Gordon, Solara - Jet Lag Blues (Siren Publishing PolyAmour) (10 page)

BOOK: Gordon, Solara - Jet Lag Blues (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)
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He quickly worked her other leg over his shoulder. Placing both hands on her hips, he spoke. “Now I’ll see who is up to the challenge.”

He peeled her pink, lush nether lips open, exposing her plump clitoris. Two dewy drops of cum lay atop the prize as if waiting to be lapped up. Mason blew over the wet, exposed flesh, moving back and forth, leaving no area untouched. Val’s throaty groan and low
told him he’d succeeded in pushing her heat higher. Working his hand lower, he traced her damp opening. Coating two fingers, he smeared her juices over his lips and licked. “I do believe this is sweeter than apple pie à la mode.”

Val jerked as he flicked his tongue lightly near her clit. Raising his head, he watched as she clenched the bedspread in both hands. Darryl’s smile and quick strokes told Mason he’d lit a fire that wouldn’t soon go out.

Chapter Fourteen

“Don’t worry about me.” Darryl scooted closer. “I’ve got the best view.” He leaned down and tweaked Val’s nipple. Her sharp hiss and twitch told both men they had her stirred up and sizzling. Darryl gave Mason a thumbs-up as he glanced up from Val’s mons.

* * * *

Mason inched higher, positioning himself tight to Val. He inhaled her aroma with each breath. She smelled as good as she tasted. Her mock challenge egged him on, and yet he knew if he went too fast, Darryl wouldn’t have a chance to bring her off as well. This was going to take teamwork. No one liked bad sex or lousy lovers. Sometimes it couldn’t be helped. Mason was going to be damn sure that didn’t happen. Raising his head, he cleared his throat. Getting Darryl’s attention, he spoke. “Wanna make sure the lady gets what she needs with us. A few suggestions here and there are welcomed.”

Darryl’s quick grin and nod of encouragement told Mason Val was in for one hell of threesome. He winked and reached down, pulling Val’s warm and damp pussy lips apart. “Oh, darlin’, I hope you’re ready to come and come.”

Mason blew one more time over Val’s swollen clit. She jerked toward him. Sticking his tongue out, he dove in. Hot, taut flesh slid under his tongue, coating the underside with one exotic taste. He lapped upward, teasing the underneath of her nub briefly before reaching the top. One swipe, two, and then three fast. Val rocked against him, panting and moaning with each lick.

“Yes, that is so fucking good.” She arched her neck, rocking her head back with each thrust of her hips against Mason’s face and questing tongue.

* * * *

Darryl stroked down and up his cock three times rapidly and let go. Mason gave as good as he got. Val hadn’t stopped squirming since he’d buried his face between her legs. “Let’s see what I can do to up the ante.”

Darryl licked his thumb and forefinger on each hand. Positioning himself near Val’s shoulder, he leaned forward. On her next thrash, he plucked her tight nipples with his fingers and rolled them, pulling forward as she lay back.

“Ah, the pain...don’t stop. It feels great.” Val panted and bit her lip, tossing her head back and forth.

Darryl squeezed her nipples harder and worked them up and back like two corkscrews. Watching her face begin to flush and her rapid thrusts against Mason, Darryl knew she was close. Close to creaming all over Mason’s face and lips. She’d challenged him. Mason wasn’t going to lose if Darryl could help it. “Suckle her between your lips and flick your tongue as fast as you can.”

Darryl caught Mason’s nod as Val contorted between them.

“N–o–o–o faa–iirrr,” Val chanted. Her mouth hung open as she arched her back and tried to lift her hips off the bed. “I’m—I’m going to—”

* * * *

With every lap of his tongue, Mason felt the Val’s clit throb. It swelled and pulsated every time he flicked at her. She was too close to hold back.

Loosening his hold on her hips, he slid both hands under her buttocks and raised her tight against him. Letting go of her clit, he slipped lower and thrust his tongue into her, flicking as fast as he could.

* * * *

Val’s short yelp and gasp caught Darryl’s attention. “Easy, love, let it take you where you want to go. Come deep and hard. You know you love to churn out your sweet cream for us.”

