GirlMostLikelyTo (24 page)

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Authors: Barbara Elsborg

BOOK: GirlMostLikelyTo
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Tomas was vaguely aware Wren was talking and that she was
talking nonsense, but he needed touch, not words. He kissed her again, sinking
his tongue in and out of her mouth, his fingers in and out of her pussy as Adam
pressed against his asshole.

Relax. Push back.
Tomas gasped against Wren’s lips
while slick digits circled and then slipped away from his anus to caress the
strip of sensitive flesh leading to his balls. Tomas knew Adam could tell he
was tense and he tried again to relax. If the guy had been going to shove
straight into him, he’d have done it already. There was no need to get all
uptight. Wren groaned beneath him and he concentrated on her face, tried not to
think about what was happening behind him.

I want this. I want this.

As Adam firmly stroked and circled the tight ring of
muscles, he also massaged the root of his cock. He found the place guaranteed
to drive him wild and pleasure began to swim more strongly along Tomas’ veins.
When one finger finally breached the resistant circle of muscle, he relaxed
into it. He lifted his mouth from Wren’s to take a breath and Adam rested
against his back, his teeth nipping Tomas’ shoulder.

“I’m not going to last ten seconds inside you,” Adam
whispered. “You’re tight.”

A trail of pre-cum dripped from Tomas’ cock onto Wren’s
belly. Wren wiped it off and brought her hand to her mouth.
Oh God.
he didn’t close his eyes, he was going to be in serious trouble. Except closing
his eyes was the last thing he wanted to do. Wren stroked his cheek with her
thumbs and smiled at him. The feel of Adam’s thick finger driving into his ass
felt good and bad at the same time, the burn a mix of pleasure and pain. Tomas
wanted to stay, wanted to run. But little by little, discomfort trickled away
until only enjoyment remained.

“Think you’ll last ten seconds inside Wren?” Adam asked.

Tomas groaned as the guy reached round to grab his cock,
rubbing it against Wren’s glistening folds. She slid her hands up to hold
Tomas’ head.

“Oh God,” Tomas moaned.

Adam pressed down on Tomas’ balls with the heel of his hand
and then played his fingers higher to grip under the crown, more pre-cum
sliding from the tip to fall on Wren’s sex. Adam’s finger kept slipping in and
out of his ass and Tomas started a complex mathematical equation in his head.
He was
going to come before they did.

Tomas rubbed Wren’s clit with his thumb, intensifying the
pressure, and to his surprise she unraveled with a long groan, cream flooding
his palm.

“Oh God,” she wailed. “I was trying to hang on. You two need
bags over your heads.”

Adam laughed. Tomas couldn’t manage that.

When a second finger pressed into his rectum and expertly
curled to caress his prostate, he only just swallowed his whimper. If Adam kept
doing that he was going to explode over Wren like a volcano. His balls drew up
tighter to the base of his dick and he lost the ability to think. The two
fingers inside him scissored and he began to shake. Adam lined up Tomas’ cock
against Wren’s sex, which was just as well because he was barely able to focus.

“Don’t move. I’ll be right back,” Adam whispered.

He pulled away from Tomas’ back. Tomas missed the warmth of
his body, missed the sensation in his ass and braced for what was to come,
pushing his forearms down into the bed. He gave a deep sigh when the thick
shaft of Adam’s cock slid between his butt cheeks. The lubed condom glided back
and forth and then stopped against his anus.

“Slide into Wren at the same time as I push into you.”

As the rounded head of Adam’s cock pressed and popped
through Tomas’ asshole, he thrust his cock into Wren. She gasped in unison with
him and arched her hips to wrap her legs around both of them. At that point of
complete union, when there was no farther to go, their bodies one unit, the
three of them froze like sculptured marble.

“Jeeeesus,” Adam exhaled the word. “Whatever you do, nobody

Wren’s eyes were glazed. Tomas suspected his were the same.

“Okay?” Adam whispered.

Tomas shivered in pleasure as his body adjusted to the

“Completely stuffed,” Wren blurted.

