Gordon, Solara - Jet Lag Blues (Siren Publishing PolyAmour) (13 page)

BOOK: Gordon, Solara - Jet Lag Blues (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)
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* * * *

Val tried to exit the shower as quickly as she had entered. “Mason, did you turn any hot water on?” She wrapped her arms around herself and tried to keep her teeth from chattering.

Mason cleared his throat. “I did. If you had waited a couple of moments, you wouldn’t have gotten hit with the first blast coming out.” He stepped in and pulled the curtain closed. “Come here, I’ll warm you up.”

Val pushed her hair off her face and arched an eyebrow. “You honestly think I’m gonna trust—Ooh.”

Mason pulled her to him and brushed his lips over her shoulder. Cupping her breasts, he thumbed her nipples. “How about I see if I can coax these smoldering coals into a fire?’

Val gulped air as Mason nipped and suckled his way along her shoulder working toward her neck. He slipped his hand down her hip and along her mons. Warmth started radiating in her belly, flowing upward toward her teats.

“Please don’t stop,” Val whispered, turning so her lips met his as Mason raised his head. She brushed hers over his, pausing to rest her forehead against him. “If there were time to enjoy this fully, I’d bend over and let you take me right now.”

Mason smiled and slid his hand between her legs while lifting her hand to his shoulder. “Steady yourself and let me ease the heat some for you. We’ll continue later. Okay?”

Val nodded and parted her legs. She could feel her slickness from the previous night growing as Mason lightly fingered her clit. Gasping, Val gripped his shoulder. “Work two fingers inside me and stroke my G-spot. That soft nub just a bit in. If you can rub your thumb over my clit, I’ll—” Val groaned.

Mason thrust his fingers in and out of her in short strokes, rubbing her clit on alternate strokes. Capturing her lips with his, he eased his tongue along her open mouth and inside, enjoying her taste and feel.

He didn’t have to wait long for Val to let him know how close she was. She broke off the kiss, panting. “I’m there...oh yes—hot and sweet.”

Val tossed her head back, arching her neck, pushing her breasts out. Her sensitive nipples grazed across Mason’s chest sending strong ripples of desire plunging down into her pussy. Threading her hand into Mason’s hair, she fisted his hair in her hand and pressed her lips to his. Plunging her tongue into his mouth, she moaned her release as he began French kissing her.

* * * *

Darryl managed to pry his ear away from the door once he heard the shower curtain ripple along the pole. Damn, he loved hearing Val’s pleasure and knowing Mason enjoyed bringing her off. He wished he could join them. But coffee—drinkable coffee—and some form of breakfast needed to be started.

Rummaging amongst the cabinets, he located coffee cups and paper filters for the brewer. Fresh drip tasted better than instant. Since instant was the flavor of the day, he measured enough for three cups into the filter-lined basket and added water to the coffeemaker. Two containers sat next to the box of instant oatmeal, powdered creamer, and sugar. Val knew how to eat quick and cheap. One last cabinet revealed their array of dry goods. Pop-Tarts and raisins completed the lineup. It wasn’t a gourmet meal by any means, though nourishing and filling for the time being.

Darryl looked up as the bathroom door clicked open. Mason waved him over. “There’s some warm water coming out. Val is washing her hair. I’m done. Get in and say good morning.”

Mason’s wink and grin said he’d enjoyed his shower with Val. Now it was Darryl’s turn. “You bet. Coffee is done. Can you hold off on eating until we’re done and out?”

“Yes, I’ll get the table ready. Let me get my stuff out of the bathroom. I’ll dress out here.” Mason high-fived Darryl as he passed. “I hope Val’s multi-orgasmic.”

Darryl chuckled and nodded. “Oh, yes. Very multi-orgasmic. Great you two are comfortable with each other and enjoyed the shower so much.”

Darryl quickly shut the door behind him. Val’s humming greeted him as he entered the shower. “Which tune is that?”

Val’s eek and snort echoed.

“Damn it, Darryl. Don’t scare me.” Val turned and shook a finger at him. “Sneaking up on me isn’t kosher.”

Darryl grabbed her and pulled her to him. Her breasts pushed against his chest. “Good morning, sweetie.”

