GirlMostLikelyTo (25 page)

Read GirlMostLikelyTo Online

Authors: Barbara Elsborg

BOOK: GirlMostLikelyTo
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Thank God for that.
“Oh damn.” He put his arm over
her shoulder and gave her a hug.

He spotted the French woman approaching from the class Wren
had just taught and guided Wren away as they walked out of the building.

“Why?” he asked when they were clear.

“You want the whole list of crimes? Obtaining the keys to
the office without permission, using the photocopier without permission,
copying information to which I had no right of access, being late too often,
not following procedures properly and calling Olive a rancid, dehydrated

Adam choked. “Wh-what?”

“I wasn’t going to walk out without a parting shot, though
I’m not sure you can be rancid
dehydrated. Given longer, I could
have come up with something much better.” She snuggled against him. “The worst
thing was Belinda was with her, ready to
me after Olive dropped
her bombshell.”

“Who’s Belinda?”

“My cousin. She’s a counselor, except I don’t find her
caring and sympathetic. A while ago, I discovered her and my boyfriend entwined
naked on my couch. Then she came to work at Ezispeke, and last Saturday the
pair married and I had to go to the damn wedding and look happy. I didn’t
bother with the looking happy.”

“You don’t seem very upset.”

“What? About Belinda and Leo, or getting sacked?”

“All of it.”

She shrugged. “They’re welcome to each other. I suppose I
don’t really care about losing my job, though I wish I could have resigned. I’m
not going to have a reference I dare use. And I feel guilty because there’ll be
no jobs for anyone soon.”

“That’s not your fault.” Adam checked for traffic and they
crossed the road. As he turned his head, he thought he caught sight of the
Frenchwoman again, her red coat in his field of vision, but another glance
showed nothing. He was getting paranoid.

“Well, it kind of is my fault.” Wren sighed. “I was the one
who stuck the stick in the hornet’s nest and poked around.”

“It’s only a matter of time before everything comes tumbling
down. The sooner the better.”

“My friends won’t think that. This is the largest language
school in Yorkshire. Where are they going to get jobs?”

Adam knew nothing about running language schools, but he
knew a man who did. He’d call him later.

“Can I offer you a job?” he asked.

Wren smiled. “Do I need an interview?”

“Did it last night. You were very impressive. Adaptable,
flexible…insatiable. A definite 24/7 employee.”

She laughed.

“I used to be a terrible boss but I’m wonderful now. I only
lose my temper five times a week instead of fifty.”

“I can’t imagine you angry.”

“It’s not pretty.”

Wren squeezed his hand. “Are you serious?”

“About the job? About you? Absolutely.”

“And Tomas.”

“Yes, but we need to work on him.”

* * * * *

Tomas opened the door to Wren and Adam and swallowed his
sigh of relief.

“We bought dinner,” Wren said and held up shopping bags.

When they were safe inside, Tomas grabbed their hands and
kissed them on the lips, Wren first.

Adam stroked his head. “It’s okay,” he whispered.

Tomas nodded. It wasn’t. Not yet.

Finally, he relaxed enough to let them go. “Found your
phone, by the way. It must have slipped out of your purse in the hall.”

“Right, thanks.” She shot him a smile but it faded fast.

“What’s happened?” he asked.

“I’ve been sacked.” Wren walked into the kitchen area.

“I bought champagne.” Adam held up a bottle.

“Sacked?” Tomas perched on a stool and leaned against the
counter, watching Wren prepare the food.

By the time she’d told him, he was seething. “You could have
her for unfair dismissal.”

Wren shrugged. “What’s the point? The place is going to shut
down any minute. Adam offered me a job. I’ve decided to take it under one

“You have to have sex twice a day?” Tomas grinned.

She laughed. “Darn it, I forgot that. Two provisos. The
other is that you come and work for him too.”

Tomas’ heart stuttered along with his mouth. “I-I have a
job. I have to finish this.”

“After?” Wren reached for his hand. “You won’t mind cleaning
the office bathrooms? Adam said I can be managing director, so that’s already

Tomas chuckled.

“Is that a yes?” Adam asked.

“Yes,” he said and felt as though the sun had come out
inside his chest.

“Yippee,” Wren yelled and the reason for the earlier tension
became clear. She’d worried he’d say no.

Even if the three of them didn’t work out, he needed to do
something different with his life. Why not take the chance?

“What happened with Marco this morning?” Wren asked.

“Jovana was there, but she said nothing about the note or
you asking her and the others about those names. Even after Dragen hit her.”

Wren gulped. “Oh God.”