The vibration of Adam’s burst of laughter rumbled through

“I’ve got that plug in, remember?” she asked. “Oh God.
Should I have taken it out?”

“No,” Adam grunted. “The whole point was to have it in so
you could feel what it would be like to have the two us doing this instead of
Tomas and Mr. Blob.”

Good thing Adam had the ability to explain because Tomas’
mind was on a fast track to completion. The slight burn at his asshole faded
and he felt his muscles spasm around Adam’s cock. His own cock was wrapped in
perfect bliss, held tight in the warmth of Wren’s body. It felt so good without
a condom that Tomas struggled to hold his body back from racing toward explosion.
As telltale signs of an approaching orgasm simmered in his veins, he wondered
if he could come without even thrusting.

Adam licked his neck and without warning bit the lobe of his

“What was that for?” he yelped, the sharp pain flicking his
brain away from what was galloping toward him.

“We have to make Wren come again before we do. Think we

Tomas stared at the soft swell of her breasts as they rose
and fell, her body squeezed his cock and he sighed.

Adam growled and began to push in and out of Tomas as Tomas
drove into Wren. His mind overwhelmed by the needs of his body, he fell into
the rhythm Adam set, letting Adam’s thrust push him harder against her. Light
stubble scraped his back, he could hear the swift pace of Adam’s breathing,
feel his nails digging into his hips. His ass clenched and then relaxed as the
tight band of muscle stretched around the base of the guy’s cock. When his
prostate came in for a share of the pleasure, a cry burst from deep inside
Tomas’ throat.

Every forward drive sent ribbons of fire fluttering through
his body. Every clench of Wren’s muscles intensified the ache in his gut.
Jesus, Jesus. I can’t hang on.
He needed to come so badly his entire body
ached for it. Wren orgasmed, her body stiffening beneath him but Tomas couldn’t
stop now, his cock was about to catch fire. White lights flashed in his vision,
his balls knotted up tight and he exploded with a loud cry. Adam’s shaft felt
bigger, he changed from long thrusts to short jabs and then he was coming too.

Tomas’ dick kept pulsing and Wren tightened around him,
milking him as Adam clung to his back, filling him. The three of them panted as
if they’d run a race. In a way they had but there were only winners, no losers.

“Fuck,” Adam whispered.

He rolled, taking Tomas and Wren with him so they lay on
their sides still joined. Adam’s hand slid over Tomas’ shoulder to stroke
Wren’s face.

“When can we do that again?” she whispered.

“Christmas,” Adam said and Tomas laughed.


Wren closed her eyes, emotions tumbling inside her.
I can’t love them. I can’t.
As safe as she’d felt a moment ago, wrapped in
their embrace, now she was afraid because she loved them too much.
Oh crap.
Adam was going to go back to London and bury himself in his work. Tomas would
get trawled deeper and deeper into Marco’s shit and he’d keep away from her
because he’d be scared she’d get pulled in too.

Tomas’ softening cock slipped out of her and she bit her
lip. He’d leave her like all the other guys she’d been with and this time she’d
have a heart too broken to mend. Her father already disapproved of him, but
then who’d ever be good enough for her in his eyes?

“Stop it,” Adam whispered.

She wondered what Tomas was doing. She barely had the energy
to keep breathing.

“I’m talking to you, sweetheart,” Adam said.

Wren forced her eyes open. “Stop what?”

“Thinking.” He leaned up on his elbow, staring at her over
Tomas’ shoulder. Adam smiled. “This is going to work because we’ll
it work.”


I love them.
Wren’s heart was so full she struggled
not to cry. No point fighting love. She wouldn’t waste time fretting it
wouldn’t last or thinking about what had happened before when she’d risked
opening her heart. She loved these guys and no one could take that away from
her except herself.


I love them.
Adam wanted to shout it out but instead
he swallowed the words and the emotion that went with them. He’d been sent up
here to learn what life was really about and to his complete astonishment he’d
found out. He wanted to share his future with these two. He wanted to make them
happy and he wouldn’t let this chance slip through his fingers.


