Havoc (Storm MC #8) (7 page)

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Authors: Nina Levine

BOOK: Havoc (Storm MC #8)
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his is just sex

I placed my hands on the basin and stared into the mirror of the dingy, little restroom. Havoc’s declaration that he would happily leave me at a bus stop reminded me not to let my heart take over from what my head told me to do. Not that I’d even realised it had, but as soon as those words had left his lips, I’d known I was in trouble. Disappointment had sliced through me at the ease with which he could switch between showing care and then nothing at all except a desire to fuck me.

You don’t want a biker, anyway.

Taking a deep breath, I straightened.

I definitely do not want a biker.

I just want some good sex until I find the right man for me.

And good God did Havoc know how to fuck. I’d never had sex as good.

Turning the tap on, I washed my hands and then my face. As I reached for some paper towels to dry off, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror again. I had that just-fucked glow, but lurking underneath, there was still a tinge of disappointment.



Havoc’s voice snapped me back to attention and I turned to find him staring at me from the doorway of the restroom.

When I didn’t reply, he continued. “We need to get going.”

His voice dripped with that gruff, take-charge tone I’d grown to know him for.

I nodded and finished drying my hands and face. Moving towards him, I said, “I just need to buy a chocolate and then I’m ready.”

He frowned. “A chocolate?” There was something off about him that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. While he had his take-charge voice on, he seemed distracted.

I cocked my head. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Why?” His gaze pierced mine and a hard look settled on his face.

“I don’t know. You just seem off.”

“I’m fine,” he threw out and I knew he was lying by the way his eyes avoided mine, but I also knew this was not the time to challenge him on it. He took a step back and muttered, “Can we just get your chocolate and get back on the road?”

“No need to get your grumpy pants on,” I said as I passed him and headed in the direction of the service station shop. I didn’t wait for him, but the sound of his boots crunching on the gravel told me he was close behind.

He followed me into the shop, which surprised me. I’d figured he would wait at his bike. When I placed a Snickers bar on the counter, he handed over five dollars to pay for it. I said nothing and allowed him to guide me back outside to his bike. Something had definitely rattled him and I wanted to know what it was. Havoc was a mystery I wanted to solve.

’ve gotta head out
,” Havoc said as he did up his belt.

We checked into a Sydney motel about five hours ago and after some mind-blowing sex that I’d been surprised either of us had been capable of after about thirteen hours of travel, we’d both passed out.

I rolled and swung my legs over the edge of the bed so I could stand. Pressing my naked body to his, I wrapped my arms around his neck, grinning when his hands landed on my ass and pulled me tight against him. “How long do you think you will be? Not that I’m nagging, but I want to make sure I’m ready for you.”

His brows arched. “You got plans, darlin’?” As he asked this, one of his hands moved up my back and around to my front so he could cup one of my boobs. Lust bloomed in my belly when he traced lazy circles around my nipple.

Choosing to ignore the fact I hadn’t cleaned my teeth, I kissed him. He didn’t seem to mind my morning breath and deepened our kiss, his tongue quickly finding mine.

Oh, God.

I want him so bad.

Groaning, I ended the kiss. “If we don’t stop that, there’s no way you’re leaving any time soon. And to answer your question, I always have plans where you and your cock are concerned.”

He let me end the kiss, but he tightened his hold on me so I couldn’t move away from him. His finger continued to tease my nipple. “I’d like to see a video of you making plans for my cock,” he growled against my ear.

The lust in my belly shot straight to my core.

“As in I should write it all out and video the list and then send you the video?” I played with him, wanting to work him up a little before he left. However, if I was honest with myself, I was delaying his departure. I craved all of his time and attention.

He chuckled against my ear before pulling back to find my gaze. I loved the desire I saw there. “While a list could be hot, I’d prefer to see a video of you getting that sweet pussy ready for me.”

Another rush of lust coursed through my body.

I grinned. If a video was what Havoc wanted, a video he would get. Slapping his hand away from me, I said, “You need to go. I’ve got a video to prepare for.”

He took a step back, letting his gaze drop to my breasts. Silence consumed us while he lingered there. My breaths quickened as the anticipation of what he would do to me later filled my mind.

