Have No Mercy (11 page)

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Authors: Shannon Dermott

BOOK: Have No Mercy
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Chapter Twenty



Tristrom moved like lightening to
stand in front of me. “Fight me.” There was a long pause before he added,

I shifted enough to see
Larrison’s reaction. “Why would I do that? I’ve beaten you enough times. It’s
not interesting anymore. Her on the other hand…” A sly grin grew on his face.

Tristrom moved slightly to block
Larrison’s view of me. He took his time before responding. “I’ll make it worth
your while.”

“And what could you possibly
offer me that’s more interesting than her.”

Larrison stepped and Tristrom
moved to block. It was almost intimate, their posturing. Finally, Tristrom
said, “I’ll give you what you want.”

I’d leaned to the side just
enough I didn’t miss Larrison’s shocked face. His eyes went wide, and his mouth
made a tiny O sound.

Larrison was very interested, and
he wanted badly. Curiosity burned in me. “And if by some miracle you win, what
should you want?”

“You’ll leave her alone.”

Larrison’s glee came too quickly,
but I couldn’t see what had made him so happy. Whatever Tristrom offered must
have been really awesome.

“You have a deal brother,”
Larrison said, holding out a hand. “Shall we begin?”

 There weren’t any more words.
They moved into position vaguely where I’d initially found Tristrom. The attack
happened without a count of three, but Tristrom was ready for him. The clang of
their swords was loud, but no one came running. Larrison may have appeared the
buffoon in his fight with Flynn, but he knew how to handle a sword. He didn’t
have the grace that Tristrom had, but he held his own. Several strikes had me
cupping a hand to my mouth so I didn’t scream in distress and cause Tristrom to
loose concentration like I’d done to Flynn earlier.

They appeared evenly matched as
they continued to strike, block and parry with no one getting the upper hand. I
rooted for Tristrom because he was the lesser of the two evils. Plus, I hoped
based on his willingness to fight for me, meant I’d pegged him wrong. Maybe he
hadn’t set me up all those other times, Maybe it had only been just an
unfortunate coincidence. Still, I wouldn’t let my guard down. It could be just
another form of manipulation.

Larrison lunged forward, and as
if Tristrom had grown bored with the fight, he made a move with a kick to
Larrison’s exposed calf that sent Larrison to his back. Tristrom’s sword was at
Larrison’s neck much like he’d done to me when I went down. Only he didn’t

There was a heavy pause before
Larrison let go of his sword and move to hold his hands palm up in a show of
surrender. Tristrom’s eyes were dark as if he were calculating his options. I
didn’t step in this time to plead for Tristrom not to kill him.

“Are we done here… brother?”

“Yes. Fine. We’re done,” Larrison

Tristrom moved back as Larrison
took his time getting to his feet. He picked up the sword and walked in my
direction. I had no idea if he would try anything, but I held my ground, ready
to defend myself if I had to. But Larrison only dropped his sword onto the pile
and gave me a wicked sneer. He turned and walked back towards the disappearing
entrance to the fortress. Tristrom stood, eyes held on Larrison until the guy
rounded the corner.

Then, he held out his hand and
took my sword. He placed both his and the one I’d used on the pile. He began to
wrap them in a cloth I hadn’t noticed before while taking furtive glances
towards the sky. I glanced up too, not seeing anything but the cloudless sky.
Then he stood and held out a hand. The earth sunk underneath the wrapped
weapons only for grass to cover them as if the hole had never existed.

“Cool,” I accidently said out

He glanced at me, then back to
the sky. A wailing wind kicked up from out of nowhere. Tristrom grabbed my
hand, and it was a good thing. We headed towards the fortress entrance as if
against gale-force winds. And the cold, I thought I might catch frostbite
before we made it the several yards ahead. Tiny pieces of ices began to rain
against our skin as if propelled by a gun. Almost to the stairs, the hail began
to grow in size and snow fell too.

Tristrom was nearly at the top
when the stairs began to disappear. It happened so fast; I ended up hanging
precariously by Tristrom’s grip alone. I dangled with several feet beneath me.
It wasn’t a death-defying fall. But once down, there would be no way to the
platform unless I grew wings.

He tried to heave me up as he
took the last few steps to the top. But he slipped on the snow bringing him
closer to the edge of the platform that remained. The cold and snow made his
grip slip. He ended up flat on his belly with me about to fall in the pile of
snow that had freakishly accumulated. I reached with my other hand to the ledge
trying to gain a grip. I needed to help not hinder his attempt to get me to the
top. But the snow and my frozen hands made it impossible.

