Galactic Earth (3 page)

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Authors: G.S. Luthra

BOOK: Galactic Earth
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Religion was created by people based on what they saw back then. Original texts have some of the true teachings of real spiritual beings, but today we only have the edited versions with all the important information left out thanks to the evil elites who destroyed the documents through war, thus keeping the knowledge for themselves. The government itself was also created by secret groups of people who use ancient celestial science, and they work with ET’s to patrol humans. It acts as a watchful eye reporting any suspicious activity that may threaten the establishment. Technology has been used to damage the consciousness of humans and earth itself. Much negativity has resulted because of this.


Unfortunately, too many people laugh at this information. That is why you have corruption on earth. Meaning that it is run by a super government where its population is living under slavery…but they think they are free.


Covert takeover is the proper way to gain dominance over a planet. Reptilians and slippery slimy bureaucrats have shown this to be true by their own example. Instead of openly ruling over civilization, they have done it indirectly. You see by performing their actions behind closed doors, nobody knows who is really in power, not only that, if you tell someone this they laugh at you. Think about it, if someone commits murder, but no one believes that person did it, then that person will get away with it. This is how they’ve been escaping freely with their evil deeds all this time. Of course they have gotten the help of earth humans and other ET’s, but this is how it has all been orchestrated.


Power hungry politicians and greedy people have helped the aliens in the past. Secret societies and cults were created where occult knowledge was shared leaving the rest of the population ignorant. These people are very insecure and have lost the ways of love, among them are those totally manipulated by extraterrestrials. This kind of activity still exists today. Many are trained to suppress this information and are put in positions of authority to keep the masses unaware of what is really going on.


Telepathy, levitation, and other abilities city people call as psychic are natural powers of spiritual yogis. Enlightened masters of the past could perform such feats. They lived in harmony and used cosmic light for healing. Higher energies from divine dimensions were accessed by ancient man. This is possible, because the original human had twelve DNA strands, having this gave them the ability to perform such miracles. Again, religious texts explain this repeatedly.


Intelligence on earth decreased after the aliens left. All that was done to human beings caused them to live in the wild, eventually leading to the formation of tribes. Their lifespan was lessened and all of their natural powers were limited. Experimentation affected their health and wellbeing, thus making mankind strive for food, water, territory, and shelter. People have been tricked into becoming addicted to lower vibrations, forgetting what they learned from spiritual beings. That is why modern citizens have trouble finding balance in their lives.


War was fought between different alien races in the past. Many religious texts document these wars. Thunder, luminous lights, and other marvelous phenomena were mentioned. Super advanced technology was used, but because mankind did not know how to describe it at the time, they referred to ships as glowing clouds. “Throwing lightning” and phrases such as “the roar of the gods,” “fireballs,”
were all regarding the advanced weapons that ETs used. Pleiadians are a benevolent race that had wars with reptilians. One of their battles lasted for several thousand years. People mistakenly take this as myth and legend, but their origins are derived from real events. Millions of civilizations exist, but nobody told you. Instead, misdirection is being used today to hide the truth from people. It has been going on for centuries to keep you in the dark and make you believe that everything is on earth.


Lies are told to fool you. That is the job of all political authorities and government. Their mission is swaying you. Yes, you read correctly. They were hired to trick you purposely so you remain ignorant of what is really going on. Innocent people are needlessly suffering and dying, yet greedy politicians don’t care. As hard as that may sound, it is true. With very rare exception and I do mean with very rare exception, politicians are only after satisfying their ego by boosting their career status. It has been going on since the beginning of your history. Authoritative figures were used to control people. Kings, priests, government, presidents,
all of them are just puppets serving their puppeteer masters. Change never changes, but one would argue that when you look at the human race. Yes, advancements have been made absolutely, however, let’s get back to reality. You have a dictator government that has been slowly, but steadily increasing its power. It’s all about complete control and total suppression. Freedom is not the idea, it is the obstacle. They are doing everything they can to manipulate citizens. I will elaborate on some of the details, but you need to understand the situation you’re in so you don’t fall for their scam.


