God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World (44 page)

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Authors: Cullen Murphy

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #History, #Research, #Society, #Religion

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periods of “intolerance and persecution”:
Alan Riding, “500 Years After Expulsion, Spain Reaches Out to Jews,”
New York Times,
April 1, 1992.
the same status in law:
William Drozdiak, “Spain’s Inglorious Edict of 1492: Apology of the Nation That Expelled Its Jews,”
Washington Post,
March 31, 1992.
to no avail:
Isambard Wilkinson, “King Snubs Moorish Appeal for Apology,”
Daily Telegraph,
January 20, 2005.
“I support Ferdinand and Isabella”:
“Former Spanish PM Defends Pope, Says Muslims Should Apologise,” Agence France Presse, September 23, 2006.

some 1,271 government organizations . . . deal with national-security concerns:
Dana Priest and William M. Arken, “Top Secret America,”
Washington Post,
July 19, 2010.

people cannot discover if their names are on it:
Ellen Nakashima, “Single Tip Can Now Land a Person on US Terrorism Watch List,”
Boston Globe,
December 30, 2010.
referred to as a “blurred groin”:
“Humorist Dave Barry and His TSA Pat-Down,”
All Things Considered,
National Public Radio, November 15, 2010.
made to undergo an “enhanced pat down”:
Mary Forgione, “TSA’s Patdown of 6-year-old Girl Draws Anger—and a Call for Change,”
Los Angeles Times
, April 19, 2011; Ed O’Keefe, “TSA, Congress to Review Screening Procedures After Pat-down of 6-year-old Girl,”
Washington Post,
April 13, 2011.
special prosecutors . . . led to a culture of obsessive investigation:
Anthony Lewis, “The Prosecutorial State,”
American Prospect,
January/February 1999.
rationalists of the Enlightenment conceived of government:
The French Revolution,
pp. 246–247.
“in which everybody is deprived of political freedom”:
Hannah Arendt, “Reflections on Violence,”
New York Review of Books
, February 27, 1969.

The effort was probably doomed:
“FBI Ditches Carnivore Surveillance System,” Associated Press, January 18, 2005.
identify some of the thousands of keywords:
One such list can be found at
http://www .angelfire.com/wa/militia/echelon1.html
similar initiatives survive:
Siobhan Gorman, “NSA’s Domestic Spying Grows as Agency Sweeps Up Data,”
Wall Street Journal,
March 10, 2008.
The attorney general . . . was in intensive care:
Dan Eggen and Paul Kane, “Gonzales Hospital Episode Detailed,”
Washington Post,
May 16, 2007.
surveillance of this sort continues:
James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, “Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts,”
New York Times,
December 16, 2005; James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, “Spying Program Snared U.S. Calls,”
New York Times,
December 21, 2005.

companies will provide bespoke systems:
Christopher Rhoads and Loretta Chao, “Iran’s Web Spying Aided by Western Technology,”
Wall Street Journal,
June 22, 2009.
“a normal condition of politics”:
Jack Balkin, “Bradley Manning, Barack Obama, and the National Surveillance State,”
, March 17, 2011.
number of state and federal requests for wiretap authorization:
“Applications for Orders Authorizing or Approving the Interception of Wire, Oral, or Electronic Communications,” Administrative Office of the United States Courts, June 2011.
a graphic display of his personal movements:
Noam Cohen, “It’s Tracking Your Every Move and You May Not Even Know,”
New York Times,
March 26, 2011.
predicting if you’re about to jump to another phone company:
Robert Lee Hotz, “The
Smart Phone,”
Wall Street Journal,
April 23–24, 2011.

