Heart of the Highlands: The Beast (Protectors of the Crown Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Heart of the Highlands: The Beast (Protectors of the Crown Book 1)
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Chapter 22



Ian escorted Keira to the back bench inside the courtroom. At the front of the room sitting on the dais, a man who introduced himself as Phillip Stewart, the Sherriff of Ross-Shire, waited quietly as the accused were led into the courtroom and taken to their seats on the front row, her father among them. The twelve men sat humbly as they waited for their trial and judgement.

The courtroom began filling with spectators. Many of whom came from miles around to witness the hangings. It seemed the population of Inverness had doubled overnight. Just the number of people attending caused Keira’s nerves to twitch and stomach to tighten.

Witnesses began taking the stand offering their testimony against the accused. It seemed that everyone in the room stood against them. Not one spoke up in their defense.

The room of spectators seemed to only want one outcome.
! Glancing around the room, Keira saw only hatred in the people’s eyes. After the witnesses gave their accounts, the Sherriff called Magnus to the stand.

“Laird Magnus Sinclair, son of Athol, ye are accused of crimes against the church as well as the King of Scotland. Do ye agree to these charges?” Phillip asked, narrowing his eyes, and looking down at him.

Magnus stood tall, unashamed of his actions as he held his head high.

“I do.”

Phillip lifted his head and addressed the crowd.

“As the accused has admitted guilt, he will be sentenced to death by the gallows. May God have mercy on his soul.”

At Magnus’s confession Keira broke down in tears. Why had he not pleaded for mercy? She could not believe he had done what he was accused of doing. As the guards grabbed Magnus’s arms to escort him out the back door, Keira felt herself close to fainting. She did not have the strength to watch her own father die. The image of him dangling from the rope had already crept in her mind and it was more than she could handle.

“Ian, I wish to return to my room,” she said breathing heavily.

Ian wrapped his arm around her and was just about to do that, when the door to the room swung open and a commotion commenced. Keira glanced behind her and saw Rylan forcing a man into the room. The room fell silent as they stared at the prisoner. Shuffling in behind him was Laird Gudeman and several guards.

Immediately the crowd bowed their heads and the procession continued down the aisle towards the dais. Laird Gudeman took a seat next to Phillip Stewart keeping his attention on the prisoner.

Noticing the crowd’s reaction to Laird Gudeman, she turned to Ian.

“Ian, why is everyone bowing to Laird Gudeman?”

Ian tightly pressed his lips together before answering.

“Ian, who is he?” she nervously asked.

“That mon is James, the King of Scotland. To keep himself safe, he travels incognito as Laird Gudeman so that he can mingle among his people. Only a few men know his real identity and it must be kept that way. I am sorry I lied to ye, but it was no’ my secret to tell.”

Keira’s eyes flew back to James. She felt mortified. The things she’d said to him, the way she’d embarrassed herself in front of him, oh God, what must he think of her.

“He must have thought I was mad speaking to him in such an ill-mannered way!”

Ian shook his head and smiled.

“Nay lass. James is a good judge of character. In truth, I think he rather enjoyed yer conversation.”

Keira sat lower in her seat, wanting to hide herself from James’s view.


“I bring ye Laird Thomas Chisholm. A man accused of treason, conspiring wit’ the English, and attempting to kill James of Scotland,” Rylan stated.

Ian stared in bewilderment.
was Laird Chisholm; the most dangerous man in all the Highlands? This man was nothing more than a weak-looking coward. Chisholm was not a very tall man as rumors would suggest, nor was he built as broad as an ox. It was clear these fabrications were meant to warn off his enemies. In truth, the man looked like nothing more than a mere ruffian. To think that this man would have been Keira’s husband. That thought alone angered him. Chisholm would not have been able to protect her any more than he would have been able to protect himself. Ian could not believe the audacity Keira’s father must have had to agree to such an arrangement.