Power, it is a goal that drives many. This is why this is happening and why this information has not been widely recognized. Oh yes, there have been a few spill outs here and there, but not enough people are aware. Now you know the motive behind the evil elites. It is very simple - power, insecurity, and control. It’s just like what you see in your movies.


You may be thinking that I’m out of my mind, and that all this can’t be happening. Some would say I’m a fraud and this entire message is a hoax. Well that is, because their current belief system has put a lid on their minds so, they are quick to criticize such topics before a proper investigation is done. You really think life is what the media tells you? Do you really believe for a second that you are a free individual and that everything is all peaches and cream? You’re kidding yourself. You believe you have a real democracy? You don’t know what a democracy even is, because you never had one. It’s always been a one party system staging elections. They’replaying games with you, wake up


Assisting you help yourself is my objective. I don’t personally benefit monetarily from book sales, everything is sent to those who have sacrificed to make this manuscript possible. My goal is to simply see earthlings reclaim their freedom, and to throw out the evil corrupt bureaucrats who have hijacked their planet. Royal families and other elites collaborate in secret societies controlling the earth’s natural resources. This is completely unfair to the citizens as they are forced to work ridiculous jobs for long durations all to serve the hierarchy while they are paid fractions of what the elites reap from the fruits of their labor. That is why I’m here, to bring justice to all life on this planet. Violence is what I wish to avoid, hopefully, the people of earth will wise up and miracles will manifest resulting in a world where deception, suppression, and injustice are not needed.

Enslavement of Man

Real power comes from the spirit when it is needed. The desire to control others only shows one’s own insecurities.


Effective take over has been done by manipulating the emotions of people. Controlling their feelings is vital, because they are extremely powerful in dictating their mental and physical state. Unfortunately, most of the population on earth still does not know the power of their spirit and how they can use their latent strength to create the life they want. By emitting low negative emotions, they are kept in the lower frequencies and are unable to evolve higher. Such energy keeps the masses in a bad atmosphere and it creates psychological blockades that prevent them from evolving.


What is incredible to point out here is that depending on the kind of emotion a person experiences, their energy field will correspond accordingly. Going in deeper, the physical body will then effortlessly reflect that inner state of being. This is a huge determinant on health, happiness, and even your direction in life, depending on the circumstance if certain factors are met. Your biochemistry can be altered simply by changing your state of mind, and that can be easily done through the use of focus. There are those who understand this and use this knowledge for personal fulfillment, but the government politicians are the ones who manipulate feelings to control humans.


Such emotions as love, joy, and happiness have been twisted to confuse the masses. Citizens have been tricked into performing certain actions which appear to give positive emotional experiences, but are really negative ones cleverly disguised. Drugs are one example. To the idle minds, the drug appears to give a good feeling at first. Soon however, they realize that they have become physically and chemically addicted, and suffer terrible horrific biological trauma thereafter. These drugs have severe health side effects that deteriorate a person’s physical wellbeing.


Aliens on the dark side, who took control, followed a clever strategy. You can get an idea of what they did from the following. First, there are three major principles of their take over.


1. Identify the dominant species

2. Organize effective take over

3. Sustaining/managing control


These are the three keys that the evil aliens used as a foundation. They used this to effectively conquer earth and humans. Control programs were set up such as acceptable regulations, limited thinking, economic slavery, military force and discrimination, control of knowledge, media, hypnosis, and politics. All the typical, predictable behavior, reactions, and patterns found in human beings have been engineered. Clever strategy has divided and conquered this planet and can be broken down into steps:


Step one, identifying the dominant species - of course this is obvious. You need to know your target. As they say you can't hit a target you can't see. Step two identifying secondary species - this is done for step three which is analyze traits and attributes - this is done to determine the species’ strengths and weaknesses. Know thy enemy as they say. Studying other species is important to determine if they are a threat.


