Heart of the Highlands: The Beast (Protectors of the Crown Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Heart of the Highlands: The Beast (Protectors of the Crown Book 1)
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Chapter 17



Ian tapped on the chamber door, turned the handle and entered. He found Keira sitting on a chair near the fire, with a leather-bound book in her hands. The soft, orange glow of the flames created an inviting and calming ambiance and the earthy scent of burning pine filled the air.

His attention was drawn to Keira, who looked at him with an earnest expression. Shadows of light seemed to dance around her, creating a halo of light, as if she were an angel. By God, she was beautiful. He had thought her bonny before, but in this lighting she looked heavenly.

There was something about the way she looked at him that made it hard for him to resist her. As her soft smile greeted him, his eyes fell to her lips; soft, delicious morsels. Desire surged through him as he wished to taste those lips. With each breath, his pulse quickened. He wasn’t sure if it was the drink that had caused his senses to go wild or if it was the tantalizing vixen who stared back at him with equal yearning. He could almost see it in her eyes as well.

The tips of his fingers started to tingle with the need to touch her, to feel her soft skin under his large rough hands. He would take pleasure in showing her all of the ways a man could please a woman, until her body could no longer bear it. He wanted to make her ache for him as he ached for her, with chest-tightening, heart-pounding passion. He would make her his in every way. Ian knew that if he did not distract himself from having these thoughts now, he would not be able to control his actions. He walked confidently to a chair near the fire, turning it so he faced her when he sat upon it. In order to have the satisfaction of bedding his wife, he knew he first had to woo her.


Keira watched as Ian walked over to the chair and sat down, facing her. He was a hard man to read, for his facial expressions gave nothing away and his mood could change as fast as the wind. He could be kind one moment and belligerent the next. But the provocative look he was giving her now left her uncomfortable. Perhaps, he’d simply had too much to drink. It certainly would have not been out of the question.

Thinking about what the maid had revealed, the knowledge of his previous marriage somehow made him seem more human than the beast she had imagined. To think that his life before had been so much different then, than it was now. That he’d had the tender love of a woman and had returned her love with equal measure. Keira felt a spark of jealousy for the poor dead woman. She had known a side of Ian Keira would never have the chance to know.

Ian stared at her with such intensity; she worried what he could possibly be thinking. Keira shifted in her chair, hoping to divert his attention. She felt a sudden awkward tension between them just as she had that night in the garden, and was reminded once again about the heated kiss they’d shared. Was he thinking about that as well? Licking her lips, she thought to distract herself from the yearning feeling building up inside her, but words escaped her. Lucky for her, Ian broke the silence.

“Tomorrow we are to leave for Inverness for the trials. As yer husband I will be permitted to speak on yer behalf. Ye will no’ have to face yer father or the King,” he said in a low husky tone.

“But I wish to see my father! I must! I have to know if everything I believe to be true has been nothing but a puddle of lies.”

“I dinna know if ye will be able to see him. But I promise, if there is a way, I will make sure of it,” he vowed.

“Thank ye.”

Up to this point, Ian had promised her many things. But what promises did he expect from her in return?

Moving his chair closer toward Keira, Ian leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

“Keira, I know this situation may no’ be ideal but I promise I will protect ye wit’ my life.”

“I dinna need any more promises or protection. What I need are answers!”

Ian frowned.

“And we will get them, together.”

Keira sat back on her chair and studied him. Why was he here? Why was he helping her? It made no sense unless there was a reason of which she was unaware. She had to know.

“Why did ye marry me? Surely, ye must have sacrificed something.”

“Truth be told, ye have grown on me.”

Keira smiled and shook her head in response. It was clear this man went looking for trouble as she was known to be quite a headstrong lass. Biting her lower lip, she thought to ask him of his first wife but was afraid to open old wounds. She thought for now it was best to wait.

“I like seeing ye smile. Ye are verra beautiful,” he said.

Keira thought her cheeks must be glowing red as they started to tingle from his compliment. With her hand, she covered her face in her embarrassment. Other than her father, no man had ever given her such bold compliments.

Ian stood, walked toward her, and held out his hand.

“Do ye trust me?” he asked.

