Havoc (Storm MC #8) (3 page)

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Authors: Nina Levine

BOOK: Havoc (Storm MC #8)
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J nodded slowly. “Let us know if you need anything, yeah?”

Calling on anyone for help was not something I planned on doing, but I agreed so he wouldn’t push the point. “Will do.”

“Right, I’m out of here. Got a hot date, and if I’m late, she’ll withhold sex,” Nash said as he made to leave.

“What the fuck?” I asked, stunned that Nash had a date. As far as I knew, he never dated.

“I’m a changed man, brother. It’s about time
found a pussy to stick with,” he threw over his shoulder.

“Keep fuckin’ walking, Nash. Me and pussy don’t play so nice these days. Unless of course, it’s new pussy, and then I’m all over that shit.”

He shook his head and kept walking. J said his goodbyes too and left me alone to contemplate the afternoon ahead. Yvette, my sister, had texted me about half an hour earlier to let me know Dad had been taken to hospital, so that was where I was headed. He’d had a heart attack about three weeks earlier, which was why I was back in Brisbane, and it seemed he’d had another one. Fuck, if it wasn’t one thing messing with my family, it was another.

I started heading outside when a familiar laugh slammed into me, jolting my senses. The woman it belonged to was a woman I did not want to see, but her voice rang out as she caught sight of me. “Havoc,” she called out, and I heard the tap of her heels across the floor as she came closer.

For fuck’s sake, why can’t I have some peace and fucking quiet in my life?

Her hand landed on my shoulder, and I spun around and shrugged it off. My hard glare landed on her. “Don’t fuckin’ touch me, bitch,” I snarled.

She flinched, but quickly recovered. “Baby, I didn’t know you were back,” she said in that breathy voice of hers. That voice used to make my dick jump to attention but not anymore. All it wanted to do now was shrivel up and pretend she didn’t exist.

“Let’s get one fuckin’ thing straight, Kelly. I’m not your fuckin’ baby, so cut that shit right now.”

“There’s no need to be such a bastard,” she complained, still trying to move closer.

I reached out and gripped her shoulder, halting her progress. “Stop whatever the fuck it is you’re doing, and leave me the fuck alone. We haven’t been together for two years, and if you think I’d ever go there with you again, you’re seriously mistaken. You fucked
over, remember?”

Her eyes widened, and she took a step back. She hadn’t expected that reaction from me. Probably because for the five years we’d been together, she’d had me wrapped around her little fucking finger. Her voice was soft when she spoke. “I made a mistake, Havoc, and I know that now. Let me show you how sorry I am.”

I raked my fingers through my hair as tension punched through my body. She was a piece of fucking work. “Letting you show me anything is the furthest thing from my mind. I’m leaving now, and I’m telling you for the first and the last time, don’t fuckin’ come near me again. You’ve no fuckin’ idea how close I am to losing it with you, and I can promise you, that is something neither of us want to happen.”

I turned to leave the club, relieved she didn’t follow. She’d managed to drag me closer to the edge that threatened to rip every last piece of sanity from me if I stumbled over it. I lived precariously on that verge, but after seeing her, I needed to get my shit under control so I could find my way back from it.




at my teacher in alarm. He’d just given me the choice between sleeping with him or failing my subject. And I had to decide right that moment, because he had to report my grade for the semester tomorrow. “You’re fucking kidding me, right?” I demanded to know as my mind flicked through options. Surely he couldn’t get away with this.

He leant back against his table, and gave me a creepy smile. “I never kid, Carla,” he answered me smoothly. In that instant, I knew he’d done this before, probably many times and gotten away with it. There was just something about his demeanour and the confidence with which he spoke.


I was far from a prude, but I wasn’t the type of woman to sleep my way to anything. And I knew there was no way in hell I would ever give my body to this prick. I made my decision. “Fail me if you must. I’m not fucking you, asshole,” I snapped. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I made him a promise. “If you do fail me though, just know that I won’t let it rest. I will find a way to fuck you over.”

