Gordon, Solara - Jet Lag Blues (Siren Publishing PolyAmour) (16 page)

BOOK: Gordon, Solara - Jet Lag Blues (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)
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Val mimicked Darryl’s movements. She wet her fingers and plucked her nipple in counter rhythm to him. She felt his breath rise along her jaw and up to her ear, adding heat to the growing fire deep between her legs. “Damn, this is hot. It’s like watching myself in a mirror.”

“Just feel. Don’t think.” Mason guided her free hand down her thigh and between her legs. “Stroke yourself while I get ready to bury myself balls deep in you.”

Val sighed, tossing her head back against Darryl’s stomach. His feather-light caresses along the sides of her neck and breast sent tingles up and down her belly. Each fondle brought new sensations to the surface. Her clit pulsed beneath her middle finger as she reached lower. A bit more and she found what she sought. Her pool of increasing wetness lubricated two-thirds of her finger. Pulling back, she circled clockwise around the edges of her clit. Not pressing too hard and yet enough to add her own bursts of heat to what Mason and Darryl kindled. If she rubbed hard and fast on her budding clit as it swelled, she’d come. God, it would be hard and long. She wanted it and needed it. Had she become like the guys? Thinking only about sex and the release it brought? Oh hell, why not? It felt good, and they weren’t hurting anybody.

“Hmmm this is so fucking good,” Val moaned. Leaning back tight against Darryl, she slipped two fingers deep into herself. Thrusting them in and out, she moaned louder. “Ahhhh, I’m gonna come.”

Darryl caught her earlobe between his teeth and worried it. His hand cupped her breast and flicked his thumb rapidly over her taut nipple. Mason moved closer, raising her legs so her feet rested on his shoulders. Working the last of the condom over himself, he pressed forward.

“Ah, sweet heaven. That is so damn sweet,” he moaned. “Tight and hot. I’m going deep, baby. No stopping now.”

Mason thrust and pushed his way into Val. “God, this position makes you so tight around me. Oh man, Val. I can feel you flexing.”

Val smiled and wiggled. “What did you say, Darryl, about a mouthful?” She puckered her lips, leaving them partway open.

Darryl stopped stroking his cock and knelt on the bed. “Pillows behind your head will help with the angle.” He cradled Val’s head as he eased another pillow under her.

“Well, now let’s try it out.” Val reached for him. Her hand grazed his upper thigh. She trailed her fingers higher, working toward his balls.

“I’ll make sure your mouth is full in a moment. Behave yourself until then.” Darryl picked up another pillow. “Mason, if you put this under her hips, I bet you can go even deeper.”

Mason grinned and began pulling out. “That is one hell of an idea.”

Val tightened up on him. “Damn, Val, you got a grip on me. Woman, you can flex for sure.”

“You stay put and let Darryl get that under me.” Val nodded toward the pillow. “Besides when I raise up, you’ll be deeper, too.”

Mason groaned as Val used his shoulders for leverage and lifted her hips. “I could stay in here all night.”

Darryl chuckled and placed the pillow under Val. “I suspect Val has a say in that. Her muscles might give out after a while. Effect of the position, you know?” He winked at Mason.

As Val eased down onto the pillow, Mason massaged the backs of her calves. “Sweetie, I appreciate the flex and tightness. How about you wrap your legs around me and let me rock us to one hell of an O?”

Val helped Mason ease one leg then the other off his shoulders. “I’m ready to bring us all to that O.”

Darryl knelt on the bed, positioning himself just short of her lips. “All right, madam, do your best. Worst is not what I’m expecting.”

Val gave him a raspberry and slurped his tip into her mouth.

“That is fii–nne,” Darryl panted. “Now cup my balls and suck me.”

Val tightened her lips on both ends and began bobbing her head. Mason’s thrusts hit her G-spot, rubbing it in sync to her licks and sucks on Darryl.

Mason inched closer with each thrust. Soon he was tight to her, barely pulling out before sliding back in until his balls slapped against her ass. His fingers tweaked and twisted one nipple while the other stroked her clit, increasing the friction and building heat deep in her pussy.