“I have to work tonight at one of Marco’s clubs.” He didn’t
dare look at Adam.

“You’re not going on your own,” Adam snapped.

“My boss will provide backup.” He glanced at Wren. “Marco
wants you to go.”

Adam stiffened and Wren’s eyes widened. “Why?”

“To see if I trust him.”

She drained the pasta and gave the sauce a stir. “What does
that mean?”

“Wren stays here.” Adam ladled the pasta into three bowls.

She poured the sauce on top. “I’ll go. It’s a club. What can

There was some truth in that. Marco wouldn’t shit on his own
doorstep. Outside the club was another matter. Tomas shoveled food in his
mouth. Still wasn’t a good idea for Wren to go. Nor Adam.

“This is delicious,” Adam said.

It probably was, but Tomas couldn’t taste it.

“I’m coming with you,” Wren said. “I won’t go off on my own
or with Marco. I’ll dance with Adam, and you on your break. We need to show
Marco I’ve no reason to hide, that I’m not afraid nor a threat, and you trust

Tomas frowned. “He knows I don’t trust him.”

“No way are you going.” Adam winced under the force of her
glare. “Please don’t go.”

“Tomas?” Wren pinned him with her gaze.

“Your father will kill me.”

“He’s going to anyway. Right, it’s settled. I’ll have to go
home and get a dress.”

“It’s not that sort of club,” Tomas said. “The puddle of
mercury Adam bought yesterday? The pants he bought for himself. That’s what you
need to wear. And that’s why you’re not going.”

Wren grinned. “Which is why I

Adam pushed his half-eaten food away. “Oh crap.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


Wren stood in Adam’s bedroom, staring at the silky silver
dress. Adam had gone to change in the other bedroom and Tomas was in his apartment
putting on his bartending gear.

“Christ Almighty.”

She heard Adam’s exclamation through the wall and smiled.
Before she could change her mind, Wren removed her underwear and pulled the
dress over her head. It slithered down her body and stopped mid-thigh. Without
pants, mid-thigh felt very short.

“Fuck a duck,” Adam moaned.

Wren laughed and then winced when she saw herself in the
mirror. The dress was no more than two strips of narrow material held together
by thin chains. It just covered her breasts and butt, and only the tightness
across her breasts kept the dress up. She tugged down on the bottom, exposed
her nipples and yanked the material up again.

“Shit and fuck.”

She glanced at the wall. Adam sounded as though he was
trouble and she
like trouble. In high heels, with a smear of
crimson lipstick and lashes darkened by mascara, she was a different person. Of
course, inside lurked a quivering jelly and she couldn’t walk in the heels let
alone dance, so she needed to stand in the same spot all night, which would
make Tomas and Adam happy. If she didn’t go, it would make them even happier.
But she worried what might happen to Tomas if she didn’t show and Adam would
have a fit if they went without him.

“I’m in the hall,” Tomas called. “You two ready?”

She opened the bedroom door and stepped out.
Heat pooled low in her belly and the muscles of her sex tightened. Tomas
stared, smiled broadly and then scowled.

“What?” she asked, his changing expression distracting her
for a moment from the sexy gladiator-style harness, skintight pants and the
growing bulge at his crotch.

“You’re not going anywhere dressed like that.”

“Thanks, Dad.” She pouted.

He frowned and then sniggered, pulled her into his arms and
ran his hands down the silver chains at her sides and then onto her bum. “You
look fantastic, but I want to rip that dress straight off and so will everyone

She danced her fingers over his butt and played with the
zipper running down the crease of his backside. “What’s this…oh.” A grin split
her face and she brought one hand round to tug on the ring hanging over his
sternum. “You look like you’re about to step into the Coliseum. Where’s the bit
that attaches to here?”

“In my room and staying there. Talking of the rest of
it—Adam!” he called.

“What?” Adam snapped from the other side of the door.

“Get out here.”

“I’m thinking jeans and T-shirt,” Adam called.

“They won’t let you in.” Tomas grinned at Wren.

The door opened and he stepped out, his mouth a tight line.

“Oh wow.” She blew out a breath. No hiding place for Adam’s
cock, it was clearly outlined in the pouch.

“Wow back at you,” Adam said. “Except er…maybe we shouldn’t

“But you look great.” Wren glanced from one to the other.
“Really great.”

“Turn around,” Tomas said.

Adam shifted from foot to foot. “This was only supposed to
be some fun between the three of us. It was never intended to be worn outside.”

Tomas’ lips twitched. “Turn around.”

Adam sighed, swiveled round and Wren’s mouth fell open. His
butt cheeks were bare.

