Halligan To My Axe (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Book 2) (27 page)

BOOK: Halligan To My Axe (The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Book 2)
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“A thousand times. Yes.” I squealed back, just as happily.

“Ms. Sheffield, I sure hope you know what you’re doing.” Mrs. Threadgill said from beside me.

I looked up at the prim woman’s face and grinned at the pleasure I saw emanating there.

“Oh yes, he’s the halligan to my axe. How could I say no?” I teased.

“I’m not sure I like those types of words used in front of my students.”

And the lady dragon was back.


Four and half months later

I looked around at the finished project of Kettle’s house. No, scratch that. Our house.

Kettle and his friends from both the Dixie Wardens and firehouse slaved day and night to make this place presentable for today.

I couldn’t help the surge of excitement that coursed through my veins as I looked out our kitchen window at Kettle, my fiancé and soon to be husband, standing on the newly remodeled dock.

In less than an hour, we’d be married.

“Sis?” Jefferson called from behind me.

I turned to find my brother in the doorway. He was looking so much better lately. But that had a lot to do with the woman he had his arm currently around. Detective Annalise Hernandez.

She was fairly glowing, and that wasn’t surprising since she was nearly four months pregnant.

Jefferson’s hair was cut into a sharp cut that showed off his features perfectly. His royal blue polo and khaki pants looked great on him. His muscles were starting to thicken and spread, and my heart started to weep. He was looking so much like my dad that it made my heart hurt.

A good kind of hurt.

My dad would’ve been proud of him.

Turns out that when he realized what kind of trouble he was in when it came to Gustavo, Jefferson did the smart thing and went to the ATF instead of the stupid thing and bending to Gustavo’s will.

He was working with ATF to bring Gustavo down, all the while The Dixie Wardens and the Benton Police Department were doing the same thing. They didn’t realize they were all working on the same team until the night Kettle got my sister back for me.

Annalise met Jefferson during the huge explanation that took part between both the police and the ATF.

From there, their relationship grew, despite the huge differences between the two.

Which only went to show that love’s blind. You don’t choose who you love, you just try to ride the wave.

And Annalise and Jefferson definitely rode that wave if Annalise’s pregnant belly was anything to show for it.

“Jefferson!” I squealed happily. “I’m glad you came. How are you?”

Jefferson’s eyes bulged when he got a load of the front of my dress, and I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my throat. Annalise was smiling widely as she saw it though. She knew the score.

“Wow your wedding dress is very...red. And where’s the rest of it?” He asked in surprise.

I snickered as I answered. “You know I don’t do traditional. That’s not my style at all. But this...this is me. Kettle might have a small heart attack, but I think he’ll like it.”

The dress was red on top with a plunging neckline that slowly bled to white. It was a corset style with black satin ribbon crisscrossing at my back. Swarovski Crystals lined the top, accentuating my voluptuous breasts perfectly.

Oh, who was I kidding? Kettle was going to have a cow, but I planned to tell him something later, and I wanted him thoroughly distracted until I did so. It would be picture-perfect! I just hoped the photographer was able to get his face like she assured me she could when I told him.

“Yeah, I can see you’re definitely not traditional. Nor did you offer your bridesmaids traditional.” Jefferson trailed off as Viddy and Baylee entered the room.

Baylee was a bridesmaid, while Viddy was, of course, my maid of honor.

Both of their strapless dresses were made out of black lace that came to a stop at just above the knees, fitted tightly to their bodies. There was a deep scarlet ribbon high across their waists that tied their colors in with mine, and I absolutely adored them. I couldn’t wait to see the looks on Sebastian and Trance’s faces when they saw my beautiful ladies, just as I couldn’t wait to see the look on Kettle’s.

“So how do I look, ‘cause I can’t see?” Viddy teased as she twirled around.

Jefferson, Annalise and Baylee all laughed as Viddy had intended, but I just stared. She really did look stunning. Which also made me mad because her body looked better than mine did, although my boobs could totally kick her boobs’ ass.

She was wearing flats, but they worked well for her. The dress was exquisite with her lean hourglass shape.