I caught sight of the closing
doors behind him. And I made a decision. “Let me go,” I called out against the
howling wind. “Let me go,” I repeated myself because after my first plea there
was a look of horror in Tristrom’s eyes. It was then I knew I could trust him.
But I wouldn’t let another person die because of me. I released my hold on his
hand and waited for the inevitable fall.

It didn’t come. With a herculean
grip, Tristrom swung me up and over onto the platform. With the snow and ice, I
slid across to and through the narrow gap in the door. When I stood, it was too
late. The doors had vanished leaving Tristrom on the outside.

I ran at the wall and beat it
with my fist. I yelled his name over and over again until a figure stepped from
the shadows.

“What would you do to get me to
open the door?”

Larrison looked positively
pleased with himself as if he’d constructed this very scenario. I had a moment
to wonder if I’d been duped again. I glanced around hoping for another Fey I
could bargain with to open the door. I couldn’t live with myself if Tristrom
died. Even if it turned out to be a farce, I would sleep better at night
knowing I’d done the right thing.

With not a soul or Fey in sight,
I was forced to make a deal with the devil.

“What do you want? I thought you
weren’t supposed to bother me anymore?” I asked not wanting to waste anymore
time. I was still shivering from the storm that had come out of nowhere,
possibly by Larrison’s own design.

“I’m not bothering you, am I? I’m
offering my assistance.” He was a little too self-assured.

“Fine, what do you want from me?”

I could have sworn his eyes
glittered. “I want you to kiss me willingly.”

Okay, he could have asked for a
lot of things. That was hardly a big deal, at least I didn’t think so.

“Fine. Do it. Open the doors.”

He acknowledged our agreement by
a wave of his hand. The doors appeared and began to open. I didn’t wait for
them to open all the way. I stared out and saw nothing through the thick snow
that continued to fall. An overhang covered the platform and beyond that the
stairs were still gone. A glance to the left yielded nothing. To the right, a
huddled figure in the corner was covered with snow.

“Tristrom,” I called out and
wondered why as yet no one had come with all the racket I caused. Where were
the soldiers when you needed some?

I hand burst through the snowman
like figure. I glanced back to see Larrison watching intently. I had no idea if
he would close the doors if I went all the way out. I didn’t wait another
second to find out. I headed out into the blizzard and reached my hand to take
Tristrom’s. As if he needed my strength to move, I heaved back, and he stood
with my help. Covered in bits of snow and ice, he moved slowly, but he moved.

Surprisingly, the door remained
partially opened and with frostbite nipping at our heels. Tristrom and I made
it back inside to shake off snow, ice and what felt like an everlasting chill.

We shivered as Larrison appeared
totally unaffected by the cold.

“You got what you wanted, now
it’s time for you to make good on your bargain,” Larrison was quick to say.

Tristrom mouth opened, but a
footman appeared.

“Queen Mab has requested your
presence, both of you.”

The footman eyed both boys but
never glanced at me. So I hadn’t been summoned. The boys nodded and followed
after the guy leaving me alone in the hall. Once they were far enough ahead and
turned a corner, I made my way passed a full banquet hall. Lunch or dinner was
being served to a full crowd. Music I missed earlier played and that had to be
why no one had come. They hadn’t heard me.

I quickly passed the smells that
made my stomach involuntarily growl. In my room, I closed my door and dusted
the rest of snow and ice that still clung to me. I longed for a heated bath as
the cold didn’t shake away.

I paced not knowing what to do
next. Flynn was with Morgana, and we needed to talk. I tried not to be jealous.
I had no right to be. However, we needed to discuss the game plan. I needed to
know where his head was at and what if anything we should do about Larrison.
Just when I was sure I'd worn in an indivisible path into the carpet, I headed
to my door prepared to find Flynn’s room and interrupt whatever was going on. I
opened it to find Madeline on the other side.

Chapter Twenty-One



She crowded me, forcing me back.
There was a little Fey with flittering wings at her side, but I didn't have
time to worry about whoever it was. Madeline’s hand was around my throat,
crushing it in a matter of seconds. I couldn’t speak. I had no breath.

I could've fought back. But the
fact that she held me off the ground single-handedly meant with a flick of her
wrists she could break my neck easily. I stayed limp trying to conserve energy.

"It seems your Flynn has
embarrassed my son. And while you are the cause, I can do nothing to you if I’m
to keep my word. However, Flynn didn't bargain for himself. And while it would
be a loss, I cannot let this disrespect go unpunished. And once he is gone, our
bargain will be no more. And well, you will be less than nothing in my careful

I tried to croak out a response,
but nothing but garbled noises escaped my throat.