“Computer vision” systems are now employed:
Steve Lohr, “Computers That See You and Watch Over You,”
New York Times,
January 1, 2011.
Under the new Texas guidelines:
Tom Leonard, “Biblical Values and Confederates Promoted in Texas Textbook Revisions,”
Daily Telegraph,
May 21, 2010; Brad Knickerbocker, “In Texas, Social-Studies Textbooks Get a Conservative Makeover,”
Christian Science Monitor,
May 22, 2010; James C. McKinley, Jr., “Texas Conservatives Win Curriculum Change,”
New York Times,
March 12, 2010.

decreed that profanity was no longer to be used:
Cassell Bryan-Low and Aaron Lucchettti, “George Carlin Never Would’ve Cut at the New Goldman Sachs,”
Wall Street Journal,
July 29, 2010.
Amazon was able to delete those books remotely:
Brad Stone, “Amazon Erases Orwell Books from Kindle,”
New York Times,
July 17, 2009.
“second-generation filtering”:
Ronald J. Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski, “Risking Security: Policies and Paradoxes of Cyberspace Security,”
International Political Sociology,
vol. 4, no. 1 (2010), pp. 15–32.

managed to shut down the entire Internet in the country:
James Glanz and John Markoff, “Egypt’s Autocracy Found the ‘Off’ Switch,”
New York Times,
February 16, 2011.
to collect names and trace relationships:
Farnaz Fassihi, “Iranian Crackdown Goes Global,”
Wall Street Journal
, December 3, 2009; Evgeny Morozov, “Foreign Policy: Iran’s Terrifying Facebook Police,” National Public Radio, July 13, 2009.
“What if the liberating potential of the Internet”:
The Net Delusion,
p. 59.
“exploiting cyberspace for their own strategic purposes”:
Evgeny Morozov, “Iran: Downside to the ‘Twitter Revolution,’”
vol. 56, no. 5 (2009), pp. 10–14.
content it considers inappropriate:
Nicholas D. Kristof, “Banned in Beijing,”
New York Times,
January 22, 2011.
demanded . . . that he release all the private e-mails:
Josh Marshall, “Wis. GOP FOIAs Emails of State University Prof Critical of Gov. Walker,”
Talking Points Memo
, March 25, 2011; Paul Krugman, “American Thought Police,”
New York Times
, March 27, 2011.
Amazon dropped . . . no longer process financial contributions:
“Banks and WikiLeaks,”
New York Times,
December 25, 2010; Lauren Kirchner, “Why Amazon Caved,”
Columbia Journalism Review,
December 3, 2010; Amy Davidson, “Banishing WikiLeaks?,”
The New Yorker,
December 1, 2010.

only one person in six:
“Freedom of the Press 2010: Broad Setbacks to Global Media Freedom,” p. 20.
“No longer is it easy to hide”:
Ronald Deibert, “Blogging Dangerously,”
Index on Censorship,
vol. 39, no. 4 (2010), pp. 88–90.
search engine called SeekFind . . . site called I’m Halal:
Habiba Nosheen, “Religious Search Engines Yield Tailored Results,” National Public Radio, September 13, 2010.
“the myth of the separation of church and state”:
Cathy Young, “GOP’s ‘Christian Nation,’”
July 14, 2004.

Angry rejoinders were instantaneous:
“Fox News Figures Outraged Over Obama’s ‘Christian Nation’ Comment,”
April 9, 2009.
professed bewilderment:
“Sarah Palin’s ‘Christian Nation’ Remarks Spark Debate,” ABC News, April 20, 2010.
an army of “prayer warriors”:
Julian Lukins, “The Faith of Sarah Palin,”
January 1, 2009; Michael Joseph Gross, “Is Palin’s Rise Part of God’s Plan?,”
, September 17, 2010; Scott Conroy, “Palin Feels Strength of ‘Prayer Warriors,’”
CBS News
, October 22, 2008.
“if the Holy Spirit lives within you”:
David White, “Gov.-elect Robert Bentley Intends to Be Governor Over All, but Says Only Christians Are His ‘Brothers and Sisters,’”
Birmingham News,
January 17, 2011.
laid the blame . . . “pact with the devil”:
Manya Brachear, “Pat Robertson Blames Haiti Quake on ‘Pact with the Devil,’”
Chicago Tribune,
January 18, 2010; “Falwell Apologizes to Gays, Feminists, Lesbians,” CNN, September 14, 2001.
the idea of an Islamic facility near “hallowed ground”:
For good overviews of the controversy, see Lisa Miller, “War Over Ground Zero,”
August 16, 2010; and Will Saletan, “Mosque Uprising,”
August 9, 2010.

