Grant Clan 06 - My Desperate Highlander (14 page)

BOOK: Grant Clan 06 - My Desperate Highlander
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King Alexander smiled. “It appears to me that your jaunt in Edinburgh has taught you quite a bit, young lady.”

“Aye, it has. I am embarrassed by some of my actions, but I am wiser because of them.”

The king thought for a moment. “Why do you wish to marry here instead of your home?”

“Because I fear Baron Gow will be searching for me, and if Micheil and I are already wed when he finds us, he cannot hope to tear us apart.”

After several minutes, King Alexander stood. He held his arms wide and said, “I support this marriage. It would please me to have one good marriage come of all this preparation. It will please me even more for the Drummond land to remain under the control of two loyal Scots. Will you consider marrying within a few hours while the priest is still here?”

Micheil gazed at Diana with a smile and she nodded. “Aye, Sire.”

“Then let’s prepare for a wedding. We’ll use the small hall, and I will find an appropriate chamber for you this night if you are agreeable.”

She nodded. “Thank you, Your Grace.” Tears of joy slid down her face, realizing her dreams were all about to come true. Her marriage to Micheil was what she wanted, what her father would want, and what her mother would want if she were here. This was the best decision for her clan.

The king held out his arm. “Come, Diana of Drummond. We will find my dressmaker. Micheil, I am sure your family will arrive soon, if they have not already. They should be in the east hall.”

Chapter Eighteen

A few hours later, Micheil stood at the end of one of the king’s halls, pacing in front of his brother. “I cannot believe this is happening. Where is she? Mayhap she has changed her mind?”

Logan chuckled. “I doubt that. You make a good match, in my opinion.”

“Do you think so? I have chosen well?”

Logan leaned closer to his brother, making sure they would not be overheard. “Micheil, I know you love the lassies, but how much longer could you have continued to go on like that? You sampled everyone near the Ramsay keep, then moved on to Glasgow, Ayr, and now Edinburgh. Did you plan on moving to England soon?”

Micheil laughed. “Nay, I like women. I cannot help it. But now that I’ve met Diana, I have no desire for another. I look at other women, but I do not see them in the same way I once did. Sometimes it frightens me, the hold she has on me. Am I daft? Do you have any regrets? You never used to stay in one place for long.” Micheil searched his brother’s gaze, hoping for an honest answer. Did he regret marrying Gwyneth and settling down?

“Nay, Micheil. Not for one moment of any day have I felt regret. My wife makes me a better person. And Sorcha? I never thought I could feel so much love. Nay, you have found the right lass for you and will feel no regret. Besides, her lands are not far from the Ramsay lands, so Gwynie and I can go back and forth. Neither of us likes to stay in one place for long. She is definitely the other half to my soul.”

“This has all happened so fast. Mayhap we are rushing things, but we both fear the baron could push for his rights. If you were to meet the bastard, you would understand why I cannot allow him to come near Diana… Quade and mother will be furious when they find out I married without them. ”

Logan shook his head. “Nay. They will be happy for you. It will make for more merriment at holiday festivities. ‘Tis time.” He clasped his younger brother on the shoulder and tilted his head toward the doorway.

Micheil swallowed the thickening lump in his throat. Diana had arrived. Beaming with happiness, she strode across the hall on the arm of King Alexander, dressed in a deep blue dress that perfectly set off her red tresses. When she finally reached his side, he held his arm out for her and she grasped it. His heart flooded with happiness, but he noticed her eyes were misting.

“Something wrong? Do you wish to talk in private?” he whispered in her ear.

“Nay. I just wish my papa was here. But I know he is not strong enough to make it. My mama is here with me in spirit, I can feel her here with us.”

Moments later, they stood in front of the priest, Gwyneth and Aunt Elspeth at Diana’s side and Logan at Micheil’s. When the priest wrapped their hands in the blue Ramsay plaid, Micheil could feel Diana’s hand trembling, so he squeezed it a wee bit. She gazed up at him and mouthed, “I love you.”

Before he knew it, the ceremony was finished and he kissed Diana, shocked by the sense of serenity and fulfillment he felt. He cupped her face and kissed her again to the cheers of his family. He whispered in her ear, “I love you, too. I do not know when it happened, but I do, truly.”

The king raised his arms to speak. Turning to the bride and groom, he congratulated them first. “My best wishes for a wonderful future for your marriage. It has come to my attention that parts of the jousting tourney were conducted in less than a fair manner. I am shocked that it happened here in the land of Scots, but there is one man who acted and fought with the most admirable qualities.”