He laughed. “I’m shaking in my boots, baby.”

“Yeah, well you should be. You’ve no idea what connections I have,” I muttered as I walked out of his classroom.

He yelled out after me, “What, are you friends with the local gang or something?”

I turned and gave him one last filthy glare. “No, you fucking prick, worse than that… a lot fucking worse.”

I didn’t wait for his response before I stalked out of the room. My blood boiled at the audacity of his demand, and I had to get out of there before I punched him. As I walked to my car, my mind conjured up all the ways I could inflict harm on his body. Just because I was a female didn’t mean I couldn’t make him hurt; I damn well could because my brother had taught me how.

“Fucker,” I muttered as I opened my car door and slid into the seat. Shit, he’d really riled me up. If he did fail me, I would make good on my threat to fuck him up. Passing my fashion design course was a major part of my life plan, and I was almost finished; to fail a semester would mean extra time and money, and that time and money wasn’t in my fucking plan.

I shoved the gear stick into reverse and squealed out of the car park. Ten minutes later, I was stuck in bloody bumper-to-bumper traffic.
I didn’t have time for this; I had to be at work in an hour. My waitressing job paid for my course, and I’d missed a lot of shifts lately so I could spend time studying. My boss was getting shitty about it, and I sensed that if I missed too many more, he would start looking for someone to replace me. So this traffic was the last thing I needed, and after my run-in with my teacher, it only served to put me in a worse mood.

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel and searched for good music on the radio. All three stations I tried were playing shit music. I turned it off in disgust. I really needed to get my CD player fixed in my car, but it was an old bomb of a vehicle so I was reluctant to spend money on it. And besides, it was money I didn’t really have.

A loud honk caught my attention. I’d been so engrossed in my search for music that I hadn’t noticed the black ute in front had moved. My eyes flicked to the driver behind, and I gave him the finger. Sure, I hadn’t moved forward, but hell, it wasn’t like I’d be moving very far. God, I hated impatient drivers.

I inched my car forward, and then sat idling again waiting for the traffic to move. My gaze shifted to the clock. Shit, I really was going to be late if we didn’t start moving faster. As I contemplated this, my phone rang, and I reached to check who it was. I had no intention of answering it while driving, but in this traffic, it couldn’t hurt to see who it was.

Fuck. My boss. I dropped it back onto the seat next to me, and commenced panicking. And then the asshole behind me honked again. Jesus fucking Christ! I looked in the rearview mirror at him again. He was making rude hand gestures at me so I flipped him the bird again, and at the same time, I pressed my foot to the pedal. I didn’t mean to press it hard but my foot slipped and I jerked forward and hit the ute in front.

Fuck me!

This was so not my fucking day.

I sat still for a moment waiting to see what the driver would do. When he left his ute and headed in my direction, my belly fluttered. He was built, and damn, he was sexy. I couldn’t make out his face due to the glare from the afternoon sun, but the rest of him had me drooling. But he was pissed off; his rigid posture made that clear as he stalked toward me. When he got to my door, I finally managed a good look at him, and my belly did more than flutter. And damn, the desire ricocheting through me caused me to feel things I didn’t want to feel.


Tall, olive skin, unruly dark hair, inked muscles to die for. It was the guy I’d slept with a couple of weeks ago. The guy who’d fulfilled his promise and brought heaven to my fucking door.

“What the fuck?” were the first words out of his mouth. Then he squinted his eyes, and dropped his face down to look at me through the window. “Carla?”

Had to give him points for remembering my name. “Yeah. Ah, sorry about that,” I offered an apology he wasn’t likely to accept, going by his pissed-off state.

He held onto his angry glare. “How the hell does someone have a fuckin’ car accident in this kind of traffic?”

I scrambled to offer an explanation. “It was the guy behind me. He was honking and giving me the finger.”

