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Authors: Joanna Blake

Go Big (17 page)

BOOK: Go Big
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"I heard them Cade! Why would they lie?"

"I don't know and I don't care. I choose who I take to my bed. I don't just take scraps that get thrown my way. I want prime rib."

I was about to protest being compared to steak when his words started to sink in. He was staring at me intensely, trying to make me believe him. And suddenly, I did.

"I chose you."

I swallowed, suddenly feeling like I'd miscalculated. Cade looked angry. And he had a right to be. I had jumped to a pretty big conclusion without even talking to him about it first.

"I'm sorry then. I should have asked you."

I took a step up the stairs.

"Hell yes, you should have! Instead you worried me for no damn reason!"

He stepped towards me.

"And you deprived me of my manly rights."

"Manly… rights?"

I took another step back. He reached out and grabbed me.

"You are going to make it up to me. Right now."

I nodded. I didn't know what I was agreeing to. But he was being very persuasive.

One thing I knew for sure though, he was telling me the truth.

He hadn't been with any of those women.

And he didn't plan to be.

I was smiling as he lifted me, carrying me up the stairs. His big feet made a racket as he thudded up the steps. I wrapped my fingers around the back of his neck, staring up at him.

He looked grim. His gorgeous face was serious. Extremely determined.

But he was mine.

Chapter Twenty-Three


"I have two days until my next game. And you are going to spend every second of that time earning my forgiveness."

She just stared at me, her beautiful face looked a bit shocked at my idea.

No, it wasn't an idea.

It was a command.

I smiled at her and started pulling my jacket off.

"Where's your lingerie drawer?"

She lifted her arm and pointed. I opened a small cabinet to find an array of goodies, from plain cotton bras and panties to garter belts and thongs. I grinned wolfishly and picked out a few items, keeping others in mind for later.

"Put these on."

She took them from me and turned her back, sliding out of her pajamas. I couldn't see what she was doing underneath that robe of hers. I waited, leaning my shoulder against the wall.

Finally she dropped the robe and turned. My breath caught in my throat. I wondered if I would ever get tired of looking at her. She was the finest looking woman I'd ever seen. And then some.

An angel fallen to Earth.

I stared at her appreciatively, looking her up and down. The stuff I'd picked out was hotter than hell. She wore a white lace corset with a matching garter belt and panties that tied on the sides. I'd seriously considered substituting a thong, but those ties had given me all kinds of ideas.

I smiled to myself. I had weddings on the brain. That's why I'd picked out the white lace. And I was damn glad I did.

Of course, she would look like an angel in a burlap sack.

My angel.

I started stripping and she waited, watching me hungrily. We were ready to tear each other apart. But first I wanted a little show of faith.

"Are you sorry for making me worry?"

"Yes Cade."

"Are you sorry for making me wait for what is mine?"

She chewed her lip, nodding.


I kicked my pants off and stood in front of her, buck ass naked. My cock bobbed eagerly in the air, ready to get down to business.

"Make it up to me, Princess."

I grinned.

"It's blowjob time."

She licked her lips, staring at my cock. Then she knelt in front of me and reached out. I exhaled as her cool, delicate hand closed around the base.

"Eyes up beautiful. I want to watch you."

Her gorgeous blue eyes looked up at me as her lips opened and closed over my tip. I felt it all the way to the soles of my damn feet as she started to suck me, swirling her tongue over the tip.

"Take it in sweetheart. That's it…"

I watched in awe as my sweet, stuck up girl proceeded to suck the chrome off my hubcaps. She bobbed her beautiful head up and down, working me slowly and very, very thoroughly.

I was going to lose it embarrassingly soon if I didn't stop this. But it felt so good. I'd been afraid I'd lost her an hour ago and now her plump lips were wrapped around Thor. It was too much. I had to stop her or I would cream.

And I wanted to make her cream first.