He stopped to move to the side of the chamber and pulled out a heavy bag from a wooden chest.

“Micheil Ramsay, I thank you for conducting yourself most honorably on Scottish soil. It is my belief that this coin was previously given in error, and it pleases me to bestow such coin as your wedding gift from the Crown.” King Alexander handed Micheil and Diana a bag of gold coins, and when Micheil tried to object, he said, “They go to the winner of the jousting tournament, and I no longer feel Baines deserves. Won fairly and respectably.”

Micheil accepted with a smile, bowing to his king.

Once the festivities began, Logan whispered in Micheil’s ear, “Found the dastardly saw he used for the lances.”

Micheil stared his brother in shock. “I’m satisfied his dishonesty was caught, but somehow, this does not seem right.”

Logan clasped his brother’s shoulder. “It is. Accept it with pride. I heard about your accomplishments on the field. All the Scots are boasting their countryman. You deserve it.”

Micheil wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her. “Are you happy, love?”

She rested her head on his shoulder. “Micheil, this day that started so horribly has turned wondrous. I could not be happier.”

They ate a marvelous meal. Platters of venison, pork, and turkey were served on beautiful silver serving dishes. Crusty brown breads and bowls of minted peas sat on each table, along with a wide variety of cheeses. At one point, Diana leaned over and said. “Micheil, I am happy this is our wedding day. I like this small cozy atmosphere, and we are in a beautiful castle. We can celebrate with the clan and my sire later. This moment is for us.”

Aunt Elspeth cried many tears. “I knew it all along. Why did it take you two so much longer to finally realize you were meant to be together?”

Diana gave Aunt Elspeth a sheepish look. “Someday you’ll come to realize how stubborn I can be, Auntie.”

Micheil quirked his brow at her. “You agree you are a wee bit stubborn? I tried many, many times to dissuade you from the English knights.”

“Aye, but you did not offer yourself as a candidate.”

“Nay, but I am not stubborn, just foolish.”

Aunt Elspeth said, “Micheil, do not try to deny a lass her dreams. She just needed some guidance.” She kissed each of them on the cheek. “You are perfect for each other. You are together now, and that is what’s important.”

Smiling at Auntie, Diana picked Sorcha up from Logan’s lap and said, “By the way, does this bairn ever cry? I have not heard a peep from her yet.”

Logan scowled. “Nay, she’s my daughter. She’s perfect. And mayhap I’ll have a son the next time you see us, Aunt Elspeth.”

Gwyneth whispered, “Um, and two more daughters, husband?”

“Hellfire, lass, you want to do things that quick?”

“Och, there’s something I forgot to tell you,” Gwyneth said with a smile.


All the talk at the table stopped.

“I asked the king for Molly and Maggie. I could not bear the possibility of them being returned to Randall Baines family. They may be returning to Lothian with us.” She stared up at Logan, awaiting his reaction.

Micheil smiled, knowing Logan would gladly give Gwyneth anything she wanted.

Logan tipped his head and chewed on his lip for a moment. Then his eyes brightened. “Do you think they will be agreeable? They

Leaning over, Gwyneth wrapped her arms around him and said, “Thank you. You know they need to have a home. I think they’ll be agreeable.”

Logan whispered, “Mayhap they can help you with the cooking and the sewing.”

Gwyneth scowled, but then her face lit up. “Aye, you’re correct. Mayhap they can teach me something. My womanly skills are quite poor.”

“But you have so many skills that I love,” Logan said with a wide smile, then raised his goblet. “To Micheil and Diana, my new sister, and to two new daughters.”


The king escorted the new couple to their chamber. He kissed Diana on the cheek and held the door open for her. “If you have need of anything, please let me know.” With another smile, he left them.

Diana gasped as she and Micheil stepped into the room, closing the door behind them. “This is so beautiful.”

A large canopied bed sat in between two fur covered windows. A fire burned in the hearth, and two cushioned chairs sat in front with a small chest between them. A bowl of apples and a bottle of wine sat atop the chest, next to two gold studded goblets.

The bed was covered with more pillows and furs than Diana had ever seen. If she fell asleep there, she feared she would never want to leave it.

Micheil took her hand and led her over to the table and chairs, then poured them each a goblet of wine. “Diana, ‘tis a beautiful dress, but may I help you remove it?”

