Grant Clan 06 - My Desperate Highlander (19 page)

BOOK: Grant Clan 06 - My Desperate Highlander
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As soon as Diana was able, she gave him a lazy smile and tugged him to her so she could gaze into his eyes. She reached for his hardness, and after teasing the tip of him with her tongue, said only one word, telling him exactly what she wanted.


Chapter Twenty-Four

Diana swept her tongue down his hard length, teasing the tip until he moaned, then took him in her mouth. He felt as if he had died and gone to heaven, but he could not handle the torment any longer. “Lass, enough. I would tend to

“But I want you, husband.”

Micheil helped her position herself, then settled on top of her. “As you wish, my lady. Naught would give me more pleasure than to join with you this verra moment.” He teased her entrance, wanting to make sure she was ready for him and not still vibrating from her first release. Her splayed legs told him everything he needed to know. He plunged inside her with one thrust, forcing himself to stop to keep from losing all control.

“Do you know what I love most about you, Diana Ramsay of Drummond?” He kissed each cheek.

She sighed. “Nay, tell me, love.”

He pulled back slowly before gliding inside again, seating himself completely in her. He leaned into her ear and whispered, “Your strength and your resilience. I was so proud of how you dealt with all the trauma of the past few days.” He held his weight on his elbows while he waited to move.

Teasing her again, he drew his cock out and then in again, causing her to gasp when he reached her core. “You like, my love?”

A deep lusty moan was his answer. “Aye.” Her voice was barely audible above the sound of their combined panting, each of them now gasping for breath.

He continued his assault on her senses. “I love your passion.”

Out again with purpose, then a deep push inside her. “The way you love with your whole heart astounds me.” She moaned and grabbed him, spreading her legs wide to take him in.

After he stroked into her again this time, she whimpered, “Micheil.”

One more slow retreat and fast propulsion. She had bewitched him, quite simply. He wanted no other. He would take her places she had never been before, and he would enjoy every single moment of bliss with her.

“Micheil, please. I cannot take anymore. Finish this.” She contracted her muscles on him, torturing him.

Almost at the point of no return, sweat dripped from his brow as he held himself in place, buried deep inside her to the hilt, wanting to pleasure her and for them to finish together.

He reached down to massage her nub. “I love you, Diana.”

And he thrust into her hard, once, twice, three times as he rubbed her. He pulsed inside her, riding her hard, hoping to push her over the edge soon because he could not hold on much longer.

She screamed his name as her release came again, her muscles contracting around him, milking him to completion at last, and he shouted her name in a fierce growl, losing everything into her as he fell into a deep oblivion.

Blissfully surrendering to pleasure, he rolled to his side and tucked her to him, and they slept well into the night.


When Diana awoke at dawn, she reached for Micheil, but he wasn’t there. As soon as she sat up, she smiled. A steaming hot tub sat next to the bed along with a platter of fruit and cheese set on the chest nearby. She hopped out of bed and climbed into the deliciously hot water, sighing as she settled into it.

The door opened, and her husband strolled in with her maid, Effie, right behind him.

Effie flew to her side, “Och, my lady, ‘tis so good to have you back. Allow me to wash your back and your hair.”

Micheil winked at her. “Your maid likes to spoil you, aye?”

“Aye.” She smiled. “Effie, I have missed you so. How do you fare? And the others? My apologies for Baron Gow’s intrusion these past days.”

“Och, do not worry. He is gone now. ‘Tis all in the past.” Effie circled the tub, finding the lavender oil Diana so loved and placing a few drops in her bath. She arranged towels at her side and brought a linen square over to her.

As soon as Effie handed the square to her, Diana squawked, grabbing her hand. “Effie, what is this? Your skin is worn to the bone. What have you been doing? Stop it, whatever it is.”

Effie pulled her hand back and hid it in the folds of her skirt, blushing at the chastisement from her new laird.

Micheil said, “Diana, the servants worked all night to put your great hall back to rights.”

Diana scowled. “All night? Effie, you know I would not work you so.”

Effie looked from husband to wife, unsure of how to answer her. She finally whispered, “There was much to do, my lady. But we are so happy to have you here. We love your new husband. We are overjoyed that a Drummond will lead again. A Drummond and her husband.

Diana gave Micheil a puzzled look.

Micheil banked the fire in the hearth. “Diana, after you left the hall in search of your sire, there was quite a battle belowstairs. The Grant warriors fought hard to rid your hall of the scum that had attempted to strong arm his way to leadership. Your clan worked feverishly throughout the night to remove the dead bodies and scrub the blood from the stone and place new rushes. But they have done a wonderful job.”

Diana gave Effie an incredulous look. “What? What happened?” She turned back to her husband. “Tell me all. I am ready today to hear all that transpired.”