I bent down and grabbed her, tossing her over my shoulder. I had her on her back on the bed in two shakes. Then I reached for the pretty little bows on the sides of her panties.

"My turn."

I tugged her panties away and smiled at her. It was pussy munching time. I stared at that perfect little box of hers and dove in.

"Hmmmfff… God Camille you taste amazing."

I was muff diving at full force. I used my tongue, my lips, even my fucking nose to get in there and make her come. But not yet. I held back, just enough to keep her hips rocking against my chin. I wanted to keep her almost satisfied, but not quite.

Cami was running her hands through my hair, going absolutely out of her mind. I grinned, deciding what to do next. I decided to go with my instincts and take things up a notch.

It was a good thing she had a four-poster bed.

I walked over to her bathrobe and picked up the belt. Then I walked back to her with purpose.

"Give me your wrists sweetheart."

Her eyes were wide as she did what I asked. I thought of how long she'd played hard to get. I thought of how she'd run out on me. I remembered how scared I'd been that I might have lost her.

I never wanted to feel that way again. Then again, giving her a little taste of her own medicine might be fun… a lot of fun come to think of it.

Oh yeah, I was going to make her wait. I wanted to make sure she fully appreciated me and my gifts. Only then would I unleash the beast.

I smiled down at her, making sure the knots would hold, but still give us leverage to move around.

Then I did something that made her squeal in surprise.

I flipped her over.


"What are you doing?"

"I'm taking my manly rights."

I was trussed up, tied with my arms above my head, lying on my stomach. I felt Cade lifting my hips and shoving a pillow underneath them. Then he seemed to reconsider and added another one.

My ass was high up in the air, leaving me totally exposed.

of me.

"You are quite the sight for sore eyes Miss Camille Rivers…"

He made a low, appreciative grunt, splaying his hands on my ass.

"Where to start…"

I wiggled, eager for him to get on with it. I denied myself of his lovemaking too when I ran off. I missed it and I missed him. More than I could have imagined. But he was screwing around back there.

Then I felt it.

A single drop of lube on my ass.

I groaned as his finger slid inside me.

"Two for the price of one. I like that."

I felt his cock spear my pussy, slowly pushing inside. He groaned as I bore down on him, welcoming him home. Then he pulled out again.

I almost screamed in frustration.

The finger in my ass was joined by another digit as his cock slid back into my waiting pussy. I sighed as he worked me, his cock sliding in and out while he fingered my backdoor. It felt good. So good I was about to come-

He pulled out again.

"Tsk tsk Cami. You need permission to come, sweetheart."

He rubbed the tip of his cock against my pussy lips, teasing me.

"You are so wet Cami. It would be a shame to waste all that lubrication."

I groaned as he pushed his cock against my ass, replacing his fingers. He slid inside me. I knew he was punishing me. I knew he was going to make me wait to come.

"Fuck yes, Cami! Hell and damnation woman, you feel good!"

He braced himself behind me and started to push forward, coaching me the whole way. I whimpered at the over stuffed feeling of his huge dick inside me. I wanted him to fuck me, yes. But the
way dammit!

He had one hand on each cheek as he started to saw in and out of my ass.

"Open up for me sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. If you relax you might enjoy it."

I tried to do as he said and relax. To open myself up like he asked for. He grunted as he slid in a bit further.

"Fuck yes, that's it."

He fucked my ass in silence for a while, grunting like an animal. It felt good, just not good enough. I was so close to coming, I thought I was going to explode.

"How do you feel Cami? I bet that pussy feels real empty about now."

I could have cried. He was right. It did feel empty. Even though this felt good, it wasn't the same.

It wasn't going to make me come.

Not without a reach around, which he was clearly not going to give me. And I couldn't do a damn thing about it with my hands tied.

I wondered how long he was going to make me wait.

"Oh fuck Cami you are going to make me come with that hot little ass of yours!"

He started pumping faster, still not the whole way inside me. I felt his cock expand and the first hot gush of his come inside me. Then he pulled out and splattered my ass with his load.

