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Authors: Joanna Blake

Go Big (20 page)

BOOK: Go Big
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I laughed and looked at Cade. His chest was puffed out like a rooster's. He looked thrilled.

Or as he would say, 'happier than a squirrel with a big stash of nuts.'

I looked at the doctor, trying not to roll my eyes too obviously.

"No comment."

Cade winked at me and listened attentively as the doctor told us how far along we were, when the next check-up should be, and how many prenatal vitamins I should take. Apparently after the first trimester I didn't need one a day. Every other day was fine. Unless I wanted an enormous baby.

I told the doctor I understood and he left with the nurse.

Cade stayed behind. I looked at him uncertainly. Now that we were alone, I felt shy suddenly.

"I have to get dressed."

He nodded.

"Go ahead. I won't look."

I sighed. I guess it was silly to be shy after all the things we'd done together in bed. And out of bed. Oh, to hell with it.

I pulled up my panties and slipped out of the paper gown. I turned and caught Cade staring at my ass. He was incorrigible!


He grinned and shrugged. Then he grabbed me from behind, planting a kiss on the sensitive part of my neck. I squealed and pulled away, but not before I felt his erection pressed against me.


"Only you could think of sex in a doctor's office."

"Well it is a gynecology office…"

He reached for me again.

"Just a kiss then."

"I think we should talk first Cade. Don't you?"

He stared at me, saying nothing. Just like that, the mood had shifted. I could see the muscle in his jaw twitching. Then he nodded once.

Cade followed me out of the doctor's office to where my driver was waiting. I climbed in and he followed me, but not before he gave the driver an address downtown.

I looked at him, the question written all over my face.

"I thought you might want to see my new place."

"Oh. Alright."

He grinned at me like he'd just won a major battle. I didn't see what the big deal was. It was probably better to talk away from my father anyway.

Especially if Cade started shouting again.

"Well then, let's go."

He tapped on the window and we took off. I spent most of the ride downtown wondering what I was going to say to him. And what he might want to say to me.

I should have been wondering what he was up to instead.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


"What do you think?"

Camille was right where I wanted her. In my apartment. Unsuspecting. Trusting. Ready and soon-to-be willing.

Very, very willing.

All I needed to do was drop the love bomb on her ass.


"It's great Cade. Really beautiful. Very modern."

I grinned, feeling proud that she liked my apartment. Even though the broker had set everything up for me. It was a wide-open living room with an open concept floor plan that flowed into the dining area and kitchen. There were floor to ceiling windows along two walls with city and river views. At night you could see two different bridges, both with twinkling lights. The building had a gym, swimming pool and movie theater.

Supposedly, it had a bowling alley too.

Not that I needed any of that. I had all the fun stuff I needed to entertain myself right here. I even had some specialty items to double the fun.

Triple it maybe.

Cami had no idea what I had planned for her. She thought she was here to talk. But I didn't want her to talk. I wanted her to listen.

And get fucked.

A lot.

"Come on, let me show you the rest."

"The rest?"

"Yeah, this place is huge."

I showed her the wrap-around terrace and a long hallway with three bedrooms and a guest bath. At the end of the hallway was the master bedroom. It also had floor to ceiling windows.

I grinned, hoping she wasn't feeling shy.

Because those windows didn't have any curtains. And she was about to get naked. I planned on leaving the lights on.

"And this is the bedroom."

"It's nice Cade. I'm happy for you. Can we talk now?"

I shook my head slowly.

"No Princess.
going to talk and
are going to listen."

I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some black silk restraints, a butt plug and a ball gag. She stared at me as I walked towards her, toys in each hand.

"Open up buttercup."

"What is that?"

I held up the ball gag and the butt plug.

"This goes in your sweet little ass. And this one goes in your sweet little mouth."

She squeaked indignantly.


"You want to clear the air don't you? Well, this is how I want to do it."

I ran my fingers over her cheek. She leaned into my palm like a kitty cat. My damn kitty cat.

I was going to do the impossible.

I was going to learn how to
this little kitty.

"You want to make me happy, don't you?"

"Yes Cade."

"And you are sorry you took off my ring, aren't you?"

She sighed.

"I am sorry. I got so mad. I thought you were breaking up with me."

"I will tell you a little secret. As soon as you put this in your mouth. You won't regret it, I promise."

She stared at me, considering. Then she opened her sexy lips, her beautiful blue eyes on mine. I gently placed the rubber ball gag in her mouth and strapped it into place behind her head. Then I took her wrists and tied them together.

"Here's the secret."

I brushed her hair away from her gorgeous face.

"I am never going to leave you Cami. Because you are my woman."

I ran my thumb over her bottom lip.

"And I love the fuck out of you."

She tried to talk through the gag but she didn't make a whole lot of sense. I was pretty sure she was telling me she loved me too. I hoped so anyway.

Either way, she'd be pledging her allegiance to me pretty damn soon.

I'd make sure of that.

"Get on the bed."

Her eyes were as wide as saucers as she did as I asked. I grabbed her feet and pulled them apart, spreading her legs. She stared at me as I looped the silk rope over each ankle, and secured it to a hook on the bed.

I licked my lips, looking her over. She was spread for me. Just the way I'd imagined. I'd planned this attack carefully and now it was time to play.

Damn straight I was ready. I'd come prepared. Just like the professional I was.

Step one: tie her ass up

Step two: drive her crazy with lust

Step three: get her to admit she loved me

I secured her hands to the top of the bed, then I started cutting her clothes off of her. Cami squealed into her ball gag and I shushed her. I wasn't sure if she was upset about her clothes, or the fact that she had nothing to wear home when we were done. But I didn't care. I was having way too much fun.

Besides, I'd send for her maid to bring something downtown. In a day or two. When I was done with her.

