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Authors: M. T. Pope

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Chapter 29

Getting the Juices Flowing
December 16
, 2018, 7:55

Strangely, I was enjoying spending time with Keisha. She was actually pleasant to be around. When James asked me to help him keep an eye on her, he wanted me to pretend I was gay, which didn't sit right with me at first. Then again, I was using him as well. He just didn't know about it. His ass thought he was going to get away with taking Shawn away from me. Faggot-ass muthafucka.

When I saw Shawn at the restaurant the other day, I was like,
Damn! He's still fine as wine!
He had obviously aged, but it was hard to tell how much. I almost told James to go screw himself, and I would try to go after Shawn again, but I knew he would never leave Mona for me.

I pulled up in front of Keisha's house and parked the truck James let me use for a while.

“Hey, baby,” I said to her as she greeted me at the door.

I kissed her on the lips, and surprisingly, I wasn't grossed out. I just mentally psyched myself out by thinking she was just a guy with different equipment.

“How you been doin'?” I asked as we walked into her living room and took seats together on the couch.

She had a Christmas tree up and a couple of gifts already underneath it. I noticed it was extremely quiet around her house. There were normally kids running around all over the place.

“Where the kids at?”

“Oh, they over my mom's house for the weekend.”

Keisha was a good mom. It was just that the kids were bad as hell. She was living on public assistance again, after spending all the money that she stole from Kenny, her baby daddy, on fancy clothes and nights out on the town. We had been seeing each other for a couple of days now, and she was spilling her guts about everything, like how she set Kenny up and how she and his sister got romantically involved. She said she was tired of Kenny running the streets late at night and not coming home sometimes. That's when Antoinette would come over to visit her nephews, and they would talk for hours. One day when she was over and the kids were all asleep, Antoinette made a move on her, and they had been getting down ever since.

I was brought out of a daze by Keisha bursting out into tears.

“What's wrong?” I said, getting close to her and cradling her in my arms while she sobbed.

“I can't believe Antoinette is doing this to me. After all we have been through. How could she cheat on me and leave me home at night like this all by myself? First, Kenny, now her. I don't deserve this shit.”

As she continued to sob in my arms, the nurturing mother in me started to stroke her hair and rock her like a baby.

“Everything is going to be all right,” I said, lifting her chin up and looking into her eyes. “I'll hold you all night long, baby.” I was laying it on thick. I almost felt sorry for what James was planning for her.

I kissed her on the forehead, and in return, she took me by surprise and kissed me on the lips and forced her tongue in my mouth. At first, I wanted to slap the hell out of her, until I noticed how gentle she was.

She continued to kiss me, slipping her tongue in my mouth even further. Not having sex for over six months was taking its toll, and I began kissing her back.

She slowly started unbuttoning my shirt, exposing my braless breasts. She took one in her mouth and started to suck on it as if she was nursing. I let out slight moans as the sensation she was giving me was making my pussy drip and soaked my panties.

She pushed me back on the chair and began undoing my pants. She removed my shoes, pants, and panties and threw them on the floor. She got up and ran into the kitchen and came back with a bowl of ice and a bottle of honey.

I watched as she took a cube of ice and placed it into her mouth and let it swirl around in her mouth. I had to admit, that shit was turning me on. I was ready to get it on.

With the ice still in her mouth, she made circles around my nipples, causing them to harden and become erect.

The ice and her tongue sent shivers down my back as the now melted ice ran down my chest. “Oh! My! Ahh!”

She worked her way down to my hairless kitty and began fingering it, first with one finger, and then with two.

I arched my back as she was working me overtime. I had masturbated before, but her shit was off the hook.

She took the honey, poured it on my pussy, and began lapping like a dog at a water dish.

I started twitching and shaking, and within minutes, I was screaming out her name.

She looked up at me with a wicked smile on her face. “We not finished yet.”

I didn't know what she meant, until she pulled out her large veined dick from underneath her couch. I thought that was an odd place for a dildo, but I ignored it.

She poured honey on that as well, as she slowly eased the large fake dick in me. She pulled it out and licked it like she was licking a Bomb Pop.

Again, this shit was turning me on, and I wasn't used to women fucking me.

All of a sudden, she was fucking me like she was a nigga trying to get himself a good nut, and I was nutting all over the dildo as I came back to back. This bitch was good, and I was seriously thinking about jumping on this side of the fence for good.

She collapsed out of breath on top of me like she had really physically fucked me.

