Have No Mercy (8 page)

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Authors: Shannon Dermott

BOOK: Have No Mercy
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Chapter Thirteen



Gravelly footstep forced me to
lift my head. Madeline strolled towards me with purpose. I got to my feet not
wanting to appear to be kneeling at her feet when she reached me. I dusted off
my dress at my knees as best I could before I stiffened my spine and masked my
expression. I had no idea what the Queen wanted, but I would be ready. I’d
crossed to one of the benches by the time she made it to me.

“My son tells me the good news.
You and your companion didn’t lie. True loves never lies or does it?” Her lips
pursed in thought. “Where is the boy?” Her eyes scanned my face. “Trouble in

I wanted answers not more
questions from her. “What did you offer him in return for my life?”

She morphed into the Cheshire cat
all teeth and gleam. “So he hasn’t told you. Now, Now, Now, that doesn’t seem
fair considering…”

“Considering what?” I shouted.

A perfected arched brow lifted as
if she wanted me to repeat my challenge. “It’s not my place to share the
details with you. On the other hand, you can take my son’s offer, and I’ll
release Flynn of all his obligations.”

“Tell me what the offer was
first,” I yelled standing on my toes trying in vain to meet her eye to eye.

“Don’t.” She pointed down to me
as if she were fifteen feet tall and I was a toddler. “You’re alive and I hate
to break my promise.”

For the second time that day,
someone tried to stop me with that word. “Your promise means nothing. I nearly

She clucked her tongue. “Now that
is simply not true. I’ve never lied a day in my life. You humans on the other
hand…” She flicked her hand in the air as if she were dismissing me. “You
cannot be trusted. I did what I had to do to see if you both were honorable in
your words. You were never in any real danger because I made sure he was there
to save you in time. Had you lied, then my bargain with him would have been
void. Punishment for untruthfulness is death. But your words were proven
factual, and no harm came to you.”

I’d read about the Fey and not
telling lies. But those had been fiction books. Was it that they were bound by
honor or could they, in fact, not tell a lie even if they wanted to?

Madeline crossed her arms. “We
are late for the party and I can’t keep my guest waiting.” Her eyes challenged
me, but her voice had gone soft. Was she like bipolar? I was getting whiplash
from her and her son’s irrational mood changes. And Flynn, if I really thought
about it, his moods had become shifty as well. Was he already being affected by

“We wouldn’t want to be late for
your party, would we?”

I had no idea what powers the
queen had. I guessed they would be more impressive than Larrison’s. So I kept
my trap shut at least for the moment and shook my head.

Madeline’s features smoothed and
then she lifted her arm. She did the whole wavy thing with her hands and the
hedges parted as if alive. They stepped aside like foot soldiers showing
respect for their Queen.

In her wake, no longer involved
in a game of words, I took in the Queen of Winter. She looked like she took a
dip in a pool of white paint. Gone was the gown of feathers. It had been
replaced by a dress made of snowflake patterned lace much like her skin.
Somehow the snow white gown stood out against her alabaster skin. And her hair
was just as frosty as the rest of her. In fact, as I had to nearly jog to keep
up with her, I remembered only her ruby lips as she'd spoken to me. It was as
if my brain was finally catching up and processing everything about her now
that she wasn't speaking.

When we broke the last line of
hedges, everything snapped back into place as if it had never moved. I glanced
over my shoulder to see the last rustle of leaves before everything became
still again.

Facing forward, I got my first
real view of the exterior of the building I would call home for a day or two.
It would be an understatement to call it a castle. It was more of a fortress of
faintly gray stone, with towers at each corner. As we neared, I was curious how
we would enter when massive double doors appeared in the façade as if in
response to the Queen’s presence.  She didn't move her hands at all that time.
It was magic at its best.

As another feature of the grand
entrance, stairs rose underneath the Queens’s feet leading her to the doors
that slowly began to open, the closer we got.

I followed at her heels wondering
if everything would disappear and leave me on the outside if I didn’t enter
with her. I kept looking down to avoid stepping on the train of her dress.
Somehow, I didn’t think she would be pleased if I did. And that could leave me
in more trouble than I could handle. Especially since she didn’t seem that fond
of me.

Inside, I relaxed a bit. The
doors vanished and without a choice, I became a willing captive of her
fortress. However, I remembered that Tristrom had taken me outside. So I had to
assume he could get me there again. So I pushed the jailbird thoughts out of my

We headed directly for the grand
ballroom I’d passed earlier. The only difference this time, it was filled with
party goers. When the Queen entered, everyone stopped and bowed out of respect.
Behind her, I just watched until she vanished in the crowd.

