Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens) (2 page)

BOOK: Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens)
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She suddenly stopped struggling and stared into his vividly blue eyes. They seemed hypnotic—compelling her to believe him. She wanted to trust him again. She wanted things to go back to the way they had been; free and easy and uncomplicated. But she feared those days were gone forever. But what kind of days was before her? Days of conflict? Fighting? Running and hiding? Capture by evil, sadistic aliens? Is that what she had to look forward to? She’d rather be dead. She looked away from his mesmerizing gaze.

“Talk,” she said tartly.

He walked her to the couch and sat her down. He sat beside her and finally released her wrists. She chafed them vigorously. Troy reached out to soothe her wrists but she drew back from him. He slowly withdrew his hands.

“You now know there are evil aliens after you,” he began. She nodded. “There’s a reason for their interest in you.”

“What is it?” she asked.

“Have you felt any sensation from your birthmark of late?” he asked.

Jess laid her hand at the base of her throat to cover her birthmark. She had been feeling vibrations from that area of her neck. She hadn’t said anything about to her mom for fear of upsetting her. The sensations were really nothing more than tingling nudges that occurred every few days. They didn’t make her feel physically ill so she had begun to ignore them. 

“Sometimes,” Jess admitted. She didn’t particularly want to tell him but she never told a lie.

“The markings on your neck are not a birthmark. It’s called the Galaxia Star. It is your birthright to the power of the universe,” he said. “And it is awakening within you.”

Jess stared at him as if he had two heads. She couldn’t take in what he was saying. It made no sense. She was no super being with crazy powers. She was just Jessica Leyman, an ordinary human being.

“You’ve been watching way too many sci-fi movies. I am no witch or celestial power source,” Jessica forcefully objected.

“You can be the most powerful being in the universe. The vibrations that you feel are calling you to embrace your destiny,” Troy said. “And it will not stop beckoning you until you have done so. The longer you try to ignore it the stronger the sensations will become.”

“This is insane. What you’re saying couldn’t possibly be true,” Jess exclaimed.

“It is true, Jess. And the sooner you accept it the sooner I can transport you to safety,” Troy said.

“Transport? I’m not going anywhere,” she retorted.

“You must if you are to be safe. The Wulshuk will be back. And they will continue to come back until they capture you,” he said urgently. “We must leave.”

“Capture? Why do they want me? Tell me, Troy,” she demanded.

“They need you to open the door to the universal power. Your Galaxia Star opens the portal. If they can force you to open it and their leader goes through the portal then he will absorb the power. And the power would then be evil,” Troy explained. “Only you can ensure that the power is good. You must be the one to go through that portal.”

Jess laid her head in her lap in despair.

“Oh my God! This is all too much. I can’t,” she moaned. “I can’t do this.”

“You must,” he replied gently.

She lifted her head to stare at him.

“You expect me to be the keeper of the universe? No, I can’t do it. I won’t do it,” she cried.

He placed his forefinger under her chin and looked deeply into her stormy grey eyes.

“You can and you will. I will help you, prepare you to assume your role as guardian of the universe,” he said. “The ability lies within you. You just have to tap into it.”

“I don’t know,” she whimpered.

“Trust me, Jess. Believe in me as I believe in you. I know you can do this,” he said softly.

Jess couldn’t hold back any longer. She threw herself into his strong arms. He held her against him tightly and kissed her neck. He couldn’t stop himself from kissing her. He had wanted to touch her intimately for years. He finally allowed himself the pleasure. Jess was taken aback at the intimate gesture but did not pull away from him. She had fantasized about him kissing her for a very long time. She just wished it had occurred under different circumstances. She wasn’t sure how she should react knowing what she did about him; and about herself. She was in no position to think about romance when she had the weight of the universe on her shoulders. But it did feel good to be in his arms. It was a place she longed to be so she didn’t break the embrace. Troy leaned back against the cushions and brought her with him. She felt good in his arms; as if she belonged there. He knew he should probably begin their journey but he so wanted to just enjoy this moment. He decided a few minutes wouldn’t hurt. He would relish this time for he didn’t know if there would ever be another. He kissed the top of her silver head and held her tightly.



Chapter 2: The Journey of Begins


Jess awakened the next morning in her bed. She was confused as to how she had ended up in her pajamas. The last thing she recalled was sitting on the couch with Troy, snuggled in his arms.
Did she change into her pajamas and not recall? Impossible. She felt a movement beside her. She froze. She knew without looking that it was Troy. My God! What had happened last night? Why was he in her bed sleeping like a babe? And more to the point, what had happened before he fell asleep?

“Good morning,” Troy said sleepily.

“What are you doing in my bed?” Jess snapped. She sat up in bed and turned to face him.

“Now who’s lacking in social graces?” Troy grinned.

“Get out! Get out of my bed,” Jess ordered.

“No. For the time being I’m comfortable where I am,” he said. He adjusted his pillows and crossed his arms behind his head.

Jess was outraged at his answer. She threw a pillow at his head. The pillow hit the bull’s eye of his face. He casually tossed the pillow aside.

“There’s no need for violence,” he chastised her.