I had never been this exhausted after sex with a man and I loved it. We fell asleep on the couch cradled in each others' arms like we were lovers.


“What the fuck is this shit!”

We were awakened by the voice of a female standing over us with the dildo in her hand. We both jumped up like it was the police busting us for drugs. I immediately covered myself as the broad who I assumed was Antoinette stared me down.

I had to admit, Antoinette didn't look like a lesbian, but her ass sure fought like one. Before Keisha could get away, she sucker-punched her, dropping her to the floor instantly.

Damn! It's like that?
I wasn't going out like that. I was still naked and I was scanning the room, looking for something to fight with, since she was a little bigger than me.

She charged me, tackling me to the floor. As I went down, we knocked over a table with a lamp on it.

She was on top of me getting ready to swing, when all of a sudden, Keisha came out of nowhere and jumped on her back. Keisha was clawing at her face from behind, and Antoinette was trying her best to shake her off.

I took the opportunity to grab the lamp and bash her in the head, sending her and Keisha flying backwards. Antoinette was out cold, and had a small gash on her forehead that was leaking blood.

I scrambled to get out of the house as fast as I could. I had my clothes in hand as I made a mad dash toward my car. It was the middle of the night on Greenmount Avenue, but I could have cared less.

Right before I darted out of the house, I told Keisha that we had to do it again, that I would call her to set it up. Nearly getting my ass whipped didn't deter me from getting another nut like she had given me. I had to admit, my adrenaline was pumping, and I was truly enjoying my trip back to Baltimore.

Chapter 30

Well, Well, Well
December 16
, 2018, 12:07

I was in the house baby-sitting Li'l Shawn, because I had Sherry doing some of my dirty work today. Surprisingly, he was a very quiet kid who didn't require much attention, which was a plus for me. I strolled around the house doing chores like washing clothes and basic house cleaning, pretending to be a good man-wife and tend to my man's home—Correction,

When I had brought home Li'l Shawn yesterday, I'd lied and told Wallace that I was baby-sitting for my cousin because she had to go out of state to handle some personal business. He ate it up because I was his baby and he knew I would never lie to him. I always wondered how I could get away with so much devious shit and still sleep good at night.

I decided I would take Li'l Shawn out for a little adventuring. I had some money to burn and didn't want to stay in the house all day waiting on Wallace to get in from running the streets.

“Hey, li'l man,” I said to him, patting him on the head as I walked into the living room, where he was watching cartoons. “You wanna go shopping with me today?”

When he nodded his approval, I told him to get his jacket, since it was autumn and a little nippy outside. I told him it would be about fifteen minutes before I would be back.

I had already taken a shower, and all I had to do was get dressed. After I put on my jeans and nice button-up shirt, I finished shaping up my hair and made my way out the door, no destination in mind.

I decided to go to Columbia Mall and do some shopping for me, Li'l Shawn, and Wallace, but mainly me. We parked near the Nordstrom entrance and made our way inside. I was getting an adrenaline rush because I knew I was going to burn a lot of cash today.

As I browsed, I picked out a few Sean John outfits for Li'l Shawn and Wallace. I was also a cologne fanatic. I went crazy at the counter, sampling almost everything they had. I ended up buying about twenty different fragrances, because almost all of them smelled good on me. In fact, many people told me that “cologne mixed well with my body chemistry.”

I made a quick trip to my car to drop off the bags I had already accumulated and continued on the shopping spree. We went from Eddie Bauer to Abercrombie & Fitch, to Rockport, to Abercrombie kids. I even made a trip inside Today's Pet to get some things for my cats. We again made a trip back to the car to unload the bags we accumulated.

In total, I think I spent about nine thousand in the mall in about three hours. A personal best.

We were both famished, so I decided I would take us to get some barbeque spare ribs from Famous Dave's in Owings Mills. I absolutely adored that place. The food was off the hook, especially their corn muffins.

As we were being seated, my eyes locked on to a person I was surely glad to see. I told Li'l Shawn to go and be seated while I go and have some fun. I didn't want him to be seen and have my plan foiled.

“Well, well, well,” I said as I stood at the table where Mona and
two daughters, Ashley and Diana, were sitting.

“Oh, ah. Hey, James,” she said, trying not to show her nervousness in front of the kids.

“Long time no see,” I said, looking her straight in the eyes.

She had the look of fear that I liked on her face. Her ass probably was about to wet herself on the spot.

“Give me a hug and stop acting all shy and stuff.”