Wearing only the slippers they
provided, I had a hard time searching the room over the heads of the tall and
slender Fey. I finally found Flynn at a table surrounded by girls rapt by what
he was saying. He lifted a goblet, and the girls followed suit. They all held
their drinks a little higher as if in a toast. I launched myself in his
direction. I had to grab up my skirts to move faster. I stumbled to a stop in
front of him just as the drink in his hand tilted towards his mouth.

The goblet was against his bottom
lip when I slapped it out of his hand, showering some poor Fairy girl with its

"Are you crazy?" I

His expression suggested that I
was the crazy one. The Fairy girl was shouting something with hands raised. But
I ignored her. It was the silence of the room that caught my attention. Crap on
a hand stick. I turned and found all eyes on me.

The wall of people parted much
like the hedges had earlier, and I knew before I saw, who was coming. Madeline.

I licked my dry lips and fought
desperately for an excuse.

When she approached, everyone
near bowed except Flynn and I. A bit too late, I dipped my head forward. It
wasn’t the curtsey the rest of the females at the table held, but my mind was
out of whack. My pose looked more like the Japanese formal greeting, than
greeting for a queen.

When she said nothing, I bent my
knees trying to correct my faux pas. Did I really have a death wish?

"She learns," she said
sounding amused, but I knew better.

Flynn, on the other hand, from
what I could tell he hadn't moved a muscle and got away with it. Anger burned a
flush down my neck. Why was it he always got away with everything?

Nervous giggles and chuckles
slowly rose before her lack of punishing words must have given the Fey free
will to shout out a chorus of boisterous laughter. I saw people rise around me,
but I felt her eyes burning into my flesh like dry ice. I'd accidently touched
some during a chemistry project at school. It wasn't fun.

"You may rise, child."

Slowly, I stood straight showing
as much respect as I could muster.

"You show up at my home
uninvited, you disrespect my son, and you ignored my summons to this party. For
any of these reasons, I should have your head on a pike."

Flynn had the nerve to snicker,
and I had the urge to kill him. I risked a glance in his direction to catch him
smirking at me. Over his shoulder, the fairy I'd drenched was giving me her
best murderous glare.

"I'm sorry for displeasing

It was a weird choice of words,
but I thought I'd remembered hearing that in a historical movie I'd seen or
book I'd read. I kept my eyes downcast. I was trying my best to give her a

"Well child, I think you
could make up for your transgression by doing me the honor of keeping my son
company for the evening. For some odd reason, he still fancies you."

A rumble emanated from Flynn. Out
of the corner of my eye, I could see his face now registered a scowl.

"Of course, I would
respectfully ask your husband's permission."

Husband. It was still weird to
hear that, especially when it referred to Flynn and not Luke.

"So Flynn, would you allow
my son to have the pleasure of your wife's company. He won't bite."

I didn't like the sound of it.
What did she mean? There was no way I was going to do anything with Larrison
even if it meant my death.

Boldly, I turned my head in
Flynn's direction silently pleading with him to say no. When he met my gaze,
his frown inverted. And I didn't like the ugly smile on his face. He lifted his
hand, and it was empty. A solitary finger rose up. "One dance," Flynn
announced to the silent room. "One dance and nothing more."

Narcissistic Foul Mouth Pig. But
I didn't say it. I narrowed my eyes and wished we shared telepathy. He only
continued to smirk as if he were getting me back for something I’d done.

Larrison appeared before me, just
before I caught Madeline inclining her head. Music rose in the room and once
again the guest parted. Larrison took my limp hand and put the other at my hip.
With no help from my feet, we were off. I floated, guided by his hand and will
alone to the center of the ballroom. There, in front of a small stage, were
four violinist dressed in ivory furiously playing a haunted song that gave me

At once, I was manipulated like a
marionette doll, twirled to the beat. Others gather on the dance floor, and we
all moved as if in a choreographed number. I hated the feeling of no control.
My body flowed and arched with no help from me.

During one turn, I caught sight
of Flynn leaving the ballroom with Morgana. Jealousy overflowed my gut making
me want to spew the contents of my empty stomach. He left me. How could he
trust that his word would be followed if he weren't there?

 "You are beautiful."

Larrison broke the silence
between us garnering my attention. I'd tried not to look into his black eyes as
he gripped my hip tighter and clasped our hands in an unbreakable hold. If I
wanted to deny his words, with him pressed so tightly to me, there was no
denying his interest.

