Havoc (Storm MC #8) (6 page)

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Authors: Nina Levine

BOOK: Havoc (Storm MC #8)
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t had been
four days since Dad came home from hospital and he was finally starting to get on my nerves. This was how our relationship had always been though, so I’d been waiting for it. He was feeling better so that was a plus. The doctors had given him a stent and I was hoping there wouldn’t be a repeat of this because staying in Brisbane for an extended time wasn’t high on my list of things to look forward to. On the other hand, staying meant seeing Carla again and that ranked highly on my list. Sex with her was the best sex I’d ever had, and I’d miss it when I left.

I was helping Dad sort out his medication when my phone rang. Checking the caller ID, I was surprised to see it was King. The President of Sydney Storm. Not a man I dealt with often, but when he called, I answered.

“King,” I said into the phone, leaving Dad to his medicine. This wasn’t a call he needed to hear. The kind of jobs King called on me for weren’t jobs anyone needed to know about.

“Havoc. Got a problem and we need you to take care of it.”

“Figured, brother. Where?”

“Sydney. It’s that idiot you dealt with two weeks ago.”

“What? He owes you more money?”

“No, turns out the asshole is cousins with one of our suppliers who is now threatening to cut us off. It’s Jackson Jones. The boys tell me you know him well so I thought you might be able to help us out.”

I did know Jackson. Psycho drug dealer. “Fuck, King. Jackson’s a crazy motherfucker.”

He sighed. “You’re telling me, brother. Can you be here in a couple of days or sooner?”

“Yeah, I’ll leave tonight, and ride straight through. See you tomorrow.”

“Good,” he said, and hung up.

I shoved my phone in my pocket, and then pulled it straight back out to send Carla a text.

You home?

: Yeah.

See you in an hour.

Fuck yeah.

I smiled and put my phone back away, not sure I could last an hour. The bulge that seemed to live in my pants thanks to her might well cause me to head over sooner.


!” Nash yelled out from the front door.

Bloody hell, I had the headache of all headaches, and his yelling was only going to make it worse. Velvet and I had gone out drinking last night, and I’d ended up with a hangover from hell. Thankfully the headache had eased somewhat but it still lingered.

I didn’t bother answering him; he’d find me.

A minute later, he appeared in the kitchen, a scowl covering his face.

I frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“Havoc fuckin’ Caldwell. That’s what’s wrong,” he thundered.


I figured he’d be pissed if he found out. Hence, I hadn’t told him, but the anger rolling off him was far worse than I’d imagined. I put down the dish I was washing up, and gave him my full attention. “He told you?”

“No he fuckin’ didn’t. Velvet spilled it by accident when she got home drunk last night. You’ve got no clue who you’re dealing with there, and you need to call whatever it is you’ve got going, off.”

I raised my brows. “Oh, really? Do I? And what gives you the right to dictate how I live my life?” This was a common argument with us; Nash had spent my entire life telling me how to live it and I was sick of him interfering.

He jabbed a finger in the air at me. “I know Havoc, and I know he is not the man for you. Fuck, Carla, how the hell did you even get mixed up with him?”

“I met him at a bar. The rest is history.” I wasn’t going to detail it for him.

“And so you’re dating him now? I didn’t think Havoc was the kind of man to date after all the shit that went down with his ex.”

I was clueless about his ex; it wasn’t something we’d ever discussed. It wasn’t something I was interested to know. And we sure as hell weren’t dating. “Nash, we’re not dating. It’s just sex.”

His eyes were wild. “Good. So you will stop seeing him then?”

“Give me one good reason why I should,” I challenged him even though I really had no intention of giving up sex with Havoc; it was too damn good to give it up.

He glared at me. It looked like he was weighing something up in his mind. “Havoc has a violent side. It’s not safe for you to be around him.”

His words should have scared the shit out of me, but they didn’t. I’d sensed that about Havoc; knew there was something dark lurking inside him. Yet, he didn't scare me. I felt the opposite when I was with him. I felt safe.

The world stilled as I locked eyes with my brother. We were about to take part in the biggest battle we’d ever had. I wasn’t giving Havoc up, not yet. Eventually I would, when he left town, but not until then. “I’m not going to stop seeing him, Nash,” I declared.