Rylan picked up the man cowering on the ground by his shirt collar and tossed him onto the wooden bench. Ian studied the man’s movements as Thomas squirmed in his seat. The man did not speak a word, nor did he try to fight off his accusers.

Everything about this situation seemed wrong. His capture seemed far too easy. Had Chisholm planned to be captured by Rylan? Ian was sure the man would not have surrendered so easily unless he was up to something. Although many of the rumors about him proved to be false, he was a cunning and tricky man. It would be easy for him to arrange an attack with his numbers of English supporters and Scottish enemies. Ian surveyed the room, looking at the faces of the men in the crowd, gauging their actions. The sheriff silenced the room.

“Thomas Chisholm, ye stand accused of numerous counts of treason, allying with the English and plotting against the King of Scotland. What do ye say to these charges?”

The room anxiously waited for a response but it was Rylan who spoke up first.

“My Laird, Chisholm can no’ give his testimony to his charges. He does no’ have the ability to speak.”

The crowd in the room began to whisper. Rylan continued.

“Before I came upon him, the bloody bastard cut out his own tongue.”

The buzzing whispers of the onlookers grew louder. Ian felt the sleeve of his shirt being tugged as Keira clutched her hand around his arm.

Leaning toward him, she whispered, “Why would he do such a horrid thing?”

Ian turned to her. “Probably because he knew that if he were to be tortured, his secrets would go wit’ him to the grave.”

“Laird Chisholm,” the sheriff said, “I assume yer hearing is fine. Do ye admit to these charges?”

Everyone looked back at Chisholm awaiting an answer. He sat upright on his seat and vigorously shook his head, denying the charges. The sheriff looked at James who gave a nod of his head.

“As ye can no’ speak and nay one has come forth and offered to speak fer ye, it is my belief based on the evidence that ye, Laird Thomas Christopher Chisholm are guilty of all charges. Therefore, it is this court’s ruling that ye shall be sentenced to death.”


As Chisholm was hauled away, Rylan, Ian and Keira quickly left the courtroom before the mass of witnesses came piling out to view the hangings.

“Rylan what happened?” Ian asked, still not feeling right about the situation.

“I came upon a small group of men camped along the border. They had captured Chisholm fer the award on his head and meant to bring him here. I escorted them and kept Chisholm in custody.”

“It just does no’ seem right,” Ian said.

“What do ye mean?”

“Dinna ye think it was odd that it has taken us months to hunt him down and capture him and yet it only took a few men to succeed?”

“What are ye thinking?” Rylan asked.

“I am thinking that there is something else going on.”

“That may be but Chisholm is now in the custody of the king’s guards. We fulfilled our mission Ian, and now can return home.”

“Aye, maybe yer right.”

“Are ye no’ providing yer testimony to the court?” Keira nervously asked.        

“James has already granted ye pardon. I spoke to him this morning,” Rylan said.

“He did?”

“Aye. He said that he had a verra interesting conversation wit’ ye last night,” Rylan assured her.

Interesting was not the word she would have chosen for her outlandish outburst.

“What will happen to my clan? To my sisters?”

“I dinna know what will happen but as of right now ye are the heir to Clan Sinclair, and I am sure James will manage the estate in yer absence. In regards to yer sisters, they are welcome to stay wit’ us until they are of age to find a suitor of their own,” Ian responded.

“Ye, ye would do that fer me?” Keira stuttered, surprised by his act of generosity.

“I am yer husband, Keira. I would do anything fer ye.”

Gazing up at the man she had regarded as the Highland Beast, who had the Heart of the Highlands.

Without hesitation, Keira rose to the tips of her toes and wrapped her arms around his thick neck. Pulling him down toward her, their lips met. Keira kissed him hard and without restraint. Where there was darkness, he brought forth the light. Where there was sorrow, he created happiness.

“Where are we heading now?” she asked, wanting to leave this whole thing behind her.

“We go home!”