"Why are you so interested
in me?" I was truly curious why after I turned him down twice, would he
continue to pursue me. With all the perfection of every fairy present, I
certainly couldn't be that beautiful or that interesting.

His head dipped to my cleavage
and my stomach revolted again. Envy had me notice that all the females of the
Fey were perfectly proportion like ballet dancers with long, lean lines. They
had gentle curves not ostentatious ones. I cursed my luck of the gene pool with
my oversized chest and how it drew unwanted attention. I longed for my
oversized shirts and a way to hide myself from ogling stares or the rolled eyes
of those who disapproved of my disproportioned figure.

"You have the most amazing
pair of..." I tried to lift my hand prepared to slap him from what was
about to come out of his mouth. Unfortunately, I still had no control. He met
my heated stare. "Eyes. You have lovely green eyes with hints of

I relaxed in his embrace
wondering if I had read him wrong or he had done the most incredible save in
the history of male blunders. As our eyes locked, I couldn't find a hint of a

"You should consider giving
me a chance. I can make all your desires come true.” I pressed my lips
together. “He can't possibly love you enough for you to stay with him. He left
you with me and went with another."

So he’d noticed Flynn’s departure
as well. A deep ache formed inside my heart. Hadn't I been thinking that very
thing? I just wanted to get away Larrison. I needed to find Tristrom and
convince him to leave. There was no need to drag out our stay in Fairy.
However, the never ending song continued to play. I wasn’t sure how long we
danced thus far, only the sense that it the longest song I'd ever heard.

But of course, I thought. The
Queen would play by Flynn's rules, but using her own game. One dance. If that
dance went for eternity, she wouldn't have broken an unsaid vow.

And where was Flynn? He seemed to
garner more respect than I could. And the ass was gone. It would totally suck
to dance forever.


I glanced up at the same time as
Larrison. Somehow, even though we were dancing on air slightly above the ground,
Tristrom remained standing at our side, even as the music twisted our movements
in a dance that felt as old as time. What kind of magic surrounded us?

Chapter Fourteen



A tug of war with their eyes
played out until finally Larrison released me. My feet settled lightly on the
ground as I took in the brothers. Dressed up, Tristrom reminded me of a Red
Coat in the British Amy to Larrsion, Navy get up. Somehow, Tristrom upstaged
him despite that Larrison may have been in more physically perfect in the face.
That didn't matter to me. I wasn’t sure I could trust either of them. But
Tristrom was the one I’d come to Fairy for.

I let my hands briefly rest on
Tristrom’s chest when he took hold of me. My fingertips made contact with the
white strips of his jacket as we began to dance. When I gazed up and caught
sight of the blonde curls at the nape of his neck, I could almost lose myself
in the illusion that he was Luke.

Unfortunately, the music came to
a screeching halt. The violins sounded as if nails raked across a chalkboard
and hands smashed the final note on the keys of the piano. I pulled back to
find Larrison’s dark stare on us like the world ended, and we were the cause.

I met Tristrom’s gaze squarely.
"Can you escort me back to my room?" I actually had no idea if I had
a room or where. But I needed to get away from Larrison. I kept my fingers
crossed, and hoped Tristrom would comply. The song was finally over and had my
one dance with Larrison. It couldn't be said that I didn't do what was asked of

"Of course." He offered
me his arm, and I threaded mine through the triangle space he created. We
strode out of the banquet hall, and I didn’t look back. Without asking,
Tristrom's pace was a determined as my need to get away.

“I’m not sure where my room is,”
I whisper sheepishly.

Tristrom nodded.

“But if you know where it is or
where Flynn’s room is, that would work,” I added

When he only gave another curt
nod, I wondered how I was going to get him home to his mother when I couldn’t
get him into any sort of conversation.

We turn down a hall, and walking
in our direction was a servant whose downcast eyes lifted. Her cheeks
immediately turned pink and her eyes shifted from Tristrom to me. She turned
out to be the same girl that had helped me into my dress earlier.

“Mam, I can help you to your
quarters if you like.”

Slyly, I glanced at Tristrom, who
had his gaze fixed on the girl. Well, love was certainly in the air. My
estimation of him increased because he obviously wasn’t that shallow. She
wasn’t the perfection of every Fey I’d glanced, and she wasn’t royalty or
whatever they called it around in Fairy.

“Yes, please. I think I’ll need
your help getting out of this dress too.”