Val gripped his wrist and held on. He knew the signal. Pain no longer felt exquisite or added pleasure. Her pussy wanted all the focus and gratification. Darryl let go of her nipples and moved back against the pillows. His cock left a trail of pre-cum on his thigh. He needed to come and soon.

“Oh man, I yield, Mason,” Val managed to rasp out as she dropped back to the mattress. “You’re damn good.”

* * * *

Mason pushed back against the bed, leveraging himself upright. Taking part of the sheet, he wiped his face. “Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.” He sat on the bed close to Val and reached out, taking her hand in his. “What’s next?”

* * * *

Val struggled to sit up. Mason helped her move to the end of the bed and sit up. “I’m game for round two. Who calls it this time? Darryl or me?” She turned toward Darryl and licked her lips.

Darryl sat with his eyes partially closed, fondling his balls. He stroked up very slowly toward the top of his cock and then rapidly returned to where his other hand cupped his balls. His nipples pebbled, sticking out like fine-point pen tips. His sharp inhalations and groans indicated he was close to his own release.

“I’d say Darryl gets to call it. He’s working up to a hot, delicious come.” Mason stood up. He retrieved the box of condoms they’d purchased earlier from the bag hanging on the closet doorknob.

Tossing the box on the bed, Mason offered his hand to Val. “I’m wanting more group participation this round. How about you?”

* * * *

Val took Mason’s hand and yanked. “Come here, and let’s see if we can distract Darryl.”

She caught Mason as he fell toward her. “Easy there. I want to bring both of you off at the same time. How do we go about doing this?”

Val faced Darryl. His hands held his cock midway down his shaft. His eyes flicked back and forth from her to Mason. His lustful leer said his mind was cooking up something. “I know that look. He’s got a plan, and his vivid imagination is working overtime. I think we best hear him out and get it going real time.”

Mason’s snort and smirk along with Darryl’s enthusiastic nod sent warm ripples rushing down her neck and chest. The effect cooled her back to simmering. Val stretched out prone, facing both, and pulled the box of condoms to her. “Okay, spill it. What, or who, am I doing next and how?”

* * * *

Darryl sat up and scooted to the edge of the mattress. “I want to come deep in you.” He tousled Val’s hair. “Give me one of those lubricated ones and on your knees, ass end toward me.”

Mason reached for the condoms. Val shook her head, tightening her grip on the box. “I suspect you need more lubrication than just the condom.”

“Been reading my mind again? You naughty girl.” Darryl winked at Mason. “There’s a tube of K-Y jelly in there, too.”

Mason rummaged in the bag and found the item in question. “Here ya go.” He tossed the tube to Darryl.

* * * *

Darryl caught the tube and dropped it on the bed. He motioned Mason to him. “Trade places with me, and let’s see how compliant our lady decides to be.”

Mason laughed and sidestepped Darryl, letting him by.

Val lay still on the bed, clutching the box of condoms, watching their movement. “Do you honestly think I’m not paying attention? Can’t hear what you’re saying?”

“She speaks. Maybe she’ll participate and stop grasping the box like a neon sign.” Mason winked and took Darryl’s previous spot lounging at the head of the bed.

“Shall we see what happens when I do this?” A loud
sounded, followed by another. Darryl grabbed Val’s ankle and pulled her toward him.

“Hey, what the hell?” Val tried to lurch away. The slickness of the spread and the bunching of the sheets offered no help, only hindrance, leaving her sprawled on the bed, ass in the air.

* * * *

Darryl tugged her gently a few inches before letting go. He moved to where he could clearly see her and she him. Her breasts stuck out as Val began to prop herself up, seeking leverage to move. Darryl waited until her elbows touched the mattress at the same time her knees did. He brought his hand back and swung forward. Val scrambled to move before his hand could connect with her ass again. The box slipped out of her hands as she pushed against the sheets attempting to scoot backward.

Mason leaned forward, tugged the top sheet toward him, and popped the box into the air. It landed close to him. He picked it up as Val reached the end of the bed closest to Darryl. “Slow down, sweet cheeks. Why are you so flustered?”

Val worked herself off the bed, turning to face Darryl. “I’m not flustered. I’m thinking about how to get you both off at same time. How’s that for raising your heat and taking a bit off my ass?”

