Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens) (5 page)

BOOK: Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens)
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“It’s okay, Jess,” he said hoarsely. “It’s okay.” He kissed the top of her head.

Jess was suddenly confused. She had enjoyed every minute of what they had done. Her body had been ramped with yearning yet she’d pulled back. She realized that she was afraid of the next step. It was new territory for her. Jess was a very naïve virgin with no experience in pleasing a man. She didn’t want to disappoint Troy or herself. She couldn’t face seeing the look of dissatisfaction on his face at her bungled attempt at lovemaking. She would be mortified.

“I’m so sorry, Troy. I don’t know what….I mean I—

She allowed the sentence to trail off. She couldn’t seem to voice her feelings. Troy cupped her face and made her look at him.

“You don’t have to say anything. I know what you’re trying to say,” he said softly.

“But I shouldn’t have…I mean I started something and couldn’t finish it,” she said lamely.

“You are growing and maturing in so many ways, Jess. You’re coming into your own as a cosmic being as well as a woman. It’s a lot to handle,” he said. “Do not berate yourself for your actions. You are but learning. I am the experienced one and should not have taken it so far. If there is anyone to blame it is me.”

“No, Troy. I was just as involved as you and I am sorry for misleading you,” she said abjectly.

“You can mislead me at any time, Jess. Believe me, I will not object,” he smiled crookedly. He lowered his head and kissed her thoroughly. “I like being misled.”

Jess laughed.

“You’re impossible,” she giggled.

“Ahh! But you are partial to lovemaking as well. Admit it,” he insisted.

“Alright. Yes I am. And I intend to kiss you many more times. My technique needs practice,” she said sassily.

“Always happy to oblige,” he grinned. “Let’s swim.”

They swam through the waterfall and across the lake. They lazily drifted in the water and stared into the brilliantly blue sky. After a while they retreated from the lake and changed back into their clothing.

“I wish we didn’t have to leave,” Jess said regretfully.

“We can come back as often as you want. Or you can come alone if you like,” he said.

“I will,” she smiled. Jess was grateful that he understood that she may want to come here alone at times. It was a special retreat where she could find peace and harmony. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

“You are welcome,” he said earnestly.

They embraced each other’s waist as they left Fantasia. Both were happily content and lost in their own pleasant thoughts.



Roz stood at the computer console in Engineering and looked at the coordinates of their location. She needed to commit the information to memory. For she dare not write anything on paper only to have it traced back to her if her plans went south.

“May I help you, Mistress?” Officer Dax asked. He was the chief of this sector.

Roz spun around to face the officer. His expression was inquisitive and surprised. Roz could well understand his curiosity for she never came into Engineering. Roz could generally care less about the operation of the ship. But this time she had to come here for she needed the pertinent information and she couldn’t go onto the Bridge to retrieve it. She smiled at the young officer.

“No, Officer Dax. But thank you for asking. I was merely wandering about and decided to look in your well run domain,” she smiled charmingly. “I hope you don’t mind.”

Dax puffed his chest at the compliment.

“Not at all. I would be happy to show you around,” he offered.

Being shown a bunch of obscure knobs and dials while listening to their boring functions was the last thing that Roz wanted. But she needed to ensure that Dax would not think too hard about her presence there.

“That would be lovely. You know I’ve always been intrigued about what goes on in here,” she smiled. Roz linked her arm through his and leaned close to him.

Dax was captivated by her. He smiled sunnily and began his tour. It took all of Roz’s social skills and tolerance not to show her boredom. She asked the necessary questions and made the appropriate exclamations of interests to bamboozle Dax. After an excruciating hour of listening to his tedious chatter, she was finally able to escape. Roz practically ran out to the room and down the corridor. She arrived at her suite and went inside.

“Freedom at last,” she thought.

She crossed to her desk and pressed a button in the upper right hand corner of her computer monitor. The screen lit up. She then pushed several more buttons that ran along each side of the monitor. She then waited.

“What took you so long?” a gruff voice demanded.

Roz sneered at him.

“My time is my own. Just be grateful I spent any of it on you,” she snarled.

“Be careful, Roz or I may change my mind,” he returned.

Roz laughed harshly.

“As if you don’t want what I can give you. But we both know differently,” she snapped. “And so long as we work together we can each have what we want.”

“Do you have it?” he asked harshly.

“I’m sending it now. You must wait several days before using it,” Roz insisted.

“Agreed,” he replied.

She pressed several keys on an inlaid desk panel. A few moments passed.

“I have it. I will be in touch,” he said.

“Don’t bother. Just do your job,” Roz said sharply.

She turned off the monitor and moved to her window. She stared out the window as the ship streaked through space. A satisfied smile lifted the corners of her lips as she thought of what was to come. The day of victory was fast approaching and she couldn’t wait for its arrival.




Jess knelt on the couch in the Mezzine and stared into space. Two days had passed and Jess was adjusting to the massive changes that had taken place in her life. Troy was by her side constantly instructing her, advising her and helping her to acclimate. He had said that he would be with her and he was true to his word. At times Jess felt that her mind would explode with all of the information that Troy was pouring into it. But it hadn’t and things were beginning to make more sense to her. She suddenly felt that someone was near her.

“What is it, Troy,” she asked softly.

He rested his hand lightly on the back of her neck.

“Let’s join Ash and Rakia,” he returned mildly.

Jess allowed Troy to help her from the couch and escort her to a circle of deeply cushioned barrel type chairs. She greeted Ashton and his wife and they all sat in the comfortable seats. A waiter approached them and Troy placed their drink order. Jess was relaxed as the conversation flowed around her.

“And how do you like ship-life, Jess?” Rakia asked kindly.

