Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens) (6 page)

BOOK: Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens)
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“Look at me, Roz. Stop this. Release her now!” Troy insisted.

Jess stared at Roz a few seconds longer then tore her gaze from her. She stared at the floor for a moment then looked at Troy in disbelief and shame. She ran from the room. Troy ran after her.



Chapter 5: Finding her Way


Tears blinded Jess as she ran through the hallways. She quickly lost her way as one corridor looked the same as the last. She saw a set of double doors at the end of the long hall and ran to them. The doors opened and she ducked in. She collapsed to the floor beside a large metal canister and doubled over in tears. She cried endless tears of shame. She never imagined that her gifts could make her do something so heinous. She didn’t recognize herself anymore. What had she turned into? If this horrible creature was who she was destined to be than she’d rather be dead. She heard the doors and knew Troy had found her. She turned to face him and quickly rose to run into his arms.

“I can’t do this, Troy. I can’t,” she wailed.

“Shh, sweetheart. It’s alright. Roz is fine,” he said. “Her throat is rather sore but she will live.”

Jess looked into his beautiful blue eyes. She saw her tearful reflection in their depths and saw who she really was. She recoiled from the image staring back at her. She pulled out of his arms. And turned away from him. She hated what she had become. And he most certainly would too. How could she expect him to love her? And she realized at this very moment that she did want him to love her because she was in love with him. The timing of the discovery could not have been worse but no one ever said that love was timely. And after that horrific occurrence he would never look at her the same. She allowed jealousy to preside over restraint and as a result she almost killed someone. How would Troy ever want to be with someone who was so undisciplined and uncaring? She wanted to hide in a foxhole in shame.

“You must think me a vile person with absolutely no regard for life,” she whispered.

He wanted to reach out and hold her but knew she would not want him to.

“My opinion of you has not changed,” he said softly.

“No? Well mine certainly have,” she said sadly.

“It shouldn’t have. You are still the beautiful, talented, incredibly smart woman I have always known,” he murmured.

“I almost killed someone, Troy. Normal people do not go around doing things like that,” she scoffed.

“And normal people are not under the same staggering pressure that you carry,” he returned. “Roz pushed you too far. And you have not yet mastered the control of your powers.”

“You mean I can’t control my erratic emotions,” she said self-mockingly.

“You still have a way to go but you are learning. Don’t beat yourself up for not having total mastery of you gifts in four days. It’s going to take some time,” Troy said.

“And in the meantime I should only knock off a few dozen people,” she said flippantly.

He did grab her this time and spun her around to face him. He grasped her shoulders tightly.

“That’s not going to happen. So stop acting the martyr,” he snapped. “You were provoked and you reacted. Learn from the mistake and move on.”

“You’re hurting me!” she cried.

He shoved her away roughly.

“Stop feeling sorry for yourself and pull it together,” he railed at her. “You’ve been given the greatest gift known to all species and you’re whining because you made an error in judgment. You’re not perfect, Jess; not yet anyway. Understand that and make corrections as you go.”

Jess looked at him miserably. She couldn’t remember Troy ever losing his temper with her. It was a new experience and not one that she particularly liked. But she could see his viewpoint. She had to admit that he was right. She had needed a kick in the pants and he had given it. Her eyes brimmed with new tears but she refused to let them fall. She had cried enough and would not continue to futile endeavor. She braced her shoulders and stared at him in resolution.

“Teach me to better control my emotions,” she stated coolly. “Now.”

Troy wanted to smile but refrained. He had gotten through to her. A little tough love had her reassess her situation and rededicate her efforts. Good. It is what needed to happen. He had not wanted to reveal just how perturbed he’d been when she choked Roz.  Her powers were growing stronger and it was imperative that she know that she could control them. He did not want her to think that she was inadequate or incapable of assuming her destiny.

“Alright,” he said.

Troy began his instruction.