Effie gave her a surprised look. “Why, the baron is dead, my lady. Your husband ran him through with his sword”

Diana eyes widened as she stared at Micheil. “And the Grants? They are all well?” She waited for his answer.

“There were a few injuries, but none of the Grants have died. The survivors from Gow’s group have taken to the hills.”

“And Alex and Robbie are still here?” she asked.

“Aye, they await you in the great hall with smiles on their faces. I do believe your cousins enjoy battling for a worthy cause, and the Drummond clan is definitely that.”

She stood from the tub while Effie wrapped her in a linen towel. “Effie, please have the staff prepare for a midday feast. Whatever we have we shall share with the Grants before they leave, and we must celebrate my sire’s life. Find some wine for the dais and ale for the warriors. We must celebrate, for the battle, for my sire, and for my wonderful husband.” Tears slid down her cheeks as she spoke.

Micheil nodded. “Go, Effie, do as your laird has ordered, and I will help her dress. My thanks for taking such good care of your mistress and our castle.”

Effie beamed and stepped out of the chamber.

Micheil helped Diana into her best gown, a dark green overgown embossed with gold thread and a yellow undergown, then helped her dry her tresses by the fire. He took a quick bath before escorting her down to their hall.

As they came around the corner, a bustle of activity took place belowstairs, but everyone stopped what they were doing when they set eyes on her. A booming cheer moved across the room as she descended the steps on her husband’s arm to the delight of her servants, her guards and their wives, her steward, along with the many Grant warriors. The faces beaming up at her were full of hope, happiness, and sympathy. She strode to the dais, took her rightful place there, and held her arms up to quiet the crowd.

“My thanks for working hard, fighting hard, and for continuing to support the Drummond clan. I would like to celebrate my new husband, Micheil Ramsay, and the Grant warriors for helping us in our time of need.” Whistles and shouts abounded, but she quieted the group with her next statement. “Please raise your glasses to my sire, your chieftain, David of Drummond. He will be missed, most of all by me.”

She raised her glass, and together they celebrated the new laird and the old, the past and the future.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Two months later

Diana and Micheil rode their horses through the deep forest, listening to the crackle of the branches and the leaves on the ground as they moved, watching as the mist gathered across the ground and spun a magical weave about the horses’ hooves. There were three Drummond guards in front of them and several behind them.

“Do you believe in faeries, Micheil?” Diana glanced over her shoulder at her husband. They were on their way to the Ramsay Castle, both anxious to see wee Sorcha again and to see how Molly and Maggie fared. Once Diana had settled everything with her steward, they had decided it was time for her to meet Micheil’s mother and the rest of his family.

“Nay, I cannot say that I do, sweeting. You do?” He quirked a brow at her.

“Aye, sometimes. When I was a wee lass, I believed the faeries were my friends. Probably because I did not have many friends my age. I often spoke to them in the forests when I rode, and I believed that each star in the sky was a faerie waving at me.” She stared at the stars just visible in the night, and the memory made her smile. “Most often after Mama passed.”

“You missed your mama.” He pulled his horse abreast of hers, reaching for her hand. “And I sense you are missing your sire today.”

She squeezed his hand before releasing it. “Aye, I miss my da, but I am excited to meet my new family. Tell me about them again. Please?”

Micheil grinned. “With pleasure, lass. My mother is Arlene, and I have two brothers and a sister. The eldest is Quade. He has two bairns by his first wife, Torrian and Lily, and now he and Brenna have a daughter, Bethia.”

“Aye, I am excited to see my cousin, Brenna, though she did travel to check on my father not too long ago. But this will be joyous, not a sad occasion. She is wonderful.”

“Aye, she is, and marriage to her has been a wonder for my brother. Then there are Logan and Gwyneth, of course, but you are familiar with them. Last is my sister Avelina.”

“Is Avelina the youngest?”

“Aye, and spoiled by my brothers.”

She chuckled. “But not by you?”

“Aye, a wee bit, mayhap.” He gave her a sheepish grin.

“How do you think Molly and Maggie have fared at your keep? Do you think they are happy? My heart ached for them. It is hard to imagine how their family could ever have turned away two such sweet lassies.” She shook her head in distaste.

“My mama always wished for more granddaughters, so I am sure they have been welcomed. Molly is old enough to be a friend to Avelina, though they are at least a few summers apart. Aye, I think we will find them to be quite happy there.”

“Does Avelina look like you?”

“I suppose she looks more like me than Logan or Quade do. She is tall and thin, like my mother. And Avelina will be good for Molly and Maggie. She will help fix Molly’s hair, so she will feel beautiful.”

“Truly? You think so?” Diana’s face lit up at the thought. Molly was in the gangly stage, and her hair was a mass of dark curls, unruly but beautiful.

“Aye. Avelina was gangly like Molly until she grew into her feet.”

