Good Enough to Trust (Good Enough, Book 2 - Going Back) (3 page)

BOOK: Good Enough to Trust (Good Enough, Book 2 - Going Back)
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“You here on your
own then?”

I nodded. “You can
always tell me to shut up if I’m being too nosy.”

His knee nudged
against mine and it was nice. Secure. Even if he wasn’t the tallest guy in the
world I guessed he’d be a safe pair of hands, in every sense of the words,
dependable. Which was tempting, even if it wasn’t clever.

 “You here for

“I’m not sure

I wasn’t, I hadn’t
got a clue. Soul searching was like that, hard to put boundaries around.

“I’m renting a
cottage near Halgabron.”

Frown lines
deepened on his wide forehead. “So what took you up that hill? I mean you can—”

“Get to St.
Nectan’s through the wood? I know.” I probably looked sheepish. “I walked up to
Boscastle and then wanted to follow the footpath from there up along the top to
the waterfall. I’ve done it before. Guess it was a bit silly in this weather.”

He didn’t remark
on the silliness or not of the situation.

“Good walk.”

He could have
added ‘in the summer’, but he didn’t.

“Not many people
come down here this time of year, you know.” He leaned forward conspiratorially
so that I could see the twinkle in his eye. “And there’s a reason for that.”

I thought back to
last time I was here, summer, and it seemed like a different time and a different
place. But I still liked it, even without the warmth and sunshine, though I
wasn’t a hundred percent sure that it liked me. There was something a bit
magical about this corner of Cornwall, magical and mystical.

“I like it without
the crowds.”

“Is that why
you’re here, to get away from the crowds?”

He was looking a
bit serious, no twinkle, which was bad news. Looked like Will had hidden

“Oh, it’s a long
story.” I wasn’t going to lie, I really wasn’t. I was here to find myself, not
hide from the person I really was and pretend to be the person I’d like to be.

“Very long?” He
sat back, still nursing the pint in one hand and looked like he’d got all the
time in the world. Which he probably had, apart from bullock duty.

“Too long.” I
stuck my tongue out at him, which wasn’t mature, but how I felt. A bit of a
‘leave me alone and keep it light’ message.

“You don’t trust
me enough to share it?”

Ah, that trust

“You’d be bored.
Actually, I’m more interested in how I got lost on your hill, I really thought
I knew where I was going.”

“I’m more
interested in why you stopped off to entertain my bullocks.”

“I like to be
sociable.” I sat up in my best prim and proper way. “They’re cute.” I thought
about the big brown eyes and furry heads and tried not to think about what they
were attached to. I grinned. “A bit like you.”

He took a gulp of
beer and grinned back. This could end up in us both looking like simpletons, or
getting laid.

 “Cute eh? I can
think of cuter things.” And the way he said it, and the way he looked was so
direct my pussy clenched and the same need I’d felt on the hillside came
rushing back. I shuffled a bit on my stool and tried not to fall into the
simpleton trap or look like a randy teenager.

“I could give you
a guided tour of the waterfall.” He tapped the back of my hand with one strong
finger and I had a feeling that it would be the type of tour I wouldn’t forget
in a hurry. But I couldn’t go there with him, not yet.

The thing was it
was all a bit silly, from the outside, and even from the inside actually. Maybe
I was taking this whole thing too far, but I just felt deep down I had to do
everything, retrace every single step, and then maybe I’d understand. Maybe I
could move on and have the answers, even if they weren’t the ones I really
wanted or fully accepted. Which meant going back was something I had to do on
my own.

“I could give you
a guided tour of the cottage I’m renting instead?”

His warm finger
was still resting on the back of my hand and for some strange reason I’d forgotten
all about my beer, and what I was here for.

“Sounds like an

We stared at each
other, minus the silly grins, and my stomach emptied of everything except


It was a good job
the lock was simple, because my hand had a tremor that made handling keys close
to impossible. Will laughed in my ear, the warmth of his body against my back,
and I shoved the door open impatiently and reached up to switch the lights on.
There was an angry pop. A very angry pop. Then nothing.

“Hell.” Lights
were supposed to come on when you flicked the switch, well they did in Sophie’s
world, but not it seemed in Halgabron. I flicked the switch another couple of
times, like you do, just to be sure.

“Who needs light
anyway?” A warm mouth settled against my neck.

Well yeah, I
didn’t need lights, even if this valley was so damned dark the cottage was in
dusk when the rest of the country was still in daylight. But if I’d thought it
was cold and damp outside, it was ten times worse inside. A pair of warm hands
had settled on my stomach, one reaching down between my thighs and I sighed and
leaned back. Right against his unmistakable cock. Hard and ready, and I’d say
enormous from the way it felt as it nudged between my buttocks.

But even though my
pussy was already clenching at the thought of having him inside me, I must have
tensed, or something. He blew a raspberry against my neck.

 “Come back to my
place, I’ll get someone to come and fix the lights and get the log burning
stove going for you in the morning.”

I tensed a bit
more, and I’m not sure if it was because I wanted to, or because I didn’t.

“I promise I’ll

And I believed
him. But did I want him to?

“Give me two
minutes to grab some dry clothes and I’m all yours.”

And he raised an
eyebrow which left me feeling pretty sure that behaving was right at the bottom
of the list of things I wanted him to do.

Chapter Two

Maybe it was
because his hands were so strong, or maybe he just had a bit of the Cornish
magic about him, but either way I didn’t want him to stop. I gave an
involuntary moan.



He ran his thumb
along my instep again with a strong steady stroke that said feet aren’t just
for walking on and I whooshed straight up to the clouds.