Chapter 23



Invercauld: one castle, two Lairds, and a great and powerful army of more than six hundred skilled warriors, that was how Ian described it.

Invercauld was a beautiful grey stone castle that rested between the river Dee and the majestic, snow-covered mountain Ben-a-Bhuird. The castle, in comparison to her own, was twice as tall, and the keep reached high above its great wall. Atop the great towers, handwoven banners waved proudly in the air, depicting the Farquharson Clan colors and crest.

As they rode across the bridge into the bailey they were greeted by several clansmen, both Farquharson and MacKay, cheering for the return of the three MacKay warriors.  

At the front steps, a woman ran out to greet them. She was dressed in a black dress and her light brown hair was up in tight braids. As Leland dismounted the woman wrapped her arms around him.

“My sons have returned!” she cheerfully said, wiping a tear from her eye.

Her enthusiasm and smile was contagious. It was obvious she was Ian’s and Leland’s mother and had missed her sons very much. It reminded Keira of her own mother. Oh, how she missed her.

Ian helped Keira down from the horse. Hand in hand they walked toward the proud woman. Keira felt a pinch of nervousness. She had not expected to meet his mother so soon.

“Mother, I would like to introduce ye to Lady Keira Sinclair MacKay,” Ian said.

Keira smiled up at him. She could hear the pride in his voice as he introduced her as his wife. For the first time, she felt proud to be his wife. Standing tall, she stood with her head held high. She was no longer Keira Sinclair, the daughter of a traitor. She was Keira MacKay. Wife of Ian MacKay, a brave Highland warrior.

“Keira, this is my mother Lady Gwendolyn MacKay.

“Tis a pleasure, my lady,” Keira respectfully responded by curtsying.

“Ye have been gone fer two years and ye go out and get yerself married sending nay word home to yer own mother! I have raised ye better!” she said swatting Ian on the arm.

“We have only recently married. There was nay time to send word. But we are here now,” he advised her.

“Ye sure picked yerself a bonny lass, Ian. Since losing Sarah, I have always wanted me a daughter,” Gwendolyn joyfully said pulling Keira into a tight, warm embrace. “Welcome to the family, dear.”

Ian’s mother then stepped in front of Ian. Her eyes surveyed him from the top of his head down to his feet.

“Look at ye, wasting away. Do they no’ feed ye out on the battlefield? Best get ye inside and get ye something to eat. I’m sure Seonag will be happy to see ye. I trust she will fix ye up something fierce.”

“Where is Father?” Ian asked.

His mother’s face grew grim at the mention of his father. Looking at both of her sons, she cupped her hands together and took in a deep breath before responding.

“I am sorry to tell ye lads, but yer father died nearly six months ago. I tried to get word to yer battalion but it was too late. He fought hard but died peacefully. I saved his belongings fer when ye returned.”

Ian nodded his head.

“Rylan, tis good to see ye lad,” Gwendolyn said.

“And ye my Lady.”

“I’m afraid yer father has gone to the market wit’ Laird Farquharson. But I am sure they will return shortly. I know yer father will be anxious to see ye as well,” Gwendolyn proclaimed. “Well, let’s get the four of ye inside and unpacked. I want to hear all about yer travels and to get to know my new daughter-in-law.”

As Gwendolyn led the way, Ian and Keira held back from the others.

Taking his hand in hers, Keira stopped and looked up into Ian’s eyes.

“Ian, what did yer mother mean when she made reference to yer battalion?”

“My mother does no’ know about the Protectors. As I said, no one does. They believe that Leland, Ryland and I have joined the king’s army. As I made a vow of silence, ye must keep this a secret as well.”

“I will. I am truly sorry about yer father, Ian,” Keira whispered.

“Dinna worry Lass. My father was ill when I left. I am only surprised he lasted as long as he had. Once we enter the keep, I will take my place as Laird of Clan MacKay. But before I start my duties as Laird, I must tend to my duties as yer husband,” he said, pulling her into him and passionately kissing her.

