissed her slow and deep. As always, it felt right, so damned right.

Leaning back, he looked into her eyes. “I wondered why your tattoo looked familiar. There was no color then, but I remember tracing the outline after we collapsed the first time I made love to you.”

“Mommy? What’s going on?” Cherish asked quietly.

Mila jumped, looking over at Cherish with wide eyes. “Uh, um…” She was pale, and trembling.

My daughter.
That thought alone made him happier than he ever imagined, and the fact he was in love with her mother made it that much sweeter.

Kyle squeezed Mila, wishing he had a few more minutes to come up with a game plan, but he winged it, turning Cherish with a smile.

My daughter. Our daughter.

“Your mom had a big surprise. She’s okay. We need to give her a few minutes though. Maybe you can help me with the pizza? We can set the table, and your mom can visit with Barb.”

“Okay.” Cherish grinned, and he desperately wanted to tell her, but there had to be a better way than blurting it out.


* * * *


“Come on, Mila.” Barb smiled. “Let’s catch up.” She dragged her out to the front porch with wide eyes. “So your next door neighbor is
Phantom of the Opera? And you
figured that out?”

Still in shock, her hands trembled. She shoved them in her pockets and gulped with a shrug. Too many emotions raced through her to pick one. “We wore masks all night long, and weren’t doing a lot of talking.”

“I remember. He nearly nailed you against the wall in the living room. Where did you two wind up going?”

“His apartment.” She winced. “I know, it sounds so bad. I um… wow. I even tried to find him, after I realized I was pregnant, but he wasn’t at the apartment anymore. The girl didn’t know who lived there before her, and I didn’t want to look like a stalker by asking the office. I didn’t have anything to go on.”

“I would have helped you look if you asked.”

“Would it have made a difference? Honestly?”

She frowned. “I’ll ask Anthony if he remembers Kyle. But you’re probably right. He never did know who the phantom was at the party, and I did ask that night.”

“I figured he would have told you if he knew.”

“Good point.”

The sound of a car pulling into her driveway caught Mila’s attention. Rene sat in the driver seat.

“Shh,” Mila warned. “Please don’t bring any of this up until that woman leaves. I’m begging you. That’s his ex, and she already hates my guts.”

Barb’s eyes widened, a laugh escaping. “Oh my.”

Rene stormed up the driveway. “Where’s Kyle?”

“Inside. Why?”

“I need to talk to him.” She marched onto the porch, and reached for the door.

Mila stepped in her path and crossed her arms over her chest as she glared back at the blond bimbo. “Oh no you don’t. This is
home. I’ll go get him.”

Barb moved, blocking the door as Mila turned to go inside.

Mila slipped through the door, locking it in case Rene was that bold. She found Kyle in the kitchen cutting pizzas while Cherish set the table. “Let me take over.
is waiting for you on the porch.”

“She’s here?” Kyle snorted. “I’ll send Barb in. Sorry to wreck your reunion with one crazy thing after another. On the bright-side, the night can’t get much stranger.”

His joking immediately put her at ease. She managed a small smile. “It’s okay. We’ll figure it out.”

“We will, I promise.” He caressed her arm before stepping outside.

Cherish gave her a funny look, but Mila didn’t have a clue what to say. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect to find the Phantom again, let alone fall in love with him.

What is Rene doing here anyway?


* * * *


“Barb, Mila could use a hand,” Kyle told her, offering Mila’s friend an escape. Barb looked almost as surprised as he was.

“All righty.” She shot Rene a withering look before going inside.

Rene’s smile turned cruel. “You couldn’t bang your teacher friend, so you brought another woman to show off?”

He didn’t bother to correct her. Instead he demanded, “Why are you here?”

“Why are you?”

He barely held back his growl. “I was invited. You were not. Why are you here?”

She stepped closer, her smile softening in an attempt to be seductive, and trailed a single finger down his chest.

Kyle grabbed her wrist, firmly pushing her away. “Don’t touch me. Just tell me what you want.”

Rene batted her lashes. “I want you back. I love you, and I was wrong to try to get you to change your job.”

“Yeah, well it’s too late, don’t you think? I’m over you. Sorry, but that’s the way it goes. Now leave.”

“And if I won’t?” she demanded, her eyes narrowing to tiny slits.

He lifted a shoulder in an unconcerned shrug. “I’ll have Mila call the police for trespassing. She doesn’t want a scene. She wants some peace.”

“Then why are you here? If it’s not for the blond.”

“The blond is her friend, and happens to be married with kids.”

“So you’re free? Why won’t you come out with me?”

“I have plans. Goodbye.”

“Fine. Be an asshole!” Rene sauntered off.

“Right,” he muttered. “I’m not the one who tried to manipulate you into changing your whole life.”

Kyle took a deep breath and went inside. He locked the door and found everyone at the table. Barb was filling them in about her kids.

When she paused he spoke up, “Hey, sorry about that. She won’t get it through her head I’m no longer interested.”

Barb nodded. “I think I need to hear more of this story, but later.”

“Who was out there?” Cherish asked innocently.

“One of Kyle’s friends needed a word with him,” Mila answered.

She was an angel. Not only did she let the crap roll off, she refused to drag Rene through the mud when she truly deserved to be. He couldn’t understand what he ever saw in Rene. Compared to his future, the past was bleak.

Cherish’s little fingers tapped away at the table as she turned to Barb. She started explaining at a hundred miles an hour, “Kyle is the fireman who lives next door. He gave me Ash. He’s sweet, and Mom thinks he’s cute, and nice. And I think she has a crush on him.”