Jess lay in her comfortable bed unable to sleep. She was exhausted from her session with Troy. He could be relentless when he wanted something and he wanted her to master the ability of controlling her emotions. It was crucial that she do so if she didn’t want a repeat performance of the Roz incident. She had allowed Roz to get under her skin and that couldn’t happen again. She was sure Roz would continue to aggravate her but she couldn’t retaliate. Jess threw the light blanket off of her and got out of bed. Sleep was determined to elude her so she may as well get up. Maybe she should go into the conservatory. It was tranquil there and perhaps the peaceful setting would make her drowsy. She settled a lacy red shawl about her shoulders and looked in the mirror. The shawl provided adequate coverage over her short, strapless white nightgown. She viewed her image and shrugged deciding that she was decent. No one would see her anyway. She left her room and made her way down the corridor. The ship was eerily quiet. Everyone save a few officers on the Bridge was in bed sleeping soundly; including Troy. Jess arrived at the conservatory and the doors slid silently open. She entered and wandered to the bench where she had sat on her first day on board. It was also her first encounter with Roz. She had felt uneasy in her presence and she now knew why. Roz was not a very nice person. Jess looked up through the dome at the spectacular visage that was space. She didn’t think she would ever tire of seeing the planets and stars as the ship soared past. It was truly phenomenal.

“It never gets old, does it?” Ashton mused.

Jess smiled at him as he joined her on the bench.

“No it does not. I see you couldn’t sleep either,” she murmured.

“No, I couldn’t. Too much going on in my head I guess,” he answered.

“I understand. I feel the same,” she replied a little sadly.

Ash heard the sorrow in her voice.

“Do not dwell overmuch on this evening’s incident. It is done and you cannot change it. So it is best forgotten,” he said wisely.

“I’m sorry for reacting so. It will not happen again,” she apologized.

“I know,” he said simply.

“Do you often come here?” she asked.

“Yes. Fantasia is Troy and Rakia’s playground. The conservatory is mine,” he smiled.

“You think of the conservatory as your playground?” she was puzzled.

“Yes. Fantasia can create anything you can imagine. I prefer just to imagine,” Ash said softly. “Your mind can create fantasies just as beautifully as Fantasia and you can take them with you wherever you are. The mind is a powerful instrument when given free reign.”

“That’s an incredible way to think of your imagination. I like it,” Jess exclaimed.

He smiled warmly at her.

“I’m glad. Use the technique when dappling with your powers and see what happens. It will be a wonderful path of exploration,” he suggested.

“I will,” she said.

They both looked through the dome and caught their breath. A spaceship hovered above the dome. Ash clasped her arm.

“Quickly,” he whispered urgently.

They stood and ran toward the door. But three aliens materialized in their path before they could reach it. Ash manifested a fireball in his palm and threw it at them; destroying one of them. Two more appeared. They ran to the side wall and Ash pressed the red button.

“Security to the conservatory!” Ash yelled.

A bolt of lightning struck the wall just above Ash’s head. He turned and threw several more blazing fireballs then they ran to hide behind shrubbery. Smoke from the fireballs was filling the room. Jess could barely see two feet in front of her. Ash stood to throw another fireball and was struck by the return attack of searing lightning. Ash cried out in pain. Jess became furious at the assault.

“Ash!” she yelled. She then looked at the aliens and her grey eyes turned black with anger.

She stood up just as security and Troy rushed into the room. Jess waved her arm across her body and emitted a red vapor of from her hand. The aliens were vanquished immediately. They disintegrated and disappeared through the hull of the ship. Jess looked through the dome and saw the spacecraft rapidly move away. The security officers were stunned at what they had just witnessed. Troy rushed to Ash’s side.

“Are you alright, Ash?” Troy asked anxiously.

Ash nodded.

“A mere scratch. I will be fine,” Ash mumbled as he clutched his upper arm.

“Yeah, but it hurts like the devil,” Troy said grimly.

“They are gone,” Jess said.

“Good. But they will be back,” Troy said.

“And we will be ready. They caught us by surprise this time but that will not happen again,” Ash swore.

“How the devil did they find us? We took great care to hide our emissions tracks,” Troy asked.

