Galactic Earth (5 page)

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Authors: G.S. Luthra

BOOK: Galactic Earth
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Teaching the Art of Limitation


There are two kinds of people – those who go along with the world and those who force the world to go along with them, yet all global progress has been made by the latter.

The most brilliant minds of earth all did poorly in academics, because they went ahead of their time.


Brainwashing is flushing the mind of all thinking and reasoning and implanting belief systems for control. We are raised with the notion that school is a place for education. This is a double edged sword. It is not complete learning. It is also conditioning, indoctrination, and intellectual reconfiguration, programming the youth to be supportive, self-controlled robots that will never rebel against their leaders. You see when you set up an institution where everyone is required to attend you control what is being taught. In essence you command the disbursement of knowledge. When you are in this position, you can oversee what the children know and don’t know. Pretty effective huh? Schools are used to properly brainwash the youth to behave, and think in a manner that serves the powers that be. By giving false information, by setting the acceptable standard, and by controlling the flow of information via media, school, religion, and government, you have created hell on earth.


Programmed people will argue that the schooled, “educated” ones with degrees are superior to the average. This is false. Just because you have a degree from a university doesn’t mean anything. No, you are not a master. No, you do not know it all. As a matter of fact, you know nothing. Do you want to learn? Do you want to know everything? Fine, then open your mind and read – the first step in knowing everything is to understand you know nothing. If you go back to the time of what human history calls the “Golden Age of Greece,” you will find that those who were dubbed “highly educated,” “accomplished” people of authority attended and saw nothing wrong with brutal events at coliseums. If they saw a comet in the sky, they would think it was one of their gods. Do you see how primitive they were, believing in mysticism and illusionary “nobles.” Well, look at modern humans today, you see the same thing.


False praising of fake idols, whether it’s a president, king, politician, or celebrity. The “greatness” given to those in authoritative positions and those who follow societal norms are nothing but propaganda. Humans are living in a box, experiencing reality only through their filtered lenses given to them from society. You only get a certain amount of intellectual data that is crammed into your head much like a robot, or computer from school.


Intelligence is not determined by an IQ test, or how well you can repeat textbook information, but by your ideas and thinking. Unfortunately, people are now limited, because they can’t understand anything beyond their narrow field of vision. Good for the government, bad for you.


Keep in mind that doesn’t necessarily mean the idea of school is bad. Actually, it can be extensively valuable for future generations. It can become a powerful tool for educating children to advance further than the previous generation. Currently, it has been used primarily to secure control over human beings, to turn you into an obedient nine to five hour worker. Why do you think physical books are being dropped for digital copies, to take away empowering education?


Thoughts are very powerful creations. We’ll get into that later, but you must know that electromagnetic waves are being used to control you. These waves carry signals that are picked up by your brain. Aliens together with the government are sending thought waves that produce negativity. You may have noticed this, but did not know how to describe it or what to do. Are you sure your thoughts are really your own? Telepathy exists…what makes you so sure there are not those who use it for manipulation? As you can see more aggressive action has been taken to control the masses. By sending negative energies through sound vibration frequencies, destructive emotions are generated by the people when picked up. It is purposely done. Why? So the humans cannot go to higher dimensions. When you are constantly in a self-defeating mode, what can you achieve?


Energy is the cause of every single creation. This is a universal rule. Everything is made up of energy. Therefore everything in the universe is interconnected. This aligns with causality effect and also accurately explains the uncertainty principle which has left many intellectuals confused of events in existence. Understand that you can change your circumstance simply by changing your energy field via prayer, meditation, ritual, and personal effort.


Magic is the manipulation of generated energy directed to perform a task according to the will. It is basically transmitting a frequency to do something. It has been used to control the masses. The real power is the mind transmitting that vibration, but other ritualistic behavior is done to enhance the effect. Why do you think some spells involve dance, symbols, certain postures, food, drinks, sex, or settings? It is for more power. Remember however, that all these are nothing compared to your spirit.


Symbols have a vibration, colors have a vibration. The atmosphere you are in will give off energy. The food you eat the drinks you consume, these all give off different frequencies of energy. That is the purpose for all the rituals. Magic is a very old, but powerful tool. It is a deadly art that should not be underestimated. Love though, is more powerful. Spiritual energy permeates through everything. The people in office want you to live in fear, but you do have the real power. God resides in you.


Lies are constantly being fed to you by politicians. They are trained to be good actors in order to stage an act to make you believe you have power to choose your officials. It doesn’t matter what political party they come from, they are all working together to keep you in control. Elections are set up giving you the illusion that you have power to vote, but these politicians and presidents are selected by their own family members, and within their own circles. Threats to the establishment are people who are telling the truth. People who express greatness through music, movies, poetry, books, art,
are attacked viciously by the dark side. They will murder that person if they feel it is necessary to keep their power. Other times they will destroy the reputation of the person telling the truth by spreading lies and misinformation through the media. This has happened many times in the past. Media will even present a whistle blower’s death that was murdered secret military, as a suicide in order to cover up who the real culprits are.


Distractions are everywhere causing humans to forget their purpose, and what the meaning of life is. One of the big burdens humans deal with is the economical prison they are living in. It is such a burden that most people have lost the ways of love and have forgotten how to live. They don’t know how to free themselves, because they are constantly stressed financially. Guess why this is done? Worry creates bad emotions, and there you go. Keeping humans on a low frequency by monetary enslavement prevents the majority from awakening. Thank the evil aliens and elites for this. After all, they’re the ones responsible for its creation.