As she hesitantly got up and gave me a hug, I pulled her toward me and whispered in her ear, “Daddy's back.”

She went to sit back down and missed the chair, falling on the floor. It took everything in me not to laugh at her as she got up and sat in the chair.

Just to mess with her head again, I said, “So where's that buddy of mine?”

“He, uh, he at home,” she stammered over her words once again. I was loving it.

“Oh, that's too bad. I was wondering if we could have a boys' night out again,” I said, winking my eye, “you know, like we used to do.”

“Yeah, sure. I'll tell him as soon as I get home,” she said with a fake smile.

“These two young ladies must be Ashley and Diana.”

She nodded her head.

“You two are so pretty, and y'all look just like your mom and dad.” I smiled

Sweat was bristling at the top of Mona's forehead. I knew she wanted to get up and run, afraid I was going to spill the beans, of which I had no intentions. I was going to milk them once again for all I could, and then hang them out to dry.

I decided to let up and go about my business. She was suffering enough. But I made sure I made a mental note to get her on the phone and get some money out of her as well. Again.

I detoured to our assigned booth near them but not visible enough for Li'l Shawn to be seen and ordered our food. She glanced around from time to time, showing her uneasiness. I was enjoying torturing the Black family once again.

After about ten minutes of me and Li'l Shawn being there, they swiftly made their exit out of the restaurant. She looked like she was damn crazy as she sped out of the establishment. I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

I felt my phone vibrating. I looked down and noticed a text message from a blocked number: Yo ass sure looked good in them jeans u are rocking. Too bad the paramedics might have to cut them off u. Safe ride home. lol.

I looked around trying to see if I could see anybody looking suspicious. Everybody was eating their food, minding their business. So it seemed. This shit did have me a little worried. Just a little, though. I just deleted it and continued to eat my meal.


Later on that day, I took Li'l Shawn back to his ghetto-ass momma, who informed me of her progress, saying, I would be able to exact my revenge any day now.

I walked in the house exhausted, yet ready to have me some try-to-break-the-headboard time with Wallace.

Chapter 31

Testing the Waters
December 20
, 2018, 4:34

I sat in my office and held the sheet of paper that showed I was 99% conclusively Li'l Shawn's biological father. I had a son? Flesh and blood that was mine? I was so excited to know this.

You're probably thinking, ‘How can he feel this way when he already has three children at home?' Well, though I had been raising them as my own, technically, they were not mine.


I can remember the day I got the call that Mona went into labor. I was at work, and it was about ten o'clock at night. I was completely exhausted, because the case I was trying in court in a couple of weeks was whipping my butt. I had just made junior partner and was still trying to prove myself as a top-shelf lawyer.

Mona was due to give birth at any moment. I swore to myself I wouldn't be one of them husbands that acted a fool when his wife was going into labor, but I was fooling myself, because when I got the call, I completely lost my mind.

“Shawn, it's time.” Mona breathed heavily into the phone. “They're coming!”

“Okay, Mona!” My breathing had become labored as well. “You call my mom or your mom? Is the suitcase in the car? How you gonna get to the hospital?”

“Shawn…Shawn…Shawn,” Mona calmly spoke into the phone.

I heard her, but I kept on rambling. “Oh God! How am I going to get you to the hospital? Can I make it to the house in time? You call the doctor? Or am I supposed to call the doctor?”

I was now scrambling around my office, trying to find my car keys. Mona was talking, but I wasn't listening. My mind was racing, and I was already in the hospital in my mind. I raced to the elevator and pressed all of the down keys on the three elevators that stood before me. The way I was drenched in sweat, you would have thought I was a crackhead in need of a high.

“Shawn! Shawn!” She was yelling now, and that bro-ught me back around.

“Yeah, baby. Yeah, baby. I—I—I'm here. Just hold on, Mona. I'm coming.”

In a flash I was out the building and practically running down the street toward the car garage a block and a half away.

It was winter, and I had left my coat in my office, but I didn't realize that until I got in the car. I sped out of the parking garage like I was Batman and the mayor had just flashed the bat in the sky.

“Shawn, baby, we on our way to the hospital now!” This time the voice of my mother-in-law played in my ear. “Just meet us at Northwest Hospital.”

“How did you? Where is? Is she okay? Mama, I'm coming.”

The hospital was about forty minutes away, but I made it there in twenty minutes. I should have been pulled over for reckless driving, because I was breaking all kinds of laws, running lights, passing stop signs, and I almost hit a pedestrian as well.