His eyes bulged out of his head and the veins in his neck popped. “Fuck!” He turned, and hit the wall behind him. When he looked back at me, it was with determination. “You
fuckin’ stop seeing him. I will make sure of it one way or another,” he roared, and then stalked out of the house, slamming the front door on his way.


Nash had a temper, but I hadn’t seen him that angry for a long time. I had no idea what he planned to do to stop me seeing Havoc, but it pissed me off that he was going to interfere.

My phone rang and I snatched it up, hoping it was Havoc; I needed to hear a friendly voice. “Hello?”

“Hello. Carla?”

I didn’t recognise the voice. “Speaking.”

“Hi, it’s Justin from the Coffee Club calling back about the interview you attended yesterday. I just wanted to let you know you were unsuccessful. And we wish you all the best in your job hunting.”

“Thanks for letting me know.” I hung up and slumped into the chair at the kitchen table.

It was the fifth interview I’d gone to in the last week and they’d all rejected me. I was beginning to think I’d never get another job. Perhaps I could just block the world out and pretend my life wasn’t falling to bits. And perhaps pigs would fucking fly.


More banging on the front door, only this time I was happy to hear Havoc’s voice.

“Come in,” I yelled out, not moving out of my seat. Nope, I’d decided to stay in my own little pity party bubble.

I heard his heavy boots coming down the hall, and my body tingled with anticipation. Hell yes, Havoc would make it all better, make me forget for a couple of hours at least. When he stopped in the kitchen doorway a moment later, his words caused my stomach to sink.

“We need to talk,” he said.

I took a deep breath. Without moving out of my chair, I said, “Sure. Why not. You may as well add to the bad in my life,” I muttered.

Frowning at me, he asked, “What’s happened now?”

I was drunk on disappointment and didn’t hold back. “Well, my brother’s trying to control my life, telling me what I can and can’t do, and then I found out I didn’t get yet another fucking job. Add those to the other shit happening in my life, and let’s just say, I’m over it. Out. Had e-fucking-nough. So hit me, Havoc. Tell me your news.” I gestured with my hands for him to carry on.

He stood, staring at me, not saying a word.

I returned his stare, waiting.

Nothing. He said nothing. But the air in the room had changed. Something new thrummed between us.

A need.

A want.

It vibrated around us, pulling at us to acknowledge it.

“I’ve got to go to Sydney for awhile,” he said, and then added, “Come with me.” His eyes betrayed him. He wasn’t sure of what he was saying.

My breathing sped up. I didn’t want to admit even to myself that I wanted this. I shook my head at him. “You don’t want me tagging along, Havoc.”

“I wouldn’t have suggested it if I didn’t want it.”

My mind felt like it was spinning inside my head. I was going to do this. After living my life up until now to a plan, I was going to throw it all out the window and pursue this. I was going to see where it took me. I was going to follow a fucking biker to another city, to hell with the consequences.


hat the fuck
was coming out of my mouth?
Come with me?


But I couldn’t deny this pull to Carla any longer. I wanted her, simple as that. I didn’t know where the hell this would lead, if anywhere, but I fucking wanted her. That truth was inescapable.

She stood and smiled at me. “Okay, I’ll go with you. One condition though.”

Of course she had a fucking condition; she wouldn’t be her without that. “I don’t do conditions, Carla. Either you’re coming or you’re not.”

That fucking sexy grin of hers spread across her lips. That grin would be the death of my dick. “Oh, you’re gonna love this condition, Havoc.”

“Jesus, woman. Just fuckin’ spit it out.”

She moved into my personal space, curled her hand around the back of my neck, and pulled my face close so she could whisper in my ear. “Somewhere between Brisbane and Sydney, you’re going to fuck me on your bike. Otherwise, I’m not going.”

My hand shot straight out and roughly gripped her neck. “It’s a fuckin’ deal, baby.”

As I agreed to her condition, I prayed to a God I didn’t believe in that this decision and this woman wouldn’t ruin me in the same way the last woman I’d let in had.



ow long does
a woman need to go to the bathroom?

I checked my watch again.


We were at some shitty little service station near Port Macquarie and Carla had left me nearly ten minutes earlier, so I pushed off from my bike and headed towards the bathrooms.