“I look a prat,” Adam mumbled and faced them. “I can’t
believe I bought these. I’m going to find a wall and stand with my back to it
all night while I hold Wren in front of me.”

“No you’re not,” she said. “You’re going to dance and show
everyone your gorgeous backside. Then no one’s going to notice I’m not wearing

They stared at her.

She rolled her eyes. “You can see I’m not wearing any.”

“This is not a good idea.” Tomas sagged. “You both look
fantastic, but it’s like throwing chum in the water going into Cirque like
that. You’re bloody irresistible. Christ, you should see what turns up. You’re
too attractive. You’ll stand out a mile.”

“Maybe that’s a good thing,” she said. “People will remember
us. Marco won’t be able to do anything.”

“Thank God I work in London.” Adam sighed. “If anyone sees
me and I have to sack employees…”

“Stop worrying about yourself. Don’t let Wren out of your
sight,” Tomas said.


Adam drove them to Cirque and parked a couple of streets
away. As they walked to the door, the butterflies in Wren’s stomach fluttered
out of control. Funnily enough, being nervous stopped her worrying about the
high heels and she managed to walk without falling over. Tomas tightened his
grip on her fingers as though he sensed her wobbling mentally.

“Don’t go anywhere on your own,” he said.

“You already said that.”

“Don’t go in the backroom.”

She huffed. “You already said that too.”

“And I’m going to keep saying it. If Marco wants to chat to
you, make him do it out in the open. Tell him Adam’s an old boyfriend come to

Tomas gained them free entry as his guests and with a
lingering, worried glance he disappeared through the staff entrance while they
headed for the cloakroom.

“I think I’ll keep my coat on,” Adam said.

Wren laughed. “You know you can’t.”

He groaned and slowly worked on the buttons. “God, if any of
my clients—”

“Then you’ll have seen them too. They aren’t going to say
anything and you look really hot.”

Once their coats were gone, they stared at each other.

“Not moving until you smile,” Wren said.

She spun round at the sound of a loud wolf whistle and then
snorted. “That was aimed at you.”

Adam spotted a guy in pink leather pants and matching
harness flutter his tongue at him.

She wrapped her arms around Adam and leaned to whisper,
“Aren’t you tempted?”

“Only to throw up.”

“I haven’t been to a club in years,” she said. “But I think
I can remember how to foxtrot.”

“And I can waltz, so we’re fine.”

A couple in head-to-toe black nylon walked past them looking
like matching shadows and Wren gawped. “Whaaaa…”

“Zentai suits,” Adam said.

“Should I be worried you know that?”

He blinked. “Doesn’t everyone?”

“Er…no. How do they breathe? How do they see? Oh God, how do
they pee?”

“Probably with some difficulty. Come on.” He threaded his
fingers with hers and they headed toward the music.

The doors opened and Wren was hit by a wall of noise and
lights. As if she’d found herself thrust into the middle of a firework display,
she watched multicolored sparks flying fast in every direction and over every
surface. Only one person was dancing, a bald, white-faced woman who looked like
a wraith, her clothes little more than rags. She stood on the spot and writhed
out of time with the music.

“I need a drink,” Adam said.

He tugged her over to the bar. There was no sign of Tomas
and she gave Adam an anxious glance.

“He’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

He bought two beers and steered Wren to an empty booth,
giving them a view of the bar. They’d already agreed to be careful what they
said in case they were overheard, though it was hard to hear
over the throbbing bass of the music. She sat snuggled with her back to Adam,
who had his hand wrapped around her waist, his chin resting on her head.

She people watched. There was plenty to look at now that
more were dancing. Guys wearing cages around their cocks, women in dog collars
being led by guys, guys in dog collars being led by women, people in inflatable
suits and those wearing next to nothing. One man in tight black latex briefs
with a built-in sheath for his cock was on his knees being pulled on a neck
chain by a woman in a long filmy black dress and boots to mid-thigh. She
carried what appeared to be a small oar and when she caught Wren’s eye, she
changed direction and dragged her slave with her.

“Oh my God,” Adam muttered.

“Like to punish him? Take the paddle. He’s been a very bad

Wren shook her head so hard she hit Adam’s chin.

“She’s not allowed to play tonight,” Adam said.

The woman nodded and moved on.

“Whaaa…whaa…” Wren gave up trying to speak.

Adam stroked her belly. “Try not to freak out. We’re
supposed to be here to enjoy ourselves, so smile.”

Wren twisted round to give him an exaggerated grimace.

