Grant Clan 06 - My Desperate Highlander (11 page)

BOOK: Grant Clan 06 - My Desperate Highlander
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He tucked Elspeth into bed and she fell fast asleep. He ran outside to search the nearby area for any clues, but found nothing before returning to check on his aunt. Not sure what to do next, he was pacing in her front room when a solid knock interrupted his thoughts. The door flew open and much to his relief, Logan and Gwyneth stood on the other side, both grinning at the wee bairn, their new daughter Sorcha. The babe was attached to the front of Logan, facing out, swinging her arms in delight at the antics of her mother.

“Och, thank God. Come inside, quick. I need your help.”

Logan barked, “And a good day to you, too, brother. What has you in knots?”

“Diana of Drummond is missing, and I have no idea where to look for her. I am supposed to be protecting her and helping her find a husband, as Alex Grant bade me to do, but now everything is a mess.” His hands waved back and forth as he spoke.

Logan shouted, “Micheil, get hold of yourself. And where is Aunt Elspeth?”

Micheil stared at his brother for a long moment, mouth gaping, before escorting them to a table in the dining area. Elspeth’s maid brought ale for the guests. Then he explained everything as succinctly as he could. He began pacing again before stopping in the middle of the small hall to stare at Logan still at the table. “Well?”

“Well what?”

“What do we do next? We have to go after her. Hellfire, we cannot just sit here and hope she returns. She was probably kidnapped. We must do something.”

Logan said, “First, you need to give us time to eat something. I cannot work on an empty stomach. From the sounds of things, it’s one of two people. If it’s Baron Gow, Alex Grant and his guards will be on his trail in no time and they will take care of him.”

“Alex has guards here in the city just to watch for the baron. I’ll have to find them and see what they know while you are eating. And the other person it could be?”

“Your knight wanted a taste of her before his wedding. Though it’s unlikely he’s involved since he marries at noon, you cannot dismiss him if the randy lad truly does not desire his intended. Then again, it might very well be someone you do not suspect at all, so we have to go into this with an open mind. But we must make a plan, because I’m not just running across all of Edinburgh without any sort of preparation. Get food for us and we’ll think this through. We will also need a map of the castle.”

“How did you get here so quickly?” Micheil asked.

“We were already on our way when we caught your messenger,” Gwyneth said. “Dougal Hamilton had asked us to check on Edinburgh. He got wind of something strange going on here with this wedding—some form of deceit.” She undid the plaid securing her daughter to Logan’s chest and turned to Micheil. “Here, would you mind holding your niece for a moment?” She held wee Sorcha up for her uncle.

Micheil stared at the bairn and finally took her, wondering what he was supposed to do next. She gave him a small smile in between sucking on her fingers. “You brought your wean with you when the Crown asked you to do covert work for them?” His brother and sister-in-law were both spies for the Scottish Crown and had met while on assignment, marrying shortly thereafter. Dougal Hamilton was their contact.

Gwyneth laughed. “Of course, ‘tis the only way Logan and I work. And since I was housebound for a couple of months, we were anxious to leave. Sorcha goes everywhere with us. Sorcha, do you remember Uncle Micheil?”

Sorcha gave him another grin before shoving her fist in her mouth and waving her other arm. “Here, I’ll feed her while you and Logan plan. I can sit over here and listen to everything. Tell us all you can about Diana’s character as well. We have to know whether she is a fighter, how bold she can be.”

Gwyneth sat down near the hearth to nurse wee Sorcha. Logan grabbed Gwyneth a goblet of cider along with an apple and a chunk of cheese to munch on while she fed the bairn. He kissed Gwyneth’s cheek. “Stay strong for me, love. I think I’ll need you.” He leaned down to kiss Sorcha’s cheek, and she popped off her mother’s breast for long enough to give her sire a big grin. “Aye, papa loves you, too, sweet Sorcha.” She went back to eating, but her gaze followed her father as she gripped her mama’s finger.