Step four, collect planetary geography for advantages - studying the geography is crucial. Some elements may harm or help you in your quest for take over. Step five, covertly infiltrate the planet - gaining access inconspicuously will prove effective and avoids direct conflict. Sneaking behind the target’s back will always leave them guessing.


Step six, manipulate from within - make the species give their freedom freely by using manipulative tactics from within their own civilization while simultaneously appearing to be one of them.


Step seven, control behavior - setting up societal norms, schools, laws, government, and people of "authoritative" positions to dictate the populous, keeping them dependent on external power.


Step eight, control knowledge - by having science, universities, media, medicine, government, and other streams of information under your control, you control what the species knows. Step nine, creating dependency – manipulate world events and offering solutions to the very same problems which were created, a dependency is created for government out fear panic, and hysteria.

Step ten, controlling consciousness - using technology to manipulate a species’ subconscious to eliminate any kind of retaliation thus, creating a robotic servant species forever bonded in slavery.


These are the aliens “gods” who were worshipped in the past. Some taught real spirituality, but others sought control. Unfortunately, the sly evil ones are running the show. Pick up the original religious texts and you’ll read a very different story to what you’ve been told growing up.


Highly evolved spiritual beings from higher realms have visited earth and shared the divine knowledge to accelerate your development. Out of their kindness and loving heart, the holy beings left behind instruction for rituals to invoke higher energies, but these practices have been forgotten and are being used by the evil elites for their own personal gain. They are manipulating divine law to suit their agenda while getting away with their bad karma though this misuse.


Meridians in the body called chakras regulate prana. You can view them as energetic organs of the and just like in the physical body, when you don’t take care of them, diseases manifest. When you expose yourself to excessive negativity, your life force gets affected. You can develop yourself by strengthening your chakras, which take in frequencies that derive from the higher planes of evolution. Meditation can harness them to expand your awareness if you do it wisely.


Harmful bad karmas attract unpleasant situations. One of the big things the rulers in power have done to the masses is that they have corrupted their thinking. People are keeping themselves in control by dwelling on mediocrity, and by setting limits in their thinking. They don’t realize that they’re creating their future in every second. They are frustrated that they are living miserably, but at the same time they are focusing on that outcome. Bad habits bring forth more chaos in your life. That is why it is purposely transmitted through schools, media, and technologies that can send negative sound waves. Most people are constantly entertaining millions of different thoughts daily, most of them being useless, given from government. Very few people can relax and quiet their minds. It can be a hard task for some, because they are just so bombarded with all these modifiers to disrupt the balance in their minds. Learning to quiet the brain, to increase conscious awareness is powerful in creating harmony for the soul. The government wants to control you by manipulating you from the inside. They want to dictate what you think, so they have total ownership over you.


Inspiring beneficial productions benefit you by creating healing emotions and situations for you. Thoughts can motivate if used properly and real changes occur. Successful people and happy people keep their focus on the goal more so than idle mindedness. Such a mindset leads to the appropriate action. That is why the government does everything it can to sabotage you from within so you lack drive and ambition to achieve. They do not want you to think good about yourself even though they may not say it directly. This is why most people have low goals and expectations. They don’t think higher for themselves and have poor confidence, so they never fulfill their dreams.


Destructive emotions like hate, anger, and sadness emotions kill you if excessive. Such wastefulness disheartens one’s soul. Your spirit becomes weak and you lose hope. Even the desire to live slowly diminishes when too much negativity dominates. Again that is why the elite politicians strive to keep humans constantly feeling bad or average emotions to keep them in the monotonous abyss of mediocrity. When this happens, they create a more undesirable, world out of their unhappiness as they feed it.


Healing takes place when spiritual energy is created. Prayer and worship charges you with a clean slate. Depressed people will cheer up and if humans can all emit better vibes, the earth will be cleansed of all suffering. This will also affect the universe since everything is interconnected. Many people underestimate the power of God, but it is true. Faith is the key ability humans possess to create real freedom on earth. Good karma will create justice for everyone.