I ran into the hospital and up to the front desk, asking where my wife was. “My wife, here, er, pregnant, babies…miss them…no…”

The receptionist looked at me and laughed. I didn't see what was funny.

“This must be your first.” She smiled.

I laughed slightly, sweating and breathing very hard.

“What's her name?”


“Your wife's?”

“My wife?”

“Yes, your wife's name?”

“She-she giving birth, having the babies, er, see her now.” I rambled again. I thought I was having a panic attack.

“Okay, I understand that part.” She looked at me like I was crazy. “But I will need to know her name to find her.”

I heard her, but I didn't. I looked around and saw the double doors and ran toward them. I was totally gone. I didn't know anything: room number, floor, or ward, but I was running down the hall, calling her name out.

As I was running, I didn't see a patient with an oxygen tank, so I tripped and fell and hit my head on the side of a gurney. I was out for the count. I woke up in a hospital bed next to Mona and the twins. She was holding one, and my mom was holding the other.

I looked on in sheer embarrassment. Here I was in a hospital bed with a bandaged up head. Mona just looked at me and smiled, causing me to do the same.

My mother brought me over Alex and then Ashley, and I held my bundles of joy in my arms. The tears flowed freely. I was a father. A very proud father. I posed while my mom took pictures of me holding my babies. It was the proudest day of my life, bandaged head and all.


I laughed as I looked back on it, but that was then, and this is now. When Mona had called the day of the paternity results and told me that I wasn't their biological father, something in me changed. I really hadn't realized that until now.

I picked up a picture of my family off my desk. We had taken this picture about three months ago. All dressed in white, we all were smiling, showing our pearly whites.

I, on the other hand, wasn't smiling on the inside. I still had unrest in me. I was still a liar and I knew it. I wasn't happy that James had what I wanted all my life. Offspring. Children. Little versions of me.

The bad thing about it is, he didn't even want them. I couldn't prove it, but I was sure of it. He was a selfish SOB who only cared about materialistic gain, and that proved it for me.

I gently placed the picture back down on the desk where it belonged. I looked across my desk at the picture of my parents and frowned. I had suppressed so much anger and hurt over the years.

Some moments came across as good times, maybe even great times, but it was mostly just me and my mom doing our thing together. My father was always busy grading papers for his students and preparing assignments. Even in the summertime, he would teach school. I would ask if daddy was coming with us on our trips, and my mom would say he was making a living for us. I believed everything she told me, because she was my mom, and she never lied to me.

Truth was, the busier he was, the less I saw of him, which was a huge relief for me, knowing what we did when he did have the time to spend with me. That shit surely wasn't quality time to me. It was hell. I'll tell you that.

He's gone now. Dead. Worm food. He'd never apologized for any of it, but it's not like it would've helped me now anyway. I was fucked up for sure.

“It is what it is.” I shrugged my shoulders in defeat. “Time for me to start looking ahead.” I turned toward my computer and continued with my workday.


Two hours later, I was out again with Li'l Shawn after work and was enjoying spending time with him. Who could have thought I would actually have a child I didn't know about? I mean, I loved all my children, but there is just something about having a biological connection with your offspring that really made a difference to me.

I had taken him to the National Aquarium, the Science Center, National Great Blacks in Wax Museum, and various other attractions around Baltimore, and he was loving every minute of it.

I was asking him questions, and he was asking me questions too.

“Are you and my mom getting married? Do I have any brothers and sisters? Can I live with you? Why did you leave my mother?”

They were all so overwhelming, I didn't know how to respond. I told him I would explain it to him later on, and he reluctantly agreed. I was hoping he wouldn't pressure me anymore about it until I told Mona about him. I was still trying to figure that one out. How in the hell do you do that? I know I pulled back emotionally when she told me that none of our children were biologically mine. I just didn't know when to tell her or how. When is a good time to spring that kind of news on someone? I was still getting used to it my damn self.

I pulled up to the apartment complex where they were staying and called Sherry's phone, letting her know I was outside with Lil Shawn. I hated to see him go, but I had to mosey on home to my wife and kids. I so wanted him to be a part of the family I was leaving him to go home to. But I had to prep Mona first, just to see where her head was.

Sherry sashayed out of the house in slippers and rollers just like a ghetto queen. I handed her a check for two grand out of my car window with the promise of the rest the next week. Then I popped the trunk to my car, so she could also grab the Wal-Mart bags Li'l Shawn and I accumulated.