“Adeline?” She asked when she didn’t hear my laugh.

How she knew that, I would never know. She just did.

“Yeah, Vid?” I asked, walking up close to her.

“What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Nothing. You look beautiful.” I whispered, really wishing she could see herself.

“I know. I feel beautiful, therefore I look beautiful.” She teased.

“Alright, who’s ready to get this show on the road?” Jefferson exclaimed.

“Yes, I’m ready. Is everyone else?” I asked the group.

“Wait! You forgot your garter! Here, lift your dress and let me get it on.” Baylee
ordered as she squatted down at my feet.

I bunched my dress in my hands and lifted it, watching as Baylee slipped the little slip of frilly lace and fabric over my boots and up my thigh. Once done, she gave my outer thigh a pat and stood with a nod. “Let’s get this done. I can’t wait to see Kettle’s face when he sees you!”




“Holy Shit,” Sebastian growled from beside me.

My heart was slow and steady as I watched Baylee come down the dock towards us.

Then came Viddy and I tensed.

She walked sure and steady, cane-less. Once she reached the edge of the dock, she stepped up lightly and walked smooth and steady down the dock towards us.

Trance, who was also at my side, visibly relaxed, as did I, once she made it to Baylee’s side.

“Jesus Christ,” Trance hissed.

Trance had it bad. Although, I was just as worried as he was, despite Viddy having practiced it no less than a hundred times.

We decided against having any ring bearers or flower girls because of having the wedding on the dock itself. We didn’t want to have to go fish little children out of the lake, so the next one out was Adeline.

And what a fucking sight she was.

She was walking out on the arms of Silas and Dixie. She’d bonded with them both over time, and told us she couldn’t decide who to ask, so she asked them both, and they had both readily agreed.

Then, as she got close enough, I could see the plunging neckline, and about fell off the goddamn dock.

“Goddamn.” I said shaking my head. Then a smile overtook my mouth as she walked down the dock towards me. She was so fucking beautiful it made my heart hurt.

Once she got to the designated spot, Reverend Spano began.

“Who gives this woman’s hand in marriage?” He asked.

“I do.” Dixie and Silas said at the same time.

They both let her go with kisses on her cheek, releasing her to my waiting hand.

Once she was close to me, I whispered to her, “You look beautiful.”

Although I might have said it to her boobs and not her face, but who could blame a man? They were just right there for the world to see.

She giggled and smacked my chest before we both turned to Reverend Spano.

It was when we’d said our vows and Reverend Spano was wrapping up the ceremony that Adeline stole my heart for the second time.

“Tiago?” She whispered quietly, trying not to interrupt Reverend Spano’s words of wisdom.

I turned to her, looking deep into her eyes. “Yeah, baby?”

“I wanted to tell you something.” She whispered.


“Yeah, now.” She said nodding.

I raised my eyebrows and waited for her to explain. “Well?”

“Do you want a boy or a girl?” She asked.

It took a few moments for my brain to catch up to her question, but when it did, I all but burst with excitement.

Totally ignoring everything Reverend Spano was saying, I hauled Adeline into my arms and started to spin her. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

Chuckles filled the air around us, but I ignored them as I waited for her to answer.

She shook her head. “No. I found out this morning.”

“Fuck yes,” I said.

“I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Reverend Spano said with a smile in his voice.

He was too late though. I had Adeline’s mouth to my own, ravishing it, before the words even left the reverend’s mouth.



9 months later

“And for you, sir?” The waitress asked Kettle.

“I want that 2 for $20 meal. I want both of them steaks. One with corn and mashed potatoes. The other with fries and a baked potato.”

I closed my eyes and tried hard not to laugh. The man was a fucking eating machine ever since he’d gotten me pregnant. Now, at nine months pregnant, I could barely fit anything into my stomach. However, Kettle more than made up for it.

When she started to leave, Kettle called her back with a loud, “Wait!”

“Yes, sir?” She asked nervously.

I snorted. The man intimidated everyone, but holy hell was he hotter than sin.

“You didn’t take my wife’s order.” Kettle said patiently.