She nodded and turned.
Apparently, we’d been heading in the right direction after all. I kept my
bearings along the way. I wanted to be sure I could remember my way back if
left to my own devices.

We stopped at a door about three
down on the right from our last turn.

"Thank you," I said to
Tristrom, who’d escorted us the whole way.

He nodded but quickly glanced to
the girl and noticed their eyes met briefly. She turned an embarrassing shade
of cherry before he pivoted on his heels and headed away from us.

“Are you two together?” I asked
once we were in the room. I needed intel, and she may be my only hope on
getting some about the mysterious boy.

“Oh no, mam,” she protested,
while her fingers busied unbuttoning me. “He’s the Queen’s consort’s son. It
wouldn’t be proper.”

“Who cares about proper,” I said
conspiratorially. “I saw how you two looked at each other.”

I glanced over my shoulder to see
her shaking her head in disbelief.

“Oh, he’s just nice that’s all.
He’s nicer than the rest. He’s not like them. You should choose him over the
other one.”

“Me.” It was my turn with the
denials. “I have someone. And I think he’s interested in you.”

The banter made me long for home
and talks with Maggie. When the dress slid off my shoulders, my mind shifted to
the present. I caught it with my arms and hugged it to my body not ready to
stand naked in front of another person even if she’d seen me earlier. 

“You’re nightdress is in here.”

Nightdress was an odd term. She
talked odd, not only her accent but in words.

Still, I followed her finger to
the wardrobe she stood in front of. It was ivory with gold trim. Clearly, the
Queen liked everything in shades of white. I kept my eyes on the girl. I wanted
to talk to her more. I thought I might find an ally in her.

“Do you know where my clothes are
that I came in with?”

Her head shook. “No mam, but I’ll
go check the bath where you were first brought.” Hurriedly, she left as if I’d
spooked her. I was just about to let the dress fall and change into the
nightgown that was folded on the shelf, when a knock came.

I cracked the door open to find
Tristrom on the other side. Why was he back so soon? I stood wondering how to
invite him until I realized my dress was still hanging off me. Before I could
speak, a hand landed on his shoulder.


Betrayal splashed me in the face
like cold water. Had he led Larrison to me? Not that the guy couldn’t find out
where my room was. But he’d led me to Larrison in the garden, didn’t he?  Why
did he even bother ending my dance with Larrison?

Tristrom faced Larrison, who
looked positively gleeful. Larrison cleared his throat. "Your father the
consort has requested your presence."

Tristrom's weary eyes met mine
before he turned and silently walked away. What did that mean? Was he trying to
save me or lead me to slaughter? There was no way to find out with Larrison
there leering at me.

The tension rose in my body while
all the blood drained from my face. Larisson looked like a man who won. I moved
swiftly to close the door. However, Larrison stopped it with a palm flat
against it.

"Goodnight," I gritted

"Just because the dance ended
doesn’t mean the night has to be over—"

Cutting him off, I said, "It
is for me."

"Is he here with you?” His
eyes held amusement like he was pleased with himself. When I didn’t answer, he
said, "He doesn't love you enough."

"I’m not in the mood for your
games.” I deflected because I knew who Flynn was with. And even though he had
every right to be with whomever he wanted, he had set up the ruse that we were
married. So I was left to look the fool while he carried on with whatever girl
he wished.

"He still gave you up."
He paused and then quickly said, "Goodnight."

That was too easy, I thought as I
watched him walk away. I wondered what he'd meant by his last comment. Had
Flynn reneged on the bargain with Madeline? I gripped the door tightly about to
slam it shut out of frustration when the servant appeared cradling clothing.

"I found your things, mam.”

I nodded.

“I suggest you don’t wear them in
the Queen’s presence. She’s partial to females looking female if you know what
I mean."

She held out the bundled and I
struggled to take it without my dress falling completely down exposing me to
whoever might pass in the hall.

"Yes," I said, thinking
that based on everyone’s clothing that I’d seen, thus far, with the exception
the Queen. She was partial to everyone dressed as if it were still medieval

"I’ll be back in the morning
to help you get dressed."

She walked slowly, and I noticed
she had a limp that immediately brought pity to my heart. Her right leg dragged
with each step forward, and I wondered what happened to her. Respectfully,
however, I said nothing. Though, I didn’t remember her having the limp earlier.
What happened to her in the short time she left my quarters?

I closed the door gentler than
I'd previously planned. It didn't make sense to slam it now. The girl would
think that I was displeased with her. And crap, I forgot to get her name. I’d
have to ask her in the morning.

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