“Oooh!” she exclaimed in frustration.

She picked up another pillow and was about to throw it at him when he quickly grabbed the pillow from and pinned her on the bed. His actions were so fast that Jess had not time to blink. He crouched over her like a cougar ready to pounce. Her dark grey eyes were bigger than the full moon as she stared at him suddenly afraid. Troy saw the fear in her eyes and immediately relaxed his pose. He never wanted her to be afraid of him. He pulled her into his arms.

“Never fear me, Jess. You never have in the past. Do not start now,” he whispered.

She swallowed.

“I’m not afraid of you,” she said quietly.

“Are you sure? Tell if you are and we will work it out,” he said.

“I’m sure. I’m not afraid of you. It’s just that I’ve never seen you like this before. You’re different somehow. A little more menacing,” she mumbled.

“I don’t mean to be. But you will begin to see me as never before for I am now my true self,” he explained. “The boy you first met in junior high and even the man you’ve come to know may not always be the person that you will now see. I am in my natural form and as such you will see characteristics that may astound and/or scare you. But never will I hurt you. Remember that. Everything that I do is to protect and care for you.”

She nodded. He pushed his hair back from his face. She noticed his ear. She gasped as she stared at it.

“Your ear!” she exclaimed.

He sat back and held his hair so that she could look her fill. His ears were slightly pointed and the lobe was so flat against his hear that it was almost non-existent.

“Your ears were not like this before.” She said in awe.

“When I fought the Wulshuk I reverted back to my natural form,” he explained. “And there’s no need for me to change into human form now that you know who I am. I am not so different from the humanoid except for my ears and of course my special skills.”

“You mean your powers,” she clarified.

“Yes,” he replied.

“I think they’re cute,” she said as she reached out to touch their small peak.

He allowed her to satisfy her curiosity and touch them. Then he gently removed her hand.

“I’m glad you like them. But it is necessary to hide them and appear as everyone else while I am on Earth,” he said.

“I can understand that,” she said. She was silent for a few moments. Then she spoke so quietly that Troy had to strain to hear her. “Troy, am I human?”

Troy took a deep breath. He knew she would soon ask when she connected all of the dots. Jess was a smart girl. It wouldn’t take her long to do that.

“No. Not completely,” he answered.

“I don’t understand. Am I of mixed
species?” she asked in confusion.

“Yes. But I will tell you more on our journey. We will have plenty of time for Topal is quite far from Earth. It will take us some time to get there,” he said.

“Do I really have to leave here, Troy?” she asked in dismay.

“Yes, Jess you do. I know it is frightening to travel millions of light-years into the unknown. But it is necessary to save your life and ensure the well-being of the universe,” he said gently.

“All of this is so foreign to me. I’m not sure how to cope,” she said miserably.

He grasped her hands.

“I’ll be with you, Jess. To teach you. Support you. Comfort you. I’ll be whatever you need to help you through this transition,” he said earnestly. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Thank you, Troy. With everything that has happened I don’t think that I’ve properly thanked you,” she said sincerely. “I realize I behaved badly yesterday and I am very sorry. I’m really not a brat. You know I’m not.”

“Hmm, I’m not too sure about that,” he teased.

“Troy! You know better. I was just knocked off balance. It was a lot to take in, you have to admit,” she said.

“I’m teasing you. I know you’ve been dealt a loaded hand and I do not blame you for your reaction. I understand it,” he said seriously. “Come on. Our journey must commence.”

He got out of bed and pulled her with him. Jess breathed deeply. Her life was about to change forever. It would never be the same. What would the next chapter of her life hold?




Jess hugged her mom tightly and then her dad, Paul Leyman. Troy had implied that she should meet her natural parents but she had dismissed the notion. Paul and Monica Leyman were the only parents she had known and the only parents she wanted. Now she was about to go far away from them to the unknown. How would she ever survive without her dad’s strong shoulder to lean on or her mom’s gentle wisdom to listen to? None of this was fair. She shouldn’t have to separate from her family to become the queen of a galaxy that she could care less about.

“I will come back. I promise,” Jess swore.

“We know you will. We love you so much,” Monica said with tears in her eyes.

“And I love you; more than I can possibly express,” Jess responded tearfully.

“Take care of her, Troy. I am holding you responsible for her well-being,” Paul said.

“I will. You have my word,” Troy answered. “I will contact you throughout our journey.”

Paul nodded. Troy gently pried Jess out of Monica’s arms and led her to the door. Troy picked up Jess’s travel bag and opened the door. They exited the small cottage and began walking toward the woods. Jess looked back at her parents. They stood on the porch and waved and threw kisses to her. Jess stopped to blow and kiss back to them. She then turned and continued walking without looking back. She couldn’t look again for fear she would run back to them and never leave. That’s what she wanted to do. Every fiber in her screamed that she return to the safe haven of her home. But her home was no longer safe for her. It was targeted by strange creatures who wanted to kidnap her and force her to use powers that she had no knowledge of. It was all so very frightening. They soon entered the woods and Troy quickened their pace. They walked for a long while before Troy stopped in front of a small clearing. The woods stood beyond the grassy expanse. Jess looked at Troy’s intense expression.