“Is this what you
meant by behaving?” My voice had a distinct wobble in it that matched the
little trembles heading straight up my inner thigh.

“I could stop?” He
was leaning back, relaxed, even his voice had a lulling edge to it.

“Don’t you dare.”

He gave a throaty
laugh with a sexy edge to it and I wriggled my feet in his lap, a little bit
closer to his crotch. Just to get comfortable of course, not to check out the
growing bulge in his pants.

His thumb circled
over my instep, firm enough to send darts of fire straight to my already damp
knickers and I hoped the ‘ooo’ hadn’t been as loud in his ears as it had in
mine. Warm fingers danced over my calf in spirals that were driving me crazy,
and I really didn’t know how much more of this I could stand. The heat hit my
inner thighs and I knew damned well why men preferred women in skirts— and I
had a feeling I was about to be converted, even though when I’d packed my skirt
into my rucksack I hadn’t been able to think of a single good reason why.

It was tempting,
oh so tempting to clamp my thighs together around his strong hand and rock
myself to an early orgasm, but instead I bit the inside of my cheek and let him
tease me some more. Then the tips of his fingers found the sopping lace of my
knickers just as my toes found his rock hard erection and we both knew that the
time for playing was over.

I reached up and
ripped my panties down at exactly the same time as he unzipped his flies and
let his cock pop out. And boy did it pop. Reporting for duty could never have
been more at attention.

He was hard and
rough like I expected, and yet strangely gentle as though he thought I might
break, and maybe he was right. And he was enormous, his cock the broadest,
sturdiest I’d ever been lucky enough to wrap my fingers around. Which sent a
new rush of juices between my thighs.

His fingers probed
a little deeper into my cunt, curling and twisting as his thumb pressed hard
against my swollen clit. He was good at foot massage but it was nothing
compared to his skills at pussy petting. I lifted my hips and he pushed in a
third finger then started to slide them in and out with a steady jabbing that
seemed to go deeper every time.

“Fuck.” I moaned
and rubbed my instep frantically against his burning cock and he added a twist
to each thrust. And it could have been his knuckles nudging against my G-spot,
or just the changing pressure against every other spot but I clenched my thighs
together, gripped my pussy round him, holding him there tight as I rocked my
hips and let the gentle ripple turn into a pulsing orgasm that left my thighs coated
in my juices.

He waited until
the tension had started to drift away and then edged my legs apart again with
his free hand, slowly slipped his other one free, and I was still throbbing
inside as he did it, still aching as he licked his way up to my swollen clit
with a tongue that was gentle and long, he really was the human version of his

The gentle lap
turned into a probing and a nibbling of my pussy lips as his fingers dug into
my bum, holding me firm. There was a rustling and I somehow found the energy to
open my eyes and look at him.

“Can’t wait any

He was rolling on
a condom with the type of care I’d never seen before, maybe he’d split a lot
with a cock that size, and I was still wondering and worrying when he nudged
against my damp pussy.

There’s something
about that studied concentration on a man’s face as he tries not to rush, tries
not to thrust too hard that first time and it’s a turn on. And Will had it in
bucket loads, he was gritting his teeth, his arms either side of me supporting
him with the faintest tremble and I couldn’t help myself, I wriggled down
against him, rubbing myself against him, edging myself onto the tip of his
cock, and he let me. Let me wrap my legs around him and edge him in like it was
some weird inverted me-on-the-bottom-but-acting-like I-was-on-top position. For
a brief scary moment I thought it was going to all go wrong, then he slipped in
past my tension and my pussy convulsed around him in a way that made me freeze.
He let me cling on, held still until he could see I was starting to relax and
then he took over.

It wasn’t earth
shattering, take me to another planet sex. It was careful, measured like a
farmer sex. And it was nice, very nice. I closed my eyes and let him fill me,
stretch me, let the ache that had started to build again spread through my
body. Let him shift us around until I was on top of him and his firm hands held
me steady by the hips.

“Sorry, didn’t
realise you had company.”

And I didn’t
realise I had muscles that could grip that hard either, or hands which could
move to cover my breasts so quick. Shit, it might have been a lazy drawl but if
Will hadn’t been firmly holding me I’d have shot straight off him and the sofa
and probably into the fire. I half turned my head and he stood there, a
younger, slimmer version of my new farmer friend, lounging in the doorway with
a quirk to his full mouth and a bulge in his trousers that said he’d been
watching. Which made my act of clutching my breasts look a bit lame.

I half expected
Will to let me go, but he didn’t, his cock just twitched inside me and I did my
best not to wriggle back in response.

“Room for another

I’m pretty sure my
mouth had been open since I’d spotted him, so I shut it and then it was my eyes
that opened wider.

Another one? What?
Then I think I went the kind of red that only looks good on a beetroot.

Will chuckled, his
grip shifting from my hips until he had his hands gripped firmly over my
buttocks. He squeezed gently and my pussy pulsed in response, then he gently
pulled his hands apart until the cool air snaked between my arse cheeks, I bit
back the moan, but when his thumb skated over my anus I swear I whimpered. I
was still staring at the man in the doorway, mesmerised as his hand rubbed over
his cock in time with the rub of Will’s thumb on my arse.

“My brother likes
to help.” His voice was tight as his touch on my arsehole got firmer, firmer
until I could feel my arse clenching, waiting expectantly for him to push his
way in, and I gave up on the attempt at boob covering and leaned forward,
pushing down against his hard body so I could feel the throb of my clit trapped
between us.

 “What do you
think?” He was kneading one buttock, pressing against my tight ring of muscle
with one broad finger and his hard cock was deep inside me, his pubic bone
grinding against my clit, and he expected me to think?

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