Good Enough to Trust (Good Enough, Book 2 - Going Back) (7 page)

BOOK: Good Enough to Trust (Good Enough, Book 2 - Going Back)
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Ollie’s mouth came
back down on mine just as Will’s firm hand cupped between my legs. And God,
those magic fingers had a pressure so firm that it was hard to believe I had
jeans on. He rubbed the length of my slit with a steady stroke that deepened
each time he reached my swollen clit. Then his mouth moved up from the dip of
my waist to my other breast, the heat of his breath dusting my skin before his
tongue circled my aching nipple, and I came. Just like that. A tiny shudder of
release that Ollie must have felt in my kiss because he squeezed my other
nipple as he sucked my tongue and I couldn’t work out who was doing what any
more. I only knew it was good, and I didn’t want them to stop.

They were both
undoing my jeans, two hands pulling them down so that I could feel the dampness
trickle down my thigh, and I knew I was panting which I think was a way of
begging without saying the words. The heat of two hands burned a path between
my legs, and I moaned as a long finger I knew had to be Ollie’s slid into my
cunt, sighed as more fingers rubbed hard against my throbbing clit.

I’d never really
seen what the appeal of having two men was until last night, when I’d had two
inside me. But this was totally different. Last night had been about bodies,
about lust, about need. Last night had been one moment in time, one thing that
might not have worked a second time. But this wasn’t just about bodies, when I
looked into Ollie’s eyes there was more, some kind of connection and need that
went beyond the purely physical and it wound me up, and made every nerve in my
body stand to attention.

It hit me now how
much I’d missed that, a sledgehammer of realisation as my whole body was
touched and fondled, all out of synch but all so perfect, the hand on my nub
different to the thrusting in my pussy, the sucking of my tongue a different rhythm
to the wet pull on my nipple. It was hell and it was heaven as my body started
to tremble with need, and I closed my eyes and stopped fighting the grip on my
wrists, let myself go with the flow as they played with my body and mind, and
when I came it wasn’t a tense build up and release like it normally was, it was
a rolling feeling, a wave that built deep inside me, a feeling inside the
emptiness of my stomach that spread out and met the tingling in my cunt until I
rocked and moaned, and a mouth replaced the fingers and a tongue tickled the
final tremor from me.

It was bit
embarrassing opening my eyes, but I had to sooner or later. So I did, to see
the grinning face of Will looking from between my thighs. He levered himself up
on one elbow and traced a finger down the inside of my thigh, which made me

Ollie softened his
grip on my wrists, let his hand drift down until it rested in the nape of my
neck and he stroked a lazy finger under my hairline until every soft downy hair
seemed to frizz to attention. He dropped a kiss on the tip of my nose and for a
second stared at me like he’d never seen me before.

It had just got
past the stage of simple embarrassment and turned into tongue twisting
confusion when my mobile beeped, and I leaped away from both of them like I’d
been bitten on the bum, and nearly fell over because I’d forgotten my jeans
were round my ankles.

“Need a hand?”
Will grinned even wider and Ollie chuckled.

“I think you’ve
both done enough lending a hand thanks.” I struggled to heave my jeans up,
wriggling my hips and they both watched. Maybe not a good idea. I tried to do
it without the wiggle. Will rubbed a hand over the outline of his swollen cock,
which I had no trouble in spotting when he didn’t have an erection, with one it
was unmistakeable. I tried not to stare, and concentrate on getting my jeans
over an ass that suddenly didn’t seem to fit in them anymore. So much for
stretch denim. And the slap on my backside from Ollie didn’t help at all.



I knew it was
trouble and I didn’t need to be psychic. A text from Holly. ‘Dane says he needs
to talk to you.’ Followed by a call. Immediately. Before I’d even finished
zipping my jeans up.


“What the hell are
you doing in Cornwall, Soph?”