"Hush now kitten, you can afford to replace them."

Soon she was nude and the real fun began. I traced my fingertips down her arms and over her shoulders.

"I love your neck."

My fingers slid up over her ears.

"And your dainty little ears… your beautiful face…"

I slide my fingers over her chest and she shivered.

"And you know I love these gorgeous tits of yours…"

I traced the curves of her belly… hips… mound… I barely paused there, continuing to her legs. Her inner thighs trembled as I ran my hands over them.

"I love your legs… your pussy… your heart… but most of all I love that conniving brain of yours."

I grinned up at her.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to touch

She said something into the gag. It was incomprehensible of course. I laughed. I liked this game.

"Sorry, can't hear you."

I leaned down and bit her inner thigh, before blowing cool air on her delicious, totally bare pussy. She was already wet. No surprise there. I knew how to play my woman like a fiddle. I was born to do this.

I was a natural born pussy artist.

I got to work, tracing her lips with my tongue. I flicked it against her clit. She wiggled her hips, moaning.

I grabbed the butt plug and lubed it up. Then I lifted her hips and guided it slowly into her ass. She squeaked a bit at the intrusion. I grinned, sitting beside her on the bed.

"Now we are going to have a little question and answer session."

I pulled the gag out of her mouth and started toying with her pussy with my hand. She moaned and rocked her hips, whimpering. I slid my finger slowly in and out of her slick pussy, going too slow to give her any real satisfaction.

"Did you agree to marry me because of the baby?"

"Unnnfff! No Cade… Oh my God!"

I leaned down and pulled her nipple into my mouth. She gasped in pleasure. My busy hand was drenched by her juices in no time.

"You swear?"

"Yes! I swear!"

I rubbed my thumb over her clit and she made a sound like a wildcat howling in the wilderness. I grinned. My little kitty was going feral on me.

"Why are you marrying me?"

"Because… oh God! Because I love you, you jackass!"

I smirked. That's what I wanted to hear.

"Good answer."

I circled my thumb over her clit faster.

"I love you, woman. And I'm putting my foot down. You are marrying me and you are wearing that ring, starting today."

She moaned, bucking against my hand. I pulled it away and she hissed in frustration.

"It's all the way out East!"

"Well then, you aren't leaving my bed until we have someone go out there and get it. Maybe you shouldn't be allowed to come until it's on your pretty little finger again. Or longer. I think that would be appropriate as your punishment."

"What? Cade that could take a day."

"I don't care if it takes
a week

And then I picked up the ball gag again.

"In she goes…"

She tried to protest but I was too fast. The gag went back in. I didn't tell her I'd already sent my security team to pick up the ring. Let her think I'd keep her tied to my bed for a week.

It would only make her more desperate to please me.

"Now it's time for me to claim my manly rights."

I stripped and held my cock just above her pussy. I rubbed it all over her, getting the tip nice and slick. Then I pressed it so it was just inside her and stroked it into her a few times. Just a little bit though. I didn't want her to have
much fun.

"I'm going to fuck you now Camille."

She moaned and lifted her hips. I just laughed.

"You'd like that wouldn't you. Hmmm… your pussy feels real nice. But I don't want you to get too comfortable. So I'm going with option B."

I smirked at the panic in her eyes.

"Or should I say option A?"

She was still talking gibberish a few minutes later when I had her retied.

Only this time, she was on her stomach.

I grinned, staring down at that juicy ass of hers.

Let the games begin.


Spit was sliding out of my mouth and soaking the pillow my chin was resting on. I moaned incoherently as Cade worked me from behind. His cock was balls deep inside me. He sounded like he was having one hell of a good time.

I was too.

Well, kind of.

I was moaning in pleasure but nowhere close to coming. He knew it too. He knew I was trapped in that pleasurable state between arousal and orgasm, with no end in sight.

The butt plug had made it easier for him to enter me and he took full advantage. He had his hand wrapped around my hair and was riding me like a cowboy, even shouting out 'yeehaw' once or twice. He groaned in pleasure.

He kept telling me how long it had been since he had a good wank. That he had lots of orgasms to catch up on. That he was going to ride my ass all afternoon, evening and night. In between fuck sessions, he was going to keep me open and ready for him with the butt plug.

And that was just today.

I knew he was going to keep me hovering in this state of heightened arousal. And there was nothing I could do about it. There was nothing I
to do about it exactly.

I didn't want him to stop, I just wanted his cock in my pussy. But he made it clear that was not going to happen anytime soon.

"There's only one way I know to make sure you actually get to the altar."

I could hear his ragged breathing behind me, brushing my ear. I shivered, tingles spreading through my body from his soft, deep voice.

"I'm just going to keep you like this. Make you wait. Get my rocks off and let you suffer."

I could have cried. I almost did at his next words.

"You have to earn your right to get a proper fuck again, Princess."

He groaned, clearly close to coming. My pussy felt heavy and hot and so ready for him. But he had other plans.

"Only wives get fucked in the pussy."

And then he yanked his cock out of my ass, splattering my back with come. I cried out, wishing I could come too. But he was chuffing behind me like an animal, stroking the last drops out of his cock.

He kissed me and put the butt plug back in. Then he cleaned me off before coming to kneel by the side of the bed. I turned my head, staring at him. He looked extremely relaxed, the bastard.

"You are going to lose your mind, aren't you?"

I mumbled through the gag in agreement.

He held up a stack of papers.

"It's a good thing I have the marriage paperwork right here."

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"I even got the doctor to do your blood test. We're all set, dollface."

He winked at me.

"Tomorrow morning. City hall. But until then… your ass is mine."

He came around behind me, rubbing something over my pussy. Something that vibrated. I screamed into the gag as the vibrator brushed my clit.

BOOK: Go Big
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