Micheil and Logan discussed everything and made their plan. Part way through, Elspeth found her way to the door of her chamber and said, “Thank goodness you’re here, Logan. We need you.”

Lunging out of his chair, Micheil helped her out into the room. “Aunt Elspeth, please use due care. You took a terrible fall. Come sit by Gwyneth while we talk.”

Elspeth sat down with tears in her eyes. “Gwyneth, you look wonderful, and the bairn is so beautiful. I cannot wait to hold her.”

“Auntie, are you well? That is a terrible bump on your head.” Gwyneth leaned toward her.

“Aye, I am fine, but please do all you can to find Diana. She is a lovely lass, and I think someone is taking advantage of her.” Then she put her hand to the side of her mouth and whispered. “And I think she truly loves Micheil. They belong together in my opinion.”

Micheil could only scowl.

Chapter Thirteen

Diana awakened to a huge headache. She moved her hand up to check her bump gingerly, only to wince in immediate pain. She was atop a bed in a large circular chamber, possibly a tower room. One window cast morning light across the chamber, enough for her to notice she was not alone. An old woman sat in a chair next to the bed, and there were two guards in the room, one on either side of the door.

When the old woman noticed she was awake, she said, “If you give me your word not to scream, I will send the guards away and explain your purpose. But if you scream or fight, I’ll have them tie you to the bed and gag you. The choice is entirely yours.”

The woman’s beady eyes bored into Diana’s as she awaited her response.

Diana thought for a moment, but then decided she had to find out why she was here. She could fight and scream later.

“I’ll stay quiet. Who are you?”

“You’ll find that out when you need to know.” She tipped her head to the two guards, “Leave us, but keep an ear out in case I need you back to tie her up. And if she makes any sounds, you’ll return to gag her.”

The two men left, and the old woman walked to the bed. “I’m sure you are wondering why you are here. First and foremost, I need to tell you that you are the chosen one, that many young girls would love to be in your place, so you need to be thankful and appreciate your position.”

Diana’s gaze searched her chamber, searching for any clues of her whereabouts. Her fingers managed to locate the knife in her pocket, so she breathed a sigh of relief that she wasn’t without any hope, but decided to leave it there for now. Hellfire, she had enough of being a victim. She had to get herself out of this situation. The bedchamber belonged to someone of wealth, someone who could afford the very best furnishings, tapestries, and wall coverings. “But I cannot leave?” she finally asked the old woman.

“Nay, you may not. Eventually, once you have acquiesced to your position and accepted it, you will be allowed to go out on your own. But you need not worry, you will be given everything you ever want or need. You are fortunate because you are the choice of two people.”

“I don’t understand. Who has chosen me?” She gripped the coverlet in her hands as the woman continued to talk, and her eyes roamed the bed chamber for anything she could use as a weapon. “Whose chamber is this?”

“This will be your home for the next few nights. When we return to England, you will have a chamber similar to this, but much more luxurious.”

“England? I am not going to England.
Who has chosen me

“Why, my grandson-to-be, of course. His wife, my granddaughter, is allowing him one mistress and you are the one he selected. Remember, there are many who would love to take your place. We will take very good care of you.”

Diana could not believe her ears. “And the name of the gentleman?”

“Randall Baines, of course. You know him very well, I am told. In fact, if you would like, you can watch the wedding processional from the window. But again, only if you agree not to scream.”

The old woman raised a bony finger to point at the window. “See for yourself how handsome Randall looks.”

Diana put her feet to the floor and stood, a wave of dizziness assaulting her. She sat back down and waited for it to clear.

“Be careful, my dear, you took a nasty blow to the head.”

Once her head cleared, she returned to the window and moved the furs back, clutching the shutters as she searched the area for the marrying couple. Finally she saw them, riding matching white horses. There Randall sat, his shoulders back and his head held high, looking most regal. His bride—the secretive lass no one had seen—was by his side.