Keira hesitated but placed her hand in his. Pulling her out of the chair, he stood before her. Standing this close, she felt the warmth radiating off his skin, increasing the temperature around her. As Ian released her hand, her skin ached for his touch. What was he doing to her? She should not want his touch but every nerve in her body was betraying her, as she quivered.

He rubbed his fingers down her cheek, across her lips then stopped just under her chin. Lifting her head so their eyes were aligned, he spoke softly.

“Dinna cover yer smile Lass. ‘Tis such a beautiful smile, it would be a shame to hide it. It pleases me to see it.”

His expression grew grim.

“Tomorrow morning the priest will come and demand to see proof that we have consummated this marriage.
On that
, he will no’ compromise. But I want a willing wife. I will no’ force myself on ye and I will no’ touch ye unless ye ask.”

Keira stared up at him in horror but was taken aback by the tenderness in his eyes. She knew there was truth behind what he said, but if the priest required proof, how was he to provide it? Bedding was certainly not in the contract, at least not as she understood things. This marriage was to be in name only, but she had never taken into account the priest’s demands. And if she were to bed Ian she would not be able to get the marriage annulled. Could she lie to a priest? Could Ian? They both would certainly go to hell for it.

There was also the matter, of course, of Ian wanting a willing bride. Willing was a far stretch from the truth, though she couldn’t help but enjoy his kisses no matter how much she tried to resist.

“How do ye plan to convince the priest that we are married in truth?”

“Dinna worry lass. I will come up wit’ something. Ye have nothing to fear. I give ye my word.”

Bothered, Keira turned her head to look away but Ian stopped her by cupping her cheek in his hand and gently brought her face back around to face him. His hand lingered there for a moment until his fingers grazed down her cheek to the base of her neck. The light touch sent shivers down her spine and she shuddered. Stopping just above her shoulder, he moved his hand from her neck to stroke down the length of her arm until their fingers met. Raising her hand to his lips, he lightly kissed each knuckle. Turning her hand over, he circled his thumb along her palm and kissed the inside of her wrist.

Keira swallowed hard and felt an intense heat rising within her. Ian must have felt it too. Forcefully, he pulled her into his embrace until their bodies were pressed together. Lowering his head until his lips hovered over hers; breathing her in. Keira’s body relaxed against him. Though she wanted to resist, and fight this burning desire inside of her, her body took on a mind of its own.

“I will no’ kiss ye unless ye ask,” he said as his lips teasingly grazed against hers.

Why must he torture me so

“I want ye Keira,” he growled.

Kissing the side of her mouth, his lips trailed down her neck. The sensation made her knees go weak as tantalizing shivers pulsated inside her. Forcing herself to breath, she felt a sense of losing herself in his arms. She felt overwhelmed and a part of her was desperate to let go and give into this urge.

God bless it

“Kiss me,” she panted, barely muttering the words.

Ian placed several more kisses along her neck until he righted himself. Cupping her face in his hands, his lips crashed onto hers like a tidal wave crashing along the shore.

His lips felt remarkably warm, and she felt as if she was scorched by the sun. His hands wrapped around her back, gliding down to her waist, then up to the back of her head, caressing her and pulling her into him as if he meant to swallow her whole. 

This kiss was the most intense, erotic sensation she had ever felt. It felt devilishly sinful but wonderful at the same time.

Ian pressed his tongue on her lips, encouraging her to open. When she eagerly complied, Ian slipped his tongue inside her mouth. She felt breathless as his tongue massaged hers.

As he gently released her, she was slowly brought back to the present. Taking in a breath of air, she was lightheaded and her limbs felt weightless. Using Ian for support, she cupped his forearm. It felt impressively hard underneath her fingertips, like he was built of stone. She looked to him in bewilderment and though at times he intimidated the hell out of her, he had a tendency to make her feel awestruck by just looking at her. Ian looked at her with the same stricken expression. She smiled knowing that her kiss had affected him as well.

Ian grunted and placed a kiss to her forehead.

“Ye should get some rest. We leave early in the morning,” he said pulling away and gliding toward the bed.

Keira stood speechless and confused. Sitting down on the bed, Ian began kicking off his boots and pulling the covers down from the top of the bed. His reaction made her feel shameful. Had she done something wrong? Did he no longer want her? He sure tried to make an attempt to seduce her, so why did he stop?

