GirlMostLikelyTo (23 page)

Read GirlMostLikelyTo Online

Authors: Barbara Elsborg

BOOK: GirlMostLikelyTo
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“You’ve spoiled the surprise,” Wren said.

“No, it worked fine.” He nudged her butt with the hard ridge
of his cock. “If I didn’t think the concierge would panic, I’d flip the switch
and stop the elevator.” He pulled up her coat and slid his hands onto her
thighs. “Oh fuck. Maybe I should risk Bill having a heart attack, because
you’re going to give me one.”

The doors opened and Wren jumped out.

“Damn it, Wren, wait. Let me check first.”

“No one can get in the building. You need codes and keys. Is
this one Adam’s?”

As she raised her hand, the door opened and Adam reached out
to pull her inside. “At last.” He pressed his lips to hers.

Tomas closed the door and dropped her bag in the hallway. He
wasn’t sure how long his nerves could stand worrying about her. “I need a
drink. Something cold. Please tell me you have beer.”

Adam lifted his mouth from Wren’s. “Forgetting something?”

Tomas frowned.

“Accent?” Adam mouthed.

“Ah. There’s a lot we need to tell you,” Tomas said.

“It can wait. I’ve been trying to figure out whether three
of us will fit in the tub. It’ll be a squeeze, but I want to try.”

“Wren has a present,” Tomas said.

He watched Adam’s face as her coat fell to the floor. Adam’s
jaw dropped with it. Tomas stared at her long, lithe body and the strappy heels
on her feet. She looked tarty and sexy and yet he could still see a glimmer of
insecurity in her eyes.

“Ooohh shit.” Adam’s lips curved in a smile. “Temptation on

“Can I hear water running?” Wren asked.

“Crap.” Adam sprang for the bathroom door and then sighed
with relief when he looked inside.

Wren bent to remove her shoes. Adam clutched his groin and
Tomas did the same.

“Problem?” She straightened and stared at them.

The insecurity had gone and the little imp grinned before
she scampered into the bathroom. Tomas stripped where he stood. As Adam
wrenched at the buttons of his shirt, Tomas caught his shoulder. “There’s one
thing you need to know, one thing I have to ask you.”

“I know you’ve already fucked her. I can smell it. No, I’m
not jealous. And no, I’m not getting the beer. You can. There’s champagne if
you’d rather and food. I went shopping. Christ, what a nightmare. I’m not doing
that again. Still, can’t to wait to show you what I got apart from food.” He
headed for the bathroom.

“Adam, listen.”

He turned at the door and his face lit in a big smile.

And Tomas couldn’t do it. “I’ll get the alcohol.”

By the time he came into the bathroom with champagne,
glasses and a plate of appetizers, Adam and Wren were up to their necks in foam
in the free-standing tub. The foam wasn’t just in the bath but all over the
floor. Wren rested with her back against Adam’s chest and Tomas handed them
drinks and climbed in the other end. He looped his legs over the edges of the
tub, his butt wedged by Adam’s feet. As long as no one breathed, he just about

“Food, please,” Wren said.

Tomas picked up the plate from the shallow sea of foam and
offered it to her. She popped a pastry pinwheel in her mouth.

Adam lazily stroked her breasts, teasing her nipples while
his gaze remained on Tomas. Wren opened her mouth and Tomas slotted a spring
roll between her teeth. Even with no room to move, the warm water, champagne
and naked bodies did their work and the worried cells in Tomas’ brain began to

Wren caressed his leg and opened her mouth. “More, please.”

After Tomas had fed her smoked salmon, he wrapped his hand
around her foot and rubbed her toes over his cock.

“Can we tell Adam what’s happened?”

“Go ahead,” Tomas said. She’d do it better than him, ease
into it gradually.

“Tomas is a cop.”

But there was no tidal wave of foam, no
exclamation of surprise, not a flicker of anything from Adam. Wren squirmed
round to face Adam, making both of them wince as she collided with delicate

“Why aren’t you shocked?” she asked.

“Three hours ago, I would have been, but I started to put
two and two together and began to hope that might be the explanation. Now ask
me if I’m glad.”

“Are you?” Wren asked.

“Ecstatic.” He grinned and turned Wren so her elbow was out
of his groin and her back against his chest.

“You won’t be when you hear what she’s been up to,” Tomas

He was right. By the time they’d filled Adam in, Tomas felt
he might as well have been sitting in freezing water.

“Why didn’t you tell me about the registers?” Adam asked. “I
told you I run an antifraud company.”