I lay there, listening to him breath.

He left and came back with a warm washcloth. He cleaned me up gently, pressing a kiss on my lower back. Then his hand ran back down until it was resting on my inner thigh. I gasped as the back of his hand brushed my swollen pussy lips.

"Are you hungry?"



"No Cade."

He slapped my ass.

"Good. We have things to do."

Chapter Twenty-Four


"That's it sweetheart. Get all hot and bothered for me. Fuck, you're making me hard again already."

I knealt behind her and played with her pussy, stroking it with the lightest touch. She squirmed and rocked, trying to get closer to my hand. I just laughed, pulling my hand away and blowing cool air on her slick lips.

"Such a bad girl. Bad girls don't get to come Cami. You know that. Not until Daddy does. At least three or four times."

I shifted until I was in position behind her, rubbing my cock against the glistening folds. I wanted to dive in there. But I also wanted her begging for it.

I wanted her to feel as desperate as I did.

Meanwhile, there was another, equally delightful option waiting just above…

"Beg me Cami. Beg me to fuck you."

"Please Cade. Please fuck me."

"You want me to fuck your pussy? Say it. Beg me."

"Please fuck my pussy… I am begging you."


I slapped her ass and nudged my cock against her bottom.

"You made me wait. I want you to know how it feels to be denied. While

She groaned as I pushed my cock inside her. It was a lot easier this time, but still snug. Oh yeah, I was going to like using her ass when she pissed me off.

I was going to like it a lot.

"We have a lot of catching up to do. And I have a lot of fucking orgasms to have."

I pushed forward until I was nearly the whole way in and hissed in pleasure.

"It's going to be a long night, Princess."

I spent twenty minutes slow fucking her tight little rose bud. She shimmied underneath me, her hips rising to meet mine. I knew what she wanted. But there was no way in hell I was giving it to her.

Not yet.

"Fuck woman, I could stay inside you forever."

I reached down and stroked her pussy lips.

"Here too. You feel so fucking good. It should be illegal."

She made a squeaking sound as I pulled my hand away. She was too close. There was no point in punishing her if she came right away. I grinned, stroking my cock deeper into her ass.

"Hell, in certain states, this

I stared down at those two gorgeous, bouncy globes, watching as my cock slid in and out from between them. A droplet of sweat fell on her ass and I grimaced. It reminded me of earlier, when I'd blown my load all over her.

I wanted to come inside her this time though. At least once tonight. And I wanted to come on her tits too.

Fuck man, I had a lot of work to do.

"Baby, tell me you won't run again."

"I won't."

"I don't believe you."

She whimpered in frustrated pleasure as I picked up the pace, slipping even farther into her ass. She was so hot and tight it almost hurt. I clenched my muscles, trying to hold back my orgasm.

"Maybe I have to keep you horny and wanting me all the time."

She moaned in protest. I grinned, feeling my balls swell up.

"Would you like that Cami? Having to wait to come? Maybe only on special occasions… Meanwhile, I would get to get off whenever I want."


I cursed as the seed started to rise. I pulled out and flipped her over, coming all over her tits. I stared down at her as I tugged out the last few drops.

"Maybe I just need to keep you tied up."

She had her lips open, staring hungrily at my cock.

"You want this don't you?"

She nodded.

"Please Cade…"

"I need to go clean up. Then you can show me how much."


I let my head fall back, relaxing my neck. I'd been slobbering all over Cade's cock for a half hour. Now he was straddling me, sliding his shaft into my mouth.

I couldn't believe I was enjoying this. But I was.

Cade Dupree was face fucking me. Gently face fucking, but still. The old Camille would not have approved.

The new Camille was desperate though. She would do anything. She was cock starved and needy.

"Damn woman, you could suck the marrow from a bone!"

He grunted as he guided his cock deeper into my throat. I gagged and he withdrew. Then he pushed forward again.

BOOK: Go Big
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