She gasped as soon as she recognized the woman.

“What’s wrong? Why are you so surprised?”

Diana spun around to the old woman, then grabbed the post of the bed to hold herself upright. “His wife…I know her.”

“Yes, you do. She said she tried to convince you to go along with their plan so you wouldn’t have to be hit on the head.”

“Clarissa told me he wanted to marry me, but Clarissa was his betrothed all along, wasn’t she?”

“Yes, that’s true, but her true name is Clarice, not Clarissa. She told you a lie, did she? Well, she is a spoiled little girl.” The old crone chuckled as she settled back into her seat.

Diana moved back to the window and stared at the beautiful pair, prancing in the courtyard to the delight of the crowd. “I don’t understand. Why would she want her husband to have a mistress? Does she not want him for herself and no one else? ‘Tis what I would want.”

“She has her reasons, and they agreed.”

Diana turned back from the window, glancing over her shoulder at the woman. “They agreed? He insisted on having me as his mistress, and she said it was all right?”

“More than all right. She wants you as his mistress, as well.” A smug look crossed her face as she waited for Diana’s response.

Diana scowled. “I still do not understand. She has a knight who wants her.”

“Aye, but she does not wish to carry any children, so you are selected to do this for her.”

“Nay…then why would she marry at all?”

“She must because the King of England has decreed it, and the coin must pass hands. The betrothal agreement was made long ago. An agreement is an agreement.”

Diana covered her mouth as the reality of her situation finally sunk in. “But why me? There are many more beautiful.”

“Because your hair is almost the same color as hers and you have green eyes. You must bear Randall’s children. If they are your children, they will resemble Clarice enough to pass as hers. As soon as you are carrying his heir, you will both go in hiding, you as her maid, and you will not come out until the child is born. Then you will give up the babe to be raised as nobility. What more could you ask for?”

Diana stumbled back to the bed, holding her head as the ache increased. Nay, she could not do this. No way would she give up her bairn. She had to escape.
Micheil, please help me.


“Aunt Elspeth, are you sure you are comfortable with watching Sorcha for a spell?” Logan asked. “Micheil and I are going to gather information about town before returning here for Gwyneth. She will return as soon as she can, but we will need her to get into the castle later. Guards do not question women with big bellies or weans at their sides.”

“What wean?”

“There must be street urchins in Edinburgh. Gwyneth has gone in search of a young lass to help us in exchange for some coin. After we meet back here, we will be off. I do not know how long it will take.”

Elspeth nodded. “No worries. I’m quite happy with the bairn on my lap.” As if she understood her compliment, Sorcha gazed up at her with a smile.

Micheil paced the floor as his brother spoke. They had to find Diana, they just had to. Everything was finally starting to fall in place. His life was about to take a huge turn, and he had been interrupted too soon. He wanted time to spend with Diana, to learn more about her. Would they ever have the opportunity to just laugh and enjoy each other?

“Micheil and I will return shortly.” Logan placed a huge kiss on Sorcha’s cheek, which was all it took to get her smiling and kicking, and ushered Micheil out the door.

Once they made it down the road, Micheil sighed, unsure of which direction to take.

Logan placed his hands on his hips. “Do you want to tell me exactly what this lass means to you? Does Auntie have the truth of it?”

“Naught,” he answered too quickly.
Too much
is what he should have answered. “Alexander Grant asked me to keep watch over her and bring her home safe to her sire. I do not care to be speared at the end of his sword if anything happens to her. Presently, the situation does not speak well of me, does it? She disappeared out from under my nose.”

They headed toward the center of town. “You’re lying. You’re in love with her.”

“What?” Micheil yelped. “Nay.” He hesitated. This was his brother. “Och, ‘struth is I am unsure, but I would like to court her. Unfortunately, there are too many obstacles.”

“That was not convincing enough, so that tells me that while you love her, you are not yet ready to admit it to anyone else. Are you as pig-headed as I was over Gwyneth?”