Val tossed her head, easing her wet hair off her face. “Uhmm, morning, hon. You’re acting different.”

Darryl stuck his hand under the running water. Its tepid temperature indicated he needed to get under it quickly. “Still waking up and dealing with a few jealousy bumps.”

Val cocked her head and stared at him for several moments. She opened her mouth to speak.

Darryl held up a hand and spoke first. “No, I’m not jealous of Mason
per se
. I’m feeling out you and him being sexual where I can hear it but not see it. New emotion and experience. Now let me under that water, please.”

Val smiled and rose on her tiptoes. She brushed her lips against his. “I get it. I would feel the same probably if it were you and another gal.” She inched by him, keeping her back against the inside wall.

“Are you done?” Darryl slicked the soap across his chest and arms. “My back could use a good soaping if you don’t mind.”

Val caught his wink and returned it. “Sure. You can use my shampoo. It’s right beside you.”

Darryl nodded and ducked his head under the spray. “Shit, that is growing cold fast. Hurry up, woman. Don’t need to freeze my ass or balls off.”

Val giggled and slid her soapy hands down Darryl’s back, over his buttocks, reaching between his legs. “What about your cock? I’d think that was a bit more important than these.” She cupped his balls and fondled them gently.

Darryl hissed and grunted. “Keep it up and I’m gonna bend you over the sink. Have my way with you while Mason listens.”

“Hmmm, that sounds like fun.” Val slid her hand as far forward as she could and began rubbing her hand back and forth.

Chapter Seventeen

“Love to tempt fate? Keep it up and you will find out what I’ve got in mind.” Darryl’s husky tone and jerky hip movements told Val he wanted to play. And, in the hot, sexual way like he’d described.

“Tempting if it gets me this.” She pulled her hand back and slipped it around Darryl’s waist. Combing her fingers through his pubic hair, she circled his shaft and squeezed, slowly stroking upward.

“Damn, woman. That feels so–o–o good,” Darryl groaned. “Let me rinse and join you under the heat lamp.”

Val snickered and exited the shower. “Your towel is on the sink. Mason’s is on the floor. Use it as a bathmat.”

She bent over, wrapping one towel around her wet locks. Grabbing up another, she hastily dried off. The shower curtain rings pinged as they rolled along the pole. She picked up Darryl’s towel and turned.

His freshly washed hair stood up in places as he ran his hand through it working excess water out. His short red locks resembled mini horns sticking out all over his head. Unshaven, his beard line gave him an otherworldly look. Val licked her lips and glanced lower.

Jutting out from his groin, Darryl’s hard-on seemed to thicken the more she gazed. She’d love to drop to her knees and bring him off. Feel and taste his hot jism flooding her mouth as she brought him to climax. Giving was as good as receiving, right? Val tossed a towel at Darryl.

“That ain’t gonna save you. Shouldn’t give me ammunition.” Darryl pulled the towel tight between his hands, let go of one end, and snapped his wrist.
Another echoed through the bathroom.

Val’s short grunts and “hey” greeted Mason as he cracked open the door. “Don’t let me interrupt too much,” he teased. “How much longer do you need?”

Darryl reached out and pinched Val’s ass. She jumped and faced him. Shaking her breasts at him, she stepped forward.

“Give me the K-Y jelly and about ten minutes.” Darryl started toward the door. Val grabbed his hand, stopping him.

“I’ll behave for a quickie.” She winked, spun around, and bent over, resting her hands on the sink. “Come and get it.”

She stuck out her tongue at Darryl’s reflection in the mirror. His hands slid down his chest, tweaking his nipples before moving lower. Two-thirds of the way down, he closed the space between them. Warm hands cupped her buttocks, caressing and fondling as Darryl tightened up to her.

“Give me five to ten minutes, bro,” Darryl called out. “Can you check the weather for us?” Mason’s hasty sigh and quick “yes” sounded as the door closed.

“Poor Mason,” Val crooned as Darryl palmed her breasts. “I’d love to take you both on again.”

Darryl leaned forward kissing her shoulder and nipped. “He got time alone. Now it’s my turn. Believe me, you’ll get us both again before the day’s out.”