He shook his head once, in a I-can’t-fucking-believe-what-I’m-hearing gesture. “So it was his fault that your foot hit the accelerator?”

I didn’t like his tone. Sure, I was at fault, but there was no need for his attitude. I tried to open the door but he was blocking it. I eyed him. “Can you move so I can open the door?”

“What the fuck for?” He continued to lean against the door, eyeing me through the window. And I hadn’t failed to notice his gaze roaming over my chest.

“Because I want to get out to talk to you.”

The driver behind honked again, multiple times. Havoc scowled before straightening and glaring at the driver. I took the opportunity to open the door and get out. Another honk came from behind and Havoc stalked to the other car. I watched as he had words with the driver—angry words by the look of it. I then watched as he stalked back to me. His jeans hugged his legs, and his grey T-shirt clung to his chest. I couldn’t help but stare. I knew that body, and I knew what it was capable of giving me.

Shit, get yourself together, Carla.
The last thing I needed was to want this man again. We’d had our night together, and that was all it would ever be. I didn’t have a biker in my life plan. No, my plan involved stability, not a man who raised his middle finger at society.

“Get back in your car, Carla. We’re done here, but you need to be more careful,” he muttered, treating me like a fucking child.

“We’re not finished here, Havoc. We need to swap details for the insurance.” I stood my ground, not letting his dismissive attitude scare me off.

“No need. I won’t be claiming it.”

I raised my eyebrows at him. I actually had no idea how insurance companies worked because I’d never had an accident, but his attitude made me pursue this. No fucking way was I giving in. He was treating me like the little woman and I wasn’t having a bar of it. “Well, I might be, so give me your details anyway,” I said.

His gaze flicked to my car, my old-as-fuck bomb of a car. When he shifted his gaze back to me, he failed to hide his amusement. “Seriously? You’ve got insurance on this?”

I placed my hands on my hips. “Yes, I do. Now give me your goddamn details,” I snapped.

It was his turn to raise his brows at me, and then he slowly nodded. “You got a pen? Paper?”

“Yes,” I said, and reached into my car to retrieve them.

A couple of minutes later, we’d exchanged details, and he gave me one last look before leaving. It was the kind of look that gave a woman goose bumps; good goose bumps, and it didn’t fail to cause that reaction in me. He was still annoyed, but something else seemed to pass between us as well. It was a sexy something that curled itself deliciously around me, and begged me to pursue it. But I refused. And I let him go without another word.

He’d left me with a need I couldn’t get satisfied anywhere else. The kind that only one man I’d been with had been able to take care of. And that man was him. Fuck, it really was a shit day.



my hand over my face as I listened to Yvette. My sister could be a cranky bitch sometimes, and tonight was no exception. She was giving me her opinion on my choice of lifestyle and the fact it was taking me away from our family at a time she felt I was needed.

When she stopped speaking, I asked, “You finished?”

“That depends. You listening?”

I checked the time on the kitchen clock. It was nearly 10:00 p.m. and we’d just arrived back at Dad’s house where I was staying. Dad had been admitted to hospital with more chest pain. The doctors were concerned he was at risk of another heart attack and wanted to monitor him. So we’d left him there and finally come home. I was tired and ready for bed, so having Yvette rant at me about moving back to Brisbane really was the last thing I needed after the long day I’d had. “I’m always listening, sis, but it doesn’t mean I’m gonna do what you want. There’s a reason I left Brisbane, and I can’t say I’m in a hurry to come back permanently.”

She blew out a long, angry breath. “I hate that bitch for driving you out of town.”

“Yeah, well it was more than just her, and you know that.”

My phone rang, interrupting us, not that I minded. It wasn’t a number I knew, and normally I wouldn’t answer it, but my desire to get out of this conversation made me hit answer. “What?” I snapped into the phone.

The smoky female voice that came through was one etched into my memory. “I am
a bad driver.” Her words were slurred, and I could barely hear her over the noise in the background. I assumed she was at a pub, drunk.