“Och, husband, I am so excited to meet your relatives. Though I loved having my parents’ attention, I have always wanted to be part of a large family.”

“You will not have to wait much longer.” He pointed off into the distance. “You can see the peak of the tower off to the left. Good timing since it is dusk.”

“Race you.” Diana spurred her horse and flew down the path toward the Ramsay castle, laughing.

As they drew close, a horn sounded, signaling that their group had come into view of the guards. Micheil took the lead, and when they were close enough, he yelled to the Ramsay guards. “Lads, open up. Tell my brother to get down here and greet his family.”

They made their way through the portcullis into the inner bailey. It was a clear night, and the stars cast a magical hue on the keep. Illuminated by torches against the stone walls, the building looked beautiful to her. It was quite a bit larger than the Drummond castle, but not as large as the Grant keep.

The bailey turned into a bustling flurry of activity as Micheil dismounted and helped Diana off her horse. Their twenty warriors surrounded them, guarding their chieftain and her husband. She glanced toward the steps of the keep just in time to see the boisterous group headed their way.

She noticed Brenna right away and greeted her first. After hugging her cousin, she was introduced to Quade, Torrian, Lily, and wee Bethia, presently in Brenna’s arms. Logan and Gwyneth followed with Molly and Maggie. Avelina stood in the back holding Sorcha, a shy look on her face.

Micheil tugged her forward. “And this is my wee sister, Avelina.”

Avelina scowled. “Micheil, I am not so wee any longer.”

Micheil kissed her brow and said, “Forgive me. You are correct. With all the new additions to the family, you are hardly wee any more, are you, lass?”

Avelina blushed and curtsied to Diana. “Pleased to make your acquaintance, my lady. Welcome to the Ramsay keep.”

Avelina did indeed look like her brother, but she was not a gangly girl and longer. Sable brown curly hair, emerald eyes, and full lips all made her quite a beauty. Tall and willowy as Micheil had said, she did resemble him more than Quade or Logan. Diana crushed her in a warm embrace, careful not to squash Sorcha, who giggled at all the activity around her, her thumb popping out of her mouth.

Micheil grasped her hand and said, “Come, I’ll take you to greet my mother.”

They made their way across the cobblestone courtyard toward the entrance to the keep, Micheil greeting his clansmen along the way. A tall woman stood at the top of the steps, her keen gaze following Diana as she made her way up the steps.

“Lady Ramsay.” Diana curtsied as Micheil grasped the woman’s hand. Tall, thin, and elegant, Lady Ramsay was as regal as any queen, but the kindness in her eyes was unmistakable. Tears pressed against her eyes as she thought about having a mother figure in her life once more.

Micheil kissed his mother’s cheek and said, “Mother, I’d like you to meet my wife, Diana of Drummond.”

Lady Ramsay smiled and grasped her hands. “Welcome, my dear. I am so pleased you and Micheil have found each other. My family is now complete.” She gave her a brisk hug and stepped back, but she grasped Diana’s hand in hers. “Please, come inside. You must be weary from your travels. I’ll find some refreshment for you.”

Diana smiled, feeling overwhelmed but welcome. She had lost her beloved parents, but at least she had a new family to call her own. While his mother headed toward the kitchens, Micheil led her to a table near the hearth, one where they could sit across from each other, rather than sitting side by side at the dais. Diana noticed how warm and inviting the great hall was, fresh rushes on the floor, clean tables with dried flowers centered atop the table runners. The hearth was huge and blazing, the blue and green Ramsay crest proudly displayed in a tapestry above it.

In the corner sat a heap of child’s playthings. Brenna set Bethia down, and she waddled over to find her doll, Lily and Maggie right behind her. The rest of the family joined them at the table. Molly took a seat next to Gwyneth and held Sorcha in her lap. Brenna and Quade sat together, Torrian on his other side, looking so much like his father.

Diana listened to all the chatter, happy to finally meet her new family. She leaned her head on her husband’s shoulder and fell fast asleep.


Diana awoke the next morning alone in a strange bed. She sat up and stared at her surroundings, unable to recall anything about the night before beyond their arrival. After climbing out of bed, she pulled the fur from the window and stared out, shocked to see how high the sun was. Micheil was nowhere to be seen, and she had slept way beyond the time when the others must have broken their fast. She was standing in the middle of the chamber trying to decide what to do next when a knock sounded at the door. She opened it and peeked out.

A maid stood outside, talking with someone out in the corridor. As soon as she saw her, she said, “My lady, Lady Ramsay has sent a bath for you and some food.”

Diana stood back to let the maid inside.

“Good morn to you,” she said as she came into the chamber. “My name is Finella. I brought bread and cheese for you and a bit of ale.” She set the platter down on the chest next to the bed. “The lads will be right along with the tub and the pails of water.”