“What’s wrong? Do you hear something?” she asked. She remembered how he had heard the arrival of the Wulshuk before they appeared.

Troy began to smile.

“Nothing is wrong. Everything is right,” he said cryptically. “Watch.”

Jess frowned as she looked straight ahead of her. All she saw were the trees of the forest. Then suddenly the trees began to part and a doorway of bright light appeared in the forest. Jess was shocked as she saw the trees begin to configure the shape of a space ship.

“Oh my God!” she exclaimed.

“Exactly,” Troy chuckled.

He grasped her hand and they moved forward. Jess pulled back in fear. He looked at her and smiled gently.

“There’s nothing to fear. This is my spaceship, here to take us home,” he said. “It assumed a camouflage of the forest to avoid detection.”

Jess gulped as she looked at the enormous spacecraft. If she entered, would she ever come out of it? Panic gripped her and was surging through her body.

“I don’t think I can do this, Troy,” she said haltingly. Jess began hyperventilating.

Troy saw her condition and cupped her face.

“It’s alright, Jess. Just breathe. Slowly. In and out,” he instructed.

Jess began to calm. She stared up at him and her clouded grey eyes were full of anxiety.

“Trust me, Jess,” was all he said.

Jess thought that was easy for him to say. He knew where he was going and what to expect when he got there. She on the other hand, felt like she was about to step into an abyss and fall into nothingness.

“Come,” he encouraged.

She looked at the mammoth craft before her and saw it swallowing her up where she would die a slow death in its belly. She took a deep breath and moved forward with him. They reached a sparkling ramp that reflected the cosmos. Despite her fear she had to admire the beauty of the incline. When they passed through the portal the ramp rose to click into place. Jess then heard a thunderous roar and felt the craft lift from the ground.

“Come and see,” Troy said excitedly.

He led her to a huge bank of windows. Jess looked through the window to see the forest become a tiny speck as the ship climbed into the sky. Soon they had passed through Earth’s atmosphere and had entered the galaxy. The planet Earth was soon no more than a dot in the realm of space. Jess was in awe as she took in the brilliant stars and magnificent clusters.

“It’s beautiful. Spectacular. I can’t describe the sheer wonder of it all,” she said in amazement.

“It is pretty astonishing. I never tire of staring into space,” he murmured.

“It’s so full of life, vigor and vitality. There’s a feeling of movement and excitement. Yet it’s so peaceful and serene,” she whispered. “I could stare at it for hours on end.”

“I’m glad we share the same feeling,” he smiled into her glittering grey orbs. “Come. There’s someone I want you to meet.”

y moved down a corridor and paused in front of doors that automatically opened for them. They stepped through the opening into a room full of activity. Jess recalled the image of the Bridge on the ships of Sci-fi movies. This room reminded her of what she had seen. People were positioned at different stations around the perimeter of the room occupied in their tasks. There was another huge window that extended the width of the craft. And in its center was
the chair
. The captain seat. Jess chuckled as she thought to see Captain James T. Kirk seated there. Troy heard her mirth and looked askance at her. She shook her head to dismiss his enquiry as nothing. He led her forward. A tall, muscular, bearded man noticed them and moved toward them. He smiled broadly.

my man!” he clasped Troy’s hand and hugged him. “It’s so good to see you. It’s been too long. You were just a lad the last I saw you. I wondered if I would see you ever again.”

“You saw me
a year ago. You’re becoming senile,” Troy joked.

Jess wondered how this man had seen Troy so recently when he’s been on Earth for years. It was something she would have to ask Troy about.

“After three hundred years of life it was bound to happen,” the man laughed.

“Three hundred years! You’ve got to be kidding me,” Jess thought. “He only looks forty, if that.”

“I want you to meet Jessica Leyman,” Troy said.

“Ah! The passenger we were sent to retrieve,” the man said.

“Yes, along with me,” Troy grinned.

“You, I could leave on Earth. But for this beautiful creature I would travel the galaxy to serve,” he said.

Jess blushed at his fulsome flattery. Troy rolled his eyes.

“Jessica, this is Captain Ashton,” Troy introduced.

“Welcome to the Commodore, Jessica,” Captain Ashton said graciously.

Jess and Ashton exchanged greeting.

“Thank you, Captain—

Jess paused. She realized that Troy had not said Ashton’s last name. She looked to Troy to provide the last name. Troy read her mind.

“We do not have last names as you know it,” Troy explained.

Jess thought it strange but mentally shrugged. She was sure it was only the first of odd things she would encounter on this long voyage.

“Captain Ashton,” Jess replied politely.

“Call me Ash, my dear. Such formal address makes me feel old,” Ashton said.

“You are old,’ Troy joked.

“Only you can get away with saying such vile things to me, Troy. I will refrain from my usual response as we have the fair Jessica in our midst,” Ashton said effusively.

“You have a smooth and silver tongue,” Jess laughed.

“Do not allow his flattery to mislead you. He is harder than granite and the best captain in our fleet,” Troy said.

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