I love them.
Tomas pulled the feeling into a tight
ball and held it in his heart. Whatever happened, this would always be part of
him. Ironic really that he had Marco to thank for it.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Tomas stood in the kitchen, looking from Adam to Wren,
knowing he’d lose this fight, but that didn’t mean he’d go down easily.

“Stay here today with Adam,” he said to Wren.

She crossed her arms and glared. “We already agreed it was
better to act as normal. I have classes to teach.”

“Don’t worry,” Adam said. “I’ll go with her. I won’t let her
out of my sight.”

“I’m worried about you too.” Tomas put his hand to his head
and dragged his fingers through his hair, tugging until it hurt. This was why
he didn’t get involved.

“Hey.” Adam pulled him into his arms and hugged him. “Too
much thinking. Once there’s been an audit of Ezispeke, Marco will be finished.”

“If there’s no reason to arrest him straightaway, he’ll
run,” Tomas said.

“A raid on the Headingley house
the three others
you say he has? One of the women will talk. This is going to be over before you
know it.”

Adam squeezed his hand hard and stared straight into his
eyes. They both knew most of the optimism was for Wren’s sake.


Tomas left the house before them and called Julia as he
drove away from the city.

“You okay?” she asked.


“Spare me the details on what you got up to with the DCS’s
daughter. You do realize what a thin line you’re treading?”

Sometimes it seemed he’d been walking that line all his

“The DCS has been trying to call her.”

“She’s lost her phone.”

“Get her to call him.”

“Okay. Marco contacted me this morning. I’m on my way to

“Your thoughts?”

“I’d be more concerned if he wanted to meet in the middle of
the night at an isolated trading estate. I don’t expect him to butcher me in
his home.”

“That doesn’t mean he won’t.”

“Thanks a lot, Julia. I was trying to cheer myself up.”

She laughed. “I spent a long time last night going over
everything to see if we missed something that might tip him off.”

In between mind-blowing sex, so had Tomas. “And?”

“Even if he knows who Wren is, you should still be okay for
the time being.”

Marco would either be amused by one of
his guys fucking the daughter of a senior police officer, or Tomas was about to
come unstuck.

“We followed the boxes you collected yesterday,” Julia said.
“They went to an Albanian already under suspicion of drug dealing. But we need
another stage of removal before we go in, particularly after this latest

Tomas gritted his teeth.
Why the hell is it a fuckup?

“One more thing. Turns out the DCS has more than one
troublesome child. His son Matt Ellis, a detective at Garforth, accessed an
Interpol database to check names Wren gave him. He also entered your name and
the alert came back to me. Needless to say, he’s been warned not to interfere.”

“I’m a couple of streets away from Marco’s. I have to go.”

“Check back with me by noon.”

As he pulled up outside Marco’s home, Tomas willed his heart
to keep pumping sensibly and not go into overdrive. It flittered through his
head that he might not come out of this house again and he wished he’d told
Adam and Wren how much they meant to him. He wasn’t big on expressing his
feelings. He’d learned to keep them bottled up tight right from being a small

He grabbed Wren’s folder of information about Ezispeke and
exited the car.

Marco opened the door and Tomas assumed that meant Veton was
elsewhere. Hopefully nowhere near Ezispeke or Wren and Adam, or waiting inside
to surprise him with a chainsaw.

“Come in.” Marco moved aside.

Tomas stepped into the hall and closed the door.

“Sorry I shout yesterday,” Tomas said.

Marco regarded him carefully. “I don’t employ people who
have no respect for me.”

“I have respect, but you frighten Wren. That not

“When I see her, I’ll apologize. Is that for me?”

He handed him the folder.

“Come into the kitchen.”

Tomas followed.

“Help yourself to coffee. Pour me one.”

He took mugs from the cupboard and poured two black coffees.

“What are these lines?” Marco pointed to the marks Wren had

“Wren drew line under names of students who were in class.
Ones below not in class.”

“Why did she do that?”

“Olive ask her to sign register and Wren saw students she
never taught. So she ask colleagues and mark their lists too.”

Marco flicked through the sheets and scowled. “Know why I’m
pissed off?”