"What was that dear?"
She leaned slightly as if she was truly trying to hear me. She loosened her
grip just enough so I can suck in a breath.

"We are sorry. Please
forgive us." I whispered feeling the jagged edges of her sharpened nails.

"That's not good enough. And
lucky for Flynn, I like him. So I will give him a sporting chance. Tomorrow,
once the summer storm has blown by, we will have another contest. One that is
befitting of my son’s station. I expect you to root for Larrison publically to
make things right. And know that Flynn will have a small chance to save his

Everything in me rebelled. I
didn't want to acquiesce but what choice did I have. I brought Flynn into this.
And all he was doing was trying to protect me. So I nodded.

“I expect you to be on time,
straight after breakfast.”

I nodded again, and she let go. I
unceremoniously dropped to my feet gasping for air. She left with the tiny Fey
creature at her side. And I was once again, alone.

Time had no meaning in Fairy.
Without windows, a true sun or a watch, I was clueless about what time of day
it was. I went with the weariness I felt. How could I possibly confront Flynn
about making a deal to protect me when he would be fighting for his life yet
again because of me?

I lifted the dress over my head
and heard buttons popping off. But I didn’t care. I wanted out of the thing as
soon as possible. And I couldn’t wait for Molly to show up. For all I knew, the
Queen might have told her to stay away. Inside the wardrobe, the gown I’d
tossed in before was gone. My human clothes remained along with another
nightgown. I tossed the latest dress like dirty laundry in the same fashion as
I done to the other. I pulled on the solitary sleeping gown and pondered one
more time if I should go find Flynn.

In the end, I decided against it.
If I found him, I’d likely slip up because of something dumb he would say. I’d
spill my guts and curse him for being with every girl other than me as if that
was his fault. We would fight; he would worry, and neither of us would sleep.
So, I got under the covers and prayed he got some rest. I would find him in the
morning and warn him about the Queen’s death match. He deserved that much.

My eyelids shut, and I wished to
hell Luke was there. He would know what to do and how to fix the problem. I
almost didn’t care about whatever Flynn claimed Luke lied to me about. I knew
Luke. Whatever lie he might have told, I knew it was only for my benefit. He
wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.

Clouds marred the perfect sky as
the ocean breeze sent salt sea to my nose. My head whipped around to find my

“Ryck.” I half ran to stop in
front of him.

Red hot fissures of molten fire
marred his face. “Mercy.”

“Grandfather,” I said back. I
knew I shouldn’t trust him, but I couldn’t help myself in wanting to.

His appearance flickered as his
mouth gaped. Inside appeared as though it were the opening to a volcano. His
tongue like lava moved as if he were trying to speak.

“…Bastian is the key.” His mouth
worked, but his voice kept coming in and out like there was bad reception
between hell and dreams. “…Guys… he will come for you.” The overhead skies
began to darken. The temperature dropped. “… Love.” His voice crackled with pain.
His hair lit with flames. He appeared as though he were burning from the inside
out. “… He must spread his wings… Like a bird… needs to fly.” He coughed and
dumbly I glanced around as if I could find a glass of water to offer him.
“Mate…” The sky went midnight, but stars were overhead. Somehow, we were still
in the dreamscape. “You must….”

“I can’t hear you,” I yelled but
he didn’t seem to notice me. His eyes were rusty holes of fire. I tried to stay
calm and listen because he was obviously going through a lot to give me a

“…I did what I could to protect
you both… Love.” The last word ended on a garbled roar.  “… Punishment…
Death...Tell her I always lo..v..ed..her.”

And then he was gone. Waking from
that nightmare felt like tumbling into the debts of hell, yet only I rolled
from my back to my side. Strong arms circled my waist while lips nuzzled the
back of my neck. The scent that could only be Flynn wrapped over me like a

I felt safe as tears pricked my
eyes. Could it be true? Could my grandfather really have been protecting Mom
and me all this time? Had his aloofness only been a disguise to keep us safe?
And how would I know the truth? What had he meant about Sebastian being the
key? Who were the guys? And Love, he’d called me that. Or had he been referring
to my love for Luke? And what about Flynn? Was Flynn the mate he was talking
about? Too many questions and no way to get answers.

I kept my eyes closed even though
I wanted to see, see Flynn. Waffling, I pondered waking him and telling him
everything that had happened. But what if I did and he stayed up worrying about
it and was tired for whatever contest Madeline had planned for him? He needed
to be focused so he could stay alive. We could talk about the rest after.

I burrowed back into him
relishing his warm. I’d been spoiled with cuddling nights by him and Luke. I
doubted I could ever sleep peacefully alone again. I let his safety fill me and
lull me back to a dreamless sleep.

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