Diana said, “Have you seen my husband, Finella?”

Lady Ramsay lightly knocked before sticking her head through the doorway. “Good morn, my dear. I hope you slept well. Micheil went off hunting with Logan, Gwyneth, and Quade, hoping for a deer or a wild turkey for dinner tonight.”

“Aye, ‘tis acceptable since I slept half the day away.” She hung her head, unable to quite believe the lateness of the hour.

Lady Ramsay moved behind her and gathered Diana’s hair, running her fingers through the tendrils to straighten them. “Traveling is very tiresome, my dear. You fell asleep at the table last night. I gave Micheil a talking to about overtiring his new wife.”

Diana blushed. “We hoped to arrive while the weather was still good.”

“No bother. You are here and ‘tis what is important. Relax in a nice bath and come downstairs afterward. Avelina is busy fixing everyone’s hair while we await our next guest.”

“You have more guests arriving?”

“Aye, Jennie Grant shall be here soon. She oft stays a few months with Brenna for training as a healer and because she misses her sister so.”

“Wonderful. I haven’t seen Jennie in a few summers. I’ll hurry down.” She loved her two cousins, Brenna and Jennie. The two were both such talented healers, much like their mother. When she was younger, she used to daydream about being a sister to them.

Lady Ramsay stood to the side while Finella directed the lads filling the tub. “I’ll see you belowstairs. If you have need of aught, please advise Finella or me.” She kissed Diana’s cheek and left.

After Finella left, Diana sank into the warm water with a sigh, still in shock that she had slept so soundly she’d missed her husband’s departure. It was unlike her. Once she finished washing her hair, she rushed down to the great hall and found a gaggle of lassies gathered by the hearth.

Avelina was plaiting Maggie’s hair, and Lily stood to the side, inspecting Avelina’s work with a serious expression on her wee face. Sitting nearby, Molly was playing a game with wee Sorcha.

Lily jumped and scampered up to her as soon as she entered the room. “Good! We need more to practice. You have such beautiful hair, my lady. May we plait your hair?”

“Lily, do not tire our guest.” Lady Ramsay entered from the kitchens, carrying a platter of food for the table. “Be polite.”

Lily stopped and smiled, then curtsied. “Sorry, my lady. May we plait your hair?”

Diana stared into the biggest pair of green eyes she had ever seen, a face alight with excitement at the prospect of fixing her long tresses. How could she turn down such an offer from the little lassie? “Call me, Diana, Lily. I am your aunt, and I am thrilled to have so many nieces. Aye, if you like, you may do my hair. But are you not going to do Molly’s hair?”

Lily hopped a circle around Diana as they moved over to the table. “Molly doesn’t want us to plait her hair. She says ‘tis too messy.”

Avelina glanced over at Molly as her fingers worked their magic on Maggie’s tresses. “I think her hair would be beautiful tied at the back of her neck instead of plaited. I have heard of women in the court wearing their hair up like that. I think Molly would look so lovely that way, do you not agree?”

Glancing over at Molly, Diana took notice of her long, slender neck and graceful shoulders. “I think you could be correct, Avelina. Molly, why don’t you let her try it?”

Molly blushed and stared at the floor. “I’m taking care of Sorcha while Mama goes out hunting.”

“Well, I could help with Sorcha so you could get your hair done.” Diana settled in a chair in front of Avelina, who had just finished plaiting Maggie’s hair. She was glad to hear Molly refer to Gwyneth as Mama.

Molly seemed hesitant, but she finally nodded her head.

Avelina brushed Diana’s out hair while Lily and Maggie chose the right ribbons for her. Lily jumped in front of her. “Diana, I have these dried flowers I can put in your hair. ‘Twill look beautiful in your red tresses. May I put them in when Lina finishes?”

Lily’s wee face, so full of hope and excitement, could not help but brighten Diana’s morning. Micheil had told her how the wee lass had ensnared all their hearts, especially Logan’s. Now she understood. “Aye, I would love to see your creation.”

The lassie jumped and clapped her hands. “And will you let us do yours next, Molly? Please?”

Brenna entered the room with Bethia and set her down by the table. “Avelina, you do a beautiful job,” she said with a soft smile.

“May I do yours, Brenna?”

Brenna shook her head. “Nay, I’m fine. But what about Molly?”

They all convinced Molly to allow Avelina to do her hair while Lily artfully arranged the tiny flowers in Diana’s mane. Lady Ramsay and Brenna discussed the proposed menu for dinner. The corner bubbled over with feminine laughter and chatter, something Diana had not experienced in a long time. Once Lily was through fussing with Diana’s hair, they played with Maggie and Sorcha, who was now sitting on Lady Ramsay’s lap. All were too distracted to keep an eye on Avelina and Molly.

BOOK: Grant Clan 06 - My Desperate Highlander
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