“Which means they couldn’t have found us through normal means,” Ash said angrily.

“Do we have a traitor on board?” Troy voiced the question that no one else wanted to ask.

Ash did not answer. But it was clear what he was thinking.

“Sir?” one of the security officers said.

Ash looked at the man.

“The crisis is over. Maintain a level three force shield at all times. As you were,” Ash commanded.

The officers left the conservatory. Jess touched Ash’s arm gently.

“You need medical attention,” Jess said worriedly.

“We will take you to the infirmary,” Troy said.

“No. Rakia can tend to me. I will go to my quarters,” Ash said.

Troy nodded. They escorted Ash to his rooms. Rakia saw Ash and instantly went into nurse mode. Jess related the recent events to her and Rakia was appalled. Ash told her that he had taken precautions to safeguard the ship. Jess could see that Ash was getting tired. She and Troy took their leave. They arrived at Jess’s quarters and Troy came into the room.

“How are you, Jess?” Troy asked. “I know you are well physically but how do you feel emotionally?”

Jess sat on the side of her bed and look at him directly.

“I feel fine. Better than fine actually. I feel exhilarated and full of energy. I feel like I could take on one hundred aliens,” she confided.

“Eager for another fight, are you?” Troy grinned.

“Kinda. When I saw Ashton get hit I became infuriated. But I didn’t act rashly. I knew what I wanted to do and I did it.”

“That is the way you are supposed to respond. You’re gaining control of your amazing gift. I am proud of you,” Troy said seriously.

“Are you really? After—

He sat on the bed next to her and placed his forefinger against her lips.

“Shh! It no longer matters what happened with Roz. You have made the necessary adjustments to manage your skills. So yes, I am extremely proud of you,” he replied.

“Thank you,” she said. “Your feelings matter to me.”

“As yours does to me,” he returned.

Jess sighed hugely.

“I think I can sleep now. It’s odd after so much excitement taking place. But I am drowsy,” she said through a yawn.

“Good,” he said. He untied her shawl and removed it from her. “Get into bed and scoot over.”

Jess was baffled.

“Why do I need to move over?” she asked.

“Because I’m sleeping here with you. After what happen tonight, I am not taking any chances,” he said flatly.

Jess started to argue but changed her mind. His tone brooked no argument and if she were honest with herself, she would admit that she liked the idea of Troy sleeping with her. She moved over in the bed as Troy went into the bathroom. When he came out he was wearing short pajama bottoms only. Jess pulled the blanket to her face to hide her smile. She thought he looked absolutely gorgeous. How could she not want him in her bed? He sat on the bed and pressed a button on the bedside table to lower the lights. Then he rolled into the bed and pulled her close to him. He held her tightly and kissed the top of her head. He was content just to have her in his arms, safe and well. That was enough.

“Goodnight, Jess,” he murmured.

Her head was nestled on his broad, muscular shoulder. It felt good being there. It felt right.

“Goodnight, Troy,” she whispered.

They slept.




The next few months produced no more alien attacks. They had reset their coordinates and the Bridge and Engineering had been closed off to all except approved personnel. It was infuriating to know that Jess was permitted to go where she was denied. Roz had made several attempts to enter the restricted area but had been denied entry. Even officer Dax had apologetically yet firmly turned her away. Roz had been frustrated beyond belief. She managed to extract a promise from Dax that he wouldn’t mention that she had been there. But she knew she couldn’t count on his silence for too long. He could say something in passing that would alert Ash to her traitorous deeds. She needed to get off of this ship as soon as possible. It was so frustrating not knowing exactly where they were. All Ash would tell her was that they would be at her destination of the Zelum space station very soon. And it was galling to see Troy and Jess being intimate with one another. She had happen upon them kissing on more than one occasion. It was sickening. Well, the little twerp may have won this round but the match would be hers. Roz entered the Mezzine and sat at the bar. She ordered a Davala; a tropical drink that had a strong alcoholic kick to it. She was sipping her drink when the waiter approached her.

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