“And what duties would those be, my Laird?” she teased.

“Allow me to take ye into our chamber and show ye.”

As they stepped inside the great hall, Keira noticed a grand staircase that spiraled upwards leading to the next two floors. The building, Ian explained, was built of modern material and newly constructed. Laird Farquharson had plans for expanding the tower to add an additional three floors. By the looks of the building materials piled alongside the walls, it appeared that construction had only just begun.

Keira felt excited to start her duties as Lady of the Castle as there were so many things she wanted to learn, but she still felt troubled. With two clans sharing one castle, she was uncertain exactly what her responsibilities would entail. Not to mention the lack of space and privacy. The new tower, Ian told her would take nearly two years to be finished, and until then there wasn’t going to be room for all of them. She made a mental note to ask Ian later what his future plans were for his clan. With Castle Sinclair open to an attack with no Laird, she had hoped to persuade Ian to return to her castle and perhaps unite their clans instead. But that would be a conversation for later, when she had his full attention.

It truly was not a terrible idea, she thought, as it would satisfy both of their needs. Castle Sinclair after all had several rooms to accommodate Ian’s men. And there were plenty of abandoned cottages in the village as most of the villagers had left looking for work elsewhere when her father could no longer afford to pay them. The only thing they lacked was land.

There was, however, one reason that would cause Ian to forbid her to ever speak of it again, and that was that Clan Sinclair was an ally to Clan Sutherland; Ian’s most hated enemy. Keira doubted there would ever be a way to get them past their differences. After all, Isaac Sutherland was accused of murdering Ian’s wife, burning his village, and seizing his castle.

With everything Ian had lost, Keira wanted nothing more than to see him happy. But the only way he was ever going to be truly happy was returning to his own home and restoring his rightful place as Laird of Varrich Castle.

Suddenly, as if Keira were bestowed the gift of sight, she knew exactly what she had to do to satisfy both clans. She would forfeit her right to Sinclair Castle to Laird Sutherland in exchange for Ian’s castle. Even though the idea of losing her home saddened her, the peace treaty between Clan Sinclair and Clan Sutherland would still hold. If they were to unite, her clan would never dare wage war against the MacKays, since they would be united by marriage. It seemed like the perfect plan, or at least in her head it did. Until she set things in motion, she would never know, but she was willing to risk it. She was willing to do anything to make Ian happy, because she loved him.    


As they entered the hall, Ian’s mother linked her arm around Keira’s and led her to the kitchens to inform Seonag to fix a hearty meal for her returning sons. Lady Gwendolyn began showing Keira the various castle rooms and the garden as Ian patiently waited down in the great hall with his men. It seemed the two women could talk for hours without ever tiring and no matter his futile attempts to steal his wife from her, his mother continued to shoo him away and keep his bride’s attention from him.

For over an hour his mother kept Keira occupied with questions and stories causing his patience to wear thin at his mother’s constant babble. Now that he was finally home, all he could think of was taking his wife up to his room, locking the door and making love to her. It had been two days since the night he had made love to her on the beach and every day since that memorable night his body ached to touch her again. He was full with need, and he did not know how much longer he could stand to force himself to wait.

He welcomed the distraction of his men as they informed him of the events he had missed the past two years, but it did not stop him from occasionally stealing a glance at his lovely bride.

As the maids entered the hall with trays full of food, his mother asked everyone to gather in the great hall to eat. As everyone began shuffling through the large double doors, Ian grabbed Keira’s hand and led her towards the stairs.

“Ian, where are ye going? Will ye no’ be joining us fer a meal?” his mother called out.

“I need to speak to my wife,
!” he firmly stated.

Wanting to run, not walk up the stairs, Ian began taking them two at a time.

“Ian, slow down. I can no’ keep up wit’ ye. What is so important that ye have to whisk me away so urgently? It is rude to no’ attend the feast yer mother has so generously prepared fer us,” Keira said trying to keep up with him.