Jess looked at her and saw the merry lights of friendship dancing in her warm brown eyes. She was drawn to her immeasurably. Jess found Rakia to be a lovely dark haired woman with a huge personality and great sense of humor. Rakia and Aston was a perfect couple. They suited one another beautifully.

“It’s very different. But I think I like it,” Jess said.

“You will become more accustomed to it. It takes some getting used to,” Rakia said amiably.

“I’m already quite partial to Fantasia. It’s fabulous,” Jess said.

“Ah yes! Isn’t it? I love going there. I treat myself to an excursion there once a week,” Rakia enthused.

“More like four times per week,” Ash joked. “Whenever I need to find her, I know where to look.”

Rakia threw a frown at him which made Jess laugh.

“We should go there tomorrow,” Rakia said.

“I would love to,” Jess responded.

The waiter brought their drinks and they engaged in a lively banter. Jess was laughing hysterically at one of Rakia’s jokes when they heard a familiar voice.

“May I share in the joke?” Roz asked cordially.

Jess wanted to scream “no” but knew that wouldn’t be polite or welcoming. But Jess had a bad feeling about Roz that she couldn’t shake. She had not sought Roz out since their first meeting in the conservatory. And she had no desire to be in her company now. There was something about Roz that she couldn’t lay her finger on. The characteristic eluded her but she instinctively knew that the trait wasn’t good. Jess looked at Rakia whose expression had become distant and cold. Rakia distrusted Roz. It was written all over her face. If Rakia didn’t trust Roz she had good reason. Jess made a mental note to question Rakia when they were in private.

“Roz! Come join us,” Ash invited.

He knew he had better say something as no one else was speaking up. Unfortunately, Roz was not a well-liked resident on the ship. Most of the crew couldn’t wait to deliver her to her destination. Alas, it would be quite some time before that would happen. Roz sat in the available chair and Troy signaled for the waiter.

“What would you like to drink, Roz,” Troy asked.

“I’ll have what you are drinking, dear,” she replied sweetly.

Jess stiffened and Rakia wanted to slap her. Ash sighed deeply. This was why the female population on the ship abhorred Roz. She didn’t respect the women when it came to their men. And apparently she had set her sights on Troy. Ash could only see conflict and misery on the road that Roz traveled; and it would end very badly for her. Jess was not the woman to mess with her unruly gifts. Troy had told him that Jess had not completely perfected the management of them. This did not look good for Roz.

“Alright,” Troy said. He placed the order then looked at Jess uneasily. There was no telling what would happen if Jess was angered. Her power was emotionally based. And the more upset she became the more explosive her reaction would be.

“So Jess, how have you settled in? I know Troy has been busy babysitting you,” Roz smiled slyly.

“I have adjusted well,” Jess bit off.

“Good. Now Troy can come out to play with the adults,” Roz said cattily.

Rakia gasped. Ash groaned and looked around to see if anyone other than the waiter was in the Mezzine. Luckily no one was….yet. Troy could see Jess bristle at the remark. He reached over to her and clasped her hand. He squeezed it hard. The gesture was a message that she shouldn’t lose her cool. Jess received the message but didn’t know if she could adhere to it. Roz was pushing her buttons and retaliation was building up in her like an inferno.

“Oh, he’s been happily entertained by an adult,” Jess said as she lifted Troy’s hand to her lips to kiss it. Jess never took her eyes off of Roz as she kissed Troy’s hand.

Troy glanced at Ash wanting him to do something.

“What can I do?” Ash asked silently.

Ash knew Troy would read his thoughts. Troy closed his eyes to what was about to happen. Roz seethed with white hot anger.

“You’re not as naïve as everybody thinks,” Roz sneered.

“You’re talking nonsense, Roz,” Rakia said. “Personally I think Jess and Troy’s friendship is lovely.”

“Nobody cares what you think, Rakia,” Roz snapped.

“I do,” Ash chuckled. He tried comic relief to ease the tension. It didn’t work.

“Leave her alone, Roz,” Jess warned softly.

Roz ignored Jess.

“So, how have you been entertaining yourself, Roz?” Ash asked.

“Oh a little bit of this; a little of that. It’s been dreadfully boring since Troy had been so preoccupied,” she pouted. “But now that he is free of his bothersome burden he and I can play.”

“I’ve had no burden,” Troy said.

“Of course you have, darling. What exactly have you been doing with her?” Roz asked.

Everyone knew whom Roz was referring to and they grew extremely concern. Roz refusal to say Jess’s name was an insult. An insult that Jess would not let pass. Troy opened his mouth to speak but Jess spoke instead.

“That’s not your concern,” Jess said bluntly.

“Of course it is. You’re interfering with our time,” Roz said smoothly. “And the time we spend together is quite special, isn’t it, dear?”

The implication was clear. Ash almost choked on his drink. Rakia was outraged and appalled. Troy was simmering with anger. The waiter brought Roz’ drink.

“Here’s your drink, Roz. Enjoy it,” Troy bit off.

“Thank you, darling. I will,” Roz smiled. Her eyes devoured Troy.

Roz took a sip of her drink. It tasted vile and she began to cough incessantly. Ash patted her back firmly but it didn’t help. When Roz didn’t stop coughing Rakia became concerned.

“What’s wrong, Roz?” Rakia asked worriedly. She didn’t care for Roz but she didn’t like seeing her in obvious discomfort.

Roz began gasping for breath. Troy looked at Jess. Her Galaxia Star was blazing and her gaze was piercing through Roz. He knew.

“Stop, Jess. Stop! Now,” Troy demanded.

Ash and Rakia looked at Jess in amazement.

Troy left his seat to kneel beside Jess’s chair. He grasped her hands urgently and willed her to see him. Her stormy sea blue eyes were riveted on the laboring Roz.

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