Tomas didn’t want to guess. “Adding names too obvious?”

“That wasn’t a bright move, but no. Olive could have easily
dealt with one sharp-eyed hawk masquerading as a little brown bird, but she
fucked up. If Wren hadn’t been going out with you, this could have been messy.”

That sounded as though everything was okay, but something
had Tomas’ nerves jangling.
When in doubt, keep quiet.

“What does Wren say about this?” Marco asked.

“She thinks Olive try to get more money from government.”
That made no sense at all, but he wasn’t sure it mattered. He just had to keep
Marco from believing Wren knew exactly what was going on.

“How?” Marco asked.

Tomas furrowed his brow. “She say school get grant for more
pupils. Has to be certain number to qualify.”

Marco stared straight at him. Tomas had no idea if he’d fall
for it. If he checked, he’d find it was a load of bollocks, but that didn’t
mean any of it was a lie, just that Wren was stupid.

“Church Street isn’t the obvious route to Dock Street,”
Marco said.

Tomas made sure the only expression on his face was a frown.
“I never walk it.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck.

“Jovana!” Marco shouted.

She came in, a sullen look on her bruised face. Dragen was
behind her. Tomas leaned against the wall trying to appear relaxed while he
worked out how quickly he could grab a knife from the block on the counter.
Dragen first, then Marco.

“What happened last night?” Marco asked her.

Jovana pouted. “I told you.”

“Tell me again.”

“Wren walk past. See me and ask what I doing. I tell her
truth. When man came, she told me not get in car and when I did, she did too.
After we stop, she say to man she police. He drive away. She ask me call Tomas
not Veton.”

It could have been worse, Tomas thought. The note Jovana had
given Wren sat in his pocket, there to use if he needed it.

“Wren not police,” Tomas said in a firm voice.

“She want help me,” Jovana said. “She don’t like I go with
men for money.”

Marco smiled. “Did you ask her to help you?”

Jovana shook her head.

Dragen’s slap across her face caught Tomas as much by
surprise as Jovana. She gasped and lifted her hand to her mouth. Another strike
and her lip started to bleed.
Oh fuck.

“Did you ask Wren to help you?” Marco repeated, his voice
perfectly calm.

“No.” Jovana wiped blood from her lip. “Why should I? What
could she do? And she his. He work for you. ” She glared at Tomas.

“Did Wren give you money?” Marco asked.

Jovana hesitated and nodded.

“How much of what you eventually gave Dragen came from

“All of it. Four hundred pounds.”

Marco laughed. “You’re paying your debt to me with my own
money? Take her to the house in Seacroft.”

Dragen and Jovana left and Marco turned to Tomas. “We have a

Tomas waited.

“Wren appears to disapprove of my business yet she goes out
with you and has given you information to help me.” He sighed. “I don’t trust

“You don’t trust anyone.”

Marco shrugged. “That’s true.”

“She think she love me. She do anything I ask.”
If only.

“Then keep her quiet.” Marco gave a slow smile. “If you
don’t, I will.”

Tomas nodded. Over his dead body. And he meant it.

“I need you to make another collection for me. Here’s the
address.” He handed Tomas a slip of paper. “I want you at Cirque tonight.
Behind the bar again. Bring Wren. Let’s see if


Tomas called Julia as he headed back to Leeds and repeated
the conversation.

“I didn’t think Jovana would say anything about the money.”
Julia sighed. “Not admitting she asked Wren about this friend of hers is a good
break for us. It’s lucky Church Street’s en route to Dock Street, even if it
isn’t the quickest way to get there. Marco said nothing about Wren’s

“No. Maybe he’s still checking on her. He’d be a fool if he
wasn’t, and he’s not a fool. The fact her name’s different to that of her
parents is a big plus. She’s not on Facebook, hasn’t done anything to cause or
generate a web presence. There are no details online about the DCS’s family. No
images I could find apart from ones of him, for obvious reasons.” They’d wised
up to terrorists targeting families of important people. Putting photos on the
web was asking for trouble.

