Galactic Earth (10 page)

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Authors: G.S. Luthra

BOOK: Galactic Earth
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Most Powerful Thought


Thinking the name of God automatically brings everything you need, you need not entertain any other thoughts. Recite the name from the peaceful traditions you are comfortable with, whether it’s Jesus, Buddha, Shiva, Vishnu, Hanuman,
That solves your problems, not just thinking “positive,” mindlessly wasting precious mental energy on fantasy. Let people find God in their own way. Forcing others to convert to your belief is like proclaiming your style of martial arts as supreme. Being spiritual doesn’t necessarily equate to being religious nor does attending church make you holy. It’s how you conduct yourself and your life that really shows your true colors.

How Peace is created

Most people try to become a superhero thinking that is the answer, but they don’t realize that a warm smile, a friendly greeting, a kind remark, or even an unspoken prayer can prevent a suicide, inspire a child, or give faith to a broken soul.


People have always had the power to change the world, but they instead wait for a savior, and that is why nothing changes and why that special savior never arrives.


Cleanse the world of all evil energies, and the world will change. Charge the earth with positivity, and the frequency of the planet will rise. This benefits everybody, because they will then have access to higher realms. Energy from higher dimensional planes heals you. Inner blockades get cleared and all unsolved issues emerge to the surface so you can address and clean them. Spiritual powers will be at your disposal, and you can use these abilities to accelerate your evolution and help others. You’ll be able to see, hear, and feel things you’ve never been able to before. A whole new world will be opened to you.


Meditation can help you develop faster. This can help raise your consciousness so you can understand more. Spiritual love energy has been used all over the universe to free various different races on many different planets. By obtaining a higher awareness, you see beyond the veils. Information about the truth helps awaken people to search for it more. This is how other civilizations have freed themselves.


Andromedans, Pleiadians, and other good races are helping earth. Throughout time there have been contacts in the past between humans and benevolent beings, mostly by Pleiadians, but there are other good ones as well. There are many planets out there all differently developed. Just like you see on earth, not every single human being is the same. Everybody is on different levels. You should understand that it is foolish to think that all beings that look nice are good. That is like saying all humans are good, or bad. You can’t assume that someone is good just because they look a certain way, or are from a particular planet. You have to feel if that person is real and sending you love using your intuition. Lies do not exist on higher planes, because everyone there is spiritually developed so they know when you tell the truth, or not. The goal is to become wise so you have the experience and wisdom to effectively deal with any situation, not to be dependent on others. It is all very simple. To create peace, people must evolve and come to common ground. No extremes live and let live. Dictating others leads to problems. Everyone understands the bare necessities, therefore science and technology should be used to provide these. Luxurious come later, but human beings need to get their priorities right. What is really important earth? Honesty, you should know within. Start living it. We have to take responsibility for our actions, and take care of ourselves.


Humans exist all over the galaxy with their unique abilities depending on their origins and experience, and come in a variety of sizes and skin colors. This was a dear friend of mine who fought alongside of me against the evil hierarchy terrorizing several planets long ago. Together with others, we were able to defeat the dark regime. Yes, humans exist outside of earth. Some are very different in appearance while others look just like earthlings. A lot of them are incarnated here to help steer the direction of the planet into a positive one. There are many different types of species who live on physical dimensions while others live in the higher realms with a less dense body. Some look like you, some not. They live much longer than earth humans, and possess incredible health. Few possess telepathy, clairvoyance, as well as other “psychic abilities” as this requires a certain level of mastery that you too can achieve if so inclined. A lot of humanoids immigrated to earth in the past and populated. They also taught humans about the cosmic laws and real spiritual wisdom. Most are benign. Sustenance depends on an individual’s level. Some absorb spiritual energy while some consume vegetarian food. Eating is a pleasure, so even though they may enjoy a meal occasionally even if they don’t need it. Earth humans have called them angels, and in history books they are depicted as shining bright servants of God. They glow due to their advanced development. All of the chakras are fully activated, so their aura radiates and is visible to the naked eye. Pleiadians are one identified benevolent race your people have acknowledged that has volunteered to help the earth and its people. To put it simply, they are more evolved humans on a higher frequency.


Crazy illiterate uneducated people spread bad rumors about them for silly reasons, but generally speaking Pleiadians, along with Venusians and other benevolent civilizations have good intentions for earth. They tried to help, but have been rejected by the government. Now, they have volunteers who assist, but more people need to become evolved so the chances for a global contact increases.