“entitles them to positions”:
Fareed Zakaria, “The Real Ground Zero: Let’s Promote Muslim Moderates Here,”
August 16, 2010.
“no more mosques”:
Opposition to Islamic facilities:
Laurie Goodstein, “Across Nation, Mosque Projects Meet Opposition,”
New York Times,
August 7, 2010.
plans to gather copies of the Koran:
Chad Smith, “Dove World Told It Can’t Burn Qurans,”
Gainesville Sun,
August 19, 2010.
“send a message to Islam”:
Damien Cave, “Far from Ground Zero, Obscure Pastor Is No Longer Ignored,”
New York Times,
August 26, 2010.
riots in Afghanistan:
Enayat Najafizada and Rod Nordland, “Afghans Avenge Florida Koran Burning,”
New York Times
, April 1, 2011; Rod Nordland, “Taliban Exploit Tensions Seething in Afghan Society,”
New York Times
, April 5, 2011; Ismail Sameem, “Ten Dead in Afghan Quran Burning Protests,” MSNBC, April 2, 2011.
from “the seed of Islam”:
“Graham: Obama Born a Muslim, Now a Christian,” CNN Politics, August 19, 2010.

70 percent of Americans:
“Overwhelming Majority Oppose Mosque Near Ground Zero,” CNN Politics, August 11, 2010.
ballot initiative . . . restrict any use of sharia law:
Donna Leinwand, “States Enter Debate on Sharia Law,”
USA Today,
December 9, 2010; Carla Hinton, “Measure Keeps Courts From Considering Sharia Law,”
November 5, 2010.
“actual word of God”:
Frank Newport, “One Third of Americans Believe the Bible Is Literally True,” Gallup
News Service, May 25, 2007.
had consulted “a higher power”:
Nicholas Lemann, “The Will to Believe,”
New Republic,
February 17, 2011.

god of anger . . . gene of aggression:
Louis Menand, “The Gods Are Anxious,”
The New Yorker,
December 16, 1996.
“If there’s a one percent chance”:
The One Percent Doctrine,
p. 62.

“not wholly responsible for the way we are”:
Michael J. Sandel, “The Case Against Perfection,”
Atlantic Monthly,
April 2004.

“To make mankind just and happy”:
Isaiah Berlin, “On the Pursuit of the Ideal,”
New York Review of Books
, March 17, 1988.

he came across the manuscript:
M.A.E. Nickson, “Locke and the Inquisition of Toulouse,”
British Museum Quarterly,
vol. 36, no. 3/4 (Autumn 1972), pp. 83–92.
“When you see what it contains”:
The Life of John Locke,
vol. 2, p. 75.
turned on the very idea of uncertainty:
A Letter Concerning Toleration,
pp. 25–27, 33, 37, 38, 43, 51–54.

he calls the process:
See Searle,
Making the Social World
The Construction of Social Reality
“to possess but one idea”:
Boswell’s Life of Johnson
, vol. 6, p. 304.

“bright halo of enthusiasm”:
Inside the Vatican,
p. 251.


Abelard, Peter.
Historia Calamitatum, The Story of My Misfortunes.
Translated by Henry Adams Bellows. New York: Thomas A. Boyd, 1922.

Aczel, Amir D.
The Jesuit and the Skull.
New York: Riverhead, 2007.

Aicher, Peter J.
Guide to the Aqueducts of Ancient Rome
. Wauconda, IL: Bolchazy-Carducci, 1995.

Alcala, Angel.
The Spanish Inquisition and the Inquisitorial Mind.
Boulder, CO: Social Science Monographs, 1987.

Alleg, Henri.
The Question
. Translated by John Calder. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2006.

Allen, John L., Jr.
Cardinal Ratzinger: The Vatican’s Enforcer of the Faith.
New York: Continuum, 2001.

Amiel, Charles, and Anne Lima.
L’Inquisition de Goa: La Relation de Charles Dellon (1687).
Paris: Editions Chandeigne, 1997.

Anderson, James Maxwell.
Daily Life During the Spanish Inquisition.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002.

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