Sex is a very powerful desire in human beings. It is a big motivating force in their lives as is the yearning for power, greed, and glory, to be better than the competition. The reptilians know this all too well. They have been studying human behavior for thousands of years. By using the primitive desires of the masses against them, they have dominated the planet. It is very easy to manipulate someone when you know what they want. Most of the population is constantly striving to fulfill these desires. Advertising and media give false hope and fake promises to obtain these urges. Take the pornography industry for example. The sex industry misleads people by projecting the act of giving love as a sport, or a competition. More emphasis is put into physical characteristics of humans rather than the emotion of love. Males are brainwashed into believing they must have sex with several women to become a “man”, and to be classified as a worthy specimen. Most men today are nothing more than immature boys who haven’t grown up. They think their genitals must meet a certain qualification to be considered worthy. The same goes for women. Their weight, appearance, and other attributes are attacked. More negative energy for the evil punks to feed off of. At the same time, you have religious elites condemning sex as dirty and sinful, while on the other hand you have the media/porn industry saying that making love is a fun, casual activity. You see where this leads? Many lives are being wasted by seeking fulfillment of primitive animalistic desires. Trapping humans in a negative cocoon is part of the game. Sexual energy is extremely powerful and this is why it has been made so confusing. It has been done purposely to keep people frustrated. The two main weapons that are used to do this are the religion and media/porn industries.


Suppressing humans sexually is unbelievably effective. So much negative energy is produced due to sexual frustration. Rape, murder, and alike are linked to such suffering. Evil dictators and rulers in the past usually had some sort of sexual frustration.

Since it is so powerful, when it gets blocked up in the body, it struggles to be released. That’s why it’s been so manipulated.


Population control is another. Diseases have been created and spread purposely to reduce humans. Aliens who developed disease strands, which were released into the environment, caused the deaths of countless lives. Chemicals have been dumped into the food and water supply to actually change the sexuality of humans making them attracted to the same sex, thus incapable of reproducing offspring. When you think population control, it doesn’t always necessarily mean killing people to reduce the numbers. It can also mean to control the population’s mind. When you do this, you gain total mastery. A person whose mind is controlled is no longer alive anymore. They are just a drone, they can’t think anymore. This is what the dark rulers are doing, but don’t worry you can change it all.


Misleading information about worldly events and politics are keeping the humans inside a box. Elections are one of the big lies that people are tricked into believing. Elected officials are already selected before the campaigns begin. Having presidents and other authoritative leaders misdirects the masses from who is really in power. The real rulers’ identity is never released. Remember about how covert control works? Direct tyranny eventually fails. By having fake people in assumed positions of power, all the blame for the world’s problems are directed towards them. They are being used specifically for this purpose to appear as though they are in power while hiding who is really in control. This has been done before and is still going on today. Kings, priests, gurus, politicians, royalty, presidents, and all other authority officials are examples of this lie. By doing this, a state of confusion is put on the people, because they can't figure out how to obtain freedom. The big dogs are never revealed instead, henchmen or puppets are put in the public who appear to be running the show when in fact they are just doing the bidding for the mastermind, secret evil aliens and corrupt politicians who are traitors. Open your eyes brothers & sisters! We are living suppressed! Enough of this, it’s time to over throw this anarchy! Who knows how much time is left…hopefully this gets to you quickly. Day after day the world crumbles, if you are receiving this, know that you can make a difference. No matter what field you’re in, you can create change for all.


Is earth really free?


“Baloney, there’s no one controlling me, I’m free, I can do whatever I want, nobody controls me!” that’s what the average person says. Well, there’s an old saying, the perfect slave is he who believes he is free, and that the perfect dictatorship is when the people think they are free. The louder the cries of I’m free, the louder you hear their chains rattling. You think you’re free? You don’t know what freedom is! All you care about is war, crime, discrimination, media, TV, military, cheap thrills, wastefulness, drugs, fake authorities, government, football, baseball, and basketball idiots, false religious liars, belief systems, ID cards, traffic lights, taxes and arrogance. You are being controlled and you don’t even realize it!


Come on people snap out of it! How much longer can we deal with this insanity? Just sitting there in front of the boob tube, wondering if everything will work is not going magically fix it. Action must be taken. Use your skills to make a practical difference. Don’t give them your vote or money. Support independent parties and companies who clearly state citizen freedom as their interest. Hopefully, this message will make a difference.


Healing Light


Enough spiritual energy can heal anything. You can heal yourself of all problems, physically, mentally, emotionally, it doesn’t matter. Love conquers all! Whether it’s a physical injury, an emotional loss, trauma, fear, an addiction, whatever, all you need is God. Breathing spiritual energy in can do this. Use it for whatever is afflicting you. Get control. Breathe in light and exhale darkness out. Take deep, full breaths. A good practice is to immerse yourself in light for general wellbeing at least once a week for around thirty minutes. It comes in handy.


Stop searching for love in the external. It must come from the internal first. If you don’t care for yourself, how can you help others? Your external reflects your internal. You must develop yourself first. You can’t get it from someone else. Drugs, gambling, relationships, sex, alcohol, cigarettes, junk food, these will not fix the problem. They only hide the pain. Only spiritual development can truly heal you of all ailments. Do it for yourself. Connect with God. Erase negative belief systems. I love you, with all of my heart and then some now do the same for yourself. You can achieve, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The potential to do everything is within you. You were born to become something great, not to downgrade yourself to a pity. Don’t let this false culture created by the corrupt government stop you on your quest! Fight for your freedom!

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