Her reaction must have shown on her face, for he quickly added, “Nay, just to make you more comfortable. There’s a white night rail across the bed I can help you into if you would like. We have had little opportunity to talk, and I would like to.”

The words filled her heart with warmth. She gave him her back and swept her long tendrils up and out of the way. “Aye, I am ready to get out of these bindings.” She glanced over her shoulder at him as he untied her ribbons, hoping she would please him.

Once the dress fell to her feet and she stepped out of it, Micheil’s gaze roamed over her whole body. Her flimsy shift did little to conceal her figure. “Lass, you are beautiful.” He gathered her in his arms and kissed her.

When he ended the kiss, Diana chuckled. “Do you know how much better you are at this than Randall or Baron Gow? They were terrible. Your kisses are wonderful, Micheil.”

He touched his fingers to her lips and said, “Shush. Thank you for the compliment, but I would prefer not to hear those two names again tonight.

“Agreed, or forever if it pleases you.”

Micheil sat in the chair and tugged her into the chair next to his. “Tell me your thoughts. Are you truly happy, Diana?” he asked, giving her one of the goblets of wine. “I asked you before in front of others. Now I ask you privately.”

Diana sipped her wine. Was she happy? Aye, more than she had ever thought possible, though she was a trifle nervous at the moment. She stared at Micheil’s long dark hair, at the sparkle in his eye, at his wonderful smile. What more could she ask for than to see his handsome face first thing in the morning every day for the rest of her life?

Licking her lips, she had to admit curiosity was getting the best of her. What she most wanted at this very moment was to see him without his clothes. Her gaze ran down his chest and his muscular arms to his flat belly and below. Chugging her wine, she set her goblet down.

“Lass, if you continue to look at me like that, I make no promises as to the consequences of your actions.”

Heat spread through her body and settled between her thighs. Her mind could not release one thought. She wanted her husband to make love to her; she had been patient long enough. Diana stood directly in front of Micheil and hooked her thumb under the edge of her chemise, dropping it down over her shoulder to free one breast from its confinement.

She paused, unsure of what to do next, but Micheil’s heavy lidded gaze gave her the confidence to continue.

His gaze followed her bare skin. “Do not stop there, lass. I wish to see more of you.”

Diana tossed her shoulders back and released her other breast, shimmying her shift down to her waist where she held it. “Your turn. I wish to see your skin, Micheil.” She peeked at him through her lashes, shocked at her boldness, but laughed as he first removed his boots and stockings, then his leine before he jumped out of the chair. He was about to remove his plaid, but she stopped him with her hand. Fueled with a newfound power, she shook her finger at him. “Not yet.”

Micheil’s eyes widened. “Och, you will kill me if you make me wait much longer.”

She grinned at him and held her arms in the air as she wiggled her hips enough to cause the shift to slowly drop lower, stopping it every few inches or so to tease him a bit more. Cupping her breasts from underneath, she held them out, rubbing her thumbs over her sensitive nipples, making them erect. She could not help but notice his plaid stood out a bit more than it had a few moments ago. Even though she was inexperienced, she had wondered about the act of loving a man for a long time, asking her maids many questions. She oft had overheard them whisper about how to tease a man. It seems they had given her sound advice.

“Wife, do you know how long I have waited for this?” he growled, still holding back.

“Nay, I do not. Tell me please, husband.” Her wiggling dropped the shift to her hips, so she reached down and moved it until it stopped just over her thatch of curls, wanting to tease him a bit more before she let it tumble to the ground. She could tell by the look in her husband’s gaze that her plan was successful.

His voice, deep and husky, sent a shiver down her spine. “Forever. I have wanted you since I first met you. Please allow me to touch you.” His gaze raked over her belly and down to her thighs as he waited for that last bit of clothing to disappear. “Hellfire, you are so beautiful, Diana. Those curves, your breasts, I want those lovely nipples in my mouth. Let me cherish you as you should be cherished.”

She chuckled and stood back. “Wait.” Still holding the fine cloth in her hands, she turned around slowly until her backside faced Micheil. She glanced over her shoulder and couldn’t stop from giggling. Why, the man was almost drooling.

His eyes followed the curve of her hip to the very top of her bum, the bottom still covered. “Diana, please stop. I must touch you.”

She wiggled her bottom and said, “You may touch me lightly, but only if you drop your plaid first.”

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