“I didn’t know it
fraud I’d uncovered and if I’d
told you, what would have happened to Tomas?”

Adam’s mouth tightened into a thin line.

“What would you have done?” Tomas asked.

“I’d have tried to persuade you to go to the police and give
up Marco and the rest in turn for a lighter sentence.”

“Wren told me to run. She said she’d come with me and
convince you to come too.”

Adam kissed her head. “Ah, sweetheart.”

Tomas didn’t ask if Adam would have run. He knew the answer.

“How long does this undercover thing have to go on?” she

“Until my boss says stop.”

“Stop,” Wren said.

Chapter Twenty-Three


“Listen to the boss,” Adam said and slid his hand down
Wren’s body. “Wren’s right. You should stop working for Marco.”

Tomas couldn’t see what Adam was doing under the foam, but
he could guess. “I can’t walk away now. I’ve spent too long worming my way into
Marco’s organization.”

“You think it goes higher than Marco?” Wren asked.

“No, in that I don’t think anyone has bankrolled him or he defers
to anyone, but he has a lot of contacts in Eastern Europe and the UK we’d like
to get to know.”

“Does he own Ezispeke?” Adam asked.

“Wren wondered that.”

“He might have purchased it through an offshore company,”
Adam said. “I could find out.”

“Let us handle it. The less you’re involved the better. Bad
enough Wren’s inside the net. Even if Marco does own the school, we need to
link him with those students who didn’t attend, with students who might not
exist, with ones who’ve disappeared like Jovana’s friend. The registers Wren
copied might do that. And if he’s using the business to launder money, how’s it
getting back to him? Who’s involved at Ezispeke? There’s a lot of unanswered

“I could—” Wren began.

“No,” he and Adam snapped together.

“I don’t want Marco to hurt you,” she said.

Tomas caressed her foot, running his fingers over the
delicate bones. “I’m more worried about what your father will do if he finds
out what we’re up to with you.”

“He won’t.”

“Christ, Wren, he’s a Detective Chief Superintendent,” Tomas
said. “He’ll find out. Just like he found out about what your last boyfriend

“You missed out that bit,” Adam said.

“Want to tell him?” Tomas asked her.

Wren sighed. “He stole from my bank account and maxed out my
credit card.”

“How much did he steal?” Adam asked.

“Eighteen thousand.”

Adam sucked in a breath.

Wren glared at Tomas. “What did my father mean when he said
no more chances?”

Tomas stopped moving. “He was referring to a job that went

“How?” Adam asked.

“My partner died, making it my fault.”

“That’s crap.” She leaned forward and wiped foam off his
face. “Sorry about your partner, but if the mistake wasn’t down to you, then
don’t say it’s your fault.”

If only it were that easy.
Tomas emptied his glass.
“She didn’t listen, didn’t wait for me when I’d asked her to, went after a
suspect on her own, crashed the car and died.” He exhaled. That night had been
one of the worst of his life.

“How is that your fault?” Wren asked.

“I was her senior. I should have made her listen.”

“You should have
her listen? You really think
you can make women do what you want?” She wrapped her hand around his
semi-erect cock. “I think you’ll find we do what we like and just because it
sometimes happens to coincide with what guys want, does not mean you’re getting
your own way.”

Adam laughed. Tomas had lost track of what she was talking
about. His cock swelled in her hand, his breathing quickening.

“What’s poking in my back? Oh.” Wren smiled at Adam.

“There’s no room in this tub for what I want to do,” Tomas
said. “Plus, I don’t want anyone to drown.”

He scrambled from the tub and lifted Wren out. Adam
followed. They wiped foam from their bodies and dropped the towels in a wet

“Want to see what I bought?” Adam asked.

Wren beamed. Tomas wondered how long that would last when
she realized what they wanted from her.

Adam led them into his bedroom. Two large bags and three
small lay on the bed.

“The big ones are for me and you,” Adam said to Wren.
“There’s one each of the small.”

“Tomas doesn’t have a big one?”

“I’ve never had any complaints.” He pinched her backside.


Adam rubbed her butt. “He doesn’t need a large bag because
he’s already got a costume.”

Wren clapped her hands together. “Costumes? Am I a vampire?
Bride of Dracula? A tiger? Not Marge Simpson.”

Tomas sniggered.

Wren tipped the bag onto the bed and stared at the puddle of
slinky silver material. “I’m dressing as an element? Mercury?”

“Quicksilver—yep, that fits.” Adam chuckled.