When he finally gave me his eyes again, his voice was thick with desire. “I don’t know how long I’ll be, but when I get back, I want that pussy swollen and wet for me. I’ll text you when I’m on my way so you can be naked and waiting on the bed. And, Carla?” I nodded while swallowing back my excitement. “Be ready to take it hard.”

My mind almost exploded with bliss just at his words. So much so that I had trouble forming a reply.

I watched as he turned and exited the motel room. Once the door closed behind him, I sunk down onto the bed.

This is just sex.

This is just sex.

This is just sex.



about fifteen minutes away,” Hyde advised after he greeted me at the clubhouse about half an hour after I’d left Carla.

I followed him into the clubhouse bar. It was quiet at that time of morning, so we pretty much had it to ourselves. Taking a seat on one of the worn couches, I got straight down to business. “Any new developments with Jackson?”

Hyde relaxed back into the couch and crossed one of his feet over his knee while spreading his arms across the top of the couch. His hard eyes held mine in the way someone did when they had something serious to discuss. “That motherfucker needs to die.”

“Jackson? I’d recommend not even going down that path, brother. His reach is far and wide. You’d be inviting a whole lotta pain if we did that.”

He shook his head. “No, not Jackson. His fuckin’ cousin. He’s causing
a whole lotta fuckin’ pain.”

Before I could reply, one of the other club members, Kick, joined us. “You ready to kick some ass, brother?” The grin painting his face showed me that

“I’m always ready.”

“King said you wouldn’t let us down. How long you in town for this time?”

“Depends how long King needs me for. I’ll only stay as long as that.”

“Brisbane need you back?”

“Jesus, Kick, what the fuck is this? Twenty fuckin’ questions?”

He remained silent for a moment. “Do you think you’ll ever go back to Brisbane?”

“I’ve just come from there.”

Hyde cut in, making my fucking morning. My life was mine, and only mine, to question. I made a point not to get involved in conversations discussing it. “Can we get back to the business at hand, Kick?” Irritation lined his face and I noted the same irritation on Kick’s face. Those two often clashed and I could see not much had changed.

“Suits me,” I muttered, more than happy to do so.

“Havoc!” King’s voice boomed as he entered the room. He strode towards me with purpose and I didn’t miss the glint in his eyes. King was unpredictable—who knew what crazy shit he had swimming around his head at any given point.

“King,” I greeted him as I stood.

“Has Hyde filled you in on where we’re at?”

Hyde joined the conversation. “I was just getting to it.”

King took over and gave me an update. “When I called you yesterday, Jackson was threatening to cut off our coke supply. This morning he made good on his threat. We’ve got a huge order to fill in five days and need our delivery from him. You and I are gonna pay him a visit.”

“You got a plan to run with?” I asked. Knowing King, he didn’t. I, however, preferred a plan with options for when shit went south.

“Don’t need a plan, Havoc.
my plan.”

“Jesus,” I muttered. “
not a fuckin’ plan.”

“Yeah, you are. You’re a quick thinker when shit goes down. But I’m not planning to take him on today. We just need to get in and talk to the guy, find out how to fix this with him. If today doesn’t eventuate into what we want,
we make a plan.”

Hopefully Jackson would play nice and restore their orders and then I could get back to more important things.

What the fuck is more important than taking care of club business?

I raked my fingers through my hair not wanting to contemplate the shit filling my mind.

couple of hours later
, Jackson watched King with a crazy gleam in his eyes— the same gleam that King was renowned for.

It was like a meeting of kindred souls.

Except for the fact neither wanted the other to have their wishes granted.

Jackson didn’t appear to want to cave on the drug supply issue. For some reason, the man who was known to only ever look out for himself seemed to have a soft spot for his cousin and was holding tight to it.

“This is business, Jackson,” King said. “Family don’t come into good business decisions.”

Jackson quirked a brow and relaxed back into his seat as if he didn’t have a care in the world. “So, you’re telling me that if you had a cousin and he’d been fucked with by someone you had business dealings with, you wouldn’t let the fact he was family interfere? I struggle to believe that.”

