God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World (50 page)

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Authors: Cullen Murphy

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #History, #Research, #Society, #Religion

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Papal States,

end of,
, 141–42, 167–68

Pastor, Ludwig von,

Patai, Raphael: and survival of crypto-Jews,

Paul approves censorship,

Paul III

establishes Roman Inquisition,

Paul IV

censors art,

estalishes Index of Forbidden Books,

persecutes Jews,

and Portuguese Inquisition,

promotes Roman Inquisition, 105–6,

Ranke on, 105–6

Paul V and Roman Inquisition, 106–7

Paul VI and Graham Greene,

and Second Vatican Council,

pedophilia scandals: Vatican’s archives and,

Pentacostalism: crypto-Jews and, 161–62

Peters, Edward: on Inquisition, 12–13

on torture,


Phenomenon of Man, The
(Teilhard de Chardin)

Holy Office forbids publication of,

Philip IV suppresses Knights Templar, 63–64, 107–8

Picart, Bernard & Jean-Frédéric Bernard

Religious Ceremonies of the World,

Piers Ploughman,

Pius V

Regnans in Excelsis,

wages campaign against England, 193–94

Pius IX loses Papal States, 141–42, 167–68

promulgates Syllabus of Errors (1864), 110–11,

Pius X condemns Modernism,

Pius XI

Pius XII5

and World War II,

Pizzardo, Giuseppe

Poe, Edgar Allan,

Poindexter, Adm. John: on desirability of surveillance, 211–12

heads Total Information Awareness Office,

police systems: Kamen on, 100–101

Porter, Henry:
The Bell Ringers,

Portugal: independence from Spain,

Inquisition in,

Portuguese Inquisition,

in Brazil,

final suppression of, 166–67

and Hinduism,

in India, 165–66

Pope Paul IV and,

power: portability of,

Power and the Glory, The

Holy Office displeasure with, 174–76

preemptive action: national security and, 212–13

Prescott, William H.,

printing revolution: and Catholic Church, 112–14

Eisenstein on, 114–15

Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number

privacy: surveillance and erosion of, 210–11

Protestantism: in England, 191–92

Roman Inquisition combats,
, 119–20

Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius:

(Prudentius), 246–47

Pueblo Revolt: in New Mexico (1680), 144–45,

“purity of blood”: Inquisition and,
, 97–98,

Putin, Vladimir: secret police under, 198–99

Quest for the Living God
(Johnson): Catholic Church criticizes,

Question, La

Quintana, Miguel de,

rack: as torture technique, 91–92

Ranke, Leopold von: on Pope Paul IV, 105–6

Ratzinger, Josef
See also
Benedict XVI

fires editor of

as head of CDF, 2–3,
, 180–81, 225–26

and opening of Inquisition archives, 14–15, 109–10

Reese’s confrontation with, 180–81

at Second Vatican Council, 177–78

signs Nijmegen Declaration,

and disciplining of Küng,

Rauf, Feisal Abdul, 242–43

Raymond VI

record-keeping: by Inquisition, 42–43,
, 58–59,
, 151–52,
, 228–29

official repression and,

secular inquisition and, 199–201

“Red Scare” 39–40,
, 213–14

Reese, Thomasconfrontation with Ratzinger, 181–82

Inside the Vatican,


Regnans in Excelsis:
Pope Pius V promulgates,

Rejali, Darius: on torture,

religion, evangelical, 241–43

and book-burning,

in Iraq War, 32–33, 244–45

and moral certainty, 244–45

Palin and,

in U.S. Army,

Religious Ceremonies of the World
(Picart & Bernard),

religious warfare: in England, 190–95,

and modernity, 31–33

Remnick, David,

repression, official: and record-keeping,

secular inquisition as tool of, 23–24, 188–90

Reprieve (prisoner-defense organization), 223–24

Rerum Novarum

Restitution of Christianity, The

Ricci, Francesco,

Roman Curia,

Roman Inquisition, 11–12,
, 104–13, 117–26, 127–42

bureaucratic blindness in, 121–23,

censors Descartes,

censors Erasmus,

censors science,

censors vernacular Bibles,

censorship by, 69–70, 118–26,

combats Protestantism,
, 119–20

and Jews,

leads Counter-Reformation,

mob attacks,

Pope Paul III establishes,

Pope Paul IV promotes, 105–6,

Pope Paul V supports, 106–7

prosecutes & executes Bruno,
, 127–29,

prosecutes & executes Scandella,
, 136–39

prosecutes Galileo,
, 127–28, 129–31

prosecutes Mocenigo, 111–12

records dispersed, 108–9, 132–33

records in Vatican’s archives, 107–8

Santa Maria sopra Minerva as outpost of, 103–4, 106–7,

and witchcraft, 134–36

Rosas, Luis de murdered by Church supporters,

Roth, Henry: “The Surveyor,”

Rule of Benedict, The

Rumsfeld, Donald: approves torture,

Rushdie, Salman:
The Satanic Verses,

Russia: censorship in, 115–16,

secret police in, 198–99

Rynne, Xavier

Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, 2–3,
See also
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Inquisition

Cardinal Frings condemns,

censorship of Teilhard de Chardin, 172–73,

criticizes Graham Greene, 173–76

fights against Modernism,

surveillance by,

takes over functions of Inquisition (1908),

Sacred Congregation of the Universal Inquisition.
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Inquisition, Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office

Salem witch trials,

Samlesbury Witches,

Sanchez, Ricardo 32–33

Sandel, Michael:
The Case for Imperfection,

Sands, Philippe: on Guantánamo detention facility, 220–23

Santa Fe (New Mexico): diversity in, 143–44

Spanish reconquest of (1693), 144–45,

Santa Maria sopra Minerva as outpost of Roman Inquisition, 103–4, 106–7,

Santori, Giulio Antonio as Inquisitor General, 110–11,

Sarpi, Paolo: on Council of Trent,

Sartre, Jean-Paul:
The Age of Reason,

Satanic Verses, The

Savonarola: promotes censorship,

Scandella, Domenico (“Menocchio”): Roman Inquisition prosecutes & executes,
, 136–39

Schillebeeckx, Edward

CDF questions, 178–79

scholarship, modern: and Inquisition, 19–21,
, 185–88, 230–31

Scholes, France V.: on Inquisition in New Mexico,

science: Roman Inquisition censors,

Searle, John,

secrecy: national security and, 234–35

Secrecy and Deceit

secret police: Fichte on,

in France, 197–98

in Germany,

under Napoleon,

and national security, 197–99,

Orthodox Church’s close ties to,

in Russia, 198–99

surveillance by,
, 205–7

Senor, Abraham,

Servetus, Michael: execution of,

The Restitution of Christianity,

Shakespeare, William, 69–70,

sharia law, 243–44

Silvestrini, Achille

“slippery slope” argument, 47–48

Smith, Clive Stafford: challenges U.S. torture policies, 223–24

Sotilo, Ramon,

Southworth, Christopher interrogated & detained, 196–97

Spain: anti-Semitism in,

Black Death in,

and “Black Legend,”
, 187–88

England’s ideological struggle against,
, 190–95

Inquisition operates under government control,
, 79–81, 84–85

Inquisition’s cultural legacy in, 85–86, 232–33

Jews expelled from, 73–75,
, 232–33

medieval social divisions in,

Muslims in, 70–72,

pogroms in,

Portuguese independence from,

Pueblo Revolt against (1680), 144–45

reconquers Santa Fe (1693), 144–45,

settles New Mexico, 154–55

Spanish empire: censorship in,

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