“On the other hand,” Julia said, “Wren isn’t a common name.
One mention of that in the wrong place and Marco will know.”

“He has no reason to link Wren with the chief.”

“I’m working on bringing him down fast, Tomas. I’m not sure
we can afford to wait much longer. Apart from the worry you’ve been compromised,
I can’t do anything to risk the safety of the DCS’s daughter.”

That was a change of tune from last night.

“What the hell were you thinking, by the way?” she snapped.

“How was I supposed to know who she was?”

“Well you do now. Be careful. The sooner this is done the

Tomas felt a little easier.

“What about Cirque? Going to take her? It would look better
if you did, though I should be telling you not to. I can give you cover.”

“I’ll think about it.”

No way.

* * * * *

Adam stuck to Wren like glue, like a limpet, like a guy who
loved her.
Do I?
Was it possible after such a short period of time? He
felt like thumping Tomas for trawling her into this mess and yet he knew
without Wren following up on those extra names, they’d have no idea Tomas was a
cop. Tomas might not have wanted them to know, but Adam was glad they did. He
couldn’t handle thinking about what he’d have done if Tomas had turned out to
be a criminal who abused women.

After Tomas texted that he’d spoken to Marco, was off on a
job and would be back at the apartment by late afternoon, he felt a little less
worried. But when he’d passed on the message for Wren to phone her father and
held out his mobile, she’d looked at it as if he held a snake. He couldn’t help
but overhear the conversation, though Wren had phoned her mother not her
father. He wasn’t sure Wren’s jolly tone could fool anyone.

Her mother must have mentioned the money stolen from Wren
because he heard the words eighteen thousand and the shriek at the other end of
the phone.

“Yep, he was a bastard, Mum… You were right… I was wrong.”
Wren sent Adam a little smile. “Yes, I’m being careful… Yes, I love you too.”

Adam worked on his laptop at the back of the classroom while
Wren taught. He’d taken her for lunch and now she was chattering with her
English language students in her last lesson of the day, about favorite films,
songs and books. She listened, helped and kept everyone engaged in the

Human resources?
Adam could do with someone like Wren
working for him. Despite most of his employees being geeky guys, Wren would get
on well with them. He shifted uncomfortably. Maybe too well. He’d have to make
it clear she was taken. Adam wanted them both in London with him. The sooner
Marco was behind bars, the better.

When the last student left the classroom, Adam packed up his
laptop and joined Wren at the front.

“Heard from Tomas?” she asked.

“He’s back at Dock Street. Shall we join him?”

“I just need to go to the loo.”

Adam followed her down the corridor to the ladies’.

“Coming in with me?” she asked.

He knew she was joking but he was tempted, and not to check
for armed men. The one with a dangerous weapon was him. Wren must have
registered the look on his face because her cheeks pinked.

“I won’t be long. Hold that thought.” She pushed open the

Last night had been the best of his life. A perfect three.
Nothing had felt awkward. Adam was as happy to watch Tomas fucking Wren as he
was to fuck her himself. There was no pang of disquiet when he watched, just a
sense of deep satisfaction and pure pleasure.

But life wouldn’t be easy for a three. Holding hands in a
dark street was okay. Swapping kisses in public was not. Not that Adam gave a
rat’s arse what people thought, but he worried about Wren. He smiled when she
emerged. He’d decided to bring some of his muscle guys up from London to keep
an eye on the three of them for the next couple of weeks. They’d be here
tomorrow. One thing was certain, this couldn’t go on. Adam wanted both Tomas
and Wren safe. Permanently.

As they walked past the office, Olive stepped out. “Wren. A

When Adam made to follow, the stocky woman stood in his way.
She looked like a moldy raspberry in her dark splotchy dress.

“This is private.” Olive glared.

“I’ll stay right here.” He planted his backside against the

She’d clearly been waiting for Wren to walk past. What had
made Olive get involved with Marco? It had to be money. A way for her to make
more and a way for Marco to wash some of his, though he couldn’t launder vast
sums through Ezispeke. Most of his money was probably going overseas.

Wren emerged five minutes later, looking shaken.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’ve been sacked.”

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