Read Go Big Online

Authors: Joanna Blake

Go Big (12 page)

BOOK: Go Big
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To my right was a young boy, grinning at us as he shouted his approval. I slid my eyes to the left. A blond girl stood there with her fingers in her mouth. She was whistling like a professional.

I was pretty sure there were more of them too.

"Put me down!"

My feet were dangling as his hands slid down to cup my bottom. He squeezed and I let out a yelp. My cheeks were bright red as he finally lowered me to the ground.

I'd never been manhandled like that in my life!

"She's so pretty!"

"Isn't she though?"

Cade was smiling at me like I was the prize hog at the county fair. Oh lord, now I was talking like him too! I scowled and shoved him away.

"Cade! Do not do that in public!"

He grinned wider.

"But it's okay in private, dollface?"

He leaned in close.

"I've got lots of things I'd like to do with you in private, sweetheart."

I was blushing again. Just as the guests started to arrive. Perfect.

"Cade, please behave. You are here to raise money, remember? You need to schmooze, not paw at me."

"Whatever you say darlin'. Just want you to meet some people first."

I looked around at his guests. I was surrounded on all sides by large, extraordinarily healthy looking children. They all had red cheeks and Cade's earthy good looks. Ten pairs of pale blue eyes were staring at me.

A sudden, horrifying thought occurred to me.

"Cade… are these all your children?"

They all started laughing, slapping their knees and leaning on each other in their mirth.

"She's funny!"

I waited for them to stop laughing. I was so annoyed that I crossed my arms and started tapping my toe. I was surrounded by Duprees and they all seemed to be as happy-go-lucky and arrogant as Cade!

"No angel, these are my sisters and brothers. Jenny, Tammy, Lucy, Shep and Craig, this is Camille. She's the special lady I was telling you about."

They all made funny little bows and curtsies to me. It was strangely formal. Perhaps it was a Southern thing. I decided that they were pretty cute, until I noticed what they were wearing.

Jeans and t-shirts. Not even clean ones either. They were unkempt and out of place. I could not believe he had chosen this moment to spring his family on me!

Even if it was kind of sweet.

"Cade, this isn't exactly the place for children. It's a black-tie event."

He grinned.

"You got any extra ties?"

I sighed, resting my forehead on my palm.

"Come with me."

I led the way through the building to the game room in the back. There was a foosball table and a pool table, as well as arcade games. I asked the staff to bring dinner and snacks. Cade looked on approvingly, then followed me back to the other side of the club.

Before we got halfway down the long hallway he grabbed me, pressing me against the wall.


He smiled at me.

"I missed you."

I sighed. I'd missed him too. Even if he was a big lug.

"Cade I can't do this. Not here. Not now. Not ever. It's too risky."

His face fell. He looked almost hurt. I realized that he'd probably never been turned down before.

Well, maybe it would be good for him. It felt awful all the same.

"I'm sorry Cade."

He frowned at me. Then he looked around. I had no idea what he was doing until he yanked me into a supply closet and slammed the door behind him.

"What are you doing?"

He loosened his tie, pacing back and forth in the small space. He cursed and ran his hands through his hair. Then he backed me up against a wall.

"You don't get to do that."

"Do what? This is ridiculous Cade! We have an event to attend!"

"I'm talking about us now. This is something real. You don't get to blow me off like that."

"I'm not blowing you off Cade. I slept with you against my better judgment and you tricked me into having unprotected sex!"

"Tricked you? Does this ring a bell? 'Oh Cade please fuck me. I am begging you to fuck me!'"

I turned bright pink.

"You are not a gentleman for bringing that up."

He stared at me.

"I never said I was a damned gentleman. I am a real man who knows what he wants. And I want you. Long term, Princess."

My heart did a little flip-flop. Cade Dupree, playboy extraordinaire was asking me to be in a relationship.

"You want to date me?"

"Date? You're crazy woman. I want you in my bed. Permanently."