“I’m on holiday.”
I walked through to the kitchen on still shaky legs, partly so that he couldn’t
hear the voices at my end— partly so they couldn’t hear his. “Hi to you too.
And I’m fine, thanks for asking.” He made an angry harrumph type of noise which
made the sigh inside me break out. I was doing my best, I really was, and it
wasn’t my fault that Ollie had turned up. Was this how they all felt when I was
busy telling them how to sort out their lives? “Holl told you I was here,
didn’t she?”

“People do that,
they tell each other stuff. So?”

“So, what? I like

“Come on Sophie, I
thought this was about you working out your problems, not digging up old dirt.”

“I don’t think
he’d like to be called old dirt.”

Dane didn’t appear
to see the funny side of that. I sat down on one of the kitchen chairs and
traced a circle in the breadcrumbs.

“I had to come
here, Dane, you know I did. What happened to him?” There was a silence, Dane
was good at silences. “Dane I need to know what happened, why didn’t you tell
me, you knew, didn’t you?” I could see those snaking scars so clearly, etched
against the sun-tinged brown of his skin and a shiver ran down my spine.

“And that would
have helped? The state you were in?”

Chapter Five

“But, Dane.”

“He’s had enough
shit to deal with Sophie, leave him be. Anyway it’s up to him what he tells

“I didn’t come
here to bother him, I didn’t know he’d still be here, did I? I mean you didn’t
share that bit of info, did you?”

“Why should I? You
made it clear enough that he wasn’t allowed within a million miles of you.”

“He didn’t have
the shit.” It was me who had to leave, me who had to go back and bury my
parents, while he just carried on playing gypsy boy.

“There was other
stuff.” He gave an exasperated man-sigh, and I could imagine his fingers
tightening around the phone.

“Like what? If
there was other
—” Okay I could even hear the sarcasm myself, but
who was Dane to lecture me? “—why didn’t I know?”

“You had enough
problems so he kept it to himself, then when he tried to explain you threatened
him with the police.” He sounded almost tired, and like he was talking to a
spoiled kid.

“Bollocks.” But it
wasn’t entirely bollocks. When he’d finally decided to come after me it had all
been too late, I couldn’t deal with it. I’d just about managed to pull myself together
and the last thing I’d needed was a man who’d just proved that he didn’t really
care, that I couldn’t trust to be there for me. Yeah, I’d told him if he came
to see me I’d report him for harassment. But nothing could have been as big a
problem as mine.

“You’re not the
only one who suffered you know.” I hate that when someone guesses what you’re
thinking, and Dane and Ollie both had degrees in it.

“For someone with
an IQ in the clouds you can be fucking stupid at times.” He paused for breath.
“Don’t go near him Soph, tell me you won’t go near him.”

Oops. Well I
hadn’t, it wasn’t my fault, was it?

I could almost
hear the penny drop. “You can be a selfish cow at times.”

“What happened to
him Dane? Is this about those scars?”

“Leave him alone
Sophie, he’s fine running his own life.”

“But, Dane I need

But Dane had gone.


I shoved the
mobile phone back in my jeans pocket and hoped to hell that Ollie and Will
hadn’t heard as much of the conversation as I was sure they had. The small
sitting room told its own story. Ollie had gone. Will shrugged when I looked
pointedly at the chair he’d been leaning against, and the half-emptied glass of

“He said it was
time he went.”

“Did you both hear
all that?”

He gave an
apologetic grimace. “Sort of.”

Shit. Shit, shit,

“Come here.” He
patted the seat beside him and I crashed down onto it, slumping against him. He
gave a little snort and shifted a bit. “You’ve got bony elbows. Here, have
another drink. You want to talk about it, or not?”

Not, definitely not.
I took a mouthful of red wine instead. It was a bit rough at the edges. But
nice, and Will was nice, warm against my side. No scars, no questions,
uncomplicated. He dropped a kiss on my head as I snuggled closer and I lifted
my face to look up at him.