The darkness of the night and lack of lighting around caused me to tread carefully and I cursed under my breath when I realised the lone light that usually lit the area near the restrooms was broken.

My pace quickened when I heard a male’s voice. I couldn’t discern his words, but I sure as fuck wasn’t taking any chances.

“If you change your mind, doll, I’ve always got a free seat in my truck.” As I drew closer, the guy made his offer and I let out a long breath of relief.

Raking my fingers through my hair, I muttered, “Jesus.”

When did this woman become someone I cared about to this level?

The truck driver passed me a moment later just outside the restrooms and I scowled at him through the darkness, even though he wouldn’t be able to see.

“Havoc,” Carla murmured when I reached her. I heard the confusion in her voice and it matched the confusion I felt.

This is just sex.

“I was coming,” she added, wobbling on the cracks in the cement path that connected the restrooms to the car park.

My hand slid around her waist to steady her and I pulled her body close to mine. “Taking your time in a place like this is not a smart move.” My eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I could make out her features. Those lips of hers pursed together for a second and I imagined the irritation brewing in her mind. Carla was a feisty woman—it was one of the things that turned me on—but fuck, she had her moments that tested me, and this could well be one of them. I’d seen too many women put themselves in dangerous situations and have to deal with the consequences. I had zero patience for stupidity.

When she finally spoke, her words surprised me. “Sorry for worrying you. I was done, but as I was leaving, I ran smack bang into that guy and fell over. I twisted my ankle and he stopped to help me up. We got talking for a bit and I lost track of time.” The irritation I’d expected to hear in her voice didn’t surface, and as a result, my frustration subsided. Yet, the tension still punched through my body.

She’s gotten under your skin.

We watched each other for a few moments before I let her go and nodded. “You ready to go or do you want to grab something to eat and stretch your legs for a bit longer?” We’d been on the road for about seven hours and had only stopped to stretch once so I imagined she might want some more time before jumping back on the bike.

Her bottom lip curled in as she bit it, right before she reached for my T-shirt. Snaking her hand under it and around my waist, she said, “I’m not ready to go anywhere until you make good on your promise.”

She closed the tiny distance between us and before I could form a reply, she stood on her toes and kissed me. Her tongue found mine and I groaned as my hands took hold of her ass.

I can’t get enough of her.

“Havoc…” Her voice was breathy as her fingers frantically tried to undo my jeans.

Backing her up against the wall behind her, I helped free my cock, and exhaled my pleasure when she wrapped her hand around me. My eyes squeezed shut for a beat and my body relaxed against hers.


Fuck yes.

Her hand moved faster and I gripped her ass harder. The desire to take her tits into my mouth fought with my need to just stand still and experience every ounce of bliss pulsing through me.

Bliss won out and I let her work me towards an orgasm without laying my mouth on her.

Carla’s hands worked their magic fast and when I was close to coming, I opened my eyes as I stilled her hand. Bending so my mouth was near her ear, I ordered, “Undo your pants and slide your fingers through your pussy. I need to see how wet you are for me.”

The moan that fell from her lips told me how turned on she was, and I loved the way her hands worked fast to obey me. My gaze dropped and I greedily tracked her fingers as they glided through her wetness.

When her eyes found mine, she murmured, “Do you want to taste me?”

Fuck, yes, I want to taste you.

I held her gaze as I reached for her hand. Holding it in front of my mouth, I ran my tongue along her finger before sucking it into my mouth. Having her on my tongue only caused my dick to harden more. I focused on breathing through the desire to sink myself deep inside her.

All in good time.

As I let her finger slide out of my mouth, she said, “I guess that was a yes.” Her sass upped my need to get inside her and I fought to control myself.

Spinning her around so she faced the wall, I ground my dick against her ass, and growled into her ear, “That was a
hell fuckin’
yes. And for the record, one taste wasn’t enough. If we weren’t standing on the side of the highway, in the dark of night, with trucks flying past us, I’d lay you out and spend hours eating you. Putting you on the back of my bike for this many hours, with your pussy against my ass was not the best move I’ve ever made. Seven hours of that and all I can fuckin’ think about is getting inside of you.”

Her body sagged against the wall and she moaned again. “I want you to fuck me on your bike.”