Darryl offered Val his hand and created space between them. “Oh, mine never got lower than a slow boil. What about yours, Mason?”

“About the same, maybe rapid. The idea of all of us coming together is intriguing.” Mason smirked and glanced at Val. “What you got in mind?”

* * * *

Val sat on the bed, eyeing Darryl and Mason. Feigning a yawn, she batted her eyes at them and gave a plucky grin. “Well, depends on how interested you both are.”

Darryl’s chuckle and Mason’s snort told her they weren’t buying her tired approach. “Okay, okay. I want one of you in my ass and one in my mouth. There, satisfied?”

“No, not yet, but soon.” Darryl dragged out
. Mason rubbed his hands together gleefully and kept nodding.

Oh Lord, had she spoke too soon? “Let’s not keep me in the dark. And no bloody blindfold either!” She pointed at Darryl. “Mutual consent all around, okay? Mason, you get to say what you want first. Then Darryl.”

* * * *

Mason blew Val an airborne kiss and touched his lips. “I want to feel your luscious, hot mouth all around me, babe. If we’re still up to it, then I’ll think about luxuriating in your hot wetness in another way.”

Val nodded and ducked her head. Mason could almost feel the heat rising from her and filling the room. The last time he and Darryl had shared a threesome this hot, both of them slept soundly for eight hours in blissed-out repose with a hot mama between them. Mason suspected if the heat rose much more, their mutual blowouts would knock them out. Or leave them high, dry, and fucked out for the night.

“Darryl, you want to go for the backdoor? Take the lady to blissville and back?” Mason laughed at Darryl’s confused look. “Just messing with ya. You’re taking care of Val’s hot, tight ass?”

* * * *

Darryl sat down and leaned to grab the box of condoms. “Yes I am. I’ll light her fire and put it out. Joint fireworks and joint bliss. Look out and hope we don’t set the smoke detector off.”

He ripped open the box, pulling out two condoms. “Val, you going down with or without one?” He held up a foil packet. “I trust Mason and know he’s clean. The choice is yours, though.”

Val glanced at him and then to Mason. “Thanks for trusting me and allowing me to make my own decision. I’m clean, too, and I know you are, Darryl. Mason, anything to disclose?”

Mason picked up the K-Y jelly, handing it to Darryl. “No, I’m clean, too. Last tests were two months ago. All good.”

* * * *

Val touched Darryl’s hand. “I don’t need that. I want to taste Mason
au naturel

* * * *

Darryl pushed the box aside and rose. “Val, what is easier for you to reach Mason? Go ahead and get comfortable. I’ll join you in a moment.”

Val scooted close to Mason, positioning herself next to his splayed legs. “Why not let me taste you as well first? Get you ready to put that on, unless you want my help.”

Darryl swallowed hard, fumbling with the foil packet as he tried to open it. The packet slipped out of his hand, flipping through the air and landing next to Val. Mason’s chuckle followed by Val’s giggle tugged at Darryl’s heart. His girl and his best friend, two of the most important people in his world, weren’t backing away.

“Guess I’m all thumbs?” Darryl shrugged and leaned forward to retrieve the packet.

“Let me.” Val picked up the foil and tore it open, easing the condom into her hand. “Ease back on to the bed and let’s see what some TLC does for you and this?” Val fondled his cock with her free hand.

Darryl worked his way up the bed until he lay near Val. He caught Mason’s quick grin and thumbs-up signal. Val rose on her knees between them. Her smile and bright eyes said more than words. Each of them was ready for where things went from here.

Val scooted over to Mason, taking time to touch and fondle him before moving over to Darryl. Threading her hand into his hair, she pulled him toward her capturing his lips with hers.

Slowly she traced his mouth, stopping to brush her lips over his. She nibbled his chin before nipping his throat near his chest. “Hmmm, you taste good.”

Palming the condom in her other hand, she trailed her fingers down his chest and around each hard nipple. “Ooh, you’re excited. That makes me hot.” Val leaned forward, worrying the closest one to her with her teeth and lips. Darryl’s sharp hiss and jerk said she’d gotten to him.

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