“Are ye no’ going to sleep?” he asked, looking puzzled.

“But I thought…I mean, I assumed,” she tried to answer, fumbling her words.

“I told ye lass. I will no’ touch ye unless ye ask. Now come to bed,” he ordered.

Ian turned away from her and slipped his shirt off over his head. Keira stood wide-eyed at his bronze skin, noticing the multiple scars that ran along his back. Scars only a good thrashing would leave behind. Her chest tightened at the sight of them. They looked to have been deep wounds and no doubt were quite painful at one time.

There was so much about her husband that she didn’t know. Other than the few tidbits she’d learned, she did not have enough knowledge of him to really understand him or his motives. Perhaps tomorrow she could change that.

Ian laid down on the bed, his back to her. She was grateful the bed was so large. In normal circumstances, she would have protested sleeping on the same bed as he, but as her husband, she knew he would not allow her to sleep on the floor, and she didn’t dare ask him to do so. She trusted he would keep his word, and thus far he had not disappointed her.

Keira unlaced her gown until she was left wearing nothing but the shift underneath. It would have to do. Lying down on the bed, she lifted the covers over her and scooted herself as far to the edge of the bed as possible without falling off. Snuggling with her pillow, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 18



Ian woke from a pleasant sleep. The smell of lavender surrounded him like a spring day. He felt warm and comfortable in his spot upon the bed and it was no wonder why. Opening his eyes, he smiled down at the lass whose head rested on his chest with her hand upon his stomach. He stilled his movements and steadied his breath, careful not to wake the sleeping beauty in his arms.

Her hair lay sprawled out across his shoulder and down the length of his arm. It was tempting to run his fingers through her long, soft locks. Had he not needed to rise, he would have stayed in bed holding her in his arms all day.

A loud pounding sounded at the door. Keira woke, sitting up faster than a spooked horse. Her wide, frightening eyes scanned over him when she realized the compromising position she had been in. Ian grinned in satisfaction.

The pounding at the door grew louder. Ian shuffled his feet from under the covers and stood from the bed. Making his way to the door, he opened it, and Leland stood in the door way, on his face a look of warning.

“Ian, I wanted to warn ye. The priest is on his way down to the village.”

“Alright. Thank ye. We will be down in a moment,” Ian said as he shut the door, turning his attention back to his horrified looking wife.

“Tis time to wake up. The priest is on his way here.”

“What are we going to do without proof to give him?” she nervously asked, slipping off the bed holding the covers tightly around her chilled body.

If the lass’s only concern was the priest and not the fact that she found herself lying in his arms, today was going to be a good day!

Ian studied the bedsheet for a moment before walking over to his belt lying on the floor. Removing his sgian dubh from its sheath, he pressed the blade against his thumb until it pierced his skin. Squeezing the tip of his finger allowed the blood to flow freely. Walking to the edge of the bed, he leaned over and smeared his thumb across the middle of the bedsheet. It wasn’t as convincing as it would have if the lass had been a bleeder, but it would have to do.

Ian pulled the bedsheet from the bed and rolled it up in his arms.

“Get dressed and meet me down stairs. Dinna take too long,” he advised.

Ian left the room just as the priest was heading up the stairs.

“Good morning MacKay. I trust ye slept well,” the priest said.

“I am no’ interested in yer pleasantries, father. Here is yer proof that Lady Keira is truly my wife in fact. Now take it and leave,” Ian demanded.

The priest cast a slight snarl but did as he was told. Ian would not show respect to a man who had treated Keira so poorly. Had he not been a man of the cloth, he would have ripped the mon’s tongue straight out of his mouth and forced him to eat it for the blasphemies he spoke of Keira.

Below stairs he found Leland and Rylan finishing up their morning meal.

“I see ye survived the night,” Rylan said with one brow raised.

“Was the lass’s honey sweet or did she sting ye like a bee?” Leland said as he burst into laughter.

Ian smacked the back of Leland’s head as he had when they were young.

mind ye is my
, and if either of ye say another word, it’ll be the two of ye whose heads I’ll be knocking around,” he warned.


Keira rushed getting ready as Ian had requested. Slipping into her gown, making haste braiding her hair, and patting her face down with a cloth dipped in a small basin of cold water left out overnight.