I reached into my back pocket for my wallet and grabbed a condom. When I had it in place, I pushed her jeans and panties down. “Not this time. My dick will fuckin’ disown me if I wait any longer.”

She grumbled something under her breath that I didn’t quite catch, but I ignored that while I slid one hand around her waist to hold her in place while my other hand positioned her, getting her ready for me.

As I pushed inside, her sweet cunt welcomed me and I knew this was going to be a quick fuck. My ability to control my orgasms was put to the test by Carla. When I was inside her, all I could think about was how fucking good it felt to have her pussy around my dick. Any attempt at slowing my release was futile. It was as if my brain short-circuited and the connection between my mind and my dick was cut. All that was important was fucking her senseless and experiencing the pleasure I’d only ever known with her.

“Fuck… Havoc, I’m going to come…” She had one hand pressed against the wall while her other hand reached up and gripped onto my neck, pulling my face down to nuzzle against her neck. She was working as hard as I was for her orgasm. The sounds of our bodies and grunts were drowned out by the noise from the highway, and when she came, her cries of pleasure bled into the night, only to be heard by me.

I grasped her as I came, growling her name as it coursed through my body. She gripped my neck tighter, her fingers digging in hard. Just the way I liked it. Our breaths were coming fast, and we didn’t move for a couple of minutes while we came down from the high.

When I eventually pulled out of her, she turned and found my gaze. “That was good, but it would have been better on your bike.”

I watched as she bent to pull her panties and jeans up. “Babe, I don’t need to fuck you on a bike to make it good.” Her eyes found mine again as she did her jeans up, and at the raise of her brows, I stepped closer and moved her hand away from her button. I undid her zip and slid my hand inside her panties. When my finger moved over her clit and through her wet pussy, I growled, “Does
feel good?”

Her eyelids fluttered closed and she bit her lip, but she didn’t answer me.

I moved my free hand to her ass and gripped her hard while pushing two fingers inside her. Lowering my face to hers, I caught her lips in a bruising kiss. Carla loved rough as much as I did. Her body melted against mine and a low moan fell from her lips.

“Answer me,” I demanded. “Does that feel good?”

Her eyes opened and she nodded. Placing a hand on my chest, she gave me what I wanted. “Yes.”

My fingers moved inside her, finding a rhythm that her pussy loved. I’d thought she was wet already, but her arousal intensified as I pushed deeper and harder. I kissed her again and lightly bit her lip as I ended the kiss. “I’ll fuck you on my bike when
decide.” As her mouth opened to say something, I shook my head. “This is non-negotiable. You don’t like it, I can drop you at a bus stop and you can go back to Brisbane.”


I knew I was being an asshole, but years of building my defences dictated my behaviour. Even though I’d told her I would, there was no fucking way I was screwing her on my bike. I refused to open those wounds inside my soul, and even thinking about it had scratched and burned those wounds. I’d been in preservation mode for the last couple of years and it was a place I liked. Taking a step outside of that wasn’t something I would even contemplate.

My words hurt her. I knew that by the look that flitted across her face. It had only been there for a moment before her usual mask of strength returned, but I’d seen it. Even the darkness couldn’t hide her bruise of pain.

A fleeting bruise I’d caused.

Jesus, why the fuck are you even thinking about this shit?

I pressed my fingers deeper inside her while at the same time, I circled her clit with my thumb. She was so damn wet and her pussy pulsed around my fingers; this wouldn’t take long.

Her orgasm hit and she was silent as it moved through her. She closed her eyes and bit her lip for a few moments before letting out a long breath. When she opened her eyes again, she held my gaze for a while before finally saying, “You can be an asshole, Havoc, but you sure do know your way around a pussy.”

With that, she gently pushed me out of her way before leaving to go back in the ladies' restroom. I stared after her for a beat. She confused the fuck out of me. Indecision rooted me to the spot.

I wanted her as far from me as possible in that moment. Yet, I didn’t want her anywhere else
with me.

You swore off women a long time ago for a good fucking reason.

Remember that the next time you’ve got your cock deep inside her and your head is a mess of bewilderment and need.

I headed into the restroom opposite to the one she entered so I could dispose of the condom. It was time to get my head together and remind myself this was just sex. Nothing more.

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