My mouth opened and no sound came out. He was serious. He meant it.

He looked abashed as he ran his hand through his hair. I had started noticing he did that when he was struggling with his emotions. There it was. Proof that Cade Dupree had a heart.

"Well, say something already woman! You want me too, remember?"

I tried to pull myself together. I was on the brink of throwing myself into his arms and telling him I loved him. It would be a relief to stop fighting.

But that would be bad. Bad bad bad. Stupid.

And I was not a stupid woman who let herself fall in love with overgrown athletes.

So I gave him a polite smile and stood up straight.

"Let's talk about this later Cade. Please. We have to get back to the party."

"Don't think you are skipping out on me Princess. It won't go over well."

"Alright Cade. We'll talk. I just- not now, okay?"

He nodded gruffly and pressed his lips to mine. I absorbed the kiss, wishing it was longer. It was hard, fast, hot and sweet.

Kind of like the man himself.

I ducked under his arms and out of the supply room before he could kiss me again. Or… anything else. I found a bathroom and splashed cool water on my face. I looked in the mirror, telling myself silently to buck up and stay strong. Now was not the time to think about my messy love- or almost love- life.

I reminded myself what my father always said. It was a family motto that went back generations.
A River never folds.

Then I stood up straight and walked out to join the party.

Chapter Seventeen


I rounded up the kids and got them into the back of the limo. They were all nodding off, even after all the excitement. The rich country club food had been more than they were used to.

Plus they'd played about fifty games of pool while I was glad-handing and making nice. Camille had checked on me, making sure I had my drink and tried all the best food. It had felt right, having her look after me, seeing her nearby. Especially looking like she did in that stunning dress.

Now I just had one last thing to do…

I grinned, telling the driver to wait.

I was going to get my woman.

"Camille? Where you at girl?"

I had looked everywhere but the only people here seemed to be the staff cleaning up. I found one and pulled him aside.

"Can I help you with something sir?"

"Have you seen Miss Rivers?"

"She left."

"Oh, she did, did she? When?"

"About twenty minutes ago sir."

I turned and left without a backwards glance. This would not do. This would not do at all. She'd promised me we would talk. And then she pulls a disappearing act on me?

After everything I said to her?

There was going to be hell to pay on this fine Floridian evening, that much was certain.

"Take us to the hotel and wait for me. We have a second stop."

The driver nodded and I got in, pulling a sleepy child against my shoulder. Cami should be here too. She'd promised.

I hated being lied to.

More than almost anything.

I got the kids into their hotel rooms and into their pajamas. Even made them brush their teeth. Then I waited till the littlest one was out cold before heading back to the car.

I still had my tux on, so I slung the jacket over my shoulder.

"The Rivers Estate please."

I sat back in the seat, contemplating what I was going to do to make Camille see things clearly. I'd wooed her already. I'd asked nicely. Now I was mad.

I didn't even knock. I just walked to the back of the house where I was sure I'd find her. She'd told me it was her favorite spot. There she was on the back terrace, sipping a cup of tea, staring out at the night sky.

She looked surprised as hell to see me.

"Cade? What are you doing here?"

"Your bedroom. Now."

She opened her mouth to argue but then thought better of it. I followed her, my eyes on the graceful curve of her back. I was already horny as hell, just from being around her. I had things to do first though. Words would be had. But afterwards…

I walked into her room, taking it all in. It was elegant and tasteful, just like her. The bed was large. Good. I saw an easy chair and a footstool and headed over to it. I took her hand and pulled her along with me.

I pulled her against me, running my hand over her beautiful face.

"Are you sure no one can hear us in here?"

She shook her head.

"Not over the air conditioning."

I smiled grimly.


I pressed a quick kiss against her lips. She hesitated, then melted into me. I looked down into her beautiful eyes, my lips hovering above hers.

"Were you spanked as a child?"

"Of course not!"

I lifted her up and sat in the big chair, gently laying her over my knee. She squealed like a little piggy. The silk dress made her slippery but I held her still. Then I slid the dress up and over her perfect, juicy ass.