She followed the motions of her regular morning routine, but her head was completely in the clouds. How had she ended up lying in Ian’s arms? Just the memory of his grin when she woke was enough to humiliate her. She was grateful that he did not mention it and that Leland had come when he had. How long had she been like that? Being a heavy sleeper, she imagined that she could have snuggled up against him in the middle of the night.  He would have been all too pleased and eager for the chance to touch her. Making a mental note, she would remember to place a pillow between them the next time she was forced to sleep next to him.

Leaving the room, Keira went to search for Ian. Once downstairs, she found him outside saddling the horses.

“I hope I did no’ make ye wait long on my behalf,” she exclaimed.

“Nay. I was just finishing packing our supplies I purchased from the innkeeper. His wife prepared us several hearty meals for our travels.”

“That was verra kind of her.”

“Ye must’ve slept well last night, for this morning ye were sleeping like a bairn,” he said with a smirk on his face.

Embarrassment caused her to suddenly lose her voice, so she was unable to respond. The way the other two looked at her she could only imagine that this morning Ian had boasted about his evening giving them every detail of their kiss, unless he’d lied to them as well. Had they too believed she had bedded him, as the priest did? Even though she was his wife, she still felt the shame of a disgraced whore.

Approaching her side, Ian held out a fruit pastry. Keira eagerly accepted it. Ian helped Keira onto the saddle as he mounted behind her. Being forced to sit so close wasn’t as uncomfortable as it had been before. She rather liked the way he wrapped his arm around her and snuggled her close.


They rode hard over the next several hours. Ian wanted to cover as much land as possible, as Inverness was a full two days ride away. Allowing Keira short breaks to tend to nature’s call and stretch her legs, they continued to press forward into nightfall. Ian would have ridden the entire way had it not been for the horses needing to eat and rest. Ian could go days without sleep. A useful practice he’d learned from his days in battle.

Leaving the road, they rode into the woods to find a secure place to camp, though their choices were limited. As the clans continued to feud in these parts, it was getting harder to tell where a safe spot would be. It wasn’t just rogue Highlanders they had to worry about. There were also highwaymen, gypsies, and English troops roaming these parts as well, that would not hesitate to start a fight whether they were provoked or not.

Ian settled on a spot near a group of tall pines. It wasn’t an ideal place, but it would have to do. Reining in his horse, he called out to the others to stop.

Ian got down from his horse before helping Keira down as well. He decided to send Leland and Rylan out for wood and to search the area. Leaving Keira alone as he had done last time was not an option. He remembered all too well what happened the last time he left her alone and undefended. A mistake he was not going to make again. Unbuckling his pack, he pulled out a large tent from his sack and grabbed two rolled up plaids. Keira stood by quietly as he began setting the tent up. Once finished, he grabbed onto the bag tied to Rylan’s horse and walked over to the burning fire Leland had built.

“Compliments of Lady Aggie, the innkeeper’s wife,” he said, as he pulled out portions of dried venison, bread and sliced cheeses, placing them on a small platter, and handed it to Keira.

“Thank ye,” she said tiredly.

The four of them sat around the fire, eating and talking for what seemed like hours. Leland entertained Keira by way of stories of home including a particularly embarrassing one of Ian when he was a younger lad. He would have insisted Leland keep his foolishness to himself, but the sound of Keira’s laugh was the sweetest sound in the world, so he bit his tongue. That, of course, did not stop him from staring daggers at his younger brother who was immensely enjoying poking fun at his older brother while he could get away with it. This was one of the few times, Leland could by all means get away with it, but Ian would have to remember in the future when Leland met his own future bride, to share a few stories of him as well.

Watching Keira’s bright smile was like witnessing the stars for the first time; bright and radiant. He was astonished by how she managed to have such an effect on him. He found himself caring deeply for her and her safety. And unlike any other woman, he cared about what she thought and how she felt. He had learned a long time ago the mistakes he’d made with Sarah. Mistakes for which he had spent the last eight years trying to atone. But he promised himself that with Keira it would be different.

“There is a loch nearby,” Rylan announced. “I think I am going to take a swim and cool off. The water should be warm enough fer ye lass if ye wish to do the same when I am through.”

“I would verra much like that. Thank ye,” she replied.