“Wait, you’re going to eat both of those?” She said, stepping from foot to foot.

At Kettle’s serious nod, the young server turned to me expectantly. “What can I get you, ma’am?”

“I’ll have the Molten Lava Cake, a hamburger, and onion rings. Bring the cake when you bring their salads.” I instructed her.

When the young girl looked at me as if I’d lost my mind, Baylee and Sebastian, who were sitting in front of us, started laughing.

I glared at the couple, but held my tongue until the waiter walked away with our order.

“Why are y’all laughing at me? He’s the one who ordered two full meals for himself.” I growled.

Sebastian started to guffaw at that statement.

“Did you know he had to go up a pant size in his uniform pants?” Sebastian asked Baylee.

Baylee’s wide eyes turned to Kettle and her brows raised. “Really?” She asked.

Kettle shrugged unapologetically and then took a sip of his beer. “At least it isn’t the morning sickness anymore. That was a killer while I was at work.”

Did I forget to mention that Kettle experienced all the same symptoms I was feeling? It was awesome. Not. He whined more than a child about everything! ‘Adeline, I’m hungry.’ “Adeline, I’m tired.’ ‘Adeline, I’m horny.’

Well okay, if I was being truthful, the last one wasn’t a problem. My desire for sex went through the roof once I hit the four month mark, completely making up for the first three months when I didn’t desire it at all.

A very obnoxious scent started to waft through the air, and I knew for sure it wasn’t the fajitas that just passed by a few moments before.

“What is that smell?” I asked, eyes turning accusingly in my husband’s direction.

He shrugged. “Not me. Now that you mention it, I smell it, too.”

Every single head at the table turned to Blaise, who was now a little over fourteen months old.

She was innocently munching on some puffy Cheetos looking to all the world like she was a little princess.

Then the loudest, most abhorrent fart passed from the girls’ ass that I’d ever heard; man, woman, and child included.

What happened next was as if it was out of a movie.
like that didn’t happen in real life.

Poop started to ooze from the back of the girls shoulders, over her shirt, and then even further to reach down to her stomach.

Then all hell broke loose, as it started to bubble out. The only thing stopping the noxious ooze was the strength of her little Harley onesie.

We all starred in horror, as the patrons around us ate their dinners, completely oblivious.

“What do we do?” Baylee gasped in dread.

“Take her outside to the truck. I have a couple liters of Coke in the back.” Kettle offered, surprising everyone.

It wasn’t that he suggested pouring gallons of coke to wash the shit off a toddler. It was that he even had a suggestion in the first place. Kettle was the epitome of non-helpfulness when it came to child rearing. He was the ‘cool’ guy when it came to all the kids he was around. Didn’t want to do something? Go find Kettle. He won’t make you.

“I can’t say that Coke would be the first thing I’d like to use, but it’ll work for now. I have some baby wipes to wipe off the stickiness once we get her hosed down.” Baylee nodded as she stood.

When she reached down to grab Blaise, she stopped, looking around the area for the best place to put her hands without actually touching any shit.

She finally settled on the straps to her overalls and lifted her.

Baylee was the first to leave, followed shortly by Sebastian, and then it was my turn to try to un-beach myself from the booth. Luckily, I got it on the first try, all the while Kettle laughed behind me.

“You’re such a shit head.” I said to Kettle.

Kettle ignored my comment and reached into his back pocket for his wallet. Grabbing the nearest waiter’s attention, he told her to bag our food and keep the change as he handed over a hundred dollar bill.

“We’ll be in the parking lot, just send it on out when it’s ready, please.” He instructed as he walked up to my back and then grabbed my hand.

“Mrs. Spada!” A screechy teenage voice yelled from my side, startling the ever-loving shit out of me.

Sighing, I turned and found Amanda, one of my students, facing me. She was wearing her Benton Bulldogs cheerleading uniform, and she had her hair so tight on her head that it looked painful.

“Amanda,” I said smiling at the girl. “How was the game?”

“Oh, it was great! You should’ve seen it! Jimmy Lee scored in the last fifteen seconds of the game, tying his all-time record. Then Boomer...” Amanda droned on.

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