Trailing his fingers in feathery touches, Darryl traced the hollows of Val’s chest dipping to her waist. Each time she dropped her head and arched her back, she moved tighter to him. Dragging his nails in zigzag patterns across her stomach, he lightly scratched and inched closer to her breasts and pebbling nipples. He rocked his hips forward, touching her, thrusting his shaft between her legs.

“Want me to stop and call in Mason?” Darryl asked in between nips and licks on her neck.

Val shivered. Leaning into Darryl, she sighed. “No stopping or dropping. I need you now.”

She covered his hand with hers. “Without a condom, I know we risk pregnancy. How about we play with each other? I’d love to watch you jack off while I take care of me.”

Darryl grasped her hips and turned Val, rubbing his cock over each part of her that touched him. Lifting her, he sat her on the short counter area next to the sink. “Face me with your legs wide open, darlin’. I’m gonna taste you first. Dip my tongue deep in you and lap you closer to your desired goal.”

Val swallowed hard. Arching her shoulders, she closed her eyes and whispered her reply. “Yes.”

She inhaled and exhaled twice before reaching for Darryl. “Let me taste myself on your lips.” Val leaned back on her hands and rocked her hips forward. “Make me cream all over your face, love.”

Darryl kneeled. He slipped his arms under her legs and got closer. “Expose yourself, love. I’m gonna suckle you until you can’t stand more.”

Val scooted to the edge of the counter. Placing her legs over Darryl’s shoulders, she reached down, parting her nether lips. She gasped as he blew on her clit. His hands held her fast, preventing her from moving more than a wiggle here and there.

Darryl buried his face between her legs. His hot tongue laved up and over her taut pearl. Twice he grazed his teeth over her. She could feel herself swelling as he sucked her between his lips and began lapping.

“Al-lmos-st ther-eee,” Val groaned, threading her hands through Darryl’s hair and holding him to her. His tongue laved downward and swiped at her wet sheath. Rocking her hips back, Val urged him on. “Oh, God, don’t stop. A bit more and—”

Darryl flicked his tongue deep into her and stroked. Val’s hands dropped from his head. She began shaking and moaning, begging him to not stop. Wave after wave of sweet wetness coated his tongue and lips. Such deliciousness greeted his taste buds. Pulling back, Darryl returned to her clit. Carefully puckering his lips around her, he flicked his tongue a few more times until Val eased back.

“No doubt about it. You are damn good at eating pussy.” Val fanned herself. “What about you? Can I return the favor?”

Darryl rose, grinning. “First your taste, madam. Then my release.” He placed his hands on either side of Val and puckered his lips.

Val closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his. Darryl opened his mouth, tracing hers with his tongue. Val swiped hers over his and across his lower lip. She could taste and smell herself on him. She reached for his hand, wanting him to bring her off again.

Darryl pulled back. “Nope, you have to wait. Mason’s been a good sport. You can play with yourself while I get off. But I’m not doing it for you.”

Val frowned and shook a finger at him. “
you decide to play fair. Ha!”

Darryl smiled and began stroking his cock. “Come on, love. You know how hot you get watching me pleasure myself.” He fondled his balls with one hand. Wetting his lips, he put two fingers in his mouth, slowly drawing them in and out. He laved them from tip to his palm. He let go of his balls and encircled the base of his cock. He stroked and squeezed as his wet hand covered the head. “Hmm, tight. Oh yes. Hot and tight.”

Val licked her lips as Darryl worked several drops of pre-cum out and spread the residue around. Walking toward her, he worked both hands up and down his shaft. What did he want her to do? Play with herself to egg him on? Bring both of them off at same time? Not an easy thing.

She reached down, easing two fingers across her clit. Even after two orgasms, she pulsed and throbbed with each stroke. Seeing Darryl catch his reflection in the full-length mirror on the back wall, she stroked lower. Her previous wetness lubricated both fingers. She inserted them, locating her G-spot.

“Uh, yee-ss-ss,” Val panted. Her thumb hit her clit in counter rhythm to her thrusts. “Darryl, I’m not sure how much I can—”

Darryl’s head tossed back. His neck arched as his hands stroked faster. “Oh, Mason, now I know—why—you love to waatcchh.” Cum spurted out and ran down his hands dripping on to the floor.

BOOK: Gordon, Solara - Jet Lag Blues (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)
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