“I’ll have to take your word for it, babe, because you were this afternoon.” I walked to my bedroom, ignoring Yvette’s questioning stare.

“Yeah, well I was having a really bad fucking afternoon. My teacher threatened to fail me if I didn’t screw him, and then I was running late for work, and the guy behind me kept honking at me, and… and, I just need you to know I’m normally a good driver. A really fucking excellent fucking driver.” I listened with amusement as she worked herself up, which surprised the hell out of me. Usually women who rambled annoyed the shit out of me. “So you can take your judgemental attitude and shove it where the sun don’t shine, Mr Perfect Biker who must never have a bad day.”

I lay on my bed, stretched my aching body, and responded to her bullshit. “A couple of things, darlin’. Number one, I am far from perfect and have bad days all the fuckin’ time. Number two, I hope you told your teacher to go fuck himself, and number three, how the fuck old are you if you’re still in school?” I hoped to Christ she wasn’t a teenager. I’d thought she was closer to my age.

“Pffftt… I’m twenty-three. Why, how old are you?”

Thank fuck for that. “Thirty-one.”

“And I did tell him to go fuck himself. And I also told him I’d fuck him over if he messed with me. Shit, can you believe he did that?”

I didn’t doubt for a minute that she’d mess with him if he failed her. “Babe, I’ve met worse men so yeah, I can believe it.”

She sighed a long breath into the phone, and I enjoyed the effect it had on me. I rubbed my hand over my hard dick, and closed my eyes. I hadn’t fucked anyone since her, and I wanted back in her sweet pussy. Since that was unlikely to happen, I decided to keep her talking while I jacked off.

“Havoc, I need sex, and there’s not a man in this club who I want to have it with.”

“You want me to talk dirty to you?” I squeezed myself and groaned, enjoying the new direction of our conversation. What I really fucking wanted was for her to talk dirty to me, and knowing her mouth, I had no doubt she’d be good at it.

“No, I want you to fuck me.”

“Not gonna happen tonight, darlin’. I’m too damn tired to move, let alone fuck.” I couldn’t believe the shit coming out of my mouth, but it was true. I was done for the day.

“That’s a shame. I loved having your cock in my mouth, and really fucking loved sucking your balls.” She breathed the words into the phone, causing my dick to throb with need.

A male voice filtered through the line. “Sweetheart, you can have my balls in your mouth anytime.”

My eyes shot open, and I sat up, waiting for her reply.

“Fuck off, asshole,” she muttered, still slurring her words.

His voice was angry when he spoke again. “Don’t fucking tell me to fuck off, bitch.”

She didn’t say anything back to him. All I heard was the noise of the people in the background. And then she said, “Shit!”

“Carla, what the fuck is happening?” I demanded to know; I was wide-awake now.

“He fucking groped my tit, but I think he’s gone now.”

“Tell me where you are. I’m coming to get you,” I said as I grabbed the keys to Dad’s ute and headed outside. I wasn’t sure why the hell I was doing this, but I kept moving anyway.

She rattled off the name of the club as I started the car. Putting my phone on speakerphone, I ordered, “Keep talking to me while I drive.”

The bar was a ten-minute drive from where I was, and she prattled on about God knows what the whole time. Fuck, I could probably listen to her voice for hours and stay hard the whole time. And thank Christ that dickhead seemed to have left her alone.

I parked the ute, ended the call and made my way inside. The beat of the music and the noise of the crowd assaulted me as I entered. I fucking hated these types of clubs that played this dance music shit. Give me a pub with a live band any day over this crap. Spotting her at the bar, I headed in her direction.

She saw me, and sent a drunken smile my way. In the time since we’d ended our call, she’d started talking to another guy, and he didn’t look too pleased to see her watching me approach. “Who’s this?” he asked when I stopped in front of her.