She held up a short tube dress with open sides crisscrossed
with delicate silver chains and Tomas’ cock purred in his head.

“How am I supposed to wear anything under—ah, I’m not. Okay,
let’s see what you’ve got.”

Okay? What does that mean? She’s all right about this?
Tomas swallowed hard, his hand stroking his cock. When Adam tipped out a heap
of leather strands with buckles and loops, and a pair of black chaps cut away
over the inner thighs and butt, Tomas pushed down on his tingling balls. He
glanced at Adam’s face and saw the flush spread on his cheeks.
into dressing up.

“That is so hot,” Wren said. “What’s yours, Tomas? We going
to try everything on?”

Adam pointed. “Later. Look in the other bags.”

Tomas pulled out a black butt plug. Wren’s was pink and
smaller. While they’d played around last night, they’d talked about what they
wanted to do to each other and not made a secret of the fact they wanted her
sandwiched between them. Wren had never had a guy’s cock in her butt before.
Tomas was barely more experienced than her. Somehow that had helped him get his
head around this because the mere idea of them in her pussy and ass at the same
time made him lightheaded with lust.

“I figured we need to do this in stages,” Adam said.

Tomas swallowed against the choked feeling in his throat.
Did Adam know he had a problem?

“Hands and knees on the bed, both of you.”

Wren moved the clothes onto a chair. She might be chewing
her lip but Tomas recognized excitement in her eyes.

“You first.” Adam nodded to him.

Tomas crawled onto the bed and stayed on all fours. His
heart pounded and his ass clenched no matter how much he pleaded with it not
to. When Wren settled beside him and turned to him, Tomas licked the line of
her mouth.

“Okay, little bird?” he whispered.

She nodded. “I feel like we’re about to get smacked.”

“No one’s going to hurt you,” he said. “Marco’s a prick.”

“I don’t think Marco was thinking about smacking. I might
like a bit of smacking as long as I get to smack you two as well.”

Tomas’ laugh switched to a sharp inhale as Adam squirted
lube down the crease of his butt. The bath had been supposed to relax him but
he could feel himself winding up again.

“Can I put it in?” Wren rolled off the bed.

Tomas buried his face in a pillow.
Christ, that’s all I

“Gentle pressure,” Adam said. “You have to tease the muscles
into giving way.”

“Does it hurt?” she asked.

“Guys wouldn’t do it if it hurt. You know what wimps we
are.” Adam caressed Tomas’ butt and he trembled.

He could feel the plug twisting, pushing, pressing against
the tight pucker of his asshole, and willed his body to open.

“Am I doing it right?” Wren asked.

Tomas grunted. Adam’s firm fingers, Wren’s soft ones, the
oh damn
—her exhalations hitting his butt, all stole the breath from
his lungs.

Bear down. Let it in.
“Oh God.”

He and Wren gasped the same words together as his muscles
relaxed and the plug entered his body.

“Are you okay?” Wren asked. “Want me to pull it out again?”

“Yeah, so long as you push it back,” Tomas blurted, laughed
and then pressed his face into his arm and groaned.

“He’s fine.” Adam slapped him on the butt and Tomas rolled
onto his back with a moan. “Your turn.”

“It’s not going to fit.” Wren warily eyed the pink plug in
Adam’s hand.

“If it doesn’t, I’ll take it back,” Adam said.

Her eyes widened. “You can’t take it back.”

He grinned. “Well, we’ll just have to make it fit then.”

Tomas wasn’t sure he could watch Adam do this without
spurting all over the place, so he stayed where he was and watched Wren. That
didn’t help at all.

She winced at the splash of lube and then held her breath.

“Sweetheart, you need to breathe,” Adam said.

“It’s in far enough,” Wren squeaked.

Adam snorted. “That was my thumb. I haven’t even touched you
with the plug yet.”

“Hey, if I can do this, you can.” Tomas brushed her cheek
with his knuckles. “You are the most gorgeous, sexy woman I’ve ever been lucky
enough to meet.” He slipped two fingers into Wren’s mouth and she sucked on
them. A suck that turned to a bite when the plug slid in. She released his
fingers and gave a deep sigh.

“It feels…”

“What?” Adam rolled her onto her back so she lay next to
Tomas. He wrapped her hand in his.

“Better than I’d thought.” She smiled.

“How about now?” Adam asked and Tomas felt the vibration
power through his gut.

Judging by Wren’s squeal, Adam had set off both to vibrate
at the same time.

“Bastard,” she yelped and flung herself at Adam, knocking
him off the bed.