"What are you doing!?"

"Remedying the situation."

"What? No!"

"Oh my, but that's a sweet little ass you have there Camille. Hmm hmmm… I'm going to turn it red."

"Cade! Do no-"


Camille stopped mid-sentence. I was certain she was shocked that I had actually done it. And I was just getting started.

I was an expert spanker, having raised all those kids. I never did it hard enough to bruise. I just did it to sting. But it had to last a while.

It would be a reminder for no more than a day of what they'd done to deserve the punishment.

In this case though, I was already pretty distracted. I'd have to really focus to make sure she had a sore bottom to remember this by.

Cami was wearing lace panties that hugged her glorious ass to perfection. And it was glorious. Two ripe globes covered with creamy skin, so smooth it made me want to bite it. I thought about it for a minute, rubbing the skin.

Maybe later.


I alternated cheeks, letting my hand rest on her bottom between spanks to soothe it. I did a few things I would never do with the kids either. Oh no, this was an adult spanking.

X rated.

I ran my fingertips between her legs, lightly stroking her through her panties. She arched her back slightly and I grinned, laying a firm smack on her left cheek.

She moaned.

Well, fuck me. She liked it.

The next time I stroked her panties, she was soaked. I grunted, tugging her panties down to her knees. Her bottom was turning pink but not red.

I had promised her red.


She whimpered, a sexy little sound of ecstasy. I lifted my palm and brought it down again. And again. Each time I spent a little more time playing with her sweet pussy in between. Pretty soon my fingers were too soaked to properly spank her with.

I pried her thighs apart and repositioned my hand.

Then I spanked her pussy.

Not too hard of course. Just a little slap. Cami's back arched and she moaned.

Well, damn girl. That was a first. She sounded like a cat in heat.

I grimaced as my dick pressed up into her belly. Thor was feeling pent up in there. I wanted to let him out. He was harder than a three day old biscuit. But first we better have ourselves a little pussy spanking party.

I gripped her hips, angling her pussy so I could get at it. I slapped her lightly, faster now. Sharp little taps that were more like pressure than actually hits.

Her mewling sounds started to reach a crescendo so I stopped. I didn't want her to come yet. I was supposed to be punishing her.

"On your knees girl."

She slid off my lap and knelt between my thighs. She stared at the ground. I grunted. Good. She looked thoroughly chastised.

"Next time I call you what are you going to do?"

She squirmed a bit, then reached out to lay her hand on my thigh.


"Cami, what are you going to do? Are you going to answer?"


"Next time we make a plan to talk or meet up, what are you going to do?"

"I'll… be there?"

"That's right. You're my woman now, and you better start acting like it. No more shenanigans. Right?"

"Yes, Cade."

I stood up and unbuckled my pants. I let them slide to the floor and stepped out of them. Boxers too. My cock was standing at attention, so hard it could of drilled for oil.

Hopefully it would be, soon enough.

"Good girl. Now take that dress off and show me."

She licked her lips as I held my cock by the base, pointing it right at her lips. There was no question what I was after. I held my breath as Cami pulled her dress off and leaned forward, her eyes wide. Then she dipped her head down and pulled me into her mouth. I groaned as her sweet little tongue swirled over the tip of my cock.

"Eyes Cami. Let me see your eyes."

She looked up at me, staring at me as she started to work my Johnson in earnest. Up and down she bobbed her sweet little head, her eyes never leaving mine. It was the most erotic thing I'd seen in my life. Best thing I'd felt too.

Camille Rivers sure knew how to suck a dick.

I leaned back and let her suck me, her soft little hands stroking my balls. Her hair slid over my thighs and I grunted. She put her back into it, sucking my dick like she got paid to do it.

They don't call it a job for nothing.

I knew I wouldn't last long. Her hot little mouth was too sweet, her eyes too beautiful. And I could read the message in them.

BOOK: Go Big
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