Christmas Day was just around the corner, so we had made a quick stop at Wal-Mart on Route 40. I let him go for it in the toy and electronic departments. He ended up spending about three hundred dollars. I was happy to see his smiling face. It must have been his first time really having a Christmas, because he was so fidgety, and he kept on thanking me. There was no telling who she had him around, and where she dragged him to.


I pulled up to the house with the hope that I could pick Mona's brain. I got out of the car and made my way into the house.

I noticed that the lights in the dining room were on, and soft R&B music was playing. I cautiously walked into the dining room, not knowing what to expect.

“Hey, baby,” Mona said as she seductively walked up to me in a swaggered strut.

She was looking hot in a see-through pink robe that had fur around the edges. I could see she had on my favorite teddy, the one that exposed most of her breasts.

She took my briefcase out of my hand and placed it in a corner. She then pulled me by the hand and led me to the table, which was candle-lit. “I hope you will enjoy this night as much as I did planning it. I know you've had it hard this week at the office, and I wanted to reward you for all the hard work you do to keep this family together.”

I just looked at her with the fake if-you-only-knew smile as she unveiled a dinner fit for a king. She had fried chicken, baked macaroni and cheese, candied yams, homemade rolls, collard greens, and my favorite dessert, Oreo cheesecake.

She made a plate, sat on my lap, and proceeded to feed it to me spoonful by spoonful.

I was enjoying the food and the view of her chest as she fed me my meal. I wasn't prepared for this. Now how can I bring up the idea of “adopting” a kid right now? It wasn't the right time.

Speaking of kids, she must've dropped the kids off at my mom's house. They usually went over her house to make cookies and help her decorate the house around this time.

After Mona finished feeding me, she led me upstairs, where she had me strip out of my clothes and step into our Jacuzzi tub that had been filled to the top and had scented candles around it.

I stepped in the tub and sat down. She disrobed and immediately did the same. She sat in front of me and took my feet into her hands and massaged each one, cracking my toes in the process. Then she began to work her way up to my calves, kneading them like dough. I lay my head back and enjoyed the treatment she was giving me.

After a couple intense minutes of that, she worked her way up to the most important muscle of them all. My dick.

I lifted my head up and watched as she massaged it till it was hard as steel. Her eyes met mine, and we drew together like two magnets, kissing hard and aggressively like it was our last night together.

She broke the kiss as she went down on my dick. Mind you, my lower half was underwater. She went down under the water and started giving me a blowjob that had me moaning loudly. She was doing a damn good job under the water, not coming up for long periods of time. I didn't know she could hold her breath for so long.

She came up just as I was about to cum. “Not yet, baby,” she said, pulling herself up and positioning herself on my dick. “I wanna ride you home, daddy.”

We'd never fucked in the tub, and I was enjoying this experience totally.

“Whatever, baby.” I moaned as she started pumping up and down on me like a jackhammer. “Do the damn thing.”

She was bouncing so hard, water was flying everywhere, even blowing some of the candles out. I was in heaven.

We came at two different times, her first, then me, and we collapsed in the tub, her on top of me.

“Damn, baby!” I said to her as her head lay on my chest. “We gotta do this shit again.”

“Sure, Shawn. This is all yours.” She opened her legs and rubbed herself feverishly.

We got out of the tub, dried each other off, made our way into the bedroom and lay in the bed, spooning like we always did. I decided to test the waters while she was in a loving mode.

“Baby,” I whispered into her ear.


“You ever think Diana is getting lonely?”

“What you mean, Shawn?”

“I was thinking today that maybe we should adopt a child around Diana's age. I've been noticing that Alex and Ashley are not paying her as much attention as they used to. I think it would be nice to adopt someone that Diana could play with.”

“Baby, why are you thinking about this all of a sudden?”

“Well, it wasn't all of a sudden. I've been thinking about this for a while now. I know we're getting older, that you would probably not physically want to have another baby.”

“Really?” She turned toward me, a puzzled look on her face. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah. With Alex and Ashley about to go off to college in two years, Diana is going to get quite lonely in the house by herself.”

“Well, let's think about it.” She kissed me on the lips. “We can talk about it more after we renew our vows and come back from our trip.”

I was bursting inside with excitement. The only problem was getting Sherry to agree to give custody of Li'l Shawn to me and keep her maternity of him a secret.

I began kissing Mona again as the excitement had made me horny again. I mounted her again and proceeded to fuck her brains out.

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