“If ye are leaving, I will take first watch,” Leland said as he stood up and strapped his sword to his belt.

Ian was grateful the two of them were leaving. He had been waiting impatiently all day for a chance to be alone again with Keira. He didn’t know how much longer he could wait until he could kiss her again.

He knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her last night. Though she tried to resist, the way her body responded to his touch made wooing her all too easy. But he didn’t just want to bed her. He wanted her to want him. With those two dimwits gone, he would steal himself another sweet kiss, if she’d let him.


“I really like yer brother Leland. He has a gift of storytelling.”

“What do ye mean ye
him?” he asked dryly.

“I only meant that he seems to be a good mon. He would get along rather well wit’ my sister Alys. She has the same kind of humor that he does.”

“Good. I dinna like hearing ye say that ye liked him.”

“And what if I did like yer brother?”

“Then I would have to live wit’ the regret of killing my own brother.”

“Surely, ye jest!”

“Nay. Ye are my wife and I dinna like ye talking about another mon in such a fashion. Whether he be my own brother or no’.”

Keira gave him an annoyed look.

“I am only stating the fact that I know more about yer brother from just in the last hour than I know of ye in the past several days. And besides, he would be best suited for Alys.”

Had Alys been there now, she would have died from embarrassment at Keira’s prejudgment but she would have heartily agreed. Leland was just the type of man Alys had been seen swooning over and probably the first man of whom Keira would approve. He had good character and a sense of honor to him that would make him a good husband. Much like Ian, she supposed.

That realization surprised her. She had been so bent on wanting an annulment she’d thought nothing about what she would do once she returned to her home and her family. There was no doubt she would be forced to marry another man and one not of her choosing. Keira looked to Ian. Perhaps staying married to Ian was not as bad as she’d thought. After all, he was a kind man.

“So, ye want to get to know me, aye?” he asked.

“Must I repeat myself?” she answered.

Ian shifted on the ground, turning to face her.

“What is it that ye would like to know?” he questioned.

Keira bit her bottom lip. There were so many things she wanted to know, but she couldn’t possibly learn everything about him in just one sitting. There were things she would have to learn over time. There was one question; however, burning in the back of her mind and that was of Sarah.

“I do no’ mean to pry but I was wondering if ye were willing to tell me about Sarah,” she asked cautiously.

Unable to gauge his reaction to her question, she winced; worried she was opening old wounds. She had hoped he could be just as open and honest with her as she had been with him. She was his wife after all and if they were to stay married, she would like to know more about the woman who clearly still held his heart.

“Where did ye hear that name?” he asked; his voice dry and brazen.

“The barmaid that escorted me to my room mentioned her.”

Ian ran his fingers through his hair and let out a long, deep sigh. Perhaps, she should not have asked but it was too late to take back her words.

“Ye dinna have to tell me,” she began to say until Ian interrupted her.

“She was my wife,” he said.

Keira could hear the sorrow in his voice.

“What happened to her?” she asked softly.

“Our village was attacked. Twas nearly eight years ago when my Sarah was taken.”

“Was it by the Sutherlands?”

Ian nodded, wiping his hand down his face. His brows tightly knitted together as if he searched his memory of the events of that awful day.

“I’m sorry. I dinna mean to intrude. Tis yer past and if ye no’ wish to tell me, I understand.”

“Nay, lass. I will tell ye what happened.”

“Twas my fault she died,” he whispered.

Keira’s mouth fell slack but she quickly closed it, clenching her jaw. She wanted further explanation but was unsure how much he was willing to share. It clearly pained him to talk about it. Suddenly, her mouth went dry. Licking her lips to moisten them, she thought carefully about what she should say. But how did one respond to that?

“I dinna understand. How could ye possibly be to blame?”

“We were married less than a month. I went away on a mission to Dun Au Noon wit’ my clansmen to sign a peace treaty with a neighboring clan. I went to prove myself as a mon. I was young and foolish. While we were gone, our village was attacked by the Sutherlands; they killed thirty of our men and women. When we returned, they had burned our village. When our Chieftain confronted Laird Sutherland he denied any and all wrongdoing on the part of his people. But I know it was him. He killed our people but was never convicted. Sarah’s death is on my hands. Had I been there to protect her, she would still be alive.”

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