“Kiss me, please.”
And he did, with that slightly refrained, careful air about him. He tasted of
the red wine and he tasted of sea salt and the hills. “Will you stay?”

“I thought you’d
never ask.” He held me a little bit tighter against his strong body. “We could
move somewhere more comfy, these chairs were made for stick insects.”

So we did, we
moved up into the tiny bedroom and the creaky, lumpy bed and he just seemed to
know that although my body was buzzing with need, now was not the time. He
pulled me in tight, spooning, and his warm hand rested between my thighs.

“I take it you’ve
not just met Ollie.” His words were soft against my ear, not demanding, but I
knew it wouldn’t be fair to ignore him.

“No, we go way
back.” I wriggled my way out of his grip so that I could roll over and face
him. Touch that square craggy face. “I came here with him years ago.”

“Ah, it was him.
So you did come back to find him?” It wasn’t demanding, or derisive, like Dane,
but it was still wrong. They were all wrong.

“No, I was being
honest with you before. I didn’t know he was still here. I came back to just,
to do it on my own.”

“Are you in some
kind of trouble?” A frown rolled its way across his face.

“Nope.” Well, yep,
maybe. But not in the way he meant. Troubled, not in trouble. “I just needed to
come back again.”

“And you don’t
want to tell me?” I shrugged awkwardly .That trust thing again. I was good at
voicing my opinions, good at outbursts and letting out emotion, bad at being
able to figure out what I wanted, rubbish at pouring out my woes to strangers.

“It isn’t that I—”

He put a finger on
my lips. “It doesn’t matter. Really.”

So why keep
asking, I wanted to say. But I didn’t because that would have been nasty, and I
think he was doing it because he cared.

My mobile buzzed
angrily from my jeans pocket, jeans that were on a chair, just out of reach.
“You want to?”

“No. It can wait.”
It could be Dane, still angry at me, it could be Holly wanting to find out what
it was all about, it could be Ollie…Ollie, the man I used to trust with every
inch of my soul.

“You’re okay?”
Will’s rough, stubby finger rubbed along my cheekbone and I just nodded. He was
good. Too good for me, too straightforward, too honest. He pulled me in tighter
against him, rested his chin on the top of my head and rubbed one hand with
soft steady strokes over my body as though he was soothing one of his animals.
And it worked.

Chapter Six

I read the text,
and then read it again, because it couldn’t say what I’d thought it had.

‘I’m at
Crackington, lunch? H x’

Shit. I collapsed
back onto the rumpled sheets, half glad that Will had left early to sort his
farm out. Half glad, because half of me missed his slow steady smile, his, well
I’d suppose you’d call it steadfastness. A good old fashioned word for a good
old fashioned type of guy. Apart from the group sex bit of course, which he
seemed to like more than most.

I glared at my
phone, which didn’t help. No, it had to be wrong she couldn’t be at Crackington
Haven, a few miles up the road. I hit the dial button and she picked up almost
before it could have rung out.

“What do you mean,

“I’m at
Crackington... I think it’s called, not a lot here is

“Holly.” One of us
was confused and I was pretty sure it wasn’t meant to be me. “What the hell are
you doing there, and how did you know?” Cornwall was a pretty big place and
she’d managed to land a few miles away. Which was wrong.

“Dane.” Of course,
Dane would know where to find me.

“Fuck Dane.”

“Sophie.” The
shocked tones shot straight down the line at me.

“Why can’t he
leave me alone and stop interfering? It’s not his life.”

“He cares, we all
care. He’s not interfering, he’s trying to help.”

“Oh, yeah.” Just
like I always tried to interfere in their lives.

“I tried to ring.”
She sounded miffed now, slightly affronted. “I tried a few times last night,
but you didn’t pick up. So, are you meeting me or not?”

Ah, the calls
which I’d ignored because it could have been Ollie, and I was avoiding him.
Shit, why couldn’t I just man up and face the music? “Dane isn’t—?”

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