Throughout my travels, I have seen many different races, some strange looking, while some being just like ordinary animals only far more intelligent. Yes, feline aliens like this do exist as well as dog like and even insectoid races. The universe is full of countless different civilizations with uncanny ways of living. This particular one shown above possesses great wisdom and understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe and despite the lion’s feared reputation on earth, is quite benign.


As you can see, life dwells all over and in many different forms. Here is a friend of mine who is also


assisting me in helping earth’s situation and is of the most evolved and highly respected. Your scientists have even acknowledged the existence of millions of earth like planets, you don’t honestly believe that none of them are inhabited do you? Andromedans are another benevolent race. Usually, they have a bluish tint to them. They are telepathic like the Pleiadians, but some may speak. They live off of spiritual energy or natural vegetarian food and water, if they decide to eat. They can be male, female, or androgynous, and are very well educated and loving. The life span is much longer. Some choose when to pass on, but they can live for a thousand years or even longer.


Educating the future generations is very important on higher evolved planets. They would never think to give false information to mislead the youth like we have here on earth. Love is the prime energy so there is no need for corrupt government, military, or money. Crime does not exist. Of course this sounds too good to be true, but that is the kind of freedom you can create when wisdom rules.


Destruction will occur if the dark forces are not stopped. War and suffering will only continue to worsen. People will be living in misery and this will disturb the energy of not only earth, but the universe. When there is a strong enough energy, it can extend and effect all over existence. To basically summarize what the consequences of letting the evil elites win is an unpleasant future. Death will be the consequence for many.


Bliss will be the reward for cleansing the earth. Peace and the ability to evolve will automatically follow. It is the way of nature. The type of energy you are creating will determine what your society will be like. The same applies when creating your own reality. Your quality of life is produced by your thoughts, emotions, and actions. That is the law of conscious creation. Everything that you do comes back, because that is what you are putting out. Whatever energy you send out, the universe will bring to you people and situations that reflect the vibration you sent out and are tuned into. Connecting with God can automatically put you into the highest purity to cleanse and enjoy love in all its forms. Expose yourself to art, music, literature, people, places, clothing, and alike of higher energy to refresh.


Harmonious frequencies always triumph negative ones. Human beings will never defeat the reptilians with sheer brute force. They have technology that is millions of years ahead of us so there is no comparison. That right, you read right. Not hundreds, not thousands, MILLIONS of years ahead of earth. Spiritual energy is far more powerful than any weapon. The more love energy that the humans can generate, the stronger they will become. Spiritual light of love burns away all dark energies instantly. Use love to defeat evil.


Volunteers from all over the universe are working to help free earth. Basically, they are individuals who use higher knowledge to help others. Noble, honorable living is required, and they live a life of dignity and morals. Obviously, there are more fakes out there who pretend to be good. Many claim to be spiritual with false values, but the real ones know who is authentic and who is a fraud. There are humans on earth who have and are using cosmic force to advance humanity. Benevolent beings from different planets and dimensions are working together to help raise the evolution of earth. They have worked hard and sacrificed for the good of mankind while others do not believe in earth that much and are neutral. You too can actively participate and join the others in healing the planet, and the human race. Decide your future now. You always have a choice in every second.


Truth must be spread to the masses in order to awaken them. Self-healing is very important. If you want to change your situation and the planet, start with self-development. You must practice this consistently and correctly in order to evolve higher. No one is going to save you. Human beings need to work together to stop the dark forces. Humanity will bring them together to stop this political threat. It is necessary for the next step in evolution.


Spiritual energy helps you develop. It comes in many forms such as joy, love, thankfulness, bliss, calm, happiness, and fulfillment. Basically, it is all the positivity that makes you stronger. Drinking alcohol and becoming drunk is an illusion however. That is covering up a bad feeling. Positive emotions come from focusing on gratitude and higher sound and light vibrations. You now know what you must do. Bad, life shattering energies keep you in the dark abyss.


When you are focusing on such frequencies, your thoughts, emotions, and energy reflect that draining you. It is important to clean yourself of all bad unnecessary vibes. These energies are hate, worry, rage, jealousy, envy, boredom, and depression including everything that falls under. These invisible waves make you feel terrible. This chaos can increase more and more if you keep feeding it. That’s why you must avoid them so you can change your life for the better.


Important times are coming. Spiritual development is vital for you to thrive in these years. Intellectual information will only do so much. It is absolutely necessary to increase awareness. You will not be able to go to higher levels with just intellectual data in your head. That is only one part. Love and conscious development will help you gain wisdom, which will increase your energy, thus raising your frequency level high enough so you can go to higher states. So always remember, spirituality should be one of your top priorities, or rather the top priority.

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