“What are you talking about? You and Gwyneth were meant for each other. I’m sure you knew it from the start.”

Logan grinned. “In a sense, aye, she set a fire in me, but I didn’t have any feelings for her right away. These things take time, brother.”

“And was she receptive to your attentions?”

Logan coughed. “Receptive? Hellfire, she threatened to rip my bollocks in two, and I didn’t doubt her at her word.”

Micheil laughed. “Och, I would have loved to see that.”

“Ask Robbie Grant the next time you see him. He’s my witness.” Logan grinned at the memory of meeting his wife for the first time. “Aye, there was a spark there from the beginning, but I chose to ignore it at first. Had I continued to do so, I would have missed out on the greatest pleasure in my life.”

Micheil glanced at his brother. “Which is?”

“Watching my wife and daughter together. Now I understand Quade better than I ever did before.”

“You always had a soft spot for bairns, especially our niece and nephew.”

“‘Tis true, but my feelings go beyond that. I cannot explain it. Now tell me why you left Falkirk for Edinburgh. How did you convince Alex Grant to let you leave with just his niece, a male and a female alone?”

“Because there are rumors Baron Gow killed his first three wives, and his behavior suggests they are true. The man is every bit as cruel as he is reputed to be. Alex did not want Diana to know we had staged her escape together. She and I left alone, but Alex sent ten guards to follow us. Once I got to Aunt Elspeth’s, I sent most of them out to watch for Baron Gow’s men. I realize now I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Why Edinburgh and not back to her father?”

“Because Diana was convinced she could find a better husband here. Saints above, the certainty with which she spoke of it made us all thing she already had someone in mind. I think we were all in such a rush to get her away from Baron Gow, we did not think this through. That man is a cruel beast. I would never have given my daughter to him.”

“Rushing anything doesn’t sound like Alex Grant to me.”

They reached the center of town, so the two split—Micheil heading toward the castle, Logan heading toward the Cathedral where the wedding was to take place, searching out the Grant guards.

Micheil had to admit he was shocked at Logan’s confession. Gwyneth was such a perfect match for his brother that he would have guessed they had sensed their rightness for each other immediately.

Could he and Diana really be as perfectly suited as his brother and sister-in-law were? The kiss they had shared in the woods near the tournament had taken him completely by surprise. Though it had been intended to frighten her off Randall, he’d frightened himself instead. It had infuriated him to listen to her talking about kissing the other man, so he’d wanted to prove to her that the Englishman couldn’t possibly be the best kisser. The electricity between him and Diana had surprised both of them, he knew. She had melted in his arms and shown a passion that had made him want to throw her down on the ground and take her right there. Had they not been so close to the tournament, he might not have stopped.

It was totally out of character for him. He had always been under control, regardless of which lass kept him company. His experience had shown him that no one could unman him.

Until Diana. No matter how he assessed the situation, he came up with the same conclusion. He was in love with her, he just wasn’t ready to admit it to his brother or anyone else.

Outside the kitchens, he sauntered over to a couple of urchins searching for food. Micheil leaned against the fence and pulled a couple of gold coins out of his pocket. As soon as the gold flashed in the sun, two lads charged over to him.

“Anyone notice anything unusual about a fire-haired girl?” Micheil asked as he flipped the coins in the air.

“Aye, I did, my lord.”

“Do tell, and I’ll see if you’re deserving of the coin.”

“Someone struck two people on the head on the other side of town. I saw him do it. Then he threw the flame-haired lass in a cart and covered her with a plaid.”

“Continue. Who did it and where did they take her?”

The one lad glanced at his friend. “We dinnae ken who did it, but they brought her to the back of the castle.”

The other said, “Aye, around to the kitchens. And they left the old woman on the ground. Two castle guards, they were. English. They came with the Englishman.”

Micheil smiled as he flipped one coin to each lad.

They’d have to take care of Randall Baines, the bastard.

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