Regulations of human beings are being planned by inserting Nano-chips into the skin as they are too small for most to see. These devices monitor the biochemistry of the body, and can regulate it by transmitting and receiving frequencies through external artificial means. Military authorities have already started implantation with these chips. They plan to use them to enhance performance and to make the solider more susceptible to taking orders.


Panic is being created by staged wars which scare humans, making them more vulnerable to giving up their freedom to government. By separating countries and making the masses view the earth as divided, anger is generated by jealousy, envy, and competitive thinking. People are fooled into believing that another country or race wants war, when in fact the truth is the rulers of all the countries are working together to control the planet. People are too busy fighting each other and this creates hell’s wrath for the planet.


Frightened people quickly submit to government and authority for protection. The evil elites are planning to stage a fake alien invasion and the destruction of earth like the 2012 propaganda. This is done to scare the population. The government will then step in and offer solutions, but will demand people to give them more power in order to execute. This has been done throughout time and the government has been slowly increasing its power. Other tactics such as global warming are done for the same reason - more power. You have to be aware to see what is really going on. Further separation of countries weakens nations, and this gives the evil elites more authority to centralize power. By categorizing a continent or race, tension is created between them. Media presents news in a specific way to generate hatred so that it’s easier for politicians to pass their laws. People need to understand that the earth is a whole, and that what happens in one country affects the others. Keeping people divided and identified solely by their race or country destroys unity. The population no longer views themselves as a whole, but rather as different tribes living in different parts of the world. Humans must work together so they can unify as a species. Until we get there, maintaining countries with borders, language, and culture is crucial to protect the nation’s citizens. Human rights are what needed not bigger government. Politicians however, are purposely destroying democratic republics as the case with America to push their agenda of world government which will be a living hell on earth.


Pampering the human race to become passive is another strategy. By confusing the meaning of spirituality, people think that they should do nothing and wait for a savior to rescue them, but this is another control program. Real spirituality is the life journey of raising yourself higher, the development of your heart and character to the noble level even in a negative environment. Yes, not harming others is a plus, however if someone is trying to murder you, defending yourself is a part of being righteous even if that means killing to save your life and others. Energy is everything. It is the life force that sustains us. Reptilians are interested this, because of the tremendous usable energy that is generated. To be specific, it is the negative emotions they are after because they can use these energies for health and technological benefit. Of course, they are stealing the chi of human beings.


Negative energies give them power while spiritual light sends them away. They can’t stand it, that’s why they strive to keep the earth and its inhabitants in a destructive mode. Frequencies and sound vibrations are being transmitted all the time by people according to their thoughts, emotions, and actions. Reptilians can trap these waves from the higher dimensions using technology and utilize them as a source of fuel.


Subliminal messages in the media are brainwashing you into servitude. Government and media complex shows advertisements displaying how great it is to serve your nation. Killing others for your country is considered patriotism according to them. If you disagree with this, you are ridiculed and condemned from society by people and authority. Schools are also teaching this philosophy to younger generations. That is why you need to develop spiritual awareness. You don’t want to let yourself to be fooled by control programs. Wars are misleading as contractors, politicians, and weapon cartels profit, in addition to blood thirsty war mongers who thrive from the suffering of others.


World wars were purposely created by deceptive politicians in the name of money through initiating “mandatory” martial law, and other executive actions to cease more control, centralizing power to the few while stealing the freedoms of citizens. Well intentioned military volunteers have been misused by their own government for self-interest. Financial agreements exist between corporations and the government itself where constitutional laws have been modified or broken to suit their agenda. This must stop immediately. Spirituality has also been twisted. Despite the true teachings left behind by several divine beings in your history, warped edited versions have arisen to again suit the corrupt leaders of religions, politicians, and alike. True teachings recorded in holy texts have been swept under the rug. Instead movements such as the Hippies, New Age, Lightworkers, and others, have given people a misrepresentation of what spiritual living actually is. Therefore, avoid all such groups.

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