Tomas looked down at them wrestling on the floor, Wren
trying to twist the remote from Adam’s grip.

“I don’t like it,” she blurted.

Adam yelped as her elbow collided with his gut. “We’re not
going to do anything you don’t like. Want me to take it out?”

“The plug’s okay. It’s the vibration I don’t like. It’s like
I’ve got a swarm of bees up my arse. Make it stop.”

Adam laughed. Wren wriggled against his cock and he groaned
so she wriggled some more. Adam clutched his balls and Tomas smiled.

“Okay, okay,” he moaned. “I’ll switch them off.”

Tomas sighed. He liked the vibration. To him it felt warm,
tight and exciting. Adam rose to his feet, lifted Wren onto the bed and lay
next to her. They were both hard and getting harder, cocks fully erect and
leaking, crests shiny with anticipation.

“We need you on the Pill,” Adam whispered. “I want to really
feel you and empty myself inside you. I want you full of cum. Mine and Tomas’.
Then I want to suck it out of you.”

Tomas would have added his agreement but his vocal chords
had seized up.

“I’m on the Pill,” she whispered.

Oh fuck.
They stared at her without blinking. Tomas
felt as if he’d just been invited into heaven except he was afraid to step over
the threshold in case there’d been a mistake and he was destined for hell.

“I’m clean,” Tomas blurted.
Oh Christ. Way to look

“I’ve had sex once without protection,” Adam said. “Five
years ago in an Italian garden.”

“Then it’s okay.” Tomas was confused by the intense
expressions on their faces. “Not okay?”

“It was Wren I fucked in Italy. One moment of bliss before I
lost her in the crowds. We didn’t even know each other’s names. I never thought
I’d see her again.” He swallowed hard. “Remind me to give my PAs a bonus. If I
hadn’t come up here, I’d never have found you. Both of you.” Adam stared
straight at him. “You make love to Wren first.”

The first time the word had been mentioned.
I get to go first?
Tomas’ cock and balls wanted to jump for joy. He almost
checked they were behaving themselves and not jigging with excitement.

“Is that okay, Wren?” Tomas slipped his hand to her breast.

She nodded.

“Going to let me fuck you, Tomas?” Adam reached over Wren to
brush his knuckles down the line of his chin.

Tomas couldn’t look at him. His stomach lurched.


Adam’s whisper forced him to meet his gaze. All he had to do
was say yes except the word had lodged in his throat. The longer he struggled
to say it, the darker the expression on Adam’s face grew. The guy was pissed
off and Tomas wasn’t sure he wanted Adam to fuck him right now, and he
especially wasn’t sure he wanted a pissed-off Adam to do it at any time. He’d
just about got his head around the idea of bottoming but now his heart pounded
out of control, bouncing on his stomach.
Christ, I feel sick.

Wren wrapped her hand around his clenched fist and squeezed.
“I like the idea of Adam on you and you on me. It’ll be like both of you
making…having sex with me at the same time. Well, the pair of you and the Mr.
Blob in my arse. Except I’m in charge of the remote control. You two can move,
but not him.”

A choked groan escaped Tomas’ thick throat. “That

Adam reached for the bedside drawer and his hand came back
holding a condom.
Oh fuck.
Tomas flinched as Wren scooted under him,
pushing him onto his hands and knees. That was the position he’d been in when
Pearson had… He’d pinned Tomas and the fucker had forced… He’d tried…
shit, shit.

Wren kissed him and broke his downward-spiraling thoughts.
She cupped his cheeks, pressed her lips against his and Tomas melted against
her. He didn’t freak out when he felt Adam’s hands on his butt, or when he
pulled out the butt plug. He wanted the feeling back. Supporting his weight on
one elbow, Tomas danced his fingertips down Wren’s body to the soft, damp folds
of her sex and they both groaned. He struggled to concentrate on bringing her
pleasure but his brain kept lurching back to what Adam was doing, what Pearson
had done.

Tomas flinched when what felt like a whole tube of lube
found its way up his rectum, but better too much than not enough. Pearson had
just spat…
oh fuck. Don’t…
Wren mapped his face with her mouth, landing
little kisses on his chin, his nose, over his eyes, sucking his eyelashes while
he slowly pumped two fingers inside her.

“How did I get to be so lucky?” she whispered against his
cheek. “You two are gorgeous. There has to be something wrong with you. A
horrible habit? Do you leave wet towels on the bed? Pee on the bathroom floor?
Collect your bellybutton fluff?”

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