Darryl threaded his hands through her hair and held her head. “I’m too close to blowing. Mason, can you—”

Mason’s low-throated groan grew in intensity. “I–I caa–nn come now.”

Darryl picked up speed on his thrust in and out of Val’s mouth. “Tighten up once more, hon. And rub the spot under my balls a bit harder.”

Mason kept moving, caressing Val’s clit as he watched Darryl’s face and movements. Watching and participating brought things to a new level. Exhibitionist and voyeur at the same time. Well worth repeating.

Val tightened around him and flooded him with wetness. Her short breaths in between deep-throating Darryl told Mason she’d hit at least one orgasm.

“Me, too,” Darryl yelped and let go of Val. His ragged breathing echoed off the wall closest to them.

Darryl slowly pulled out of Val’s mouth and dropped back on his knees. “Damn, I came harder than last night. That wrung me out.”

Mason grunted as he slipped out of Val, catching the edge of the condom before it fell off. “Wow that was intense.”

Val raised her hand, waved, and sighed. “What you both said. Now that nap sounds grand.”

Mason rolled off the bed, tugging the covers with him. Darryl rose to his hands and knees. “I’m with you. Val, can you move to let us get the covers from under you?”

She raised her hips as high as she could. “Grab what you can. I’m about out for the count.”

Darryl used one hand to support her back while he worked the covers back. “Let it down, sweetheart. Mason, you got that side?”

Mason yawned. “Yep. Toss me a pillow. I’m too tired to care which one.”

Ten minutes later, quiet filled the room. Sleep claimed them once again. Sated and filled with love, they snuggled to each other.

Chapter Twenty

A week later

Mason stepped off the plane onto the open staircase. He hated leaving a note for Darryl and Val, but his on-call schedule permitted him little time off. Losing three days due to the snowstorm hadn’t helped his paycheck either. Two double shifts at overtime pay had made up for the lost wages. He hoped Val and Darryl understood. When the dispatcher called, he asked if Mason knew how to reach them since they were next on his list. Darryl’s cell phone had rung twice while Mason had dressed and tossed his things in his suitcase. He hadn’t wanted to interrupt Val and Darryl’s lovemaking as they showered. His call had come as he dried off from his shower.

Pulling his cell phone from his coat pocket, he dialed Darryl’s number.

“Well, about damn time you checked in,” Darryl scolded. His warm tone eased Mason’s apprehension.

“Yeah, I know. Notes aren’t the greatest form of communication. I’m in Seattle at the airport. Where are you?”

“Not more than twenty yards behind you.” Mason turned and caught Darryl’s wave. “Wait up, and we’ll walk in together.”

Mason nodded and ended the call. He stuffed his phone and hands in his coat pockets. Patches of snow remained in shaded places, and a few icicles dripped from tree branches. A stiff wind blew across the tarmac, bringing a chill with it. Mason turned up his collar as Darryl reached him.

“Still damn cold if you ask me.” Darryl blew on his hands and chafed them. “When did you get back?”

“Just now. I pulled a double shift. On-call is not working out. I need regular hours.” Mason grabbed his bag and walked toward the closest staircase.

“Val and I were discussing the same thing. She’s picking me up. Come back to her place and eat with us. We’ve been talking about the three of us since you left.” Darryl started up the staircase. Mason hung back, unsure he wanted to know what their discussion entailed. Darryl turned as he reached the top of the stairs. “What’s wrong?”

* * * *

Mason’s frown and hunched shoulders spoke what he wasn’t saying verbally. His uneasiness indicated he’d been thinking about their three days together as well. Good, part of their discussions prior to his departure was on what they wanted going forward.

Opening the door, Darryl waited for Mason to reach him before continuing.

Mason reached the stair below him and stopped. His hand rested on the railing. His other held his bag. Darryl could make out the tight grip of each hand. He couldn’t say much due to other coworkers nearby waiting for them to pass. Mason needed some assurance that things were all right. “Val’s got a pot of soup simmering, and she mentioned your homemade soda bread would go great with it. Care to join us for a homemade meal?”

Mason smiled and nodded. “Sure. I’m tired of heat-and-run meals. I need a change of clothes, though.”