If you met Jackson on the street, you’d think he was an ordinary businessman. He wore suits and was well presented. And his mind was usually sharp. Crazy, but sharp. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why he was backing his cousin to this extent.

Inserting myself into the conversation, I said, “Your cousin owed King twenty grand. We encouraged him to pay, which he did. The debt was settled and we all moved on. Why are you now getting involved?”

Jackson directed his gaze to me. “Havoc, we’ve known each other for a couple of years and I’ve always liked you. That is the only reason I agreed to this meeting today and the only reason I’m going to answer your question.” He paused for a moment before turning back to King. “Davey, my cousin, is a dickhead who can’t help but land himself in trouble. He pisses me off more than he makes he smile, but he’s the only family member who has always been there for me. When I was a kid getting my head beat in every afternoon after school, Davey was the one who looked out for me and took the assholes on, even if it meant he also got beaten up. So when
gets beaten up now, I have
back. I fuck with whoever fucks with him. And when I saw him come home all bruised, at your direction, I figured the best way to fuck with you was to cut your coke supply.”

He’d barely gotten his words out when he stood and waved towards the door. “And now I’ll ask you both to leave, because as far as I’m concerned, this meeting is over.”

This was going to be a lot harder than I’d imagined. I’d never pictured Jackson as the kind to put family over business in that way.

It was clear King had come to that conclusion, also. He stood, his face clear of emotion. I saw the tick in his jaw, though, and that tick meant he was pissed off and plotting his next move.

“As you wish,” King said. “This won’t be the end of it, though. I can promise you that.”

Jackson held King’s gaze. “I’d be very careful with whatever you’re planning, King. I don’t take kindly to threats, if that’s what that was.”

“I don’t issue threats, Jackson. If you knew me at all, you’d know that.”

King wasn’t lying. He didn’t bother with making a threat; he simply went straight ahead and did whatever he would have threatened. The thing he did well was revenge and I wondered what plan his crazy mind was nutting out.

As we walked to our bikes, I asked him that very question.

He turned to me and wild eyes penetrated mine. “It’s simple, Havoc. If I don’t get what I want in life, I just take it. For too many years, I was denied everything. I vowed never to allow anyone to dictate what I could and couldn’t have after that.”

It sounded like his plan involved bloodshed and pain.

My soul warmed at the thought.

ake the day off
, Havoc. I’ll call you when I need you,” King said as he sunk into the clubhouse couch.

We’d arrived back there half an hour earlier and he’d spent most of that half hour with one of the club whores who he pulled onto his lap as he told me to go home. He appeared to be more relaxed than I thought he would be after the meeting with Jackson. But who the hell knew how King’s mind worked. My guess was he needed a release to help clear his mind.

He didn’t wait for my reply before burying his face in her breasts, and I had no desire to spend time with any of the other club members in the bar, so I headed out to my bike.

My phone buzzed with a text as I exited the clubhouse and my dick hardened as I watched the video Carla had sent me. She’d done exactly what I’d asked and recorded herself for me. The video was all pussy and fingers and tits.

Swollen, delicious pussy.


I watched it once more before shoving my phone back into my pocket. As much as I wanted to get back to the motel and fuck her, I had some club business I wanted to take care of first.

And club business always came first.

I reached my bike just as my phone rang.


“Did you watch it?” she asked.

The breathy tone to her voice hit me right in the gut, coiling desire through me.


“That’s all you’ve got? Jesus, Havoc, when a woman sends you a text like that, she kinda expects more than ‘yeah’ for a reaction.”

“I’m working here, Carla.” Irritation cut across my chest, grating against my desire.

“I know, but I thought it may have warranted a reply at least.”

I had to give her credit—she didn’t sound pissed off. What I was hearing was more frustration than annoyance.

I blew out a long breath. “Give me about two hours. You’ll get your reply, darlin’.”

“I’ll be ready.”

We ended the call and I did my best to ignore the way my stomach knotted.

What the fuck am I doing?

ong time
, no see, Havoc.”

For good reason.

Nikolas Petrova was a man I did my best never to run into. Unless I needed his help with something. He was a thieving, lying asshole who couldn’t be trusted, but he had contacts. Sometimes I needed access to those contacts.

