God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World (48 page)

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Authors: Cullen Murphy

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #History, #Research, #Society, #Religion

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as heresy,

and war on terror,

Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems

Dick, Philip K.: “The Minority Report,”

Disraeli, Benjamin: on Lea,

Divine Milieu, The
(Teilhard de Chardin): Holy Office forbids publication of, 172–73

DNA research: crypto-Jews and,

Dominican Order,

as inquisitors,

mission of, 48–49

Dondaine, Antoine,

Dostoyevsky, Feodor: “The Grand Inquisitor,” 13–14

doubt in theology,

Duffy, Eamon,

on Church’s anti-Modernist oath,

on English religious wars, 190–92,

Fires of Faith,

Dulles, Avery (cardinal),


torture and psychology of, 88–90

Echelon (surveillance system),

Eco, Umberto:
The Name of the Rose,

Egypt: control of Internet in, 239–40

Eisenstein, Elizabeth: on printing revolution, 114–15

El Greco Paints the Grand Inquisitor

Elizabeth I (queen): and Catholic Church,
, 193–94

censorship under,

executions under,

intelligence operations under,
, 192–93, 194–95

torture under, 194–95

See also
Great Britain

expels Jews, 73–74

identity cards in,

ideological struggle against Spain,
, 190–95

Inquisition in,

Pope Pius V wages campaign against, 193–94

Protestantism in, 191–92

religious warfare in, 190–95,

witchcraft in,

Erasmus, Desiderius: Roman Inquisition censors,

“ethnic cleansing,”


Ex corde Ecclesiae
(1990): and control of universities,

executions: by Inquisition, 28–29, 45–47, 66–68,
, 129–32, 152–54,

methods of, 46–47, 67–68

under Queen Elizabeth I,

“extraordinary rendition”: and torture,

Eymerich, Nicholas: instruction manual for inquisitors, 48–49, 51–53,

Fahrenheit 451

Fallows, James: on Chinese censorship,

Faulkner, William,

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb: on secret police,

Fires of Faith

Formation of a Persecuting Society, The

Fouché, Joseph: as head of Napoleon’s secret police,

Fournier, Jacques (bishop): interrogates population of Montaillou, 58–59, 61–63,

as Pope Benedict XII,

Fox, Matthew (father): silenced & expelled,

France: censorship in, 197–98

expels Jews,

secret police in, 197–98

Franciscan Order: as inquisitors, 22–23,

Friends of the Inquisition Archives program, 16–17,

Frings, Josef (cardinal),

condemns Holy Office,

Frogs, The

Funeral in Berlin

Gaffney, Frank,

Galileo Galilei,

Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems,

Pope Urban VIII and,

Roman Inquisition prosecutes,
, 127–28, 129–31

Geneva Conventions: U.S. abrogates,

Germany: secret police in,

surveillance in,

Gibbon, Edward, 71–72

on portability of power,

Gibson, David:
The Rule of Benedict,

Gingrich, Newt,

Ginzburg, Carlo:
I Benandanti,
, 135–36

The Cheese and the Worms,

presses for opening of Inquisition archives, 14–15,

researches Inquisition, 132–34,

Gitlitz, David M.:
Secrecy and Deceit,

globalization: and Spanish empire, 149–50

of Inquisition,
, 147–48,

Goa (India): Jewish community in,

Portuguese Inquisition in,
, 165–66

Godman, Peter: research in Inquisition archives, 110–11, 122–23,

on self-censorship, 126–27

Goldman Sachs: censorship by,

Google, 218–19,

and censorship,

government: bureaucracy in, 234–35

Catholic Church’s relationship with, 21–22

and control of Internet, 239–41

and control of Spanish Inquisition,
, 79–81, 84–85

secular inquisition as tool of repression by, 23–24, 188–90, 233–34

Goya, Francisco: and Spanish Inquisition,

Grafton, Anthony,

Graham, Franklin,

“Grand Inquisitor, The” (Dostoyevsky), 13–14

Grately, Edmund: as English spy,

Concordia discordantium canonum,

Great Britain.
See also

complicity & collusion in torture, 223–24

surveillance in, 208–11

Greene, Graham,
, 17–18

Holy Office criticizes, 173–76

Pope Paul VI and,

The Power and the Glory,

Gregory IX (pope): establishes Inquisition (1231),

Griffin, Bernard (cardinal),

Guantánamo Bay: U.S. acquires,

Guantánamo detention facility, 215–23

censorship at, 218–19

interrogation & torture at, 215–17, 220–21

radicalization of detainees at,

religion at, 219–20

Sands on, 220–23

Guevara, Niño de (cardinal): as Grand Inquisitor,

Gui, Bernard, 44–45,

instruction manual for inquisitors, 47–48,

Liber Sententiarum,
, 249–50

habeus corpus: Guantánamo evades, 216–17

Hannity, Sean,

Häring, Bernard (father),

CDF interrogates, 179–80

Harry Potter books,

inquisition depicted in, 18–19

Harvey, David: on modernity,

hatred and intolerance: and inquisition,

Hayden, Michael V.: on torture, 222–23

Henry VIII (king), 191–92

Hentoff, Nat: on censorship,


canon law and, 38–39

Cathar thought as, 9–10, 28–29, 30–35,

defenses against,

deviance as,

prevalent in medieval world, 33–34, 36–38

as treason,

Hidalgo y Costilla, Miguel (father): Inquisition condemns,

Hinduism: Portuguese Inquisition and,

Histoire Critique de l’Inquisition d’Espagne

Historia Inquisitionis

History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages

Hitchens, Christopher: on waterboarding,

Hoess, Rudolf,

Hojeda, Alonzo de, 66–67,


Hoover, J. Edgar: and “Red Scare,” 213–14

Hordes, Stanley M.: and survival of crypto-Jews, 162–63

humility, 246–48,

Humphrey (duke of Gloucester),

identity cards: in England,

Ignatieff, Michael: on torture,

imprimatur: censorship and power of,

Index of Forbidden Books,
See also
censorship, Congregation of the Index


Pope Paul IV establishes,

Tedeschi on, 123–24

Index on Censorship,

information revolution: in medieval world, 41–43

Innocent III (pope),

launches Albigensian crusade,

Innocent IV (pope): authorizes torture, 55–56

See also
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office

affected by “mission creep,” 150–54

in Africa,

and auto-da-fé ritual, 65–66

Bethencourt on decline of, 140–41,

“body count” of,

and communications revolution, 148–49

conspiracy theorists and, 20–21

cultural legacy in Spain, 85–86, 232–33

Dominicans and,

in England,

established in Spanish empire,

executions by, 28–29, 45–47, 66–68,
, 131–32, 152–54,

Franciscans and, 22–23,

Ginzburg researches, 132–34,

instruction manuals for, 47–48, 49–51, 82–84,

Kamen on, 97–100

Lea as scholar of, 185–86,

Medieval, 9–10, 22–23, 25–29, 30–31, 33–35, 37–39, 41–59, 61–64,
, 101–2,

as metaphor, 7–8, 12–13

methods & procedures, 22–23, 34–35, 82–84, 131–32

modern scholarship and, 19–21,
, 185–88, 230–31

nature of,
, 19–20,

Netanyahu on, 96–97,

operates in Spain under government control,
, 79–81, 84–85

organization of, 3–4, 11–12

Peters on, 12–13

Pope Gregory IX establishes (1231),

Pope John Paul II apologizes for,
, 231–32

and portability of power,

in Portugal & empire,
, 150–51

in Portuguese India,
, 165–66

psychological effects of,

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