He groaned. “Pretend you’re my slave and they’ll leave you

She narrowed her eyes. “Why can’t we pretend you’re

“We don’t need to pretend that. You’ve ensnared the two of

She smiled but the bubble of anxiety in her stomach
continued to grow. Glancing around the room, she wondered who was a police
officer and what they’d do if things went pear-shaped. Wren wanted this over
with before she threw up.

“Tomas is there now,” Adam said in her ear. “Let’s dance.”

She squirmed from behind the table and Adam took her hand.
He pulled her into his arms and when she slid her hands onto his bare butt, his
breath caught and his cock expanded to press against her belly.

He nipped her ear. “You’re going to get us thrown out.”

“No one can see.” She danced her fingers over his bottom.

“They will when my cock finds a way out of this pouch and
under your dress, and that’s what’s going to happen if you don’t stop.”

She didn’t.

His hands settled on her thighs, his fingers inched under
the hem of her dress and lifted it. Wren let him go with a laugh and pulled
free to dance on the spot. Adam circled her, a smile on his face, his body
twisting and swaying with the music, his muscles rippling under the lights
playing over his skin. She began to think less about what she was doing and
more about him and how great he looked, until she realized they were dancing
properly, shifting in and out of each other’s arms, bumping, grinding, sliding
against each other. Adam never let her stray far. She was always in sight,
within arm’s reach. If anyone came too near, he made it clear by word or
gesture that she was taken, and she relaxed.


The tap on the shoulder almost made her go over on her
ankle. She spun round to find herself facing Marco.

“Can I cut in?”

“No,” Wren said.

Adam wrapped a possessive arm around her waist. “You heard
the lady.”

She wondered if Adam realized this was Marco.

“I just want to talk. Come and have a drink with me.” He
pointed to a table at the far end of the room.

“She said no,” Adam snapped.

She turned to him. “It’s okay. I won’t be long.”

An opened bottle of champagne waited in an ice bucket in the
booth Marco led her to. Tomas had told her not to drink anything she hadn’t
witnessed being opened. Adam leaned against the wall nearby, his arms crossed,
gaze fixed on her.

“Is he here to keep an eye on you?” Marco asked.

“No. To keep an eye on you.”

He laughed. “I want to apologize for last night.” He poured
the champagne and pushed a glass across the table.

If she reached for it, even to pretend to drink, he’d see
her shaking. Her hands stayed on her lap.

“I upset you,” he said.

“You frightened me.”

He smiled. “Not into pain with your pleasure, yet you’re
here at our BDSM party?”

“I came because Tomas asked me to.”

Marco leaned back and twirled the stem of the flute. “I’ll
make you a deal. I’ll pay you eighteen thousand pounds to sleep with me.”

Oh fuck.
She’d already steeled herself to show no
surprise to anything he said, but that shocked her. He hadn’t plucked the
figure from midair. It was the amount of her debt. How much did he know?

“Just to sleep?” She hoped she sounded braver than she felt.
“You don’t want me to wear a Zentai suit and do your ironing?”

Marco raised his eyebrows. “I’d rather you did it naked.
Fifty thousand if you let me fuck you for twenty-four hours.”

Bloody hell.
“No.” She glared at his expressionless
face. “Why don’t you look surprised? Ask anyone else in here and they’d jump at
the offer. That nice bald lady in the rags would suit you.”

“I don’t want anyone else.”

“You only want me because I’m with Tomas.”

“That’s probably true. Are you going to come and teach my
employees next week?”

“No. I don’t want your money.”

“Tomas does.”

She frowned. “I’m planning on changing that.”

“You see my problem? You don’t like me.” He clutched his
chest in mock disappointment. “You disapprove of the business I’m in. You tried
to persuade one of my girls not to work for me anymore. You felt so strongly
about it you risked your own safety by getting in that punter’s car. You gave
away the money I paid you so I wouldn’t be angry with Jovana. That didn’t work
by the way.”

Wren wished she dare slap the smile off his smug face. “Your

“How can I trust you to keep your pretty little mouth shut?”

“Because I love Tomas.”

Marco snorted. “You’ve only just met him.”

“I love him. I don’t want anything to happen to him. I took
that information from Ezispeke because he asked me to. And I’ve lost my job
because of it. I don’t like him working for you, but he wants money more than
he wants anything. Maybe even me. I can wait. When he’s got enough, we’re going
to go abroad and start again.”

Stop bloody improvising.

“And what about him?” Marco nodded toward Adam.

“He’s an old friend.”

“Does Tomas mind him putting his hands all over you?”

“I guess I’ll find out later.”

Marco pushed himself to his feet. “Enjoy the champagne. Feel
free to explore the club. You and your
have access to all areas.”

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