“Val grabbed our laundry when we got back, so I’m sure yours is mixed in with ours. Come on. She’s probably waiting for us out front.” Darryl stepped inside and pointed toward the coffee machine. “Grab us a couple of cups to go while I get my other uniform from my locker.”

Fifteen minutes passed before Val picked them up and they were free of airport traffic.

* * * *

Darryl refused to sit in the front seat with Val. His excuse about needing to put his legs up didn’t pass muster with Mason. What was Darryl up to? Val’s smile and airborne kiss added further mystery to what was going on.

Mason sipped his coffee, glancing at Darryl in the rearview mirror and then to Val. Darryl guzzled his coffee and smacked his lips. “Ah, caffeine at last. Decaf just doesn’t cut it.”

Val smiled. “Yes, it can add fuel to the fire. Especially when the preparers are naked with their wonderful cocks showing.”

Mason coughed, almost spitting his coffee on her. She reached over, patting his leg. “Take it easy. I take it Darryl didn’t say much.”

“No. Considering the first time I saw him was on the tarmac after calling you.” Darryl handed Mason a napkin.

“Before you two get started with your offbeat humor, can I know what is going on?” Mason wondered if not knowing might be better than knowing. Part of their last discussions had centered on their growing feelings and what form it would take.

“Sure,” Val said, easing the car on to the freeway on ramp. “Darryl and I’ve been discussing us. Us, as in the three of us.”

“Right, Val and I began looking at what each of us wants. We didn’t get far as she got called to work a two-day layover flight. I’ve been doing the Seattle puddle-jumper route for the last three days.” Darryl leaned forward, resting his arm on the back of Mason’s seat.

Mason swallowed more of his coffee. Turning so he could see Darryl and Val more easily, he noticed Val’s wink. Was that for him or Darryl? Maybe both of them?

“Our exit is next. Do you need anything from your place before we settle in for the evening?” Val slowed down, taking the exit leading toward the main street six blocks from their complex.

“Not if my laundry is at your place. Clean clothes and a shower are about it.” Mason faced forward wanting to know what expectations either were not voicing.

“I hear you on the shower and clothes. Mind if I share your shower?” Val’s offer caught him off-guard. He damn near spilled the remainder of his coffee on his pants as he took off the lid to catch the last few swallows.

“Uh—if Darryl doesn’t mind, sure. I guess.” Mason gripped the passenger door handle and waited.

Darryl’s light laugh and pat on his shoulder didn’t help. Maybe he’d better ask the question running through his mind before he went further. “So what are the rules?”

“Rules?” Val’s puzzled tone eased more of Mason’s uneasiness.

“Yes. What’s acceptable and what’s not.” Mason shrugged and waited for either of them to respond.

Val parked the car in front of her place and turned to faced Darryl and him. Darryl leaned on both seats.

“That is something we hadn’t decided on since you weren’t available.” Darryl nodded to Val. “Val is right in questioning the word rules. Are we wanting something that rigid?”

“I agree with Darryl on this one. How about you, Mason?” Val covered his hand with hers. “I suspect you want to know about boundaries and limits.”

“It makes sense to me,” Mason stated, looking at each of them.

“Suppose we decide there are none concerning the three of us. We work things out as they come up. Val’s as much your sweetie as she is mine and vice versa.” Darryl opened his door. “Let’s continue this inside. I’m tired of being cooped up.”

Val led the way into her place. Mason brought up the rear, thinking about Darryl’s statement about Val being a girlfriend to them both. It was new and different. No possession or ownership between them. It was like they were on equal footing.

* * * *

Darryl kicked off his shoes as he hung up his coat. “Mason, I know you’ve not been in a place where sharing was an option before. Or even one where equity was feasible.”

Val cleared her throat and spoke. “I’ve got something to say.”

“Go ahead, Val,” Mason said.

“Let’s go back to where we left off at the hotel. The last thing we talked about was about no one feeling left out.” Darryl watched her slide her arms around Mason’s waist. She briefly hugged him before doing the same to Darryl. “I’ve wanted to do that since you got in the car. Along with this.” She kissed both of them quickly on the lips.

BOOK: Gordon, Solara - Jet Lag Blues (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)
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