“I’m with her, dickhead,” I muttered while curling my arm around her waist and pulling her to me. She smelt fucking amazing and felt even better as I pushed my hand up under the bottom of her top and found skin.

Her hand snaked around my waist too, and she murmured, “Yeah, he’s with me. He’s got magic ways with his cock and I really hope he’ll show me them again tonight.”

I bent my mouth to her ear. “Jesus fuck, woman, you’ve got a dirty mouth that’s gonna get you into trouble one day,” I said while trying to ignore the begging my dick was doing.

She turned to me, her eyes full of lust. “Can it get me into trouble tonight, Havoc?” As she said this, her free hand landed on my dick and she rubbed me.


“Trouble’s your middle fuckin’ name, isn’t it?” I growled, reaching for her hand and pulling it off my crotch. “You keep that shit up, and I’ll be banging you on the fuckin’ bar.”

She pouted. “You keep talking but all I’m hearing is a whole lot of grumbling. I’ve never known a man who didn’t jump at the chance of sex.”

The idiot she’d been talking to cut in. “Baby, if you want sex, I’ll give it to you.”

My head snapped in his direction. “Back the fuck off, asshole. The only man she’s gonna be fucking tonight is me.” He scowled but got the message and left.

As I watched him go, Carla placed her hand back on my crotch, and said, “Halle-fucking-lujah! Now can we hurry—"

I cut her off and yanked her hand off my dick again. “Stop talking, darlin’, and start fuckin’ walking. And if you touch my dick again before I say you can, I’m gonna make your ass red.”

Her eyes widened and a sexy grin formed on her lips. “I like the way you think, and I might just be tempted to break that command before you get me home.”

I bent to her ear again. “Who the fuck said anything about getting you home? If you think I can wait that long to get my dick in you, you’re fuckin’ dreaming.”

She licked her lips. “Hell to the fucking yes!” And then she did as I said, and walked out of the club, her ass swaying from side to side, teasing the hell out of me as she went.

I followed her out, and then led the way to the ute. She eyed it and asked, “Why do you drive this instead of your bike? I kinda wanted to see what sex on a bike was like.”

“I’m not putting your drunk ass on the back of my bike,” I responded as I opened the door for her and helped her in.

She began rambling about something but I tuned it out as I headed around to the driver side. I was sure she’d still be talking when I got in the car, and I was right. I let her get all her words out before asking, “Do you always talk this much?”

Her filthy glare was the only answer I received, but she stopped talking.

I started the car and asked her, “What’s your address?”

She frowned. “I’m not telling you my address until after you screw me. You made promises and I need you to make good on them.”

I let my gaze dip to take in her skirt and top, and then I looked back at her face. She was a sexy woman, but in her drunken state with her pout and her demands for sex, she was off the fucking charts hot. In that moment, if she were next to a woman with the tits and curves I would have preferred, I would still have chosen Carla. There was an indescribable something to her that was making me act in ways I never did with a woman.

“Darlin’, I’m making good on those promises. On the way to your house. So give me the goddamn address and then rest your mouth for what I have planned for it.”

She sucked in a breath, and then her address tumbled out before she finally shut the hell up. We drove in silence until I pulled off the road and into a park. I found a dark, secluded spot and cut the engine. Turning to her, I wrapped my hand around her neck, and pulled her face to mine. My eyes bore into hers, and for a moment, we just stared at each other as the electricity hummed between us. Her breathing grew shallow, almost to a pant. Mine did too. I wanted this woman, and fought the desire to take her hard and fast. Because what I really wanted was to drag the pleasure out; let the anticipation build until her pussy was so wet that my dick would fucking drown in it.

Eventually, her voice cut through the silence. “Havoc, I don’t think I can wait any longer,” she said, her voice pleading with me, silently promising me a hell of a fuck. Women who were in touch with their sexual side like Carla was didn’t come along very often. A lot of women had hang ups a mile fucking long that got in the way of good sex. I’d found one that didn’t.