As they reached the top step, Ian scooped Keira up in his arms and kissed her before she could utter another word. Grasping the handle on the first door at the top of the stairs, he pushed the door open and stepped through, then nudged the door closed. Gently, he laid Keira upon the bed.

Blanketing her with his body, he captured her supple lips in a fierce kiss. Stroking and massaging every curve of her form, his hands moved along her body as if they had a mind of their own.

“Lass, ye have no idea what ye do to me. Ye make me go mad every time I am near ye just from the want of ye,” he said as he began nuzzling her neck.

Keira moaned in response to him. His need grew wild but tonight he would take his time and savor every inch of her silken body.


Keira giggled beneath him as he nuzzled the arc of her neck tickling her with his scruff. His touch felt different than the first time she shared his bed. When he had taken her virginity, he had barely touched her but now she welcomed it, craved it in a way she had never thought possible. Her skin tingled and ached for his touch and she yearned to touch him as well.

Keira allowed her hands to explore his body. Slipping her hands under his shirt, she felt the strong sculpted muscles along his back as she ran her fingers around his sides to his chest. His skin felt soft and warm under her touch. Ian slipped his shirt off over his head giving her a full view of his chest. Along the center of his chest was a small patch of hair which she eagerly ran her fingers through. Though she pretended not to stare, he was a magnificent example of man and muscle. She thought her husband was the most handsome creature she had ever seen and her attraction to him grew with each passing day.

“I like it when ye touch me,” he said smoothing his hands over her breasts over the fabric of her dress.

Ian pressed his thigh between her legs, causing her hips to instinctively rise to meet him as she tangled a leg around his. Deepening the kiss, she parted her lips, allowing him to slip his tongue inside her mouth, taking her breath away. Every extremity pulsated as her heart thunderously beat in her chest. Ian slowly began unlacing the bodice of her dress, in a slow, teasing fashion until he removed it completely.

The extra fabric hung loosely across her chest, exposing the top of her shoulders. With a free hand, Ian slid each side of the dress downwards, kissing the exposed flesh until the top of the dress hung well past her breasts, just above her navel.

Taking her breast in his mouth, he flicked her nipple with his tongue sending a surge of heated passion through her as he lightly blew the tip causing it to harden. Keira moaned.

Ian ripped the dress from her and removed his trews. Kneeling naked before her, she could see every curve, every muscle as he hovered above her. Grabbing her hand, he placed it on his hard shaft. It was hot to the touch and harder than she had imagined it would be. As she wrapped her hand around it more tightly, Ian moaned. She wanted to continue to investigate it further but Ian pulled her hand away.

“Nay lass. I am already about to burst. If ye do that, it’ll be over before I even get started. I want to be inside of ye. To feel ye,” he said as he placed his hand between her thighs. Feeling his fingers stretching the inside of her, Keira bellowed out in pleasure.

“Ye are so wet,” he remarked.

Removing his fingers, he positioned himself between her thighs and thrust forward, deep inside of her. Keira could feel him holding back and he slowly and steadily rocked back and forth but now was not the time to be gentle. She wanted him; all of him.

Grabbing his hips, she pushed him deeper inside of her. Wanting to satisfy her growing need, Ian drove himself deeper. With every thrust, Keira bellowed out. Sweat beaded on her forehead and her breaths were short and fast. Ian had lifted her to the heavens and her body exploded in release. Holding him tightly, she forced his head down and kissed him hard and fierce. She cried out in ecstasy, feeling every sensation coarse through her as her body convulsed.   

When they finished their love making they washed up, and Ian left to fetch them something to eat. Keira’s stomach had growled when Ian suggested it. He returned shortly with a plate of food to share.

Keira lay in Ian’s arms on the bed as they ate. His free hand rubbed along her naked body, caressing her, massaging her; making her want him again.

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