Pulling up a seat at his table in the back corner of the small café he owned on Pitt Street, I replied, “I haven’t been in town for about five months. How have you been, Nikolas?” I detested small talk, but Nikolas insisted on it.

A slimy grin decorated his face. “Life is good, my friend.”

He always did think we were friends.

We weren’t.

I didn’t have friends.

“Good to hear.” I continued the charade simply to keep him on side.

Shifting in his seat, he rested his elbows on the table and narrowed his eyes at me. “What information are you after?”

I’d called ahead to make sure he was in and had mentioned I needed his help. “Do you know Jackson Jones’s cousin, Davey?”

He nodded slowly. “Yeah. Why?”

I leant forward. “I need his address and anything you can tell me about him.”

“What do I get out of this, Havoc?”

“What do you want?” I had little intention of giving him what he wanted, but it was always a good starting point.

He spent a moment contemplating my question. “A girl.”

“What girl?” I shuddered to think what his answer would be. He had a predilection for young girls.

Excitement flared in his eyes and my stomach rolled. “She’s this little blonde I’ve seen—”

I held up my hand as I scowled at him. “I’m not fuckin’ finding a girl for you.”

Distaste replaced the excitement is his gaze as he clenched his jaw. “Well, I’m not giving you any information then.”

The redheaded waitress, who always seemed to be working whenever I visited approached with pen and paper in hand. “Can I get you gentleman anything to eat or drink?”

Nikolas didn’t remove his gaze from mine as he shook his head. “No, Havoc was just leaving.”

She clearly read the harsh tone he used and slinked away.

be leaving soon, but we still have a small matter to discuss that I’d been hoping to avoid,” I said before pausing to let that sink in.

Frown lines marred his forehead. “What small matter?”

If I were a grinner, I’d have grinned at that moment because what I had on him was priceless. I wasn’t though so my face remained expressionless. “The small matter of you getting Eric Bones’s daughter high and then fucking her at a party last month.” Eric was one of Sydney’s most ruthless men. The kind of guy you went to for a loan only when you were desperate enough or stupid enough to think borrowing money from a man who’d kill you for non-payment was the best option you had.

“His daughter is eighteen, Havoc. You’ve got nothing.”

“That’s where it would have paid you to do your research first, Nikolas. Eric is extremely protective of his daughters and if he discovers that not only did you get her high, but that you also screwed her, he’d have more than your balls on a platter.”

He stared at me with hate, not saying a word for a few moments. When he blew out a long breath, he stood and spat out, “I know nothing about Davey except for his address. I’ll text it to you. And don’t ever come here again.” With that, he stalked away from me to where his redheaded waitress stood. After muttering something to her, he exited the café.

His text came a minute later.

: I thought we were friends.

: Friends are overrated. I have none.

: Clearly.

As I headed towards where I’d parked my bike, I googled Davey’s address. He lived about half an hour from the motel where I was staying so I decided to take a ride out there before making my way to Carla.

My phone rang, interrupting my thoughts. Checking caller ID, I answered, “J. What’s up, brother?”

I heard the long exhale of breath before he said, “Fuck, Havoc, what the fuck are you doing with Nash’s sister? He’s ready to rip your balls from you.”

Nash’s sister?

What the fuck?

“Back it up, J. Who is Nash’s sister?”

Silence sat between us for a moment. “Jesus, you don’t know, do you? Carla is Nash’s sister.”


I raked my fingers through my hair.

Jesus, fuck.

“Had no fuckin’ clue, man,” I replied, trying to force the anger filling me away.
What the fuck was she thinking?

“You need to cut her loose, Havoc. Send her home and move the fuck on.”

I know.

“Thanks for the call.”

“I wouldn’t come back to Brisbane in a hurry, either. Or if you do, stay well clear of Nash.”

“Gotcha. I’ve gotta go.” I ended the call and sat on my bike, allowing my thoughts to take over.

Two years ago, I'd cleared all connections from my life. I didn’t want hassles and I sure as fuck didn’t want problems with fellow club members. Allowing Carla into my life may not have been my smartest move.

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