Ah, fuck. I wanted to take my time but she wasn’t going to let me. As much as I wanted to control this, she had me. By the fucking balls. When her lips met mine in a kiss, and her tongue forced its way into my mouth, I knew for sure this wasn’t going to go down the way I wanted. This was going to be hard and fast after all.

She moved onto my lap in what seemed like one swift movement. Her size and agility allowed her to do this. In the next minute, she clawed at my jeans, undoing them and then lifted her top over her head. Her hands then gripped onto my jaw and pulled my mouth back to hers for another searing kiss. Hot fucking damn, she was wild. I moved my hands under her skirt and slid my hand into her panties. Her wetness welcomed me, and I slid two fingers inside her, working her towards what she wanted.

As my fingers worked harder, she ground herself against me, and threw her head back, moaning my name. I dipped my mouth to her neck and sucked it while moving my free hand to her bra. Pushing it to the side, I covered one of her tits with my hand and rolled her nipple between my fingers.

“Oh, my God, Havoc… Fuck… Shit…. Fuuuck!”

I reached my hand up to her face and pulled it back to mine. Her eyes were shut but she opened them and found my gaze. “As much as I want to fuck you slowly, it’s not gonna happen tonight. I will make you come though, one way or another.”

She smiled lazily, and murmured, “Havoc, a woman doesn’t need your cock in her to come; your fingers and your mouth are enough to get me off. Hell, just looking at your sexy ass and listening to your dirty mouth is enough to get me close and I’d even be happy to finish the job myself if I were treated to those.”

I pulled her hair gently, and growled, “How long does it take you to get yourself off, baby?”

Her eyes danced at that question, and she whispered, “I can blow my own damn mind in five minutes, Havoc, but I bet with your help it could be done in two.”

Fuck me.

My cock was more than ready to get this done. “No need, darlin’, I’m gonna take care of you tonight, but I’m thinking I’d like to see those fingers of yours blowing your mind another time.”

She reached into my jeans and grabbed hold of my dick. Licking her lips, she asked, “You got a condom this time?”

I nodded and searched in my wallet. Handing it to her, I indicated for her to take care of it, which she did while I pulled her panties down. Once we were ready to go, I slid my hands around her ass and pulled her into position. We held eye contact as she sunk her pussy down over my dick. The moment she’d taken me all the way, she let out a long breath, and whispered, “Holy fuck, you’re huge. Feels so good.” And then she took charge, and for once, I found myself enjoying a woman being in control. She slid up and down my dick, picking her pace up as she went. I knew it wouldn’t take long for me to orgasm, but she brought me to it faster than any woman before. As I felt it hit, I gripped onto her hips and groaned out, “Fuck!”

Her fingers dug into my arms as she held onto me while I came, and a moment later she came too. Watching her in the throes of an orgasm was a beautiful sight, one I could watch over and over. Her head lolled back and she bit her lip as she rode the wave. When she’d wrung it for all it was worth, she dropped her head forward and grinned. Bending her face to mine, she whispered, “No man has ever made me come as fast or as good as you. You’ve got talents, baby.”

I liked to give credit where it was due. “The same can be said for you, darlin’.”

Her grin spread further across her face. I liked that I’d put that there, and then wondered where the fuck that thought had come from. Making women happy was not on my agenda anymore. The only thing I wanted to make women do was fuck me. I couldn't care less what they did after that.

I smacked her ass. “Time to get you home,” I muttered, pushing her to let her know the night had ended. The thing I liked about Carla the most was that she didn’t seem to have any problems understanding that what happened between us wasn’t and wouldn’t be anything more than sex. When I’d fucked her two weeks ago, she’d been more than happy to leave the next morning without asking for my number or a follow up. She happily crawled off my lap and waited to be dropped home. When I pulled up outside her house, she grabbed her bag, gave me one last drunken smile and exited the car without another word. I watched her walk inside, and decided she could well be the perfect lay.

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