“Baby, she already knows,” Mila told her with a smile.

Kyle wanted to answer but wasn’t sure what to say at this point.

Cherish looked to her mom, her brow wrinkling. “Why isn’t he your boyfriend? You like him. I thought when a boy and girl like-like each other they were girlfriend and boyfriend.”

“Uh, he sort of is,” Mila answered weakly.

A weight lifted off his chest. They were a step closer to not hiding what they shared, and who he was. He was past ready for everyone to know what he felt for Mila, and Cherish, both. He only worried Mila would hold him at a distance, questioning his motive to take their relationship further. The fact that they shared a daughter may urge him to take things faster, but in reality, he was only holding back allowing Mila time to trust him.

“I knew it.” Cherish bounced off her chair and hugged Kyle. “You’re perfect for Mommy. Cadence and Auntie Dee both say so.”

He hugged her back, meeting Mila’s gaze. “Thank you, and I couldn’t ask for two better girls.”

“Me too?” His daughter lit up as she stepped back to look at him. His heart couldn’t get any fuller.

Mila’s smile faded and she chewed her lip. Now wasn’t the time to admit who he was. That would come, sooner or later. Hopefully sooner, but he was willing to be patient.

“Yeah, you too, munchkin. You two are a package deal, and I wouldn’t trade either of you for the world.”

Barb grinned at Mila and leaned over to whisper something in her ear. Color filled Mila’s cheeks, and Barb laughed out loud.

Kyle’s whole world settled into place. “Time to eat. Dinner’s getting cold.”


Chapter 14



“Goodnight, Kyle.” Cherish hugged him, then went to Barb and did the same. “Night, Auntie Barb. You’re going to be here in the morning?”

“Yes, honey, I will be.” Barb winked at Cherish. “Now get your butt up to bed, and maybe we’ll sneak out to get donuts in the morning before mommy wakes up.”

“Ooh, I know everyone’s favorites! We have to invite Kyle, he likes the caramel mocha ones.”

Barb giggled. “All right.”

“I’ll be right back,” Mila told Kyle and then tugged Cherish toward the stairs, pausing to scoop Ash up.

As soon as the bedroom door shut, Barb turned to him with a grin. “So you never got her name all those years ago?”

He lifted a shoulder in a shrug, and offered a weak smile. “We were preoccupied.”

“But you kept the masks on?” Barb laughed out loud. “You two were all over each other. Please tell me the rest came off.”

“It did. She didn’t want the masks off, so I obliged, thinking I had time to convince her.” He sighed. “You probably think I’m an asshole.” He definitely felt like one.

“I think you were exactly what she needed then, and now I’m positive you’re what she’s always needed. She’s not the type who would have kept such a secret if she had a way to contact you. I swear, she wouldn’t have. Hell, she tried to find you, even though she realized it was pretty unlikely.”

“I know. She’s perfect.” Kyle sighed, looking up the stairs. “So is Cherish. I only wish I’d known, because even if Mila wouldn’t have had me, I would have done anything and everything for my little girl. I still will.”

“That, I definitely believe.”

“I’m excited to tell her, but I have no clue how.”

“You’ll figure it out.”

He nodded, a smile on his lips as he looked up the stairs again.

Barb chimed in with, “What’s with ho-bag Barbie being your ex? And not to mention showing up here? Can we say tacky?” She half-laughed and he liked her even better.

“I dumped her a year ago when she wouldn’t stop trying to get me to work for her dad. She’s delusional, believing I’ll eventually take her back. Rene is one of the many reasons I hope Mila will want to go public with our relationship. I get her being nervous, and wanting to keep us under wraps. And now—” He didn’t even know what to think.

“She’s a very private person. Especially after Cherish. She’s been hurt, so be careful with her. Okay? If things don’t work out, she’ll understand, but don’t be cruel.”

“I won’t, but I don’t see that being a problem. I don’t want to leave her. She’s everything I’ve been looking for, and then some, in all the best ways.”

“I’ll tell you something. You’re already boosting her confidence. Kissing her stretch marks. Praising her for her choices. You’re already a hundred times better than the men in her past.”

“You are, Kyle,” Mila agreed as she came down the stairs. “We need to figure out how to tell Cherish. I won’t keep her from you.”

“Are you still going to come to the barbeque tomorrow? Gavin and Cadence invited Barb as well.”

“Yeah, if you want me there.”

“I do, and I was hoping you would go with-me-with-me.”

“Should I go upstairs a while? Or maybe you two head next door?” Barb suggested quietly.

Mila shook her head, but smiled at Kyle. “Yes, I’ll go as your date.” She turned to Barb. “No, you don’t have to hide. If we need privacy, we can step outside a minute.”

His heart paused, and he smiled back at her. This was a step in the right direction.

Barb squeezed her shoulder. “All right.”

He wanted to hold her all night, but the timing was bad. He took her hands. “Actually, please come outside with me? I know you want to catch up with Barb, so I’ll leave, but I want to talk to you first.” There were a couple things that needed to be said before she had a chance to question her feelings.


* * * *


Mila smiled at Barb and shrugged before stepping onto the back porch. Kyle pulled her against his body and wrapped his arms around her.

His voice was tender. “Mila, honey, are you still worried?”

She half-laughed. “For about a million reasons, but probably not what you think.”

“Does this change things for you?”

“No, but I’ll be honest. I hope Cherish isn’t the only reason you want to take us public.”

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